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What if we could combine weapons from two specializations?

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It feels like we cannot use two elite specializations together in part because they often have conflicting mechanics (for example, the Weaver's quick attunement changing and the Tempest's increase attunement recharge with overcharging), and in part because they sometimes feel more powerful than the common specializations.


But, what if, after we unlocked a specialization, we could use its weapons even when it's not slotted?


Many new specializations help the professions fill niches that they didn't have before. But the fact we cannot combine the weapons from two specializations hinder some nice sinergies we could use, as well as how ArenaNet could develop the professions in the future. For example:


* **Guardians** don't have a long range condition damage weapon. However, if ArenaNet were to add one... Which melee weapon could be used with it? Right now, the only melee main hand condition damage weapon Guardians have is the axe, as part of the Firebrand specialization. Which means, if ArenaNet were to add a long range condition damage weapon in the future, we wouldn't be able to use it as the alternate weapon set to the only weapon that would use the same stats. That would make a mess when players were deciding which stats to use on their armor and accessories.


* **Mesmers** have few options for main hand weapons - only sword and scepter. The Chronomancer introduced a new off hand weapon, the shield, but we're still stuck with using it only with either a sword or a scepter, and the same applies to any new off hand ArenaNet decides to add in the future. If we could combine the shield with the Mirage's axe, it would open a new combination and allow for more variety, both now and in the future.


* **Elementalists** received, through their specialization, two weapons that would have great sinergy with each other - the sword and the warhorn. Elementalists have more skills than most other professions, but being able to use those two weapons together would greatly increase the potential of each of them.


What do you people think?

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Yeah, i've reached the same opinion as you back in HoT.

Also it would free arena-net to reuse the same weapons...

They could do it by simply adding a "slot" next to the weapon slots where you pick your weapon specialization. I think you should only pick the one (so no sword+warhorn eles) otherwise it could have unforeseen consequences.

This way if they want to reuse a weapon, the player can pick if they want to use the old skills or the new ones for that weapon by equiping (or not) the weapon mastery.


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> @flog.3485 said:

> Let that sink in for mesmer as an example: you want to offer a specialization that dodges while attacking, the ability of also getting a double block with some alacrity on top ? That won't end well, it would become just so OP. Good luck balancing all of that.


This truly is the issue. The elite weapons for some classes are not significant, but for others can be pretty broken, like the mirage with shield example.


For Anet to even consider this, they will need to redraw and rebalance all elite weapons, which is way too much work.

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