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What was your first impression of engineer? And what do you think about engineer now?


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The reason I picked up engineers is because I love TD games, and concept of playing with turrets was appealing to me. I used to roleplay, but I still enjoy creating back stories for my characters (and my Engineer being a prodigy of Ceara made it that much more fun for me to play as). I got involved with the character and as I said, I just loved the turrets.


I suffer from permanent damage in my wrist, preventing me from viably using, or even enjoying using the tool belt kits and having to constantly switch between them is actually painful and frustrating. After the nerfs to turrets I pretty much was forced to solo the game content and was unable to even see "end game" (and ended up leaving for several years, as I tried all the classes - have them at 80, and this is only class that was fun for me). I looked at the scrapper and it just didn't have the feel I was seeking from the class either, although I can see the appeal of the concept of an old blacksmith. I missed the turrets.


Fast forwarding to now though, Holosmith feels like a breath of fresh air and I love my engineer again, even though it's still not using the turrets. The whole approach to class feels very fresh to me (outside of being new specialization), or I am just a sucker for the concept of a light-wielding knight being a Star Wars fan and all. It is a first melee spec I enjoy as well and I don't feel like I am being punished for suffering from my personal injury. I still need frequent breaks and tend to progress the game slower than others, but it doesn't feel like a punishment, on the contrary, I am elated.


I am glad that there is a viable style of play that doesn't revolve around the tool belt switch mini game. Hopefully it will be viable in end game (fractals/raids) so I might finally get to see that content ^^


And maybe one day they will figure out how to address turrets so I might be bale to create a spec that marries all aspects of the class I so love.

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(Pre-beta) Mild TF2 rip-off -> (Launch) Unnecessary bloat class -> (Now) An even bigger, unnecessary bloat class.


When it comes to Engineer in GW2, any sort of "bad" or "disagreeable" state it might find itself in is entirely due to the fact that GW2 is too shallow of a game to support 9 classes. If Engineer wanted to be a mainstay class, GW2 would have had it included among a tight corps of 4 professions maximum. When the only thing to do in this game is damage/self-healing, and everyone can basically take care of themselves (barring a few artificially difficulty mechanics like full-raid damage pulses), we will naturally see loads of overlap in effectiveness when juggling 9 classes. It's the reason why PScondi Warrior and Power Dragonhunter are easy and meta and Engineer has to do some meme rotation in order to compete. That's not a credit to Engineers for doing a meme rotation, it's discredit against Anet for making a class so jumbled-together and irrelevant that the only thing that brought it into "viable" tier was the Condition Stacking PvE update (which broke the entire game outright).

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At first I thought it'd be a fun class to carry around a crap ton of bombs and guns with. Now I just feel like its too spread out with sooo many things it can't just stick to one thing and still be okay to play. Like with Condi Engi and its switching from kit to kit. I thought holosmith would fix it a bit with still having that techy feel but being more streamlined.

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> @Rikou.4720 said:

> At first I thought it'd be a fun class to carry around a crap ton of bombs and guns with. Now I just feel like its too spread out with sooo many things it can't just stick to one thing and still be okay to play. Like with Condi Engi and its switching from kit to kit. I thought holosmith would fix it a bit with still having that techy feel but being more streamlined.


Funnily enough, I run a condi engi on scrapper without any kits.

Dual pistols, health, bulwark and blast gyro with the rocket boots and stealth gyro (stealth gyro can be person preference though because it's better with PvP than PvE)


Use blast gyro to knock down your enemy, use No.5 to immobilize while they are down then get in close and use the No.4 on pistol and get 20k burn damage over 14 seconds.

Rocket Boots tool belt skill, 10k burn over 10 seconds.

Melts pretty much anything without a single kit.

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