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World Bosses need to be more challenge


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* Karka Queen takes 5 minutes tops and rewards two rares, some karka shells, plus the usual chance of something nice.

* AB Meta takes 15 minutes (including wait times and treasure hunting) and rewards all sorts of loot. It fails easily if people don't know the mechanics or split up properly (if people are really good, it can take fewer people less time).

* Triple Trouble takes 45 minutes (including wait times) and fails easily. The rewards are better than most WB, but not by enough to notice if you don't do it daily.

* Tequatl takes closer to 10-20 minutes, fails less easily. Also offers better rewards that aren't enough to notice unless you kill it daily.


That seems like an okay mix to me. Some trivial, some complicated. Rewarding for people that like that sort of thing.

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Rework Level 15 Bosses. Nothing too extreme because new players don't have a ton of skills to use. I'd add mobility mechanics to those fights.



* Make him Legendary or Epic

* Have him teleport around the frozen lake

* Spawn some mobs from portals (not like SB where the portals have to be closed, but just to keep people on their feet

* Add a 6s "Snowglobe" attack that applies "Chilled" to everyone in it. Then follow it up with a devastating pushback attack. Super slow people can't get away fast enough and it would keep people from just stacking melee attacks.


Fire Elemental:

* Add a mechanic that keeps people from stacking on the blocks. When people group up for too long there should be some attack that forces them away from that area.

* Spawn multiple vortexes similar to Svanir to keep people mobile.

* Give him more health.


Shadow Behemoth:

* Make his AOE attacks neat the attack zone more devastating. Make a consequence for stacking on the attack area and not moving.

* Add an ability to the fight where he tries to draw you inward before executing a large AOE attack on his body. To counter this you need to run the other way.



* Should occasionally go underground. When underground he gets a shield of X% of his health. When he re-surfaces he starts healing himself until the shield is burned down. Once the shield is dropped he stops healing. (This would work with the break bar mechanic too, but I don't think level 15 is a good point to expect novices to understand a breakbar and CC abilities.)


Rytlock's Cousin, Rytlols (A New Challenger Appears):

* Legendary

* Should carry a stick that's on fire.

* Accidently does a lot of burning damage to the ground and structures around him. People in the burning areas get stacks of Burn.

* Sometimes says things that Rytlock would say, but messes up the quotes. Adds confusion to any players within 500 distance when quotes are said, lasting for 5 seconds.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> This attutide is why EVERYTHING since the nerfing of orr have been difficulty reduction instead of difficulty increases for 5 years.


They actually buffed Orr. They culled enemies initially and removed the anchor pull because people wanted it to be easier to run through everything, but then they gave practically every enemy stronger abilities shortly after, intended to counter zerging. There were a few enemies that ended up being severely nerfed, like risen sharks hitting for 10k+ damage in total on their charge, but overall, they made them stronger.


I also remember Orr being a lot more challenging at launch, but I also remember first reaching it at level 80 with level 50 gear. After returning in a full set of magic find rares however, Orr was casual and I was soloing the temples. I remember soloing Dwayna in front of a group while they asked for more in chat, because they thought the usual 20+ was required, which is still a common problem today, in general. I'm surprised ArenaNet hasn't added the scale to events, which would be a lot more useful than showing the level.


Orr is only easier today because of vertical progression and megaservers.

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> @kurfu.5623 said:

> > @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > .... Tequatl also fails frequently, except on weekends.


> Do Teq at reset, get there 15 minutes early... it's always a win. :)


Yeah teq aint a good example maybe shatterer i once entered a teq map 5 mins late on a near empty server and when sveryone started complainimg it was a failed map i went All Might mode told em its ok tagged up and we beat teq ,PLUS ULTRA!

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> @JackDaniels.1697 said:

> Anet should really take a look at the core world bosses and revamp them a little (except TT, Tequatle and the Shatterer). I'm not asking them to make them harder, although you might want to toughen them up a little, but make them challenging with some mechanics. And I understand that this is old content, but this old content is still part of the game that players still go to daily, so why not revitalize them and make them fun again, which they only have to revamp one time and that's it! I mean, they're revamping all the old fractals, so why not this?!


> Come on Anet!

> #oldcontentstillmatters


Please no, the first 2-3 years of this games life was spent revamping stuff.


We want new content.

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I like where world bosses are currently, I feel like there's a decent range of difficulty on them for players to choose from. OP, do you have actual suggestions to make the bosses harder? There are already world bosses/events that will 100% fail if people don't tag up and organise for it (Chak Gerent, Dragon's Stand, Triple Trouble). Having a bunch of one-shot mechanics or steeper DPS checks would just make them like raid bosses for more people.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Ellisande.5218 said:

> > No they don't need to be made harder. Making things harder makes them less fun, not more fun.

> >

> > Orr was complete overtuned garbage that only a tiny number of players enjoyed. Most players did not enjoy overtuned Orr.

> >

> > There is no way to do one size fits all difficulty because not everyone has the same abilities or skill level. What one person finds hard, another person finds easy. That will always be the case. The best you can do is to offer different areas or types of contents that each offer their own unique level of difficulty so that players can seperate themselves out into the difficulty that they find most fun to engage in. However devs ALWAYS FAIL when they do this because they lock rewards behind the difficult content while the other content gives poop rewards even though all content should give the same reward. The reason why the difficult content is difficult is because the people who claim they want difficult content are given an outlet that provides this content they claim they want. However if they complain about a lack of exclusive rewards for this difficult content then we know they are lying about wanting difficult content.

> >

> > For my money, Shadow Behemoth is the most FUN raid boss in any video game. It isn't difficult, it doesn't require learning complicated mechanics, you can usually face roll it if you are feeling lazy. But it is extremely visual and rewarding as you feel like a kitten WHILE you are doing it because you are running around killing lots of kitten and putting the hurt on a big baddie that isn't using cheat codes to give itself unrealistic imbalanced stats, abilities and bs immunities for once.


> Yep you heard it here first why your not getting your change its better to faceroll/tank boss with a zerg then have any meaningful restrictions of battle or objectives on the field.


> This attutide is why EVERYTHING since the nerfing of orr have been difficulty reduction instead of difficulty increases for 5 years.


The point____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________you


I used Shadow Behemoth as an example of a boss I found to be the most fun out of all those in every MMO I've played. It is fun DESPITE requiring no challenge which lends credence to the argument that increasing the challenge/skill requirement does not equate to increasing the fun for everyone. Orr became better because they fixed the overtuning problem. The devs were forced to admit that most people weren't having fun with Orr with because it was overtuned which resulted in it being fixed. If most people liked Orr as it was, then the devs would not have bothered devoting resources to fixing it. Your preferences are not the same as everyone elses. Just as my preferences aren't yours.


Just because you claim to want more challenge/difficulty/fire on the ground to avoid doesn't mean that everyone does. Mechanics that really just equate to learning, remembering and rehashing dance steps, thus turning the player into a cog, don't really create an immersive experience, it does just the opposite. Such a system creates a feeling of disengagement with the game and content where the player stops playing the game and starts repeating the steps for the Charleston. If they fail it is because someone missed a step, so they have to do the whole thing all over again from the top. Never once does the player feel like they are engaging with the content, rather they are doing the Charleston. In fact it would be impossible for the player to engage with the content because the boss is using cheat codes that make it impossible for the players to engage with it.


Restrictions aren't meaningful, they are capricious and designed to prevent you from being able to engage with the content in a way that you should logically be able to or expect to engage with it. Objectives usually have fuck all to do with the actual content and have everything to do with time gating the content and/or are related to the Charleston dance you do in lieu of a fair fight where the visuals you see on screen have little to no relation to what is occurring with the statistics or the logical consequences of the actions being taken. All too often players are forced to get out of the fire or be one hit KOed, but never once do bosses have to get out of your fire or risk being one hit KOed. There needs to be parity. Calling something a boss is an arbitrary designation, Giving bosses unrealistic stats, skills, and immunities it makes no sense for them to have makes the designation not only arbitrary but also capricious.


If you have fun being forced to zerg something arbitrarily designated as a boss which was given cheat codes to use to force you to have to zerg it (if you need more then one player to win) as the only way of winning that's fine. But I don't find that fun. I've never felt like it was necessary to zerg the Shadow Behemoth to win. Fighting I always felt like I could do it myself because the fight felt fair due to the fortunate lack of cheating bs that the devs use for the other bosses.

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> I liked Queens Gauntlet bosses because many of them changed the way we played, you couldn't just run in and dps them, you actually had to pay attention to some extend.

The gauntlet bosses were also solo fights that only had to take one player's presence into account, and even then were still fundamentally just DPS races.


> @Healix.5819 said:

> They actually buffed Orr. They culled enemies initially and removed the anchor pull because people wanted it to be easier to run through everything, but then they gave practically every enemy stronger abilities shortly after, intended to counter zerging. There were a few enemies that ended up being severely nerfed, like risen sharks hitting for 10k+ damage in total on their charge, but overall, they made them stronger.

Also the problem with pre-nerf Orr wasn't damage so much as enemy density, incredibly fast respawn rate, and constant cc.

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> @kurfu.5623 said:

> Do Teq at reset, get there 15 minutes early... it's always a win. :)

The 02:00 UTC one? No thanks, that's 4 AM in my local time. Need to sleep sometime.

Good to know that early ones are more popular though, I suppose I should give the 05:00 UTC one a try, before work.



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> @origin.1496 said:

> I'm kind of expecting a Claw of Jormag revamp in the near future. Shatterer got one, Teq got one.


They got revamped because they were low-level dragons and felt weak to visiting 80s. Claw has always been 80 and the mechanics of the fight are already in line with what you see in modern Tequatl and Shatterer.

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> @fewfield.7802 said:

> Plz anet plz consider this point of view. Not everyone want to go play Raid to get more challenge and epic PvE content. There are a lot more ordinary PvE players who dont to raid like me but we still need some epic content to experience


So basically you are saying "We want new challeging content, but don't want to do the new challenging content you made"

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I'm not really sure of it.


To me, current world bosses (both core and HoT) suffer from being a bit old. Most players are therefore used to mechanics, and with the overall power creep, a fairly organized map can do them without thinking too much about it. Yet, when Tequatl has been re-done, it was challenging.


So the thing is : challenge is not "absolute", and in order to provide more challenging content, I'd be far more for a nice revamp of other world bosses, and my favor would go to Ulgoth the Modniir, which has a developped pre-event chain that would provide more in-depth.


And for rewards : please, don't crack such jokes like "more rewarding" without warning... I almost died of laughter.

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If Tequatl and Triple Trouble at least guarenteed tokens that after a certain amount can give you the freakishly low drop rate unique skins from each of them, that would be nice.


People don't do either of these despite the challenge because it is not rewarding enough for the scale, and it is why they go do AB, TD, and other HoT metas.


Tequatl and Triple Trouble, perhaps even Shatterer need a reward balance pass.

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All i want to say is I want some new and exciting world boss and reasonable profits from killing them

Once people realize that the reward is worth trying they will start to open their mind and learn to enjoy and then if the fight is fun and exciting they would continue doing it many times.


Now about rewards, honestly, Nowadays all world bosses are retarded and dont give reasonable reward compare to the time i spend on waiting and killing.

Why should i go to world boss when i only get 1 rare? and had better stay on SW all day if i want it (of course I dont want it)

From my point of view, What i want from the bosses is some limited items and you can only find from them like the ones from TD, AB and Crystal Oasis



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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > This attutide is why EVERYTHING since the nerfing of orr have been difficulty reduction instead of difficulty increases for 5 years.


> What? Every single release added new mobs that were much harder than the release mobs.

But this is just not true.

Realize that HoT was nerfed i think 3 times?

What are you talking about...


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