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We have a serious problem with an individual trolling right now


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I come here to bring up a serious problem we have with a certain individual in WvW right now, and to call for help to deal with this situations from players that have suffered the same.


So this guy, from our server, follows our public tag everywhere, and all he does is drop siege everywhere, just to make people waste their supply on it instead of spending it on the siege the commander drops.

This is an issue that I guess everyone here has suffered from time to time, the problem is, this guy is doing it all the time and he spams lots of it, to the point that the commander cannot drop the siege needed (e.g. as we reach a wall, this troll drops lots of rams and ballistas amongst the catapults the commander drops. On supply spots in camps he also does this...)

Everyone is reporting him, but as he says himself, you cannot report him for that: you can report gold sellers, scammers, etc. but in the in-game report form there is no specific reason for what he is doing, because he is just droping siege. Most of us try reporting for spam, but I don't think that is accurate, since reporting for spam I think is meant for the game chat.

This is a very serious problem. One single guy can ruin the whole experience for a full 50 man squad.

To sum up, what he mainly does is:

Spam siege on our mesmer portals, making very difficult to take them for surprise attacks.

Spam siege on our downed, so we can't ress them.

Spam the wrong siege type on doors, walls, etc, usually triggering the siege cap, making it impossible to effectively attack any structure.

This also discourages fights, since when we group in open field to prepare for combat he also spams siege then, and the enemies refuse to engage...

He even went as far as to create two guilds with names almost identical to known WvW guilds in the server, with the same tag, to make things more confusing.


As I said, we are all trying to report him, but since there is no specific way to denounce this behavior through the in-game reporting form, I'm not sure this will be looked into at all.

I come here seeking for help & suggestions on how to best deal with this issue, because it is causing a lot of damage to our playing experince in WvW , and I also fear he sets an example that more people will follow, as it is being very effective currently. If other players have managed to find an effective solution to this problem, I would appreciate if they shared it here.


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The most important thing is: don't feed the troll(s). Be sure to /block them and encourage others to do so. Trolls thrive on dissension; if they are ignore, they lose interest. (Obviously, it's harder to ignore "fake siege" and it's harder to get an entire squad to agree to do that. But at the least, we can start by constraining our own reactions.)



In the past, ANet has said things similar to:

* "We need to catch them in the act"

* "There's a fine line between accidents or bad playing versus actual griefing. We need to be careful."

* "Just because a lot of people report someone for a ToS violation doesn't mean that there is one."


For the sake of argument, let's grant that all of the above is true and more important than any single individual's behavior. It's important for a business to be consistent and fair in dishing out infractions.


Given that, I'm curious as to what @"Gaile Gray.6029" or @"Chris Cleary.8017" recommend people do when there's griefing at this scale going on. It seems unfair to the vast majority of players to let it go on. And it also seems as if there aren't good tools for making it easy for ANet to see the specific behavior: it's not verbal abuse and in any case, the /report tool doesn't allow for any description of the issue (or screenshots).


While it's possible for some individuals to be patient as ANet sorts things out, it's clearly difficult to get an entire linked world to do that; it might even be impossible.

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Well if this is happening consistently, get one of the players to record the behaviour and make sure you report the person whenever he's doing that. If Anet can see the behaviour as malicious and consistently happening, they'll react. If it happened once, someone was bored and decided to troll a bit or had no idea what siege is. Not a big deal. If it's happening constantly, it's griefing.

Chat log would help, some screenshots, did you try to talk to them to make them stop doing that? What was the response?

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We've had a few guys like this over the years on my server. Eventually, they do get suspended, but it takes like 6 months. It's total BS that one guy is able to ruin everyone's fun. You can have thousands of reports over time, videos of the behavior posted, forum complaints, what have you. It's unvelievable how much we have to do to call attention to these players. Siege trolls have way too much power. Just shows how much policing there is in WvW/PvP. Almost none, and it's one of the issues I have with Anet regarding WvW.

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Report the player as botting via the '/bug' chat link in-game and provide a screenshot while he's doing it and describe what's happening in the ticket. Spread the word as well, and if he's a big problem, people will do it and he will be banned. it just may take some time.


The bot report function serves for hacking/siege trolling as well for the CS team in the context of WvW, per Gaile's instructions about this same topic roughly a year ago. I'd link it but... forum reworks.

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Thanks for the support guys, I will pass on your suggestions, and I hope Anet takes the matter into their own hands.

Although it's kind of hard to see it recorded in video, because this guy always drops the siege from the middle of the zerg, but at some point, someone will catch him from the right angle, since everyone knows who it is.

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> @stoldark.8704 said:

> Thanks for the support guys, I will pass on your suggestions, and I hope Anet takes the matter into their own hands.

> Although it's kind of hard to see it recorded in video, because this guy always drops the siege from the middle of the zerg, but at some point, someone will catch him from the right angle, since everyone knows who it is.


That will be hard to document. However, if several report, with the video, maybe a dev will join the group.


Nothing to lose except memory....

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It's enough for the several people to report with a video link, and some dev or moderator will react by either investigating videos or joining the squad incognito when that person is playing to see it in action.


Also, since everyone knows who it is... have the players with recording software follow him while you try to play normally as much as you can with the siege spam.


Good luck!

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We have someone in Mag who is building siege in every single tower and keep, we have zero supply anywhere, I have screens and video of the person doing it, who is either on a number of accounts or more than one person, they are also keeping ALL tactics on CD, as soon as they are ready they pull them all. It is also pretty suspicious that 2 mins after they drain and put everything on CD, a givens servers tag shows up to that tower/keep....


I know the bottling is the suggested way to report people like this, and myself along with MANY others including at least two active tags reporting them.....They are still active and not banned. Since anet doesn't seem to do anything about this maybe I should just make another account on that server and do the same thing. They really need to add a hacking/trolling selection for reporting that allows taking of screen shots etc to show what they really are doing.

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My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.


Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

Raids shouldn't be removed.

Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.


Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.


> Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

> Raids shouldn't be removed.

> Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

> Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

> Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.


> Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.


Did you read what OP wrote? What raids? Who's talking about elitism and GG EZ or having their feelings hurt? Your post doesn't make sense, or did you take this a little too personal?

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.


> Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

> Raids shouldn't be removed.

> Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

> Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

> Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.


> Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.


We don't need thought policing, but even with the relative lawlessness and rugged individualism in the Old West, one could form a posse for some good ol' fashioned vigilante justice...an ability that we currently lack in WvW for the spies and other trolls that burn supply and tactics.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.

> >

> > Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

> > Raids shouldn't be removed.

> > Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

> > Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

> > Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.

> >

> > Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.


> Did you read what OP wrote? What raids? Who's talking about elitism and GG EZ or having their feelings hurt? Your post doesn't make sense, or did you take this a little too personal?


You should read the entirety of my post, it was aimed at all people who complain and scream punitive action on the forums for things other then hacking and scaming.


> @Sylvyn.4750 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.

> >

> > Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

> > Raids shouldn't be removed.

> > Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

> > Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

> > Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.

> >

> > Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.


> We don't need thought policing, but even with the relative lawlessness and rugged individualism in the Old West, one could form a posse for some good ol' fashioned vigilante justice...an ability that we currently lack in WvW for the spies and other trolls that burn supply and tactics.


I suggest we should be able kill people who commands feel that are spies and that's that, i do not condone anet taking any punitive action against things like this because if its a spy/saboteur, this maybe one of the coolest tactics ever used in MMO history for some time.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.

> > >

> > > Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

> > > Raids shouldn't be removed.

> > > Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

> > > Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

> > > Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.

> > >

> > > Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.

> >

> > Did you read what OP wrote? What raids? Who's talking about elitism and GG EZ or having their feelings hurt? Your post doesn't make sense, or did you take this a little too personal?


> You should read the entirety of my post, it was aimed at all people who complain and scream punitive action on the forums for things other then hacking and scaming.


> > @Sylvyn.4750 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.

> > >

> > > Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

> > > Raids shouldn't be removed.

> > > Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

> > > Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

> > > Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.

> > >

> > > Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.

> >

> > We don't need thought policing, but even with the relative lawlessness and rugged individualism in the Old West, one could form a posse for some good ol' fashioned vigilante justice...an ability that we currently lack in WvW for the spies and other trolls that burn supply and tactics.


> I suggest we should be able kill people who commands feel that are spies and that's that, i do not condone anet taking any punitive action against things like this because if its a spy/saboteur, this maybe one of the coolest tactics ever used in MMO history for some time.


I did read your post, but i don't think griefing is allowed by anet. I don't see why would it be, especially in stuff like WvW, i don't think Anet is ok with this.

And you also grouped this with people who have unreasonable requests due to anger issues or whatever (who wants raids to be banned lol?).

It's not the same thing, and i highly doubt this is some "strategy", it's probably a troll that kind of crossed the line.


But honestly, arguing any further is kinda pointless though since all we have is OP's word on this so... We'll have to see what Anet does about this.

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seen a couple like this, mostly people pulling the ewp and building siege inside the supply bit of keep so you cant get sups, ewp is difficult to tell if someone does it accidentally .

>but its only once, if its by accident .

my advice is swap maps, trolls need feeding.

if they are doing it for 'their' server report them, that really kittens me off.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> My god, griefing isn't a reportable nor bannable offense nor should it be. Is it me or is everyone natural affinity on a long enough timeline in anything is to goto the 1984 or a brave new world route where everything is policed.


> Because it's starting to get to me now how absurd some people requests are.

> Raids shouldn't be removed.

> Trolling isn't a bannable offense.

> Sucking at the game isn't a bannable offense.

> Being an elitist isn't a bannable offense either.


> Please understand this people, if i said GG EZ you bad in chat don't come to the forums and say that guy hurt my feelings something needs to be down about my hurt feels, and stop coming here because you saw a bad player.


Found the edgelord lmao.


There's a difference between literally wasting peoples' gold/time and enjoyment of a large quantity of players in the context of what's supposed to be fun.


What you're basically arguing right now is that we don't need refs in MMA and if someone dies or pulls out a weapon in the middle of the fight, "too bad, oh well."


Attempting to make parity to 1984/brave new world in this context is quite honestly indicative of the same opinionated and over-saturated information-spewing that's been satirized as being the consequence of a society where people are so cushy and safe that they lack the capacity to realize their actions may have negative consequences on others and frankly don't care.



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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> We've had a few guys like this over the years on my server. Eventually, they do get suspended, but it takes like 6 months. It's total BS that one guy is able to ruin everyone's fun. You can have thousands of reports over time, videos of the behavior posted, forum complaints, what have you. It's unvelievable how much we have to do to call attention to these players. Siege trolls have way too much power. Just shows how much policing there is in WvW/PvP. Almost none, and it's one of the issues I have with Anet regarding WvW.


It's an issue in EVERY online game. Publishers refuse to dedicate resources to police their games.


I can't wait until it becomes such a huge issue that people start quitting games in droves, maybe in 5 years.


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