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Do you think engineer is the hardest class to play in combat?


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I been playing engineer for awhile. And i noticed that we seem to be the hardest class in pvp and pve


For pve (if we go condi) we have to do paino play with are kits and rotate condi skills off coldown while dodging harmful mechanics



In spvp and wvw - we can use auto attacks and some burst skills but primarily we have to anticipate enemy attacks and use hammer defenses or elixir shrink or tool wrench shield as well as dodges. Oh and also weapon swapping the elixir gun acid splash knock back.


Don't forget about landing rifle 5 explosion stomp oh and also have to time are grenades aoe attacks and also have to condi cleanse while timing healing turret and cleansing elixir



I don't have much experience with other professions (classes) but engineer seems to do heavy reflexes and anticipating things quickly.


I feel like engineer is a very challenging profession in combat while other professions have it easier in combat.


Maybe i am a noob with a garbage laggy internet.


But yea i think engineer is challenging. Does any one else agree or disagree ?

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Nah, I don't think so. I think Chrono is harder in raiding at least and I hear that Druid is up there too. For PvP, I found Ele to be harder since it's a lot like dealing with kits, but with cooldowns on the kits that you have to plan around.


Engi is on the upper end of difficulty (relative to other professions) for sure, but I wouldn't say it's the hardest.

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Yes I think so, I've always gravitated to the more complex classes and Engi grabs my attention most. While my Engi has the most hours by far on my account, even when I do get into Ele or Mesmer it's just not that close in terms of how many buttons pressed.


[This Reddit thread from last month](

"This Reddit thread from last month") seems to agree with that notion, no (PvE meta) build pushes as many buttons as Engi. I think that's directly comparable to "difficulty", and while there are other factors that contribute to difficulty I think APM is a pretty big one.


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> @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> Nah, I don't think so. I think Chrono is harder in raiding at least and I hear that Druid is up there too. For PvP, I found Ele to be harder since it's a lot like dealing with kits, but with cooldowns on the kits that you have to plan around.


> Engi is on the upper end of difficulty (relative to other professions) for sure, but I wouldn't say it's the hardest.


If we are talking about raid, then definitely playing meta Chrono and Druid would probably the most challenging as there are so much expectation and pressure for them to do well otherwise the raid will result in instant wipe.


However in general by far, engineer is definitely the most challenging class... if we want to be viable that is. Depending how you want to make the build, it can be really easy...( if go full gyro, full gadgets, full elixirs or full turrets) OR really really really hard if you decide to go full kits.

But that what's happening, engi is a selfish profession and the only thing we can provide that makes us viable is dps. And the "ideal" power engi build require us to rotate through main weapon, bomb kit, grenade kit and spam all our toolbelt skills with intense precision whilst DODGE ROLLING. If you miss a second of a skill after it's off cooldown, you could lose up to 10k dps... so you gotta focus, not blink..whilst constantly DODGE ROLLING.

How is this not a challenge mote in lion's arch special forces training area!?



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I don't play much PvE or do raids but I think engi in broad terms is probably the hardest, not only for playing like a piano but also because we have so many tools (heh) to choose from you have to know which one is the best for the right scenario (from a WvW/PvP standpoint). A lot of classes have builds that can be tough to use but I most of the time its one-dimensional (ex. the shatter mesmer build really you only need to get good at one combo to be effective). I may be bias cause I play engi but I have all other classes and played a lot of their different types of builds and I'd say engi has the most choices to make in a fight (build dependent of course, you could totally make a on trick engi build but add in kits and stuff it gets hairy).


Though engi/ele/mesmer for pvp/wvw are probably super close in terms of difficulty it really just depends on the player and how they grasp their class.

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It is challenging (particularly if your internet connection is having a bad day...) but probably the most satisfying. If you're willing to overlook DPS it's also the most flexible and responds well to what other allied players are doing - really quite useful for unorganised PvE/WvW.

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I am starting to think we are the worst class in the game


Cant do good in wvw zergs or wvw roaming. Can do alright in fractals tier 1 but not tier 2 or higher.


In spvp you need fast reflexes and high skill to be able to barely stand a chance in spvp and feels impossible to carry teams


With the auto attack bomb nerf engineer is not very good for raids.


I feel like warriors are also struggling in addition to engineer in all modes.


It seems warrior and engineer are viable in groups that don't play seriously or play competitively.


Any ways i love engineer but i think we get owned by thiefs necros and mesmer in spvp and wvw roaming


And in raids and fractals we have to go condi and do a perfrct rotation to get a 10% bigger dps than other simpler rotations.


My question now is - what do you guys do to enjoy engineer if you can't be useful or how do i carry.my engineer to usefulness with skill ?


Sorry i am ranting. Engineer is fun because of their oddball utilities but most seem useless


Elixir gun is the most useful kit and its not as good as othet class's skills boons or ultility.


I wish engineer could stand out for one specific specialization - like a unique feature that makes us useful in the game


As it is engineer feels like a lonely single player profession who always gets rekt by everybody and everything.


Maybe i am being harsh ? Well engineer feels fun and also feels outdated in the trending meta.

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> @Anthony.7630 said:

> I am starting to think we are the worst class in the game


> Cant do good in wvw zergs or wvw roaming. Can do alright in fractals tier 1 but not tier 2 or higher.


> In spvp you need fast reflexes and high skill to be able to barely stand a chance in spvp and feels impossible to carry teams


> With the auto attack bomb nerf engineer is not very good for raids.


> I feel like warriors are also struggling in addition to engineer in all modes.


> It seems warrior and engineer are viable in groups that don't play seriously or play competitively.


> Any ways i love engineer but i think we get owned by thiefs necros and mesmer in spvp and wvw roaming


> And in raids and fractals we have to go condi and do a perfrct rotation to get a 10% bigger dps than other simpler rotations.


> My question now is - what do you guys do to enjoy engineer if you can't be useful or how do i carry.my engineer to usefulness with skill ?


> Sorry i am ranting. Engineer is fun because of their oddball utilities but most seem useless


> Elixir gun is the most useful kit and its not as good as othet class's skills boons or ultility.


> I wish engineer could stand out for one specific specialization - like a unique feature that makes us useful in the game


> As it is engineer feels like a lonely single player profession who always gets rekt by everybody and everything.


> Maybe i am being harsh ? Well engineer feels fun and also feels outdated in the trending meta.


Engineer suffers from being abandoned by Anet.

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> @Purgatori.3645 said:

> I've tried Engi 3 times. 3 times I have deleted Engi. I just dont get it :3 In theory they are kitten ... but I just finally wrapped my head around Ele ... so maybe ill give it another shot.


Unless you don't like the class mechanics (toolbelt and kits basically) then IMO all it takes is the right build. Don't just go on metabattle and copy those, find something you like and build around it.

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> @Anthony.7630 said:

> I am starting to think we are the worst class in the game

> ...

> Maybe i am being harsh ? Well engineer feels fun and also feels outdated in the trending meta.


At one point I was replying to nearly every sentence of this but let me sum it up:

* WvW zerging woes are well documented, everything else you're wrong on. Fractals, Raids, sPvP, Roaming, all have great competitive builds.

* Why are you using bomb auto attack in raids? I have to assume you're trying to use a power build, but later in your post you talked about condi. In power bomb auto nerf wasn't that impactful and was more than made up for with Mine Trail. But you really should be using condi.

* The warrior comments baffle me.

* Please read some guides (start with Metabattle) on what skills work best for Engi in each different game mode. Your post reads like you haven't played for 4 years and expected to come back and jump into all game modes with the same 4 year old open world farming build.


I wish we could still give thumbs down. Misinformation can be damaging when people who have never played Engi (or the game at all) read these kinds of posts.

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> @Adamantium.3682 said:

> > @Anthony.7630 said:

> > I am starting to think we are the worst class in the game

> > ...

> > Maybe i am being harsh ? Well engineer feels fun and also feels outdated in the trending meta.


> At one point I was replying to nearly every sentence of this but let me sum it up:

> * WvW zerging woes are well documented, everything else you're wrong on. Fractals, Raids, sPvP, Roaming, all have great competitive builds.

> * Why are you using bomb auto attack in raids? I have to assume you're trying to use a power build, but later in your post you talked about condi. In power bomb auto nerf wasn't that impactful and was more than made up for with Mine Trail. But you really should be using condi.

> * The warrior comments baffle me.

> * Please read some guides (start with Metabattle) on what skills work best for Engi in each different game mode. Your post reads like you haven't played for 4 years and expected to come back and jump into all game modes with the same 4 year old open world farming build.


> I wish we could still give thumbs down. Misinformation can be damaging when people who have never played Engi (or the game at all) read these kinds of posts.


I don't know if you play the game or hang out in forums all the time.


Engineer is good when your in a group that doesn't play competitively. As soon as you enter a competitive guild group or zerg expect to get groans and sighs and people put you in a group by your self (wvw) or they don't really expect much dps from you (raids and fractals)


I am sorry you're negative. But it's not misinformation. Warrior and engineers are only usable in dungeons or in groups were not everyone is serious about winning or pushing content.


You know what i did that was sad ? I used to play on jade quarry and crystal desert. Full and very high wvw servers and big grouped servers for pve


I transferred to anvil rock both to help new players and to be useful on a server that is not very meta demanding. That's really sad.


Engineer builds in metabattle are outdated. The meta battle builds get destroyed in pvp and pve. We have to wait for pof and see if holosmith can carry the class.


Engineer is hard to play but you get high skill low reward versus other classes who are low skill high reward.


I am not mad at you. I am just perplexed how a single class could be so useless in a game. If engineer was reworked with power mainstreamed class mechanics they would be better. A good example is scrapper hammer


Scrapper hammer is packed with ultility burst damage cc combos and defense. Its useful. Maybe even OP. But engineer needs more skills like that. The only weapon next to hammer is elixir gun lots of good stuff. Combos healing conditions stun breakers and some ultility.


People say i am retarded for wanting engineer to be over powered ? Well its not like theif necro mesmer guardian and elementalist are like us.


They could make everybody else weaker or make us on par with everybody.


I play warrior also and warrior feels like they lost some meta states and are not very good in most modes.


The best way to have fun in guild wars 2 is socialization and being useful in a group. Engineer feels very lonely. Also as a person of compassion i don't join too many groups because i know the sighs and frustration people get when an engineer joins the group.


Engineer is not a jack of all trades and its not good damage. Other clssses provide better water fields and healing in a specualized role like rev and elementalist and necro thief condi rev and mesmer all do competitive raid damage as us.


Sorry i am negative. I am taking a break from guild wars 2 because i have nothing to do on guild wars 2 when i can't be useful or farm anything useful.


Core engineer needs to have the overpowered ultility slots to be useful in group settings or do HUGE amounts of damage to compensate. Right now engineer does decent damage but not enough to be value to a group with out added ultility.


If engineer had a bigger player base i am sure anet would pay more attention.


Well that concludes my rant.

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> @Anthony.7630 said:

> I been playing engineer for awhile. And i noticed that we seem to be the hardest class in pvp and pve




> Maybe i am a noob with a garbage laggy internet.


> But yea i think engineer is challenging. Does any one else agree or disagree ?

It is a myth at least for wvw and pvp .

It was true before hot when meta was pistols with kits (toolkit, granede , elixir S ) , we had good toughness but low health pool and the gameplay was fun and challaging like playing piano .

After that we had a period with meta cele/marauder rifle, easier to play than pistols but much more difficult to play than now .

Hot arrived and destroyed everything. Now scrapper is really easy to play as mechanic. You have blocks, stealth ,projectil reflection, a lot of passive help ... it is much more easy to survive . Now scrapper is the easy "warrior"... a super bunker class really really forgiving . It is not hard at all and it is not fun at all to play( wvw pvp) .

In my opinion now there are class much more difficult ... for example ? Thief, Chronomancer (meccanically the hardest imho ) . But i find also playing tempest mender well harder than scrapper : tempest has longer cd and if you are in the wrong attunement and you have not earth ready you have not that great defense. Imho now Scrapper is one of the easiest profession to play ( i began with condi engi in 2012 ) but i was bored from it and i began to play something different since season 4 .

( I am speaking for wvw and spvp ... for pve except raids and high fractals all the content seems to me quite doable with every class so i don't see that great difficulty but i don't do pve often so don't consider my opinions for high tier fractals and raids )

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> > @Warrost.4895 said:

> > Engineer suffers from being abandoned by Anet.


> I feel like I've heard that somewhere...only not about Engineer. It was on another profession forum...hmm? Oh right, _all of them._


Hmmmm... but you know, us engis (and necros) definitely have felt like we are the least favourite children of the whole bunch. But let's see how what happens in pof, future is looking a lil' brighter on our side =D.

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Sorry i was crying. Heard good reviews about holosmith. Makes a relieve and anxiety go away. Now lets not get anymore nerfs please anet.


Also i haven't played all day because i get rollbacks every few minutes i just took a break.


My problem with engineer is i have to "carefully" choose who i play with. Some guilds ask me to abandon engineer for guardian or theif or elementalist. My main guild is nice but we are casual and probably wont clear any raids or tier 3 fractals. Still i have to becareful with negativity and people who do notlike engine mains.


Thanks all sorry i was angry.

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> @Anthony.7630 said:

> Sorry i was crying. Heard good reviews about holosmith. Makes a relieve and anxiety go away. Now lets not get anymore nerfs please anet.


> Also i haven't played all day because i get rollbacks every few minutes i just took a break.


> My problem with engineer is i have to "carefully" choose who i play with. Some guilds ask me to abandon engineer for guardian or theif or elementalist. My main guild is nice but we are casual and probably wont clear any raids or tier 3 fractals. Still i have to becareful with negativity and people who do notlike engine mains.


> Thanks all sorry i was angry.


Welcome back to the light!


I realize this is usually easier said than done... but if people won't accept Engis, _or any other profession for that matter_ into their group don't play with them. Raids or open world, fractals at t1 or 100CM. Don't play with people like that, 9 times out of 10 they are covering their own ineptitude and insecurities. I have without a doubt failed more in groups like that than others.


I can say with confidence and from experience Engi can do any PvE content in this game _at a high level_. Meta builds. If you are playing with people who won't let you bring Engi, find other people to play with. People are not doing you a favor by letting you play with them. That notion is ridiculous!

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Thanks. Yea i try to find open minded people.


I try to do mostly casual stuff like wvw with a pug commander or hot aeric basin trains guild missions and tier 1 fractals


I am an engie main. But i also like to compete. I guess that energy challenges other people or something


Yea i am sure i can do fine in all content just hope my guild mates dont turn into meta sheep. I like to power game but also have fun but i feel uncomfortable logging off my charr engie and playing another class to get some social group action.


I love engineer because we are different than the rest of the classses and have a high skill cap and deeply misunderstood everywhere (dulfy reddit gw2 forums and ingame) and its like a feeling of fun to be the blacksheep.


Also i love condition engie but i do get annoyed that i cant easily lay down my condi with out flipping through 3 kits.


Sorry i am ranting. I really love engineer class and will defend it. Thanks for hearing me out i got some anxiety out of my system.

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