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LWS4 First instance


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Yeah, this was a really annoying instance. It had the same issues than POF - the player is the only one the mobs will focus on and also the only one who can damage them. The rest of your allies only rez you (because I guess ANet is afraid they will carry you if they do damage?) and you're left to wade through endless waves of mobs, taking the fun right out of the whole storyline at the get-go.


I don't think I want to open that instance again ever again.

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I always had the mentality to kill everything in front of me, but when I started replaying the personal story on alts years back I finally got into the habit of skipping mobs that don't need to be killed. Sometimes you just don't think about it and see all the enemies around you and feel the need to kill them, but you actually don't. While I don't think it was that bad, it could be tuned down just a touch; you wouldn't hear me complain ;)

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Speaking of this part of the story, I was tracking an achievement associated with this particular quest. Forgot the name of it but I believe you had to free 40 citizens. I broke the prisons that had what looked like timers on top of them but nothing happened. I know I missed some of the timers but I also know I blew some up before the timer expired. So I probably wouldn't have gotten the achievement anyway but figured I would at least get partial credit and would just replay the story to get it done. I'm not sure exactly how this objective is supposed to be met. Any pointers?

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Yeah, Anet, pls stop it with this shitty mission design, it's not fun, it's not challenging, it's all basic and simple and uselessly prolonged. Half an hour for a story mission that basically is repeat this shit for 15 minutes then repeat this other shit for another fifteen minutes against a wyvern champ with 957309342358729457347 hp with recicled "tactics" from the shatterer where we have to destroy crystals between phases? And with shitty allies that only look at you and do nothing? Seriously?

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I did it on Chrono. It was long, boring, and I got downed about 12 times. After the last down, the companions I was with wouldn't rez me and I couldn't 2 or 4 enough to rez. I ended up going afk on that final down, went to the toilet, made a cup of tea, came back and retried from checkpoint (boss at 1/4th health) and finished it.


Boring, long, very pointless.

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> @Maizan.8516 said:

> Speaking of this part of the story, I was tracking an achievement associated with this particular quest. Forgot the name of it but I believe you had to free 40 citizens. I broke the prisons that had what looked like timers on top of them but nothing happened. I know I missed some of the timers but I also know I blew some up before the timer expired. So I probably wouldn't have gotten the achievement anyway but figured I would at least get partial credit and would just replay the story to get it done. I'm not sure exactly how this objective is supposed to be met. Any pointers?


There are some on the ground who need to be rezzed, and then you can interact with them and direct them to safety. Throughout the mission, there are more than 40, and some respawn over time as well, so pretty easy to get if you just run around killing and rezzing.

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I haven't finished it. The flashing lights became a real issue and I couldn't even find the crystals I was supposed to destroy because I couldn't look at the screen long enough. so never got past the 3 lieutenants. Logged out in frustration. Disappointing because I've been so excited for LS4 and the continuation of the story. I'll try again and hopefully get a friend to help. She's subject to migraines though so I imagine both of us will have a time getting through this particular instance.

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> @Briolase.7306 said:

> I haven't finished it. The flashing lights became a real issue and I couldn't even find the crystals I was supposed to destroy because I couldn't look at the screen long enough. so never got past the 3 lieutenants. Logged out in frustration. Disappointing because I've been so excited for LS4 and the continuation of the story. I'll try again and hopefully get a friend to help. She's subject to migraines though so I imagine both of us will have a time getting through this particular instance.


Some things I did to help was that I "hid". There are places you can duck into without enemies. I mounted up, ran off into a quiet place, and I turned the camera away from the Michael Bay fest until I felt ready to continue. It's not perfect but it helped. Put your settings to "potato" as well.

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I never said the thing was difficult, just tedious and boring af. They keep making these story instances full of mobs as if that is challenging or gives any sense of danger to the story but really, it doesn't. So change the approach Anet bc this one's very annoying.

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