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Legendary Ring. Why is there no outrage?

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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.


You mean like how they gave a legendary backpack for PvP just sso that players would go into PvP ? Just like they gave a fractal legendary just so that players would go fractals ? Just like they conceived Aurora so players would go into LS3 maps while having new people pay for these maps to also get aurora ? How dare they force players to to actually play the content that they have created ? /s

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> @FitzChevalerie.1035 said:

> > @sigur.9453 said:

> > > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > > Any raid boss counts? Or just those from new wing?

> >

> > Just from the new wing


> I only did Cairn and have the collection unlocked.


Reason being, you need an actual LI drop raid boss kill. If someone cleared all raid bosses on Monday, the only way to unlock the collection this week is via the new raid.


Starting next week post reset every kill will work for everyone.

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> @DanAlcedo.3281 said:

> > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > Why would anyone "explode" over this? HoT legendaries are also only accessible to HoT owners, so there is nothing wrong with PoF legendaries to be accessible only to people who have invested money to buy this expansion.


> Kill 10(!) Raid Bosses to unlock is the problem here.


> Raiders : where do all the noobs come from?

> Noobs : we want the ring

> Raiders : you dont care about the game mode right?

> Noob : no and why should i?

> Raiders : Thx anet.


> Oh! Can we get a WvW Leg. Trinket thats need hours and hours of grind? Me as a WvW Player would LOOOOOVE even more pip farmer.


I strongly suspect you will. Not immediately, after a few months.

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> @flog.3485 said:

> You mean like how they gave a legendary backpack for PvP just sso that players would go into PvP ? Just like they gave a fractal legendary just so that players would go fractals ? Just like they conceived Aurora so players would go into LS3 maps while having new people pay for these maps to also get aurora ? How dare they force players to to actually play the content that they have created ? /s


Kinda like how most Legendaries require a gift of battle that you can only get from WvW? I hate WvW and really any form of PvP in MMO's so I either do not make the legendary or suck it up and do the content that is required. Legendaries are not supposed to be a cake walk to make.



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> @Vulf.3098 said:

> > @flog.3485 said:

> > You mean like how they gave a legendary backpack for PvP just sso that players would go into PvP ? Just like they gave a fractal legendary just so that players would go fractals ? Just like they conceived Aurora so players would go into LS3 maps while having new people pay for these maps to also get aurora ? How dare they force players to to actually play the content that they have created ? /s


> Kinda like how most Legendaries require a gift of battle that you can only get from WvW? I hate WvW and really any form of PvP in MMO's so I either do not make the legendary or suck it up and do the content that is required. Legendaries are not supposed to be a cake walk to make.




Yes I know, I support raid related rewards. I was responding to a comment that I interpreted in saying: "Raids are going downhill, it is in life support mode, and so Anet forces people to do them because they need to be saved.....Watching Tpot stream this afternoon with around 1,4 viewer constantly failing at Dhumm makes me think no. I might never do them personally but it was sure as hell fun to watch imo.

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > Look, no matter how much you hate raids, if you have the gold to craft a leg ring, then you have the gold to flat out buy a raid boss kill.

> Buying kills is not something that should be promoted.


> > @FogLeg.9354 said:

> > Getting Ascended trinkets is so easy and Leg only adds some visual effects.


> The stat-changing QoL is also worthwhile.


> And as for it being raid-locked: is the raid population going down too fast, Anet, or what?


Maybe, if you dont want to buy it and have trouble in raids, you should git gud? Or practice. Or find a raid training guild. If you want it, do the legwork for it rather than expecting content to be handed to you.


Legendaries are prestige items and totally unnecessary for gameplay. I don't see the problem with this.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Pifil.5193 said:

> > Why no outrage? I personally don't feel like community outrage changes anything.


> 2 years ago community outrage resulted in giving gw2 veterans free character slot for HoT preorder


> 1 person outrage succeeded in removal of Achievement Points from top PvP titles.


> Another community outrage resulted in removal Desert Borderlands after HoT


> Another community outrage resulted in dev promising to improve legendary armor looks (still waiting for this to happen).


> Facts prove, that community outrages can make a change and are very effective in infuencing Anet's decisions.


Correct, but the outrage here is pointless as a legendary item is absolutely an appropriate reward for raid content.

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> @flog.3485 said:

> Yes I know, I support raid related rewards. I was responding to a comment that I interpreted in saying: "Raids are going downhill, it is in life support mode, and so Anet forces people to do them because they need to be saved.....Watching Tpot stream this afternoon with around 1,4 viewer constantly failing at Dhumm makes me think no. I might never do them personally but it was sure as hell fun to watch imo.


That is because it is people over exaggerating about content they do not even do. Raids are not on "Life Support mode" otherwise people would be complaining about sitting in LFG for several hours without filling or finding a group to join.


Wing 5 is definitely something else and I am glad they made it difficult considering how much of a joke Wing 4 was.



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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.


This it. They want to incentive-ise raid participation.

I personally have no intention of ever raiding again in any MMO. Those days are over for me.

I find instanced raiding to be boring, done way too much of it over the years.

This is just a legendary though. It's no better stat-wise than an ascended ring. It's a convenience.

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I actually enjoy raids, but you have to have some kind of raid specific reward for the new wing(s) if you expect people to play them. That said I don't care if they want to add a legendary ring to wvw and pvp as well. I just fail to understand the posts that suggest that there should not be any new legendary rewards associated with new raid content, that seems dumb.

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> There needs to be something special for the raids. But yes, it should have been something different.


Why should raids offer better gear than other modes? Because no one would do them if they didn't? Well maybe people don't want crappy raids. You can tell when a game mode has failed when you offer everything and no one wants to play.


To hell with raids. Stop wasting resources on this ignored game mode. there are other game modes that are completely ignored and have 1000's more players.



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> @Vulf.3098 said:

> > @flog.3485 said:

> > You mean like how they gave a legendary backpack for PvP just sso that players would go into PvP ? Just like they gave a fractal legendary just so that players would go fractals ? Just like they conceived Aurora so players would go into LS3 maps while having new people pay for these maps to also get aurora ? How dare they force players to to actually play the content that they have created ? /s


> Kinda like how most Legendaries require a gift of battle that you can only get from WvW? I hate WvW and really any form of PvP in MMO's so I either do not make the legendary or suck it up and do the content that is required. Legendaries are not supposed to be a cake walk to make.




I personally don't care that much either way, as if I really wanted it and couldn't do a raid boss I could always buy a boss off someone who can. For the gift of battle though really lol? You don't even have to pvp to get it and can just about pop in and do dailies every so often and you'll likely be done long before you get the rest of what you need. Heck half the time onenof the dailies literally involve going into WvW, spending a few badges, and then you could leave or flip a camp or two. It's not like being half afk is the same as what's meant to be higher le el content lol, and I'll never stop being amazed at all the threads I've seen calling this one thing so hard and unfair. X3

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> @Kirin.7306 said:

> > @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> > There needs to be something special for the raids. But yes, it should have been something different.


> Why should raids offer better gear than other modes? Because no one would do them if they didn't? Well maybe people don't want crappy raids. You can tell when a game mode has failed when you offer everything and no one wants to play.


> To hell with raids. Stop wasting resources on this ignored game mode. there are other game modes that are completely ignored and have 1000's more players.




You ignoring that content =/= others ignoring that content. In fact there are plenty of consistent raiders all over the place as the lfg is always full and guilds are always doing them.


That's like me arguing that sPvP should be discontinued because I personally don't do it.

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> @Moonlit.6421 said:

> I personally don't care that much either way, as if I really wanted it and couldn't do a raid boss I could always buy a boss off someone who can. For the gift of battle though really lol? You don't even have to pvp to get it and can just about pop in and do dailies every so often and you'll likely be done long before you get the rest of what you need. Heck half the time onenof the dailies literally involve going into WvW, spending a few badges, and then you could leave or flip a camp or two. It's not like being half afk is the same as what's meant to be higher le el content lol, and I'll never stop being amazed at all the threads I've seen calling this one thing so hard and unfair. X3


My post was not a debate on how easy gift of battle is to acquire. My point is Legendaries being locked behind content you do not like is okay.



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Arenanet, please stop locking legendaries only to raid players. Make them hard to do, but those raid requirements makes it impossible for us to get required collections.

We don't have enough people to do raids, and it's nearly impossible to finish a complete wing with random people from LFG. They should depend on personal effort,

or open-world meta content like the legendary accessory "Aurora". Locking those legendary armor skins to raid players was frustrating enough.

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> @Osby.5390 said:

> It makes me sad they would again lock a legendary behind Raids again catering for a very small part of the community.


They will learn eventually they are paying people to produce content for only single percentages of their customers. It took Blizzard almost 10 years to figure it out.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> They will learn eventually they are paying people to produce content for only single percentages of their customers. It took Blizzard almost 10 years to figure it out.


The difference is you can not even complete the main story without even stepping foot into a raid on WoW. You are comparing apples to oranges here.



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> @Theandil.6045 said:

> > @DanAlcedo.3281 said:

> > Hi guys.

> >

> > Just looked at the new leg. Ring collection.

> > I dont care much but i thought the forum would explode because of this.....

> >

> > http://img.picshare.at/1511934203_why.jpg


> and wait till you found, the Legendary backpack is locked behind PvP or Fractals...


> MAGIC !!!


pvp = not locked because you can "farm" it solo


Fractals = you can get it pvp and wvw so many options


Raids: You need the gear , the time to play , the time to learn and most importantly years of exp to join a raid group ( Aka you need Li to join but you need to join for Li).

Sure i could just buy a Raid kill but this means i need the money + a group that sells + a shit ton of trust that i dont get scammed/kicked.


IF!!!!! wvw and pvp get there own leg. trinkets im ok with a pure raid trinket but OHHHHH BOY! the wvw and pvp trinket will 101% pure farm.


The Raid Trinket is exclusive for Raiders. This means the WvW Trinket has to be WvW Player only.


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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> Raids have raid-appropriate rewards. Legendary items are not more powerful than ascended. I'm not sure what the problem is here.


The problem is locking the QoL feature behind a raid. If it was just the aura, I'd have no problem with it, I want the cosmetic, I do the content but locking a QoL feature behind a raid is wrong.


And before someone adds again "just farm ls3 bloodstone or something like that' Why should raiders get a QoL feature just for playing their favorite mode when other people are not given the same treatment? There is no free stat swappable trinket in WvW. WvW players not only have to farm the originatl materials to purchases the item, they then have to farm the materials to change their items if they want to and then spend those items to do so. Why do raiders get to do it for free?

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I think it would be different if Legendary stats were stronger than Ascended. It is what it is in that the difference is Legendary is a reward for content. OK so you don't raid (like I), yet you deserve the same reward? I just don't get the complaints here in this thread. The PvP community was in an uproar some time ago when ascended gear was pretty easy to achieve and many PvE'rs (such as I) only PvP'd to get the ascended reward. Though I did PvP for this reason I actually came to enjoy PvP for a short time whilst others came just for the gear and would just stand around to get that reward.


So WvW update comes out and the ascended and legendary is a reward BUT rewards those who put the effort into the game mode to get their just rewards AND the community gets in an uproar after ANET (rightfully so) corrects the mistake they made in PvP by fixing it in another game mode. So NOW people are in an uproar once again because they do not raid (such as I) and expect to get what others earn.


PEOPLE... GW2 is a reward based system. You want to farm hours upon hours to get a Legendary...have at it. Not my play-style. ANET offers a reward for certain game play then go play it. Don;t want to play it then you simply do not get the reward. It's like saying "I don't do dungeons but I want the dungeon rewards". Pathetic.


PvP is a game mode that certain people play and they are (and rightfully so) locked out of PvE content. WvW is a little different where the reward tracks allows the player to open up shinies they wouldn't get unless they played some PvE content. WvW is half PvE and Half PvP so the reward track works. However each game mode provides a unique reward system you can only get while playing certain game modes and OWNING certain game xpacs so get over it.

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