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Why hight elo can't play during 80% of the day ?


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Hello ,

I assume we can say an hight elo player ( not necessary good player ) is 1700 elo or more .

i said in title , Hight elo player can't play during 80% of the day . Cause you can ONLY tag between 5-6 PM and 11-12PM .

Otherwise , IF you lose , you will lose something like 20 points ( happens to me at 1 PM )

And IF you win , you will win something like 6-7 points ...


Traduction : the system force us to play between 5-6 PM and 11-12PM otherwise it's not worth it

And there anything you can do ?

I mean , if i'm playing with lower elo ( i understand according to the playerbase ) , i'm fine losing 5 points and winning 2-3 MAX ! and then losing 15 versus SAME ELO PLAYERS and win 10 in this case !


I hope you understand what i tried to mean ,

thanks for reading :)





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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> You can do something: win the matches that you play against lower MMR teams (aka carry)


Solo carry in a conquest mode is nigh impossible unless your team can at least compete with the oposing team. If your team is being steam rolled by the oposition there isn't much you can do by yourself.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > You can do something: win the matches that you play against lower MMR teams (aka carry)


> Solo carry in a conquest mode is nigh impossible unless your team can at least compete with the oposing team. If your team is being steam rolled by the oposition there isn't much you can do by yourself.

Speaking of experience today personally I can play around 1v2 a lot of times during morning times as I'm getting matched with lower ranked people. Then in 3v4 they should really be able to win the other points which usually is the case.

Point is, if you are losing -15-20 and gaining +6 for matches that means you should be winning like 4 out of 5 games. That's how it is balancing out you playing against low tier ppl

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > You can do something: win the matches that you play against lower MMR teams (aka carry)

> >

> > Solo carry in a conquest mode is nigh impossible unless your team can at least compete with the oposing team. If your team is being steam rolled by the oposition there isn't much you can do by yourself.

> Speaking of experience today personally I can play around 1v2 a lot of times during morning times as I'm getting matched with lower ranked people. Then in 3v4 they should really be able to win the other points which usually is the case.

> Point is, if you are losing -15-20 and gaining +6 for matches that means you should be winning like 4 out of 5 games. That's how it is balancing out you playing against low tier ppl


The problem is that low tier people aren't always low tier people. Some guys could be on their alts, others could have dropped after a losing streak, and obviously some might have gotten carried. There are a lot of factors that ruin this otherwise perfectly 'balanced' system.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > You can do something: win the matches that you play against lower MMR teams (aka carry)

> > >

> > > Solo carry in a conquest mode is nigh impossible unless your team can at least compete with the oposing team. If your team is being steam rolled by the oposition there isn't much you can do by yourself.

> > Speaking of experience today personally I can play around 1v2 a lot of times during morning times as I'm getting matched with lower ranked people. Then in 3v4 they should really be able to win the other points which usually is the case.

> > Point is, if you are losing -15-20 and gaining +6 for matches that means you should be winning like 4 out of 5 games. That's how it is balancing out you playing against low tier ppl


> The problem is that low tier people aren't always low tier people. Some guys could be on their alts, others could have dropped after a losing streak, and obviously some might have gotten carried. There are a lot of factors that ruin this otherwise perfectly 'balanced' system.


Don't forget epic placements where people from plat/legend get placed in low gold so they can farm low ranks with 100% win rate while they climb back (was like that for me and quite few other players i met).

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> @Fara.9835 said:

> Today i played 3 games between 1 PM and 3 PM

> 1) -20

> 2) -18

> 3) +11


> How this is even fair ?

> i understand the fact i should lose more than i win due to my MMR , but in this case this is not motivating AT ALL

Really not trying to offend you, but I don't get your point. You should be able to beat lower MMR teams, if not, you belong to a lower tier. It will be balanced out after a few more losses. Seems like the case is that you were carried a bit higher than your skill level, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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> @Fara.9835 said:

> Today i played 3 games between 1 PM and 3 PM

> 1) -20

> 2) -18

> 3) +11


> How this is even fair ?

> i understand the fact i should lose more than i win due to my MMR , but in this case this is not motivating AT ALL


I'm not expert in this matchmaking thing, but from my experience those two loses (-20, -18) are matches that you were supposed to win, cause you were probably the highest rated player in your team and should've been able to 'carry' which doesn't mean you had to do everything, but those clutch plays that win 2v2s on sides nodes i.e., or those clutch plays that constantly give momentum to your team so they can always have better chances to at least survive other fights until your help arrives. However, if you feel that you did everything you could here and still lost, that's definitely on your team, they probably didn't take advantage of those plays or didn't read the game properly.

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I couldn't sleep and felt like doing something stupid, so I queued at 4am.


![](http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=ee6cb9-1512393836.jpg "")


I don't even know what that match would have cost me in case of a loss.


If it's true what Cynz says and the MM system only takes into account the average MMR of the opponent team and not your teammates' one, then this is really sloppy work and should be changed asap.


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> @Chaotic.9742 said:

> Plat 2 around 430 EST today - Necro asks in team chat “How is this thief kittening fearing me!?!?”


> .....

> Like seriously? This is supposed to be a higher ranking match where people know skills, rotations, etc (one would hope at least...).


Hey, at least he didn't report the thief for hacking like people did to me because i used downstate port or shadowstep.

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> @Chaotic.9742 said:

> Plat 2 around 430 EST today - Necro asks in team chat “How is this thief kittening fearing me!?!?”


> .....

> Like seriously? This is supposed to be a higher ranking match where people know skills, rotations, etc (one would hope at least...).

The keyword is necro (aka scourge). Big time carry build. I'm in the same division, most people know the basics of pvp and professions, but I do find several scourges (even in peak times) who are absolutely clueless and got carried high like that guy. Luckily (?) I find them in both teams so they usually melt in like 2-3 seconds against my power mirage.


> @Falan.1839 said:

> I couldn't sleep and felt like doing something stupid, so I queued at 4am.


> ![](http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=ee6cb9-1512393836.jpg "")


> I don't even know what that match would have cost me in case of a loss.




You did not lose. That's the point.


> If it's true what Cynz says and the MM system only takes into account the average MMR of the opponent team and not your teammates' one, then this is really sloppy work and should be changed asap.

It's not true.


> @Interpretor.3091 said:

> It's a system that allows low rated and less skilled players stay competitive with less effort, and keeps higher ranked and sometimes higher skilled players from getting too far ahead. It's all B.S..

Yea the system is all crappy MM is unfair I can't get legendary blah blah. Same story all over again. If you are better than the others at the same rating, you climb sooner or later. I'm stuck in high plat T2 atm after around 70 matches and all I can say is I definitely need improvement or change to some meta build to reach my aim (top100) - you should reevaluate yourself if you can't go higher. I'm losing matches with stupid people but I'm also trashing them in the other team. The system obviously can't be perfect (never is) especially with a low playerbase but it is a very good system.

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Well the whole system is flawed... It measures you MMR on a team effort but the team is random with huge skill diffrences. Then i compares your MMR to the oposing average for raiting win/loss.

ame rules for all and a huge number of games should even it out ...

To have a better score and fairer matches i would suggest the following.

1.) Professon MMR and lock them on Q.

2.) Only solo Q.

3.) Balace teams after selecting players. Split most used class and then calculate for the most even team. (there can be stacking left but should be minor).

4.) Calculate win/loss on both teams average and not expect to carry ... With 1-3 even a fixed ammount would work due to sides being mostly balaced.


But wait ... such a balanced system would result in a close to 50% win rate if you are at or close to your "Spot".


And even if i trash 3 of the oponents team my team ofte nruns around like headless chickens so we loose annyway. I have 1:3 far and oponent caped mid and close .. so eh ...


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> @Razor.6392 said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > You can do something: win the matches that you play against lower MMR teams (aka carry)

> > >

> > > Solo carry in a conquest mode is nigh impossible unless your team can at least compete with the oposing team. If your team is being steam rolled by the oposition there isn't much you can do by yourself.

> > Speaking of experience today personally I can play around 1v2 a lot of times during morning times as I'm getting matched with lower ranked people. Then in 3v4 they should really be able to win the other points which usually is the case.

> > Point is, if you are losing -15-20 and gaining +6 for matches that means you should be winning like 4 out of 5 games. That's how it is balancing out you playing against low tier ppl


> The problem is that low tier people aren't always low tier people. Some guys could be on their alts, others could have dropped after a losing streak, and obviously some might have gotten carried. There are a lot of factors that ruin this otherwise perfectly 'balanced' system.


Problem is, it's not infrequent seeing people losing (or taking ages to win) a 3v1 in Gold ranks, for example. So unless your team is competent, you can't carry alone.

Also, there's a HUGE issue with GW2 players, when they start winning, a lot of them become complacent. Which allows for stuff like losing a game with 450 points after dominating the early game, or flipping a game when the other team had 450 points and you had 300.. That happens more often that should be allowed in a game without any internal progression during matches.

In games like LoL, that would be understandable, like the other team has a better early game comp, and then you turn the game when your carry gets full build. But in GW2, where that doesn't happen, these kinds of flips are due to mistakes on the winning team getting punished hard.


> @Wolfric.9380 said:

> Well the whole system is flawed... It measures you MMR on a team effort but the team is random with huge skill diffrences. Then i compares your MMR to the oposing average for raiting win/loss.

> ame rules for all and a huge number of games should even it out ...

> To have a better score and fairer matches i would suggest the following.

> 1.) Professon MMR and lock them on Q.

> 2.) Only solo Q.

> 3.) Balace teams after selecting players. Split most used class and then calculate for the most even team. (there can be stacking left but should be minor).

> 4.) Calculate win/loss on both teams average and not expect to carry ... With 1-3 even a fixed ammount would work due to sides being mostly balaced.


> But wait ... such a balanced system would result in a close to 50% win rate if you are at or close to your "Spot".


> And even if i trash 3 of the oponents team my team ofte nruns around like headless chickens so we loose annyway. I have 1:3 far and oponent caped mid and close .. so eh ...



I'd argue the opposite. Solo Queue Heroes ruined PvP...


So bring back Team Queues.

Keep the current MMR, but instead of comparing individual MMR to the opposing team's average, go for average team vs average team.

Allow character change on warmup, AND allow teams to see the enemy Elite specs, and Runes for example, as to allow counter-plays. Instead of burdening the match-making algorithm with the effort of balancing the professions on each team.

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> @Wolfric.9380 said:

> Well the whole system is flawed... It measures you MMR on a team effort but the team is random with huge skill diffrences. Then i compares your MMR to the oposing average for raiting win/loss.


That's actually the correct way of doing it though. Average vs Average results in rating becoming wildly inaccurate at best, to being completely unrelated to skill at worst. Individual vs Average gets the most accurate results.


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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > You can do something: win the matches that you play against lower MMR teams (aka carry)

> > > >

> > > > Solo carry in a conquest mode is nigh impossible unless your team can at least compete with the oposing team. If your team is being steam rolled by the oposition there isn't much you can do by yourself.

> > > Speaking of experience today personally I can play around 1v2 a lot of times during morning times as I'm getting matched with lower ranked people. Then in 3v4 they should really be able to win the other points which usually is the case.

> > > Point is, if you are losing -15-20 and gaining +6 for matches that means you should be winning like 4 out of 5 games. That's how it is balancing out you playing against low tier ppl

> >

> > The problem is that low tier people aren't always low tier people. Some guys could be on their alts, others could have dropped after a losing streak, and obviously some might have gotten carried. There are a lot of factors that ruin this otherwise perfectly 'balanced' system.


> Don't forget epic placements where people from plat/legend get placed in low gold so they can farm low ranks with 100% win rate while they climb back (was like that for me and quite few other players i met).


I personally not Legend but I've been using this logic to tank myself to silver for easy farms.... Most games I have a score of 18/0 or better. It's good for the PIPS and games can be carried with any build or class. Once I get higher in the ranks, everyone is using META builds anyway, less fun.

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