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Unlimited Volatile Magic Gathering Tools


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> @Kas.3509 said:

> I'll be pretty upset if they release it just after discounting Unbound Magic Gathering Tools :P. But that's what they'll probably do.


I'd rather have it now than at the second to the last chapter in the story like they did last time, where you are getting to the end of maybe not even needing it any more.

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  • 3 months later...

I dislike the notion of new common currency (volatile magic) for every new living season, the only thing it does is to make my currency tab even long and more possible revenue for arena net. If its justification to prevent those who have a lot of the previous currency from having an excess advantage it also seems unnecessary because the most important items (ascended gear) needs the unique map resource anyhow.


If they really insist on doing this though I hope they make a mystic forge recipe to combine the functionality of unlimited unbound gathering tools and the unlimited volatile gathering tools (each strike gives same amt of both resources without reduction in quantity of each). It frustrating enough that I bought vanilla unlimited gathering tools and unbound ones as well even if they are still relevant, thanks to shared inventory slots there really is no benefit from having more than one unlimited gathering tool set.


Also necro because its the first google result for "Unlimited Volatile Magic Gathering Tools."

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Personally I don't find Volatile magic nearly as hard to get as Unbound magic. Pretty much a day or 2 doing occasional events in the 2 new zones and you can have 10k easily. Just tested this the other day, since I hadn't done it since before the nerf - 1 Palawadan/Great Hall run, killing all champs and only looting chests once netted approximately 4k volatile magic.


Unbound magic on the other hand (for me at least) is much harder to obtain, mainly because I generally steer clear of HoT maps, unless I absolutely need to do something on them.

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> @"Kas.3509" said:

> I'll be pretty upset if they release it just after discounting Unbound Magic Gathering Tools :P. But that's what they'll probably do.


It is a valid, and successful, marketing method within the scarcity and chaos business model they are using for the gem store. We don't have to like it, but unfortunately it works with enough people that there is a good chance you'll see it happen. If they wait a month or two between the sales, that's not as much of an issue though. It's more just standard rotation marketing.

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