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Just wanted to hear from some people what they think about the waypoint (fast travel) system not only in GW2 but other games as well.


I personally play mmorpgs first and foremost for the world, i need to get immersed in the atmosphere and lore to really be able to enjoy it. Which takes me to the waypoint system, this is something that breaks immersion every single time. For me anyway. The idea of being in one place on the map and then being half way across the entire world and then back again in a matter of 2 minutes... And there are soooo many waypoints all over the map you barely need to run anywhere just teleporting across the map however much you want. I dont like it, at all. I mean yeah sometimes you will have the people who are impatient af and want to teleport to every place that they need to get to but am i really the only one that feels like it completely kills immersion? It actually makes me wonder, why do these kind of games insist on this stuff? Especially the choice that GW2 made with having no mounts and instead have this very spamable waypoint system. Makes the whole running around with other people and interacting in the open world thing kind of not there. Cant tell you how many times i was trying to interact with someone only to have him disappear on the spot. Is instant fast travel really that sought after in these kind of games?

I would much rather have mounts in GW2 and little to no waypoints. The zones are not THAT big that you need to zap around from spot to spot.


I like GW2 as a game but the waypoint system is bugging me allot not going to lie.

Which of the popular mmorpgs dont have fast travel or atleast not spamable fast travel?




Btw yes i know that GW2 has a few mounts now, but for the longest time it didnt want to have it i guess?

Also, the mounts are only avaliable through the expansions, the core game is still mount-less and the primary way of getting around is still waypoints.

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For the most part, FFXI doesn't (didn't? Been a while) have any except for your home point you make to relocate to in case you die or something.

Or the special locations across the world which was like 9 or so locations that only be teleported to if you have a White Mage to teleport you there (usually for a fee).


I hated it as I didn't like having to take real like travelling time to get from one place to another.

Taking 30 mins to an hour to get to another part of the world... no, thank you.


I barely use waypoints though since mounts (and even before mounts I never used them unless do have to travel somewhere quickly).

That or if I'm in a town then I'm waypointing everywhere as it's completely free.

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> @Zeusx.2906 said:

> Just wanted to hear from some people what they think about the waypoint (fast travel) system not only in GW2 but other games as well.


> I personally play mmorpgs first and foremost for the world, i need to get immersed in the atmosphere and lore to really be able to enjoy it. Which takes me to the waypoint system, this is something that breaks immersion every single time. For me anyway. The idea of being in one place on the map and then being half way across the entire world and then back again in a matter of 2 minutes... And there are soooo many waypoints all over the map you barely need to run anywhere just teleporting across the map however much you want. I dont like it, at all. I mean yeah sometimes you will have the people who are impatient af and want to teleport to every place that they need to get to but am i really the only one that feels like it completely kills immersion? It actually makes me wonder, why do these kind of games insist on this stuff? Especially the choice that GW2 made with having no mounts and instead have this very spamable waypoint system. Makes the whole running around with other people and interacting in the open world thing kind of not there. Cant tell you how many times i was trying to interact with someone only to have him disappear on the spot. Is instant fast travel really that sought after in these kind of games?

> I would much rather have mounts in GW2 and little to no waypoints. The zones are not THAT big that you need to zap around from spot to spot.


> I like GW2 as a game but the waypoint system is bugging me allot not going to lie.

> Which of the popular mmorpgs dont have fast travel or atleast not spamable fast travel?






Waypoints are fine. When you have played the game for years you don't want to ride across all those areas constantly. It is just time eating feature and nothing else. I would rather play the content (dungeons/raids/wvw/pvp/fractals/LS) than spend my time crossing some imaginary field 1000 times a day.

Not to mention waypoints are not just some random clicky thinglies there, there is story behind them which you would know if you played the game from begin.

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I think within the GW2 universe, the system is very much embedded in the lore. The waypoints are Asuran by design and set up by the Asura's. They use the leyline network for energy to teleport humans from one point to another. In LS2, there is even a big bit how they discover it is the leyline network and how Mordremoth is attacking and destroying waypoints (you still can find waypoints that are out of use cause they are under attack by his vines, or allready destroyed). Most of the network was restored though by a young Progency, we all know as Taime.


All MMO's I have played actually had fast travel.

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Nice input people enjoyed reading!

Im fine with fast travel but im not sure about the sytem that GW2 has its way to spamable for my taste. I would love it if they made the waypoints fewer atleast. Think i will have to read up on the lore behind the waypoints so that i can accept it or atleast have it not bother me as much.

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> @Zeusx.2906 said:

> Nice input people enjoyed reading!

> Im fine with fast travel but im not sure about the sytem that GW2 has its way to spamable for my taste. I would love it if they made the waypoints fewer atleast. Think i will have to read up on the lore behind the waypoints so that i can accept it or atleast have it not bother me as much.


You will like Silverwastes and Siren's Landing (if you never unlock the teleports).


Silverwastes just has one waypoint. Siren has 1 and 5 others you can unlock if you want to waste some pearls.


Dragon's Stand has quite a bit, but pretty much only 3... while all others are contested until certain events/meta is completed.

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> @Zeusx.2906 said:


I would prefer to have WP.


The low number of WP in PoF is somehow balanced ( hell no :lol: ) due to the introduction of mounts, but the time sink in terms of movements is worst than CORE.

About HoT, it's all meta meant, so you follow the flow regardless the WPs ( or just swap zone with the dedicated WP ).

PoF has no meta and no WP compared to the other maps, which imho sucks.


If somebody feels the urge to not use WP and to walk by mount in order to lose time and "enjoy" more the game, good for him.

But please instead of asking about WP, he should simply not use them.


edit: i forget to say that the number of WP is lower if you compare CORE/HOT to PoF. Imagine that pof has larger maps and only 5 WPs.


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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Zeusx.2906 said:

> > Nice input people enjoyed reading!

> > Im fine with fast travel but im not sure about the sytem that GW2 has its way to spamable for my taste. I would love it if they made the waypoints fewer atleast. Think i will have to read up on the lore behind the waypoints so that i can accept it or atleast have it not bother me as much.


> You will like Silverwastes and Siren's Landing (if you never unlock the teleports).


> Silverwastes just has one waypoint. Siren has 1 and 5 others you can unlock if you want to waste some pearls.


> Dragon's Stand has quite a bit, but pretty much only 3... while all others are contested until certain events/meta is completed.


Looking forward to getting to those zones! Im still only level 25.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Zeusx.2906 said:


> I would prefer to have WP.


> The low number of WP in PoF is somehow balanced ( hell no :lol: ) due to the introduction of mounts, but the time sink in terms of movements is worst than CORE.

> About HoT, it's all meta meant, so you follow the flow regardless the WPs ( or just swap zone with the dedicated WP ).

> PoF has no meta and no WP compared to the other maps, which imho sucks.


> If somebody feels the urge to not use WP and to walk by mount in order to lose time and "enjoy" more the game, good for him.

> But please instead of asking about WP, he should simply not use them.



Thats a very hard thing to do, if you had the same mindset as me you would know why. Everyone playing the game is using the waypoints so if i was to just not use them i would be unnecessarily setting my self back. The system is there because you are supposed to use it, thats the way the game was made. I would in way be trying to make a game that i like within the game that it is. That would just be silly.

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> @Zeusx.2906 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @Zeusx.2906 said:

> >

> > I would prefer to have WP.

> >

> > The low number of WP in PoF is somehow balanced ( hell no :lol: ) due to the introduction of mounts, but the time sink in terms of movements is worst than CORE.

> > About HoT, it's all meta meant, so you follow the flow regardless the WPs ( or just swap zone with the dedicated WP ).

> > PoF has no meta and no WP compared to the other maps, which imho sucks.

> >

> > If somebody feels the urge to not use WP and to walk by mount in order to lose time and "enjoy" more the game, good for him.

> > But please instead of asking about WP, he should simply not use them.

> >


> Thats a very hard thing to do, if you had the same mindset as me you would know why. Everyone playing the game is using the waypoints so if i was to just not use them i would be unnecessarily setting my self back. They system is there because you are supposed to use it, thatts the way the game was made. I would in way be trying to make a game that i like within the game that it is. That would just be silly.


Not at all.

GW2 is mostly a SP in a MMO scenario.


* Core events are meant not to TPs

* HoT maps are just a flow of ppl who follow a long meta event

* PoF has no WPs, as you like, but you get mounts so you can shorten the dinstances.


Also, WvW, SPvP, Raids, Fractals, Dungens, etc... are not WPs related, so just the outdoor PvE is.

Your choice to use or not it.

As you can chose to dismount with the attack or not in order to allow others to tag.


A very hard thing to do... as sombody were forcing you... ;)

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:


> You will like Silverwastes and Siren's Landing (if you never unlock the teleports).


> Silverwastes just has one waypoint. Siren has 1 and 5 others you can unlock if you want to waste some pearls.


> Dragon's Stand has quite a bit, but pretty much only 3... while all others are contested until certain events/meta is completed.


Actually the Silverwastes have three waypoints; one at Camp Resolve, the second is on a small plateau near the Hidden Depths entrance (Sharp Valley) and the third one is below where the skritts are (Drydock Grotto).



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> @Zeusx.2906 said:


> I personally play mmorpgs first and foremost for the world, i need to get immersed in the atmosphere and lore to really be able to enjoy it. Which takes me to the waypoint system, this is something that breaks immersion every single time. For me anyway.


Even if they got rid of waypoints, the game is still stitched together with loading screens which are even worse for killing immersion, this game will never be immersive, that is the cold hard truth of it, how can you ever be immersed in a map that you load up...


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> @Vavume.8065 said:

> > @Zeusx.2906 said:


> > I personally play mmorpgs first and foremost for the world, i need to get immersed in the atmosphere and lore to really be able to enjoy it. Which takes me to the waypoint system, this is something that breaks immersion every single time. For me anyway.


> Even if they got rid of waypoints, the game is still stitched together with loading screens which are even worse for killing immersion, this game will never be immersive, that is the cold hard truth of it, how can you ever be immersed in a map that you load up...



I guess that depends on perspective. Some would D&D is immersive. Others would say text-based MUD games were immersive...


“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.” - GK Chesterton

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> @Zeusx.2906 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @Zeusx.2906 said:

> >

> > I would prefer to have WP.

> >

> > The low number of WP in PoF is somehow balanced ( hell no :lol: ) due to the introduction of mounts, but the time sink in terms of movements is worst than CORE.

> > About HoT, it's all meta meant, so you follow the flow regardless the WPs ( or just swap zone with the dedicated WP ).

> > PoF has no meta and no WP compared to the other maps, which imho sucks.

> >

> > If somebody feels the urge to not use WP and to walk by mount in order to lose time and "enjoy" more the game, good for him.

> > But please instead of asking about WP, he should simply not use them.

> >


> Thats a very hard thing to do, if you had the same mindset as me you would know why. Everyone playing the game is using the waypoints so if i was to just not use them i would be unnecessarily setting my self back. The system is there because you are supposed to use it, thats the way the game was made. I would in way be trying to make a game that i like within the game that it is. That would just be silly.


I think most of us, in our early days, didn't use Waypoints much, as we didn't possess the Gold. I know I didn't start using them a lot for years. At 'only L25', where is it you must waypoint to? If it is other regions, use the Portals in LA, which are very much a part of lore. If it is for Daily Map events, you are much better off _not_ following the zerg, trust me.


Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.

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