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[POLL]What is your favorite mount and why ?


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I don't own the griffon, so don't know if it's better, but the Springer is the most game changing mount IMO. The other mounts mainly allow you to go faster (over land - Raptor, over water Skimmer). The springer allows you to do stuff that wasn't possible before. It may not be the mount I use the most, but it is the mount that provides me the most fun.

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I don't have a Griffon yet. Just haven't felt compelled to get it since I can glide. I use Raptor most, with Springer and Skimmer relegated to an as-needed basis. Use the Jackal only when I absolutely have to. I like the way the Raptor handles, and I find the long leap useful pretty much everywhere.

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Griffon cause I have had a long time table top character who has a hippogriff. With the guardian getting dragonhunter I was able to fully build her, give her a mini pet that resembles her familiar and now she has her mount (close enough in a game that lacks horses).


Tied for second is Raptor and Skimmer. Love the movement with both and both help with getting around well.


Jackel I am neutral towards.


Sorry Springer, while you are super useful for getting up places you drive me insane and I can't imagine the movement not making my characters motion sick.

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1. Griffon. It flies.

2. Jackal. It's a cool sand dog thing, and I like its movement.

3. Raptor. It's the fastest, and it's a dinosaur.

4. Skimmer. I really like the look but it's pretty slow and clunky unless you're going over water.

5. Legs. Walking on your own feet is simple and reliable and even usable in combat!

99. Springer. It looks stupid, it's slow and it controls like a brick. Trying to jump up things gets really frustrating. I hate it.

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I **like**, in no particular order:


* The Jackal. It's a very unique design (the way it's made of flowing sand is both brilliant and beautiful), it's fast, it can be used to run through enemies thanks to the way it dodges attacks, and it has the highest endurance of all the mounts.


* The Raptor. It's not as unique as the jackal, but its animations are great. It's also very fast, and once the mastery that makes movement abilities dodge attacks is unlocked, it can also be used to run through enemies.


* The Griffon. Its sound annoys me a bit, but it's a nice looking mount, especially when flying. Its movement ability is incredibly unique, and it's the only mount that feels like it requires skill to be fully mastered.


I **don't like**:


* The skimmer. It's very useful on water, but it's waaaaay too slow on land. It has a very unique design, but the way it floats makes me want to puke sometimes. And its endurance only lasts for a very short time.


* The springer. I don't like its design (waaay too cute), and it's terribly slow. It's incredibly useful, sure, but I avoid using it unless I have to.

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Griffon wins for me because it's so adaptable to the enviornment. All the other ones sort of have specific advantages for specific situations, but getting to point B from point A you can take the same path as any others and run into no obstacles. It's like a jack of all trades and then some! I do love the raptor, it has the most character and personality of all of them, but I always get hung up on things getting around. I'd like springer a lot if it wasn't so cutesy, but I think it's good that the artists are sort of being versatile to accomodate different tastes.

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I like everything about the Skimmer. It’s like a hovercraft and it’s so silent and elegant. I like being able to just continuously hover over most terrain and the way it looks and moves is well designed. The griffon is a close second and useful in most situations. I like all the mounts and use each for different things:


The skimmer for most of my movement and to get over all the rocky terrain and avoid attacks.


The griffon for controlled descent or climbing. Also to get around the map a lot quicker if a high point is nearby.


The jackal for strategic maneuvering and travel. Caves and smaller spaced traveling. Also to leap up inclines as that works better on jackal than raptor.


The springer to skip going around walls or to get to high points so I can fly off. Also to complete map comp so much easier.


The raptor obviously for its long leaps if I really want to get around an open expanse as quickly as possible.


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I do like all of them, but I find that I use jackal the most, barely ever use the raptor, springer only when I need to go up and skimmer only to cross water. Do love the griffon, a lot so it is definitely close... but yeah I use jackal the most, even when it is just to stand around. But then it is the one I got a cool skin for that goes really really well with my character. Could change if I got new skins I enjoyed more for some of the other mounts.

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> @Thanatostasis.4562 said:

> All are great, springers don't get a lot of love do they? They're fuckn awesome, perhaps one of the most useful mounts, they should make a frog skin for the springer, now that would be awesome.


I agree Springer is the most useful mount in all of pof.


However despite being a lover of rabbits/hares I am not too fond of the cute chubby "bunny" design of the Springer. I'd have preferred them to model it on a realistic hare or rabbit.


As it is the face of the Springer isn't my cup of tea.

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