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When do we get to kill Braham?


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taimi = amusing

braham = emo with a "feed sad for me and do what i want" complex. really makes me want to kill him before he gets rox killed doing somethign stupid because of his arrogance. i LIKE rox. she's a good character. Braham is going to get people killed because "my mom died, what do you know of my suffering"


humility is a trait hard learned, in his case, i have a greatsword to shove up his behind to teach him it. A FLAMING GREATSWORD

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It kind sucks that they destroyed the only representatives of the norn on the story...first was Eir, completely uncessary death, there thousands of things they could have done with her, but they choose to kill her just for shook value...and now they are killing Braham character...he is acting nothing like a norn, and more like a "whinny Krytan" as the norns NPC on Hoelbreak say...Eir was my character mentor, is safe to say that she was more of mother to my commander then she was to Braham, acting the way he is doing he is only bringing shame to the name of Eir...my character being a norn would put him on the ground just for saying all that shit...also, in the Wolf pack can be only one Alpha, if he isnt willing to give us the respect that we deserve then he can hit the road and never appear again...aint even gonna talk about how he basically stole the glory of all Norn PCs by doing damage to the tooth of Jormag...

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Killing him would make sure he doesn't come back at all.


> *snicker.. smirk.. full belly gut laughter* Oh my... keep believing in Santa, true believer. Keep believing.



When was the last time we saw Eir or Scarlet or "Before I became a naked white mushroom demon looking thing with blades" Diarmid or many others that died?


Actually, have we ever seen Snaff alive? I don't mean the drawn images, I mean in-game itself.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > Killing him would make sure he doesn't come back at all.

> >

> > *snicker.. smirk.. full belly gut laughter* Oh my... keep believing in Santa, true believer. Keep believing.

> >


> When was the last time we saw Eir or Scarlet or "Before I became a naked white mushroom demon looking thing with blades" Diarmid or many others that died?


> Actually, have we ever seen Snaff alive? I don't mean the drawn images, I mean in-game itself.


Glint died, yet she was able to teach Rithlock the way of the Revenant, as well as other heroes that are supposedly dead (e.g. Shiro). This dead-thing is all messed up anyway. How can a centaur, a dwarf, and a charr be in the Mist, the realm of the human gods, and teach Revenant all their skills? So killing Braham might be a good idea story-wise, but it will not make him stay dead. For all we know, Eir is in the Mist too. And GW2 will somehow connect the Mist, Eternal Alchemy, the Dream, and the Spirit guide realm. Probably, they are one and the same city, just different districts.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > Killing him would make sure he doesn't come back at all.

> > >

> > > *snicker.. smirk.. full belly gut laughter* Oh my... keep believing in Santa, true believer. Keep believing.

> > >

> >

> > When was the last time we saw Eir or Scarlet or "Before I became a naked white mushroom demon looking thing with blades" Diarmid or many others that died?

> >

> > Actually, have we ever seen Snaff alive? I don't mean the drawn images, I mean in-game itself.


> Glint died, yet she was able to teach Rithlock the way of the Revenant, as well as other heroes that are supposedly dead (e.g. Shiro). This dead-thing is all messed up anyway. How can a centaur, a dwarf, and a charr be in the Mist, the realm of the human gods, and teach Revenant all their skills? So killing Braham might be a good idea story-wise, but it will not make him stay dead. For all we know, Eir is in the Mist too. And GW2 will somehow connect the Mist, Eternal Alchemy, the Dream, and the Spirit guide realm. Probably, they are one and the same city, just different districts.


That's what I said though in a previous comment that the only way I can see him coming back is maybe a spirit for Revenants that unless it made the class OP, they would more rather play a power based Ventari/Herald than use Braham.

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> @"ancientoak.4258" said:

> What about putting him on ice in the shiverpeaks =) Just some creative thinking over here. 10,000 year deep freeze for whining too much B)


THAT'S PERFECT!!! He can come face to face with Jormag and get frozen in a block of ice in a state of cryogenic sleep, and wake up just in time for Guild Wars 3!

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The problem is tha the's an unlikeable character in an otherwise rather bland or absent ensemble. He's the one of our "buddies" that stands out and it's not in a good way. I don't need him to be killed off or anything. I'd rather have that talk with him sooner than later and then continue my everlasting quest to save everyone all the time everywhere. I'm a big hero you know, and I'd just like to get Brahm's grief and puberty behind me before Kralkatorrik eats me(and everything else).

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > Killing him would make sure he doesn't come back at all.

> >

> > *snicker.. smirk.. full belly gut laughter* Oh my... keep believing in Santa, true believer. Keep believing.

> >


> When was the last time we saw Eir or Scarlet or "Before I became a naked white mushroom demon looking thing with blades" Diarmid or many others that died?


> Actually, have we ever seen Snaff alive? I don't mean the drawn images, I mean in-game itself.


Scarlet's holographic ghost still haunts Twilight Arbor, and lives on in miniature form, lurking quietly in a million wardrobes and biding her time...when you go to sleep tonight, ask yourself: is the door to the miniature wardrobe closed? Are you suuuuure?

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To people saying "well his mother died" I would like to point out that it's been 2 years since she died. He really shouldn't still be displaying such reckless and erratic behavior over it. I know deaths take time to get over, but he should have gotten past the "act like an ass to everyone" stage of grief and moved onto some new stage by now at least. And the fact that no one seems to be stepping up and telling him to knock this shit off is why he continues acting like this. Apparently the commander and every NPC in our ragtag group have zero backbone. Rox makes only half baked attempts to bring him to reason, but at least she tried (sorta).


Someone needs to sit him down and give him a major talking to about his behavior. He needs to look at the bigger picture before he really messes everything up.


Hell, even in the latest instance when the commander tried to make nice by showing appreciation for his help he passes it off as "instincts kicked in" as if he didn't actually mean to save us. Rox tried to smooth it over by mentioning how much we have saved him and all he does is grunt.


I don't know if I would say I want to kill him. But I *really* want to punch him in the face.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> To people saying "well his mother died" I would like to point out that it's been 2 years since she died. He really shouldn't still be displaying such reckless and erratic behavior over it. I know deaths take time to get over, but he should have gotten past the "act like an kitten to everyone" stage of grief and moved onto some new stage by now at least. And the fact that no one seems to be stepping up and telling him to knock this kitten off is why he continues acting like this. Apparently the commander and every NPC in our ragtag group have zero backbone. Rox makes only half baked attempts to bring him to reason, but at least she tried (sorta).


> Someone needs to sit him down and give him a major talking to about his behavior. He needs to look at the bigger picture before he really messes everything up.


> Hell, even in the latest instance when the commander tried to make nice by showing appreciation for his help he passes it off as "instincts kicked in" as if he didn't actually mean to save us. Rox tried to smooth it over by mentioning how much we have saved him and all he does is grunt.


> I don't know if I would say I want to kill him. But I *really* want to punch him in the face.


Bring Eir back as a Druid, and have her do it.

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Was he even in the PoF storyline? I don't remember seeing him after he cry pouted away in season 3, and I only played through PoF once so far, at launch. I remember not being annoyed by him, so I assumed he was missing (but not missed). I would be fine if they turned him into a man, but it disgusts me the person chosen to represent the "viking" race is such a whiney pussy.

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> What is it with people wanting to kill everything in sight? There are other ways to remove characters from primary story without killing them.


LOL. It's a game where the solution to every problem, by design, is killing something or at least beating it down until it gives up. I used to wish there was a diplomatic option to some challenges, but eventually I gave up and accepted the holy teachings of anet that violence is the answer to everything.

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Think everyone is being a bit too harsh. We all need a BROham in our lives. I mean, just think of Taimi. She'd be sad and lonely without her bro. I mean our PC is running off to fight dragons and everything else. Rytlock and Canach are just grouchy old codgers and between the two of them, couldn't change a nappy (diaper) between them selves. As for Marj and Kaz. Kaz looks like she wants a baby with Marj, whilst Marj wants to focus on her career. As for Rox, she's got her hands full with Bro since he's needs her to wipe his nose clean. And since Taimi needs a playmate, Bro is the perfect candidate!! :D.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > What is it with people wanting to kill everything in sight? There are other ways to remove characters from primary story without killing them.


> I know right?


> A lot of forum users here need a hug.


None more than Braham.


If by hug you mean backhand slap across the face a couple of times.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > What is it with people wanting to kill everything in sight? There are other ways to remove characters from primary story without killing them.

> >

> > I know right?

> >

> > A lot of forum users here need a hug.


> None more than Braham.


> If by hug you mean backhand slap across the face a couple of times.


He needs a hug from Kralk's mouth.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> LOL. It's a game where the solution to every problem, by design, is killing something or at least beating it down until it gives up. I used to wish there was a diplomatic option to some challenges, but eventually I gave up and accepted the holy teachings of anet that violence is the answer to everything.

Naw, that started way before anet. Murder Hobos be us for the most part. Kill everything, take all the loot.


What can I say other than I prefer a bit more than half denominational story plots any more.



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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > Killing him would make sure he doesn't come back at all.

> > >

> > > *snicker.. smirk.. full belly gut laughter* Oh my... keep believing in Santa, true believer. Keep believing.

> > >

> >

> > When was the last time we saw Eir or Scarlet or "Before I became a naked white mushroom demon looking thing with blades" Diarmid or many others that died?

> >

> > Actually, have we ever seen Snaff alive? I don't mean the drawn images, I mean in-game itself.


> Scarlet's holographic ghost still haunts Twilight Arbor, and lives on in miniature form, lurking quietly in a million wardrobes and biding her time...when you go to sleep tonight, ask yourself: is the door to the miniature wardrobe closed? Are you suuuuure?


........i hate you.....so much.......

*glares at miniature wardrobe*

.......never gonna get a good nights sleep again........crap

*sees red hair peak out of wardrobe*

DIE *throws GS*

......oh crap that.....wasn't scarlet.......sorry........

*throws dagger just in case its scarlet in disguise*





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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > What is it with people wanting to kill everything in sight? There are other ways to remove characters from primary story without killing them.


> I know right?


> A lot of forum users here need a hug.


It's not difficult to understand


Season 1 doesn't exist and many players have never experienced it and thus half the characters are souless people who just showed up one day. The reward for killing an elder dragon was to be knocked out cold and kidnapped by a bunch or weirdos with a strange obsession with calling you boss. Then all of a sudden one of these strangers gets all hateful. There is no connection and thus the only thing you have is a character you'd rather not have around and thus people want them removed and behold Braham was indeed removed from the picture. Though he will return unless we kill him or something the random nobodies have appeared less and less which is a good thing. The don't care about them thus some want them dead and others don't care one way or another people aren't invested in these characters whose stories exist outside the game so disliking them in natural.

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