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Did you play the original Guild Wars?

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I heard a ton of good things about the story, mainly through others complaining about the terribleness of recent story on these forums. From the descriptions I heard you would have thought it was a classic masterpiece that would last through the ages. So, I decided to get the bundle with Factions, Nightfall and Prophecies. I made an elementalist and loved the gameplay of the class, but I HATED HER because of her awful fan-service armor. I could never stop staring at it. Oh, and her awful breast-shaking dance animation. I did it once and never did it again.

I was having an OK time with the story. But the gameplay was too much for me.

I didn't like how the skills worked, I hated how I was trapped and couldn't move as freely as I wanted to, it was slow-paced, the graphics were... not great, and Post-Searing Ascalon. UUUGHGH. Post-Searing Ascalon was a factor in of itself. It was depressing, repetitive, and slow to move through with all the enemies all over the place. I hated the popups that popped up when I hit '1' too much. I hated the awful ground, the depressing music, the constant fighting. And when I went north of the wall to level it only became a million times worse.

I tried Nightfall, I couldn't get into it.

I tried Factions, I disliked it.

I tried, I really, really tried to get into the game. I played it like I was doing a chore. But eventually I realized it was only stressing me out and I quit.

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> @Chorne.8195 said:

> I heard a ton of good things about the story, mainly through others complaining about the terribleness of recent story on these forums. From the descriptions I heard you would have thought it was a classic masterpiece that would last through the ages. So, I decided to get the bundle with Factions, Nightfall and Prophecies. I made an elementalist and loved the gameplay of the class, but I HATED HER because of her awful fan-service armor. I could never stop staring at it. Oh, and her awful breast-shaking dance animation. I did it once and never did it again.

> I was having an OK time with the story. But the gameplay was too much for me.

> I didn't like how the skills worked, I hated how I was trapped and couldn't move as freely as I wanted to, it was slow-paced, the graphics were... not great, and Post-Searing Ascalon. UUUGHGH. Post-Searing Ascalon was a factor in of itself. It was depressing, repetitive, and slow to move through with all the enemies all over the place. I hated the popups that popped up when I hit '1' too much. I hated the awful ground, the depressing music, the constant fighting. And when I went north of the wall to level it only became a million times worse.

> I tried Nightfall, I couldn't get into it.

> I tried Factions, I disliked it.

> I tried, I really, really tried to get into the game. I played it like I was doing a chore. But eventually I realized it was only stressing me out and I quit.


Pretty much this for me. Only game I've ever tried to get a refund, and by then it was too late. But, to be fair, I did like my spirit spammer. Might go back one day and try again.

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> @Tachenon.5270 said:

> I started playing Guild Wars in May of 2005. It was my first MMO-style game. Whee. Here's my paragon from Nightfall. Guess where he is.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/WofAGu7h.jpg "")


Standing in front of the the Sunspear Great Hall, a short jog from Kamadan and looking toward the water where the Paragon creature boss is, a little to his right?

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> @Chorne.8195 said:

> [...]

> I didn't like how the skills worked, I hated how I was trapped and couldn't move as freely as I wanted to, it was slow-paced, the graphics were... not great, and Post-Searing Ascalon. UUUGHGH. Post-Searing Ascalon was a factor in of itself. It was depressing, repetitive, and slow to move through with all the enemies all over the place. I hated the popups that popped up when I hit '1' too much. I hated the awful ground, the depressing music, the constant fighting. And when I went north of the wall to level it only became a million times worse.

> [...]


I can understand this. Post-searing Ascalon was quite long and repetitive. With constantly popping up Devourers, low quest experience and little rewards otherwise. Especially when you left pre-searing quickly then post-searing had a very rough start.


For me, full of nostalgia, still liked it a lot. But it was my first MMO experience, I was at a point where I thought I already missed the boat with games like WoW so I was stunned I fount a beautiful gem of an MMO that I could quite easily get in to and also could afford. (No-timely-fees was a must-have for me back then)


I still ran around with your typical newb build, Elementalist spamming flare at everything and with ranger secondary for troll's unguent (healing) and of course a melandru's Stalker pet. But the game was forgiving enough and sometimes I just needed a level or two to continue. I only started using proper builds after completing Factions or maybe even Nightfall. Learning goes slowly when even the genre is new. But to me, personally, it has been a wonderful journey.



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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > @Tachenon.5270 said:

> > I started playing Guild Wars in May of 2005. It was my first MMO-style game. Whee. Here's my paragon from Nightfall. Guess where he is.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/WofAGu7h.jpg "")


> Standing in front of the the Sunspear Great Hall, a short jog from Kamadan and looking toward the water where the Paragon creature boss is, a little to his right?


Meanwhile, in the present...


![](https://i.imgur.com/ndY4IU6h.jpg "")

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"Chorne.8195" said:

> > [...]

> > I didn't like how the skills worked, I hated how I was trapped and couldn't move as freely as I wanted to, it was slow-paced, the graphics were... not great, and Post-Searing Ascalon. UUUGHGH. Post-Searing Ascalon was a factor in of itself. It was depressing, repetitive, and slow to move through with all the enemies all over the place. I hated the popups that popped up when I hit '1' too much. I hated the awful ground, the depressing music, the constant fighting. And when I went north of the wall to level it only became a million times worse.

> > [...]


> I can understand this. Post-searing Ascalon was quite long and repetitive. With constantly popping up Devourers, low quest experience and little rewards otherwise. Especially when you left pre-searing quickly then post-searing had a very rough start.


> For me, full of nostalgia, still liked it a lot. But it was my first MMO experience, I was at a point where I thought I already missed the boat with games like WoW so I was stunned I fount a beautiful gem of an MMO that I could quite easily get in to and also could afford. (No-timely-fees was a must-have for me back then)


> I still ran around with your typical newb build, Elementalist spamming flare at everything and with ranger secondary for troll's unguent (healing) and of course a melandru's Stalker pet. But the game was forgiving enough and sometimes I just needed a level or two to continue. I only started using proper builds after completing Factions or maybe even Nightfall. Learning goes slowly when even the genre is new. But to me, personally, it has been a wonderful journey.




Barely related to your comment, but:


I don't recall devourers as having been all that much of a pain to me back then, but I audibly groaned when I saw, and actively avoided encounters with Wind Riders - my recollection is that they were very powerful enemies as they always destroyed me, so I hated and _feared_ every encounter with them.


Now my experience with Wind Riders in GW2...that's another story.




# **Story time!**




When GW2 released, I recall my first encounter with Wind Riders; the hero challenge and vista in the lower left of Caledon Forest. As my first ranger, my first sylvari and my first time in Caledon Forest, I found myself up at the vista on the ledge and peered down to see several Wind Riders around below me, with a 'Veteran' and twin body guards on a little island near the hero challenge. I went the other way. It was not until I had finished exploring the rest of the entire zone that I felt I knew enough of how to handle my ranger that I could chance an encounter with my bane of GW1 to get that lone hero point and complete the map for the reward.


What follows is a not-so-dramatic tale of that encounter. (ok, maybe it _is_ a bit dramatic)


> I traversed the bushes and the spiders as I made my way down from the vista ledge into the "lion's den" of Wind Riders (Rider's Den?), where I quickly encountered my first one floating before me.


> I primed my bow and strode forward as I released my fury of arrows. My pet dove in for an attack - this poor beast had no idea what a fight it was in for and I feared I would lose more than one of my companions during this fight, and mostly likely myself if my previous exploits in Tyria were anything to go by.


> Tooth, claw and metal ripped into it as I awaited the unleashing of its hellish assault.


> Confusingly, at first it did not seem to notice that it was being assaulted.


> However, it was not long before the hovering horror had apparently become annoyed enough by our "assaulting it" that it deigned to rotate to face me.


> 'Oh, crap.' I recall physically vocalizing.


> I instinctively activated my heal-over-time area healing ability that also removed conditions, which I knew all too well were horrific from past encounters with this new beast's old friends.


> ...


> Nothing happened.


> Did I read my enemy incorrectly? Was this creature already engaged and distracted by some hidden foe I could not see?


> Such thoughts had barely begun to creep into my mind that perhaps something was wrong when I noticed... it was staring at me.


> It was staring at _me_. Not at my pet, who was slashing away at its tentacles, at _ME_!


> I then began to see this lightish-red glow growing in intensity in its "eye."


> I braced for what felt like an eternity for this ray of ruin to sere its way through to the very core of my being.


> I briefly flashed back in my mind and relived all of those dozens, hundreds, thousands(?) of visits to resurrection shrines at the hands (tentacles) of the likes of this one.


> I came back to the present and, while it wasn't actually an eternity since the glow had begun, it was at least four or five seconds and I realized that I was still alive. My _pet_ was still alive. I had survived several seconds longer than I had in many of my 'past' encounters with this enemy.


> Here I was now, a minimum of five seconds into this fight I prepared for and nothing had happened. It was nearly dead and nothing had happened!


> I became excited and began to cheer for myself (internally) as I clearly have become quite good to be on the verge of besting such a foe without it so much as successfully making a single attack in retaliation.


> Then something _did_ happen - my life line, my happy place of health restoring, my ring of condition removing ... it was gone.


> My internal cheering ceased and my eyes narrowed as I realized the truth of my situation.


> This crafty, crafty fiend, I thought.


> Just as I have continued to improve my mind since the last time I encountered the likes of it, so, too, did its kind do a bit of improving of its own!


> It was waiting...


> **Then it hit me.**


> -- My world became pink --


> My heal ability was exhausted.


> -- My world was still pink --


> My arrows continued to fly.


> -- My pet was surely in its own pink hell as its teeth gnashed away at a dangling tentacle --


> Seemingly never-ending conditions poured over me as I imagined the hero challenge orb glowing softly to one side, sighing as a glowy orby thing might sigh as it saw yet another almost-hero fail at the challenge of besting its wicked guardians.


> Some hero.


> I was surely on the verge of death by now, despite victory having appeared to have been so close - death, the penalty for underestimating the latest generation of its kind.


> Then...my world returned...


> The pink was gone!


> My foe, my _nemesis_ was dead!


> I had barely taken any damage from its glow of woe, its beam of blight, its...


> Wait, how?


> How was I alive and nearly unscathed and it lie there in front of me defeated?


> My pet came bounding back to me, appearing to be pleased with its kill and likely also to be free of the torturous, close-up chromatic experience.


> Why was I not the one lying wet, crumpled and dead as nearby critters laughed in their weird, chittering critter laughs at my audacity to take on the scourge of the ages?


> I stood in the shallow waters of this little corner of the world, defeating one floating once-terror after another. My pet and I even "challenged" and defeated the 'Veteran' and its twin sentries at the same time without much more than a single scratch.


> My bane had become...banal.


> And then...


> ...it finally dawned on me what had happened.


> Why?


> This terror...

> This menace...

> This floating, searing, destroyer of will and lives was...was...



> ...**nerfed**...


> :(


So set the stage for many of my adventures through Tyria. However, Tyria had changed over the centuries and there were enemies I would encounter that made me long for the Wind Rider of GW1.


If you read that, thanks for spending your time reading it instead of getting more coffee.


Ok, you can go get more coffee now, I'm done.

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  • 7 months later...

Been playing since Beta Weekend 4 (I think it was 4... it was the one where Gwen ran around casting Spontaneous Combustion on everyone right before the servers shut down).


And now, I've started teaching my son to play. He's a Level 7 Ranger, still roaming around in pre-searing. He keeps looking at the pre-searing world map and saying "wow, it's so big!" Kid, you have no idea what you're in for....... =)

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I got a demo of it back in 2004, came in a Gaming Magazine. Remember when those were a thing?

I played it, but although i enjoyed the bits i played, i was used to open world MMORPGs where you meet people all the time in the open as you play, and you had like 100 levels. So i ended up not playing past the demo since i wanted a real open world MMORPG, and also i thought that the 20 lvl limit would mean it would be a short-lived experience.

The first still holds true today, i still prefer GW2's "open World" to GW1's instances, but i admit i was wrong about it.


I did purchase GW1 a few years ago, but haven't progressed much, since it's kinda crappy not having people around to play with.

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Played GW1 - loved GW1. Started after EOTN came out and over the course of about a year went through all the campaigns. Started in 2008 if I can remember well. It was the best of times. I so long for them every now and then.


**Ascalon Eternal!**

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Yep! It came out my second year of college and played the hell out of it. Played from 2005 until about 2010, when grad school became a little too much. I picked up and started playing Guild Wars 2 on release as well, and have been at it on and off ever since.


I kinda wanna go back to GW1 now and then, after reading about those 2 devs still keeping it alive and updating it.

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I started playing like a week or more ago. I have a 7th level Ranger/Monk in I guess it's called pre-searing Ascalon? Not entirely sure what I'm doing, and have no bank and not sure where to get more bags, but I'm having a good time. Was playing a lot more before the last GW2 LW episode came out, but will probably get back to it again soon.


I do remember one thing that bugged me about it when I tried it when it first came out, but it's not as big of a deal to me now. It is what it is. Game still looks great.

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Started playing Guild Wars around Spring '08, after I spent some time watching my best friend play the game. If I remember correctly she was somewhere in the Echovald Forest at that time and I immediately fell in love with Cantha just by watching her play. Got Prophecies and GW:EN as a birthday present - rushed through the content on a elementalist and somewhere along the way I met a necro. With minions. And a flesh golem.


Do you guys remember the flesh golems? Those things were _huuuge_. Muscular. Intimidating. Somewhat cute. Best companion ever, although he wasn't much of a conversationalist. Anyways ... took me a while to figure out I wasn't going to get a flesh golem without Factions, so as soon as I had the money, I went to Cantha with a fresh new necromancer who eventually became my main. (Not just because of the flesh golem, but soul reaping. I still can't manage my energy D: )


Met a lot of awesome people through GW over the years; not just online but offline as well - especially at gamescom. Even managed to sneakily grab some original GW artworks. (Thanks again, poke! :D <3) Got to spend some time with a couple of devs and did a bit of interpreting for Gayle. gamescom's always been one of my favourite times of the year :)


Gotten a bit carried away there ... point is: Guild Wars is love!

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