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Give legendaries through content access


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With the new episode of LS4 was a new piece of legendary accessory released, a ring.

Which made me thinking again about the whole legendary mess we have currently, at least, I think we have one.


At this moment, there´s no way to get legendary armor or accessory or weapons without tremendous grind.

If you want to have legendary, you need to grind a massive amount of mats and while this is a way to avoid creating content, what I personally despise, wouldn´t it be cool if we could earn legendary stuff by doing actual content ?


Why not, Anet, getting your kitten up and developing a content-way for legendaries ?

Why not creating a tower with 1000 Floors, every floor is a huge dungeon that needs to be done in order to step up into the next floor.


Every floor has its own story, its own achievments, its own collections and its own bosses, not meat-balls but highly destructive bosses with low health, each with unique features and appereance, you can kill them fast but they can do the same to you, providing challenge instead of brain-dead hitting a sandbag.

Furthermore, to kill these bosses you don´t have to play a frickin´minigame, another mess in this game.

And no boss can deal damage without even touching you, lazy gameplay. I hate these kind of bosses.


But bosses aren´t the only challenge to finish a floor, every floor is an enormeous jumping-puzzle that involves the use of glider and mount.

To make it even more challenging, if you die you need to begin from the very beginning of a floor, there are checkpoints though. Every floor is unique and has different enviroment+bioms.


You can finish each floor and even the whole tower on your own but there´s the possibility to team up with up to 10 people, making it a remembrance to the old-instance style of gw1.


Additionally there´s an overall consistent story that you begin with the 1st floor and includes multiple characters, multiple-choices that have real impact.

The story is finished with the 1000st floor, rewarding you with titles, finished collections, achievments, weaponskins, a set of legendary armor + one legendary weapon.

Each floor has a necessary percentage that needs to be achieved in order to get the legendary rewards at the end, round about 90%.


In my opinion, this would be a good and fun way to get legendary armor and a weapon. No grinding of materials or time-gated things, no currency that needs to be farmed, just play and finish the tower.


Probably it would need a huge amount of recources, plenty of time for developing, though I think it would turn out to be worth it.


Now, what do you think ? Why not ?



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I think solo content that is as challenging or more challenging that a raid would be good, but tbh most people will be unable to do it. Most people can't even hack easy gw2 raids, rip even less people have ever cleared all of their t4's in under 20minutes. I don't think anyone but the most elite players will be clearing this content and I think we will have the same problem that we do now with raids and legendary armour.

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> @Shard.4791 said:

> The PvE grind on legendaries (even in raid legendary armor and pvp wings) is off-putting. I don't know if I can finish my legendary armor because it costs too much. But the items are of legendary quality so getting them shouldn't be easy or fast.


I don't want to get legendary stuff easy or fast either, I just despise the grind that's necessary in order to get the materials and gold.


I could spend my money on gems and convert them into gold, though I do want to earn a legendary without my wallet and without doing the same repetitive grindy activities over and over again.



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I have around 14 legendaries and have never once found it to be a grind. In fact I enjoy making them. The legendary I enjoyed creating the most was Chuka and Champawat due to its story.


I only play maybe 2 hours a day? So it's not like I'm full on playing non stop and have a vast wealth of resources. I just take it slow and enjoy the journey. Setting a goal for yourself and giving yourself something to do is how I keep myself engaged in this game.

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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> With the new episode of LS4 was a new piece of legendary accessory released, a ring.

> Which made me thinking again about the whole legendary mess we have currently, at least, I think we have one.


> At this moment, there´s no way to get legendary armor or accessory or weapons without tremendous grind.

> If you want to have legendary, you need to grind a massive amount of mats and while this is a way to avoid creating content, what I personally despise, wouldn´t it be cool if we could earn legendary stuff by doing actual content ?


Cool? Sure. Realistic? No.


Actual content is very slow and expensive to produce. You can't produce content keeping the players for thousands of hours in the game without resorting to grind of some sort. It is simply not possible. Players can exhaust content MUCH faster than you can produce it.

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> @Rawr.9467 said:

> I have around 14 legendaries and have never once found it to be a grind. In fact I enjoy making them. The legendary I enjoyed creating the most was Chuka and Champawat due to its story.


> I only play maybe 2 hours a day? So it's not like I'm full on playing non stop and have a vast wealth of resources. I just take it slow and enjoy the journey. Setting a goal for yourself and giving yourself something to do is how I keep myself engaged in this game.


Some people just see what's needed and don't even try. I have 17 legendaries including wvw body, fractal backpack, aurora and several HoT gen 2s and yeah it requires a lot of mats and work but if you set "making a legendary" or "making x legendary" as a goal and do it in pieces it really isn't as overwhelming as it seems. You're just like "this week is map completion time" or "I'm working on my gift of battle". It's a legendary it's not meant to be done overnight. And while it's true that some of the richer populations do them overnight once they finish exploration. The truth is the process takes most of us anywhere from 3 months to a year or maybe more. And most of the mats are obtained....by doing content.


Aurora, which I felt was a better way of doing legendaries. Was mostly earned by doing events and achievements. And while opening frostbitten chest #billion and not getting them item I needed was frustrating as hell it gave me something to do every day and when I moaned in map chat about it it always started a conversation with other aurora makers, people who completed the legendary, haven't finished that step, gave advice about using several chars etc. The same with the druid backpack. When people complained about that in chat there was always conversation: this guy completed it before they even released aurora, that guy finished it yesterday, x still needs x many days. And yeah while the whole basis of it was a complaint about it the chat was always light and nice and had an undertone of how they were excited to complete that section so they could finish x area and finish the legendary. My favorite anecdote about aurora though was when this guy finished the achievements for bloodstone fen and was in mapchat "omg I'm done I'm leaving forever" and before he left I was like "did you save enough bloodstones? otherwise you'll be back" he replies "hell no I salvaged them all" I go "you need 250 for the gift" him: "wat". The whole map cried on the inside for him.

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It seems you are requesting a full expansion (and then some) just for the sake of farming legendaries.

I'm okay with the current system. The mat grinding was mind-numbing, but that makes me all the prouder for having gotten through it. And the collection/scavenger hunt parts were fun and took me all over the world.


I would rather the devs work on another interesting new map and story than a gigantic Tower of Grind-Avoidance.


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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> With the new episode of LS4 was a new piece of legendary accessory released, a ring.

> Which made me thinking again about the whole legendary mess we have currently, at least, I think we have one.


> At this moment, there´s no way to get legendary armor or accessory or weapons without tremendous grind.

> If you want to have legendary, you need to grind a massive amount of mats and while this is a way to avoid creating content, what I personally despise, wouldn´t it be cool if we could earn legendary stuff by doing actual content ?


> Why not, Anet, getting your kitten up and developing a content-way for legendaries ?

> Why not creating a tower with 1000 Floors, every floor is a huge dungeon that needs to be done in order to step up into the next floor.


> Every floor has its own story, its own achievments, its own collections and its own bosses, not meat-kitten but highly destructive bosses with low health, each with unique features and appereance, you can kill them fast but they can do the same to you, providing challenge instead of brain-dead hitting a sandbag.

> Furthermore, to kill these bosses you don´t have to play a frickin´minigame, another mess in this game.

> And no boss can deal damage without even touching you, lazy gameplay. I hate these kind of bosses.


> But bosses aren´t the only challenge to finish a floor, every floor is an enormeous jumping-puzzle that involves the use of glider and mount.

> To make it even more challenging, if you die you need to begin from the very beginning of a floor, there are checkpoints though. Every floor is unique and has different enviroment+bioms.


> You can finish each floor and even the whole tower on your own but there´s the possibility to team up with up to 10 people, making it a remembrance to the old-instance style of gw1.


> Additionally there´s an overall consistent story that you begin with the 1st floor and includes multiple characters, multiple-choices that have real impact.

> The story is finished with the 1000st floor, rewarding you with titles, finished collections, achievments, weaponskins, a set of legendary armor + one legendary weapon.

> Each floor has a necessary percentage that needs to be achieved in order to get the legendary rewards at the end, round about 90%.


> In my opinion, this would be a good and fun way to get legendary armor and a weapon. No grinding of materials or time-gated things, no currency that needs to be farmed, just play and finish the tower.


> Probably it would need a huge amount of recources, plenty of time for developing, though I think it would turn out to be worth it.


> Now, what do you think ? Why not ?




Why no?


You speak of Square Enix; Final Fantasy 11/14


Square Enix (yet not perfect) continuously strives to improve fair competition, challenges and continuously implementing Risk+Rewards and fun for their players.

Resulting in Square Enix gaining a positive reputation in the gaming industry including its gaming community.


Please! keep Square Enix out of this game.



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NCSoft loves towers with progressivly stronger mobs. The 2002 released Lineage2 had the Tower of Insolence and I would not be surprised if such a tower even had been in Lineage 1 before :) It also was put into the Lineage2 Revolution game marketed by Netmarble. Ah, and Aion has one too now, since a few months ago in NA/EU, of course longer in korea.

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> @Taranis.7451 said:

> Yet another thread where somebody wants the rarest in-game items for as little effort and grind as possible. This is an MMO, not kindergarten.


The rarest thing in this game is modest, kindness and compassion, and you will have an easier time finding those in kindergarten.

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> @Taranis.7451 said:

> Yet another thread where somebody wants the rarest in-game items for as little effort and grind as possible. This is an MMO, not kindergarten.


Never asked for no effort, I only don't like grinding ergo doing the same over and over again without actual reward.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> It seems you are requesting a full expansion (and then some) just for the sake of farming legendaries.

> I'm okay with the current system. The mat grinding was mind-numbing, but that makes me all the prouder for having gotten through it. And the collection/scavenger hunt parts were fun and took me all over the world.


> I would rather the devs work on another interesting new map and story than a gigantic Tower of Grind-Avoidance.



Not for farming legendaries. The legendary rewards are given out once per finished tower on one character.


Anyway, it looks like I either have to wait for the third expansion or until GW3 is released but even then I doubt that Anet can change its way how they're creating content.


Or I develop my own game, sounds pretty easy to do, it will only take decades to prepare.

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