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Do raids need easy/normal/hard difficulty mode? [merged]


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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> Yaya, now the time schedule is the problem. People like you just trigger me. If you don't like the idea of an easy mode then just say it. Don't try to make up new arguments just so you can stay on course.

> The developers' don't have enough time blablabla. Fact is if the majority of the community wants something they will get it. They want the money, we want the content. It's just that easy. That's how it has been ever since money was invented. Some of you might think differently since developers have integrity too, but this is not about interfering with lore or visual design, it's purely technical.

> And yes, not every boss needs an easy mode, I agree, that still doesn't mean there can be for other bosses.



No, it's people like you stepping into a thread with 85 pages and accuse others like me who have already made a fair statement about easy mode raids **and you haven't read those proper arguments for and against an easy mode.** I demand you do that before making false claims! This is disgusting and disrespecting at its finest, really! Usually it's not worth any more time to continue discussing with you.


But hey it's christmas. I tell you what: There isn't a majority of the community wanting easy mode raids. The huge majority of casuals isn't even interested in fractals as you can see every day in the lfg, inside of fractals and while browsing through reddit & this forum.

Furthermore if easy mode raids would be that kind of cash cow we'd already have them. They are not but instead they turned out to be more successful than Anet expected. And the model is clear: Content for a special target audience that wants to have a little bit of challenging content while 99% of the game is casually easy.

Don't you think that if they have the resources, if they see the need of easy mode raids and if they want to have the money (of a fictional subset of players you claim to exist) they would at least announce the development of easy mode raids? Instead we got one single clear statement which was posted more than once in this thread you haven't read properly: There are no plans to an easy mode.

I don't know in what kind of business you are working in (if you do) but I think we can be very sure that Anet has the tools to monitor player behaviour and know where to set the main focus. It's not raids or even easy mode raids otherwise we would get more content like new fracs and new raid wings. It's things like beetle racing, living stories and other small side stories/events/things. Not to mention glider/mount skins that bring in most of the money.


I'll repeat my suggestions about an easy mode I have made several times in this thread now:

1. Delete one LS team so we get a living story every 6 months

2. Take this team to develop easy mode raids

**Interlude: The majority of the community would rip Anet into pieces.**

3. Balance properly to:

- blues & greens from champ boxes (like we get now predominantly)

- 10-20s per boss

- one rare per boss (see world bosses & Freezie)

- 10-20 magnetite shards & gaeting crystals per week as cap

- very little chance of getting a mini or exotic weapon (see world bosses & Freezie)

- no access to legendary armor

- no accesss to raid specific armor & weapon skins

- no LIs and no gaeting crystals


4. Afterwards shift this team permanently to the raid dev team because GW2 will now be a raid centric game since "majority of the community" (citation: Clyan) wants to raid.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> You claim that doing easy mode would require doubling the amount of resources raids have. In that case i have a better proposal: do not make raid CMs - that will surely shorten the timeframe between new raid wings by half.


If it would generate more raid wings I would be all for it. Although we don't know how much this would change.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Digit.1823" said:

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > In general I think there should be a super easy mode, meaning you take very little dmg, but everything else is the same. You get NO reward for it, except, you can learn the mechanics.

> >

> > While your suggestion is appreciated, and please don't get me wrong, this suggestion has been made before and has been shot down before.

> >

> > There are a lot of insta kill mechanics in raids as it is, you cannot balance around those simply by "reducing damage". I mean how does one reduce something that kills you instantly regardless?

> >

> > Also, if the damage thresh hold is too low then why bother avoiding mechanics anyway? I mean if the green on VG only does 10% health damage instead of the current 70% (or somewhere around that number) then why ever bother going for the green circle? Might not be the best example since even with 70% damage it gets out healed anyway, but i hope you get the point i'm trying to make.

> >

> > See simply reducing damage in order to force people to learn mechanics is a bad suggestion in and of itself since it promotes nothing but lazy game play. Imagine someone coming from super easy mode to normal mode and then suddenly finding out he actually has to run around Sabatha's flame wall since he can no longer face tank it? Or finding out that the green @ vg actually does quite a bit of hefty damage?

> >

> > Or what about Slothasor's poison? I mean if you get super low damage anyway then you might just as well drop it on top of the group if it doesn't really matter, right? Oh how i imagine people would react if someone from super easy mode comes into normal mode slothasor and just drops the poison smack dab on the group because hey: "uuh, that's what we always do in super easy mode". Sounds a bit silly, but guaranteed that this is going to happen.

> >

> > And as a final small example, how does one reduce damage on Dhuum's soul split when you need to do a green circle? If you don't grab enough orbs that's game over, at least that's how it currently works. How would one go about fixing that kind of mechanic for an easier setting? You either can't, or you need to remove it all together but then the point of having people learn mechanics on lower difficulties has failed.


> Of course one shot mechanics should stay, as for how they function I'd consider them to be more mechanical than just a simple dmg output.


> I don't think you can't balance it. For Sloth just reduce the green poison dmg but keep the dmg from the poison you drop the same. Yes you can balance it, the idea that this isn't possible derives from the radical stance against the idea of an easy mode. For Dhuum it's the same. Just reduce the dmg on things that are not mechanical. Failing in collecting enough orbs will still be game over. And so on.


> Personally I feel like you don't even try to wrap your head around it. Claiming the bosses can't be balanced in any other way as they are right now is just silly.


But isn't keeping damage the same a counter point to easy mode? I mean wasn't the whole point you tried to make that everything got reduced damage so it would be easier to learn mechanics in "super easy mode"?


You're missing the psychological point though, i mean if people get conditioned to keep in mind that something is damaging but _survivable_ then to some degree they will learn to ignore it if the situation allows it. But then when you turn that same damaging component into an instant kill mechanic i bet you people are going to get caught off-guard by it and then they basically will have to re-learn to some extent.


So why not just skip that whole "middle-man" section and just let mechanics be mechanics and damage be damage? We already have quite a good set up with bosses of varying difficulties at the moment. The latest addition, Wing 6, is also an arguably easy experience compared to some of the older raids which is perfectly fine. If anything i would argue that Wing 6 is a perfect place to start raiding considering it's easy-to-get-into setting.



**Addendum**: Personally i feel like you don't even try to understand any other perspective then your own. (See what i did there?) I've read your commentary to some of the other posters and it really just seems like you're not the person to have a reasonable discussion with anyway. More like, you see us as nothing more then opponents to be conquered in some silly battle of wits or something. It just stinks of immaturity.


I mean honoustly: "You don't ask me to watch my tone, that's for starters, you're not a mod and if you can't handle it then report, but don't expect me to follow a stranger on the internet."


Really?...So you're not capable of rational unemotional discussion unless someone is literally a _mod on these forums_ and directly asks you to watch your tone? You can't do that when someone else who isn't a mod asks you this when it's been clear you're being very antagonistic against several people already? I mean...what?


It's quite odd though right? I mean..."Grrrrrr rawr i will not follow anything a stranger says on the internet, growl!!1" But then you expect us to follow you and the points you're making while you are, in fact, a stranger to us? Seems...hypocritical....no?


You're not special Clyan...you're just not. Everything you said here has been said before. That's why **multiple** people have already told you to go read the whole thread because everything you brought up has been done-and-dealt-with before. Literally everything...even your immature response at this very moment has been done before okay? You're not the hero to help the pro-easy mode crowd finally get rid of us filthy anti-easy mode monsters because you, and only you, can bring forth the indisputable arguments that will finally win this glorious battle of wits. It's hilarious to even entertain the thought.

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> @"Digit.1823" said:

> Everything you said here has been said before. That's why **multiple** people have already told you to go read the whole thread because everything you brought up has been done-and-dealt-with before.

Said, yes. Dealt with, not really. Although it is true that we shouldn't expect the same people having different reaction now to arguments they ignored before. Still, those arguments are still there, and i see no reason to stay quiet and pretend they disappeared just because some people didn't like them.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Digit.1823" said:

> > Everything you said here has been said before. That's why **multiple** people have already told you to go read the whole thread because everything you brought up has been done-and-dealt-with before.

> Said, yes. Dealt with, not really. Although it is true that we shouldn't expect the same people having different reaction now to arguments they ignored before. Still, those arguments are still there, and i see no reason to stay quiet and pretend they disappeared just because some people didn't like them.




That's the thing, we can't deal with most arguments. Since the discussions always (need to) stop, when it's about actuall work, since we do not have any insights on that. We can jerk our brains off as long as we like over this, but there will be no solution on our (player) side. As far as we know for now, easy mode raid is not going to happen, as long as anet says otherwise. This thread here is nothing but hot air.


I have been in this mess since the beginning, and there was not a single argument. That didn't end with guessing what's easy to make and what's not. That's no discussion, that's a guessing game. Zero value

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> You claim that doing easy mode would require doubling the amount of resources raids have. In that case i have a better proposal: do not make raid CMs - that will surely shorten the timeframe between new raid wings by half.


Let's take a look at Deimos CM:

> Saul no longer spawns a bubble to safely block Mind Crush, however Aegis and any other self-blocks will prevent the damage from it, so use those instead. Saul can no longer be healed, so it is vital to kill as many Prides and Greeds as possible before they can damage him.


Plus some increase to Deimos Health. Basically it adds no extra mechanics to the fight, but tweaks some of them.


Let's take a look at a proposal for Vale Guardian easy mode:

Greens should take longer to explode, greens should deal less damage

Vale Guardian should have less health, Vale Guardian should have shorter break bar, Vale Guardian should deal less damage

Seekers should deal less damage, maybe even slower

Lit platforms should deal less damage and/or take longer to activate

Am I missing anything?


Now compare a CM with the proposals for easy mode and you will find that the "easy modes" proposed on these forums alter every single mechanic of the fight, while CMs either add a completely new mechanic, or do small tweaks on existing ones.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Digit.1823" said:

> > > Everything you said here has been said before. That's why **multiple** people have already told you to go read the whole thread because everything you brought up has been done-and-dealt-with before.

> > Said, yes. Dealt with, not really. Although it is true that we shouldn't expect the same people having different reaction now to arguments they ignored before. Still, those arguments are still there, and i see no reason to stay quiet and pretend they disappeared just because some people didn't like them.

> >

> >


> That's the thing, we can't deal with most arguments. Since the discussions always (need to) stop, when it's about actuall work, since we do not have any insights on that. We can jerk our brains off as long as we like over this, but there will be no solution on our (player) side. As far as we know for now, easy mode raid is not going to happen, as long as anet says otherwise. This thread here is nothing but hot air.

Mount threads were also "nothing but hot air" up to a point anet released PoF. The same can be said about _raid_ threads before HoT. Do you really believe, though, that neither of those had any impact whatsoever on Anet's decisions to introduce the very things people asked later on? Not even in the slightest?

If you don't ask for it, you won't be given it.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > You claim that doing easy mode would require doubling the amount of resources raids have. In that case i have a better proposal: do not make raid CMs - that will surely shorten the timeframe between new raid wings by half.


> Let's take a look at Deimos CM:

> > Saul no longer spawns a bubble to safely block Mind Crush, however Aegis and any other self-blocks will prevent the damage from it, so use those instead. Saul can no longer be healed, so it is vital to kill as many Prides and Greeds as possible before they can damage him.


> Plus some increase to Deimos Health. Basically it adds no extra mechanics to the fight, but tweaks some of them.


> Let's take a look at a proposal for Vale Guardian easy mode:

> Greens should take longer to explode, greens should deal less damage

> Vale Guardian should have less health, Vale Guardian should have shorter break bar, Vale Guardian should deal less damage

> Seekers should deal less damage, maybe even slower

> Lit platforms should deal less damage and/or take longer to activate

> Am I missing anything?


> Now compare a CM with the proposals for easy mode and you will find that the "easy modes" proposed on these forums alter every single mechanic of the fight, while CMs either add a completely new mechanic, or do small tweaks on existing ones.

Yeah, let's compare that. Quadim/Dhuum CM changes for example do not make more changes that would be needed for easy mode.


Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Digit.1823" said:

> > > > Everything you said here has been said before. That's why **multiple** people have already told you to go read the whole thread because everything you brought up has been done-and-dealt-with before.

> > > Said, yes. Dealt with, not really. Although it is true that we shouldn't expect the same people having different reaction now to arguments they ignored before. Still, those arguments are still there, and i see no reason to stay quiet and pretend they disappeared just because some people didn't like them.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That's the thing, we can't deal with most arguments. Since the discussions always (need to) stop, when it's about actuall work, since we do not have any insights on that. We can jerk our brains off as long as we like over this, but there will be no solution on our (player) side. As far as we know for now, easy mode raid is not going to happen, as long as anet says otherwise. This thread here is nothing but hot air.

> Mount threads were also "nothing but hot air" up to a point anet released PoF. Do you really believe, though, that they had no impact whatsoever on Anet's decision of having mounts in that expac? Not even in the slightest?


> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > You claim that doing easy mode would require doubling the amount of resources raids have. In that case i have a better proposal: do not make raid CMs - that will surely shorten the timeframe between new raid wings by half.

> >

> > Let's take a look at Deimos CM:

> > > Saul no longer spawns a bubble to safely block Mind Crush, however Aegis and any other self-blocks will prevent the damage from it, so use those instead. Saul can no longer be healed, so it is vital to kill as many Prides and Greeds as possible before they can damage him.

> >

> > Plus some increase to Deimos Health. Basically it adds no extra mechanics to the fight, but tweaks some of them.

> >

> > Let's take a look at a proposal for Vale Guardian easy mode:

> > Greens should take longer to explode, greens should deal less damage

> > Vale Guardian should have less health, Vale Guardian should have shorter break bar, Vale Guardian should deal less damage

> > Seekers should deal less damage, maybe even slower

> > Lit platforms should deal less damage and/or take longer to activate

> > Am I missing anything?

> >

> > Now compare a CM with the proposals for easy mode and you will find that the "easy modes" proposed on these forums alter every single mechanic of the fight, while CMs either add a completely new mechanic, or do small tweaks on existing ones.

> Yeah, let's compare that. Quadim/Dhuum CM changes for example do not make more changes that would be needed for easy mode.

> (and not every change included in every easy mode proposal should probably be included, you picked the most extensive list, while in reality less damage/less health and a tweak to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough)




yes ,anet released mounts because they came to the conclusion that they could monetize this quite "easily".. which worked out quite well as it seams. not because some ppl on the forum wanted it. money leads the way. raid easy mode? how do you monetize it? exaclty.


and no, i dont think the forum had any impact. theire intern buisiness department had enough (extern)data to compare to. forums do not matter.


Edit: and we are back to the guessing game. yay.

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If people that wanted mounts did not ask for them, we likely wouldn't have mounts now. If people that wanted raids did not ask for them, we likely wouldn't have raids now. The same with easy mode - if people won't keep asking for them, we're not likely to get them. It doesn't mean that asking by itself is sure to produce results (because, obviously, it isn't), only that _not_ asking is practically certain to get you exactly nothing.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> If people that wanted mounts did not ask for them, we likely wouldn't have mounts now. If people that wanted raids did not ask for them, we likely wouldn't have raids now. The same with easy mode - if people won't keep asking for them, we're not likely to get them. It doesn't mean that asking by itself is sure to produce results (because, obviously, it isn't), only that _not_ asking is practically certain to get you exactly nothing.


You're right but it's also about the dimensions or the impact of requests.

Raids or let's take the synonym in GW2 "challenging content" was asked by a substantial and very vocal part of the community comparable to the whole PvP community or the WvW community. It was a tightened, pretty organized subcommunity with plans, ideas, guides and more things we don't even remember any more. Same thing with mounts. The keyword was used over years in the forums and reddit and was a very strong subject as well.

Maybe it's just me but I do not see this existing for an easy mode as well. I'm very sure I also mentioned it in this thread: If - and it's really an "if" - there is such a huge wanting & desire by a substantial community for easy mode raids in the whole GW2 community as we've seen for challenging content or mounts, this group should really organize themselves and make more "noise" and collect more support to have a big enough influence about the (next) orientation of the game. I don't deny threads like this one or some equivalence on reddit but you would be lying if you state that those are or were in a approximately comparable numbers like those for mounts and challenging content in the past. In addition to that it needs more than threads like this one where people exchange pro & contra arguments which most often are not verifiable from both sides!

Quite an opposite is the truth people demanding Anet to release their LS in the assigned time frame, are happy about (almost - hello Kourna) every release and putting lots of money into the game (latest NCSoft Reports) which clearly paints a picture of the existent player population being rather satisfied than disappointed about not having any kind of special content like for example an easy mode.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.


And this is why this entire thread has been useless since day 1. If you check just the previous few pages, what I posted is what others want from this easy mode, which is nerfing every single mechanic of the fights. If you recall back in the first few pages I even made a suggestion of making an easy mode similar to a CM, but in reverse (removing or tweaking one mechanic, at best two) but it was turned down by some of your "Easy mode" friends (others liked it though).


Making an easy mode similar to a CM is something I've been posting about since the very first thread about easy modes appeared. Yet, it's mostly the "easy mode" crowd that doesn't like it. Which is why posting about wanting an Easy mode without discussing at least some specifics about it, is a bit pointless.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.


> And this is why this entire thread has been useless since day 1. If you check just the previous few pages, what I posted is what others want from this easy mode, which is nerfing every single mechanic of the fights. If you recall back in the first few pages I even made a suggestion of making an easy mode similar to a CM, but in reverse (removing or tweaking one mechanic, at best two) but it was turned down by some of your "Easy mode" friends (others liked it though).


> Making an easy mode similar to a CM is something I've been posting about since the very first thread about easy modes appeared. Yet, it's mostly the "easy mode" crowd that doesn't like it. Which is why posting about wanting an Easy mode without discussing at least some specifics about it, is a bit pointless.


I think this idea is pretty good honestly. I think if we use the Lair of the Snowmen as an easy mode template and adjust the bosses to those difficulties that would be great.


The thing is, someone design the Lair of the Snowmen. Could this person or team or who ever designed this thing go back and make adjustments to the current raids for an easy mode? Then slap in a watered down reward system with maybe easy mode achievements.


The people who are complaining about not being able to do this content from a lore perspective would then be satisfied at the very least. Then this dwindles the people complaining to a smaller pool of people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.


> And this is why this entire thread has been useless since day 1. If you check just the previous few pages, what I posted is what others want from this easy mode, which is nerfing every single mechanic of the fights. If you recall back in the first few pages I even made a suggestion of making an easy mode similar to a CM, but in reverse (removing or tweaking one mechanic, at best two) but it was turned down by some of your "Easy mode" friends (others liked it though).


> Making an easy mode similar to a CM is something I've been posting about since the very first thread about easy modes appeared. Yet, it's mostly the "easy mode" crowd that doesn't like it. Which is why posting about wanting an Easy mode without discussing at least some specifics about it, is a bit pointless.


I would be all up for reverse CM that removes 1 mech new players struggle the most in raids, e.g teleports on Carin and VG.

And I still stand on that those mod don't give full reward and/or unlock achievements from legendary armor.

Bit of shards weekly cap to 250 (?) those usual trash drops with a chance to get ascended trinket(?). Something like that

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.

> >

> > And this is why this entire thread has been useless since day 1. If you check just the previous few pages, what I posted is what others want from this easy mode, which is nerfing every single mechanic of the fights. If you recall back in the first few pages I even made a suggestion of making an easy mode similar to a CM, but in reverse (removing or tweaking one mechanic, at best two) but it was turned down by some of your "Easy mode" friends (others liked it though).

> >

> > Making an easy mode similar to a CM is something I've been posting about since the very first thread about easy modes appeared. Yet, it's mostly the "easy mode" crowd that doesn't like it. Which is why posting about wanting an Easy mode without discussing at least some specifics about it, is a bit pointless.


> I would be all up for reverse CM that removes 1 mech new players struggle the most in raids, e.g teleports on Carin and VG.

> And I still stand on that those mod don't give full reward and/or unlock achievements from legendary armor.

> Bit of shards weekly cap to 250 (?) those usual trash drops with a chance to get ascended trinket(?). Something like that


Those teleports are marked with an orange border around your screen for some time now if you stand in them. Most mechanics are really well telegraphed.

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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> Those teleports are marked with an orange border around your screen for some time now if you stand in them. Most mechanics are really well telegraphed.

I'd suggest for easy mode at least using the old yellow border mark that _was_ visible. The new orange one just isn't visible at all. Or at least it's less visible than the mechanic itself, which makes it of dubious usefulness.


...tbh, i wouldn't mind returning that feature to original visibility even in normal mode. As it is it's mostly just a visual distraction and doesn't really help at all.


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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.

> > >

> > > And this is why this entire thread has been useless since day 1. If you check just the previous few pages, what I posted is what others want from this easy mode, which is nerfing every single mechanic of the fights. If you recall back in the first few pages I even made a suggestion of making an easy mode similar to a CM, but in reverse (removing or tweaking one mechanic, at best two) but it was turned down by some of your "Easy mode" friends (others liked it though).

> > >

> > > Making an easy mode similar to a CM is something I've been posting about since the very first thread about easy modes appeared. Yet, it's mostly the "easy mode" crowd that doesn't like it. Which is why posting about wanting an Easy mode without discussing at least some specifics about it, is a bit pointless.

> >

> > I would be all up for reverse CM that removes 1 mech new players struggle the most in raids, e.g teleports on Carin and VG.

> > And I still stand on that those mod don't give full reward and/or unlock achievements from legendary armor.

> > Bit of shards weekly cap to 250 (?) those usual trash drops with a chance to get ascended trinket(?). Something like that


> Those teleports are marked with an orange border around your screen for some time now if you stand in them. Most mechanics are really well telegraphed.


Yeah I know thank you. It was just an example my guildies complain when i ran training for them.

Funny fact that yellow gets overwrites by green if reaper is in shroud.

What I meant is, there is 1 mech that causes the most trouble in almost any boss. If it's not much trouble to make a CM for people run a SINGLE time for achievement. It shouldn't be a problem to make a reverse mote, or it would?

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> What I meant is, there is 1 mech that causes the most trouble in almost any boss. If it's not much trouble to make a CM for people run a SINGLE time for achievement. It shouldn't be a problem to make a reverse mote, or it would?


Well that SINGLE time achievement is supposed to be changing sometime in the future... any time now

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > What I meant is, there is 1 mech that causes the most trouble in almost any boss. If it's not much trouble to make a CM for people run a SINGLE time for achievement. It shouldn't be a problem to make a reverse mote, or it would?


> Well that SINGLE time achievement is supposed to be changing sometime in the future... any time now


I wasn't asking of what would became with CMs in raids.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > What I meant is, there is 1 mech that causes the most trouble in almost any boss. If it's not much trouble to make a CM for people run a SINGLE time for achievement. It shouldn't be a problem to make a reverse mote, or it would?


> Well that SINGLE time achievement is supposed to be changing sometime in the future... any time now

They said they were thinking about if it could be changed. They never said they were actually working towards that goal though, so don't hold your hopes up. I mean, they are also thinking about build templates, and you know how well it went so far.


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CM mode seems like it'd take less time to develop than an easy mode.


Easy mode actually has to hit a specific target; it needs to be able to be completed by ...% of people. I would figure this would add a fair amount of time that needs to be done in QA. Possibly they would even need to take on new QA members because the QA team plays at a certain skill level; I remember there being a mild kerfuffle over in WoW with Kil'jaeden being quite hard, caused by new members of their QA team being better at the game than who they were replacing.


CM mode doesn't. It's basically "hey what would this fight be like if we changed this mechanic" and because it's a CM and considered an optional element of the raid, there really aren't any targets on it which QA needs to deal with beyond "does it work".


It makes me think they would need to fundamentally rethink how difficulty works in raids to be able to actually deliver an effective easy mode. Maybe that's worth it. Honestly, I'd say its not, but I don't doubt that would be expected of me.

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> CM mode seems like it'd take less time to develop than an easy mode.


> Easy mode actually has to hit a specific target; it needs to be able to be completed by ...% of people. I would figure this would add a fair amount of time that needs to be done in QA. Possibly they would even need to take on new QA members because the QA team plays at a certain skill level; I remember there being a mild kerfuffle over in WoW with Kil'jaeden being quite hard, caused by new members of their QA team being better at the game than who they were replacing.


> CM mode doesn't. It's basically "hey what would this fight be like if we changed this mechanic" and because it's a CM and considered an optional element of the raid, there really aren't any targets on it which QA needs to deal with beyond "does it work".


> It makes me think they would need to fundamentally rethink how difficulty works in raids to be able to actually deliver an effective easy mode. Maybe that's worth it. Honestly, I'd say its not, but I don't doubt that would be expected of me.


That is exactly what we saying. What if they thing ;' hey what would this fight be like if we remove one mechanic' and because it will make fight bit easier, maybe people can go and get familiar with most of the fight.

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Good video about the topic:



Also, poll numbers for the record, for a total of 1022 votes:


* We need both easy and hard modes - 51% - 531 votes

* We need an easy mode, but not a hard mode - 7% - 78 votes

* We need a hard mode, but not an easy mode - 7% - 81 votes

* Raids are fine the way they are, combining bosses of various difficulties - 25% - 260 votes

* Raids have problems, but we need a better solution - 7% - 72 votes


We have 65% of the voters wanting easy or hard mode, 58% wanting easy mode, and 58% wanting hard mode. Only 25% are fine with the current status of raids, against a 74% which isn't happy with the current situation.

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