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Do raids need easy/normal/hard difficulty mode? [merged]


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I fail to see why so many pepole are agaist it.


It's because almost all raid bosses are very easy once you know how to properly move your char through a map - here: an instance - and using more button than pressing the number one repeatedly. There is just no need for a training mode if players would make a proper use of the abilities of their classes. Unless that's not happening and you are still failing as a group we can come back to the discussion later on.

See, when I did Escort (the first event in wing 3 and maybe the easiest encounter) with a pug and the requirement "know the mechanics" we wiped three times due to people being feared into mines or pushed from tower falling to death. They even wrote it in the squad chat: "I got feared" and stuff like this. None of them was using common sense to swap out skills for a simple stun break. For example the warrior refuses to put banners away although they are kinda useless in a very non-optimized group in an event like Escort).

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:


> It's because almost all raid bosses are very easy once you know how to properly move your char through a map - here: an instance - and using more button than pressing the number one repeatedly. There is just no need for a training mode if players would make a proper use of the abilities of their classes. Unless that's not happening and you are still failing as a group we can come back to the discussion later on.


Not all, second of all just like you said 'once you know how to properly move your char through a map' , can people go see that map without being frustrated over wipes? Just to learn how to move their chars on this maps?


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> Not all, second of all just like you said 'once you know how to properly move your char through a map' , can people go see that map without being frustrated over wipes? Just to learn how to move their chars on this maps?



Almost all!

I have raided with beginners who got recently into the game and had difficulties to farm exotic gear in a fast time frame to join us raiding. If such a player is able to gear a class and learn encounters within 4 days (2 days raiding per week) I expect veteran players in ascended gear (or even in exotic, it doesn't matter) to be able to not struggle very hard on simple encounters. Dhuum, Xera, Deimos and maybe 1-2 more depending on personal fondness are a different thing but if you cannot execute mechanics on Escort, Mursaat Overseer, Trio, Samarog within a month while trying 1-2 days per week for 1-2 hours you should really not play instanced content at all. I mean by now even some dungeons are harder for those players than raids where you mostly have 1-3 people playing the "heavy mechanics" while the rest just has to avoid perfectly marked red circles and smash some damage buttons. A veteran player knowing to get through dungeons and/or fractals is able to kill at least 50% of the existent raid bosses without tryharding very much.


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I'd say from my experience an easy mode rather hurts than helps anyone (especially the dedicated players that go for the hardest modes). Why is that so? Well, the thing is I've played various games that had the exact same approach to hard content with different stages that had different mechanics and scaling etc. - and boy did you have a hard time when trying to go for the upper third of the difficulty scale.

That was almost exclusively caused by people that cleared a lower level once or maybe twice, thought "eh that aint as bad now innit" to themselves and went straight for the hardest difficulty. Often times they'd just plain ignore new or re-spec'd mechanics and try to excuse themselves "because in normal mode it was like thisnthat". Even when we explained it to them what feels like a billion times they were unable and/or unwilling to adapt and caused wipe over wipe over wipe. (Gotta add that the specific game I am talking about here has no actual way of kicking a player and looking for a new one during a dungeon or raid so you are basically stuck with those lazy arses once you're inside - GW2 at least has that function)

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> The problem with fractals they are Overdone.


Now we have a problem with Fractals... but since you missed it, no amount of "training" in low tier fractals helps in any way or form in getting in teams for higher tiers of fractals. This is the case with 2, 3 or 100 tiers of fractals. Case in point, no matter how many times you run T4, your chances of joining a CM group will always stay at roughly the same. Close to zero, unless it's a training run. "But I've run T4 Nightmare 100000 times, why can't I join CM Nightmare?". Which will be the exact same with Raids.


Second, and even more important, in those other MMORPGs with multiple tiers, do they have a gear treadmill as well? Is running the easy mode tiers a good way of getting the next best gear for your characters? Now to my knowledge all of them are like this, which means the lower tiers aren't being run by players who enjoy running that kind of content but by players running it for their next gear tier. This happens in order to move on to the next tier until you reach your limit. Then a couple Raids later, the easy mode provides the same gear tier as the hard mode of previous Raids. Only reason raid tiers "work" in other games is because they are integral part of gear progression. I wonder if it's time to add such gear progression to Guild Wars 2?


> Wipe in singe mod leads to 'ummmmh, hard content, kitten with that, Ill go do something else'


You do know that Raid bosses in Guild Wars 2 start stupidly easy right? Not all of them I admit, but lots of them start so easy that are glorified world bosses with very little mechanics at first, that escalate as phases progress. A team that wipes at Vale Guardian before the first split phase is so bad at this game that they probably need to go play more in Verdant Brink and participate in some meta events to get better at the game. Gorseval, Sabetha, Matthias, Xera, Samarog, Deimos also start relatively easy to the point that an average exotic geared group can push them to their next phases. It's the binary thinking of wipe/succeed that ruins Raiding, it's more like a journey to beat each phase of a boss separately rather than an end result.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:


> > I fail to see how they cant look around and learn in normal mode tho.

> Wipe in singe mod leads to 'ummmmh, hard content, kitten with that, Ill go do something else'

> Clearly there is problem with raids, I payed a game that had same issue, they solved it, simply adding 5 free resurrections to a person that has less that 5 full clear to particular boss. But event that is hard to do then add easy mod cus you will need need to ad counter to every single player for every boss into database.


> I fail to see why so many pepole are agaist it.


> 1. As a person that knows a 'bit' of programming, I don't see any issue to add dozen 'if' functions to existing content.

> (If someone thinks they coded ever single fractal from scratches, you are wrong, it's one base code, with several 'if's)


> 2.People don't ask to make current raids with current reward easy, they ask for easy mod, with less reward, most of them don't even care of achievements and legendary armor.


> So why? My guess is there would be people that would learn raids, making that 'specific' feel of raiders to gone. This one reasonable explanation to me atm


1 theirs more to an easy mode then coding. Discussing how it should be implemented, ui considerations. Their is no way to now how long an implementation would take.


2 you might have missed it but their where/are people asking for the same rewards( because exclusivity is bad.)


You apperently consider the people who are against easy mode to do so out of malice. But some points against it where made for the health of the game mode and the game.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"qwerty.8943" said:

> > I did not read the entire thread....so.....ignore me now I guess

> >

> > But I have done both 'easy', and 'hard' and "yeah, there is no easy mode' raids in other games.

> >

> > I've spent so many hours waiting for a tank, or a healer...that at launch, the idea that we just needed 5 people to compete a dungeon, regardless of class, was really appealing.

> >

> > Today though seems completely different!!! If you want to do T4, or challenge motes, or (god forbid!) raids.......you MUST be the specific class / build needed (for that specific boss, never mind the instance!), and must play that class/build to the 90th percentile or above!

> >

> > Don't get me wrong, I am happy to practice my preferred class and role, outside of raids, to achieve the best performance I can. And I will log/record and review every encounter, so I can improve both my individual and team performance.

> >

> > But I feel there is such a 'cliff' to climb in GW2 raids, and the potential for toxicity if one fails, I'm afraid to even try.


> That's different. High-end groups will always be restrictive, because they want efficiency. This isn't correlated to the content itself, or its difficulty. People requested specific builds back when dungeon running was a thing. It's not that you can't complete fractals or raids in just about any composition. It's that the people who play them actively don't want to. And it is their choice. Lower difficulty would do nothing to dissuade them, so nothing would change.

It would do nothing to dissuade them, but it would allow people that do not care about efficiency clear the content as well. The difference is that when originally efficient builds and group composition helped you to clear the instance _faster_, now it helps you to _clear_ it. Originally, that efficient approach didn't really impact the success rate, merely the speed. Now it impacts both. And the impact is very significant.


For every efficient group doing dungeons there were 2-3 casual ones, that finished all the same. Now casual groups are almost non-existant (and if they do, they are _not_ filled with casuals, because only very experienced veterans can now pull that approach off). _That_ is the impact of difficulty level.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"qwerty.8943" said:

> > > I did not read the entire thread....so.....ignore me now I guess

> > >

> > > But I have done both 'easy', and 'hard' and "yeah, there is no easy mode' raids in other games.

> > >

> > > I've spent so many hours waiting for a tank, or a healer...that at launch, the idea that we just needed 5 people to compete a dungeon, regardless of class, was really appealing.

> > >

> > > Today though seems completely different!!! If you want to do T4, or challenge motes, or (god forbid!) raids.......you MUST be the specific class / build needed (for that specific boss, never mind the instance!), and must play that class/build to the 90th percentile or above!

> > >

> > > Don't get me wrong, I am happy to practice my preferred class and role, outside of raids, to achieve the best performance I can. And I will log/record and review every encounter, so I can improve both my individual and team performance.

> > >

> > > But I feel there is such a 'cliff' to climb in GW2 raids, and the potential for toxicity if one fails, I'm afraid to even try.

> >

> > That's different. High-end groups will always be restrictive, because they want efficiency. This isn't correlated to the content itself, or its difficulty. People requested specific builds back when dungeon running was a thing. It's not that you can't complete fractals or raids in just about any composition. It's that the people who play them actively don't want to. And it is their choice. Lower difficulty would do nothing to dissuade them, so nothing would change.

> It would do nothing to dissuade them, but it would allow people that do not care about efficiency clear the content as well. The difference is that when originally efficient builds and group composition helped you to clear the instance _faster_, now it helps you to _clear_ it. Originally, that efficient approach didn't really impact the success rate, merely the speed. Now it impacts both. And the impact is very significant.


> For every efficient group doing dungeons there were 2-3 casual ones, that finished all the same. Now casual groups are almost non-existant (and if they do, they are _not_ filled with casuals, because only very experienced veterans can now pull that approach off). _That_ is the impact of difficulty level.



The defining attribute of the content in question is its difficulty. Why should the ability to clear it in *easy mode* be of any consideration? It's like asking to be able to do guild missions solo. That's not their point.


Furthermore, the meta ALWAYS affects the success rate in addition to speed, except when there's absolutely no challenge at all. No instanced content in this game was ever *that* trivial. So there is no major difference here. The most you can argue about is that in raids the effects of meta are more pronounced. Which is only logical, as it is a direct result of their defining feature I just mentioned.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"qwerty.8943" said:

> > > > I did not read the entire thread....so.....ignore me now I guess

> > > >

> > > > But I have done both 'easy', and 'hard' and "yeah, there is no easy mode' raids in other games.

> > > >

> > > > I've spent so many hours waiting for a tank, or a healer...that at launch, the idea that we just needed 5 people to compete a dungeon, regardless of class, was really appealing.

> > > >

> > > > Today though seems completely different!!! If you want to do T4, or challenge motes, or (god forbid!) raids.......you MUST be the specific class / build needed (for that specific boss, never mind the instance!), and must play that class/build to the 90th percentile or above!

> > > >

> > > > Don't get me wrong, I am happy to practice my preferred class and role, outside of raids, to achieve the best performance I can. And I will log/record and review every encounter, so I can improve both my individual and team performance.

> > > >

> > > > But I feel there is such a 'cliff' to climb in GW2 raids, and the potential for toxicity if one fails, I'm afraid to even try.

> > >

> > > That's different. High-end groups will always be restrictive, because they want efficiency. This isn't correlated to the content itself, or its difficulty. People requested specific builds back when dungeon running was a thing. It's not that you can't complete fractals or raids in just about any composition. It's that the people who play them actively don't want to. And it is their choice. Lower difficulty would do nothing to dissuade them, so nothing would change.

> > It would do nothing to dissuade them, but it would allow people that do not care about efficiency clear the content as well. The difference is that when originally efficient builds and group composition helped you to clear the instance _faster_, now it helps you to _clear_ it. Originally, that efficient approach didn't really impact the success rate, merely the speed. Now it impacts both. And the impact is very significant.

> >

> > For every efficient group doing dungeons there were 2-3 casual ones, that finished all the same. Now casual groups are almost non-existant (and if they do, they are _not_ filled with casuals, because only very experienced veterans can now pull that approach off). _That_ is the impact of difficulty level.

> >


> The defining attribute of the content in question is its difficulty. Why should the ability to clear it in *easy mode* be of any consideration? It's like asking to be able to do guild missions solo. That's not their point.

I wasn't talking about the "defining attribute" of the content. I was responding to your claim that the reason for restrictive behaviour in raids is efficiency and not difficulty. Because it _is_ the difficulty that is the main reason behind it. People don't ask for meta because they want to killl the boss 1-2 minutes faster. They ask for it because they don't want to _keep wiping_ on it. And whether it's a defining feature of raids or not is completely irrelevant to this.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"qwerty.8943" said:

> > > > > I did not read the entire thread....so.....ignore me now I guess

> > > > >

> > > > > But I have done both 'easy', and 'hard' and "yeah, there is no easy mode' raids in other games.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've spent so many hours waiting for a tank, or a healer...that at launch, the idea that we just needed 5 people to compete a dungeon, regardless of class, was really appealing.

> > > > >

> > > > > Today though seems completely different!!! If you want to do T4, or challenge motes, or (god forbid!) raids.......you MUST be the specific class / build needed (for that specific boss, never mind the instance!), and must play that class/build to the 90th percentile or above!

> > > > >

> > > > > Don't get me wrong, I am happy to practice my preferred class and role, outside of raids, to achieve the best performance I can. And I will log/record and review every encounter, so I can improve both my individual and team performance.

> > > > >

> > > > > But I feel there is such a 'cliff' to climb in GW2 raids, and the potential for toxicity if one fails, I'm afraid to even try.

> > > >

> > > > That's different. High-end groups will always be restrictive, because they want efficiency. This isn't correlated to the content itself, or its difficulty. People requested specific builds back when dungeon running was a thing. It's not that you can't complete fractals or raids in just about any composition. It's that the people who play them actively don't want to. And it is their choice. Lower difficulty would do nothing to dissuade them, so nothing would change.

> > > It would do nothing to dissuade them, but it would allow people that do not care about efficiency clear the content as well. The difference is that when originally efficient builds and group composition helped you to clear the instance _faster_, now it helps you to _clear_ it. Originally, that efficient approach didn't really impact the success rate, merely the speed. Now it impacts both. And the impact is very significant.

> > >

> > > For every efficient group doing dungeons there were 2-3 casual ones, that finished all the same. Now casual groups are almost non-existant (and if they do, they are _not_ filled with casuals, because only very experienced veterans can now pull that approach off). _That_ is the impact of difficulty level.

> > >

> >

> > The defining attribute of the content in question is its difficulty. Why should the ability to clear it in *easy mode* be of any consideration? It's like asking to be able to do guild missions solo. That's not their point.

> I wasn't talking about the "defining attribute" of the content. I was responding to your claim that the reason for restrictive behaviour in raids is efficiency and not difficulty. Because it _is_ the difficulty that is the main reason behind it. People don't ask for meta because they want to killl the boss 1-2 minutes faster. They ask for it because they don't want to _keep wiping_ on it. And whether it's a defining feature of raids or not is completely irrelevant to this.



Exactly the same happens in lower difficulty, namely fractals. I always prefer a meta party with decent cm kp requirement. Precisely to spare myself the clown fiesta. The culprit isn't the difficulty, it's the huge differences in player skill.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> It would do nothing to dissuade them, but it would allow people that do not care about efficiency clear the content as well. The difference is that when originally efficient builds and group composition helped you to clear the instance _faster_, now it helps you to _clear_ it. Originally, that efficient approach didn't really impact the success rate, merely the speed. Now it impacts both. And the impact is very significant.


Well first, you can clear raid encounters without having a fully efficient group composition. Second in both expansion content the lowest "efficiency" builds are becoming more and more useless, which is a good thing. We've seen countless threads about the difficulty of expansion content and in almost all cases, without fail, it's their terrible choice of build. I think making the game _require_ a good build in order to clear it, and not just to clear it fast is a very good thing, to root out the most terrible lower-end builds from the game. There comes a point when you say a build above a certain "level" will be able to continue staying relevant.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:


> > I fail to see how they cant look around and learn in normal mode tho.

> Wipe in singe mod leads to 'ummmmh, hard content, kitten with that, Ill go do something else'

> Clearly there is problem with raids, I payed a game that had same issue, they solved it, simply adding 5 free resurrections to a person that has less that 5 full clear to particular boss. But event that is hard to do then add easy mod cus you will need need to ad counter to every single player for every boss into database.


> I fail to see why so many pepole are agaist it.


> 1. As a person that knows a 'bit' of programming, I don't see any issue to add dozen 'if' functions to existing content.

> (If someone thinks they coded ever single fractal from scratches, you are wrong, it's one base code, with several 'if's)



Yes, and because some small "if" arguments here and there are so easy, the game gets broken with every single patch and needs fixes.


Please take your preschool programming knowledge and dump it. We are talking thousands upon thousands of lines of code which interact in often unforeseeable ways. If programming was always so "easy" as people think it is, even on basic things, the amount of mistakes and fixing required from professionals would be a lot lower.


You saying that a couple of lines of code and "if" arguments are sufficient is like telling a structural engineer his work can be adapted with "a bit of math here and there". Suffice to say, thats's nonsense in projects of this scale in both construction and programming.


> @"phs.6089" said:

> 2.People don't ask to make current raids with current reward easy, they ask for easy mod, with less reward, most of them don't even care of achievements and legendary armor.


> So why? My guess is there would be people that would learn raids, making that 'specific' feel of raiders to gone. This one reasonable explanation to me atm



and my guess is: the people who actually want to raid have an easy enough time in this game IF they follow some easy steps which are integral to raiding already (join a guild, do some basic research, be prepared to invest some time into practice).


Everyone else looking at raids simply wants only the loot and is not actually interested in the game mode.


Neither of both groups require or deserve an "easy" mode nor justify the resources required (considering raids are already seldom and on a 1 per year cycle). Better to implement an alternative way to get pve legendary armor without negatively impacting the game mode.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:


> Yes, and because some small "if" arguments here and there are so easy, the game gets broken with every single patch and needs fixes.


sorry, I stopped reading after this statement, loled so hard


What kind of opinion do you have of Anet developers if they can bug on reduction of bosses Hp and damage?

You really think they can screw up on simple 'if' functions?



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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:


> > Yes, and because some small "if" arguments here and there are so easy, the game gets broken with every single patch and needs fixes.


> sorry, I stopped reading after this statement, loled so hard




Sadly I don't get to laugh when raid bosses need to get deactivated because they suddenly don't work due to changes totally unrelated to them were made. As happened not all that long ago.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:


> > Yes, and because some small "if" arguments here and there are so easy, the game gets broken with every single patch and needs fixes.


> sorry, I stopped reading after this statement, loled so hard




Why would you laugh about the statement. It's true that bugs get introduced by seamingly different parts of the code.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> Sadly I don't get to laugh when raid bosses need to get deactivated because they suddenly don't work due to changes totally unrelated to them were made. As happened not all that long ago.


That does nothing with with your statements. They were fixing exiting bug and as it happens overlooked something else



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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> > Sadly I don't get to laugh when raid bosses need to get deactivated because they suddenly don't work due to changes totally unrelated to them were made. As happened not all that long ago.


> That does nothing with with your statements. They were fixing exiting bug and as it happens overlooked something else




I'm sorry, I won't go into an entire explanation of how wrong and disrespectful you are towards programmers by stating that some "if" statements are sufficient and easy.


Do this: find a friend of yours who actually works as a mid level programmer on even a small project, talk to them about this, then come back here.


Your limited hobby programming knowledge is unsufficient to argue about complexity in a millions of lines code project.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> > @"phs.6089" said:


> I'm sorry, I won't go into an entire explanation of how wrong and disrespectful you are towards programmers by stating that some "if" statements are sufficient and easy.


> Do this: find a friend of yours who actually works as a mid level programmer on even a small project, talk to them about this, then come back here.


I just called to one of my mid level programming friends and asked how long it will take him to reduce damage and Hp of fully programmed and polished bosses in a videogame, he told me he can do it over the weekend, in notepad, on his knees. I called him lazy but what do I know?




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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > > @"phs.6089" said:


> > I'm sorry, I won't go into an entire explanation of how wrong and disrespectful you are towards programmers by stating that some "if" statements are sufficient and easy.

> >

> > Do this: find a friend of yours who actually works as a mid level programmer on even a small project, talk to them about this, then come back here.


> I just called to one of my mid level programming friends and asked how long it will take him to reduce damage and Hp of fully programmed and polished bosses in a videogame, he told me he can do it over the weekend, in notepad, on his knees. I called him lazy but what do I know?





Send his details to Arenanet, they need to hire this guy right away!


You do realize every person with 1% actual programming experience is having a field day with your nonsense right?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:


> Send his details to Arenanet, they need to hire this guy right away!


> You do realize every person with 1% actual programming experience is having a field day with your nonsense right?


1% of programming experience is the key word here I guess.


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I just called to one of my mid level programming friends and asked how long it will take him to reduce damage and Hp of fully programmed and polished bosses in a videogame, he told me he can do it over the weekend, in notepad, on his knees. I called him lazy but what do I know?


Actually a programmer can do it in less than a minute, probably less than a few seconds even, it's only one variable value after all. A programmer could go and give Deimos 1 health point, or make so Lava Font deal 1 million damage with each tick, that's the easy part. The time to do these changes depends on how long it takes for the programming back end to open, then how long it takes to deploy such a change to the live servers. The hard (and time consuming) part is on the designer instead :)

After all, a programmer isn't responsible for making green circles on Vale Guardian stay for a fixed duration, nor how much damage they deal. That's what the designer does. I highly doubt this friend of yours has the statistical data from the Guild Wars 2 playerbase to know the "correct" values for any of the boss statistics, so he is either not a good programmer, a show-off, or you simply didn't word the question appropriately. I'll go with the last one.


Further, a programmer that uses "if" statements to adjust mob values (like health/damage) is a sad programmer that needs another career path, they are inefficient and in a world were variables exist, they are also useless.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:


> > Send his details to Arenanet, they need to hire this guy right away!

> >

> > You do realize every person with 1% actual programming experience is having a field day with your nonsense right?


> 1% of programming experience is the key word here I guess.



The key phrase is "complete lack of experience in game development" actually. Creating a new balance for a new difficulty setting isn't even a job a programmer is going to do. It's one a designer would. It would be a process involving a lot more than just tweaking numbers and consisting of multiple "change-test-decide new changes" iterations.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> Wipe in singe mod leads to 'ummmmh, hard content, kitten with that, Ill go do something else'

> Clearly there is problem with raids, I payed a game that had same issue, they solved it, simply adding 5 free resurrections to a person that has less that 5 full clear to particular boss. But event that is hard to do then add easy mod cus you will need need to ad counter to every single player for every boss into database.


> I fail to see why so many pepole are agaist it.



So how many times have you been to bloodstone fen or ember bay to kill the very obvious easy mode raid bosses that are there ?

Do you do it daily / weekly / monthly / or did you give it the college 1 and done experience ?


Because they've given you an easy mode as is. Sorry you dont like the champ bag experience enough to learn and move into raids from it though.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > Wipe in singe mod leads to 'ummmmh, hard content, kitten with that, Ill go do something else'

> > Clearly there is problem with raids, I payed a game that had same issue, they solved it, simply adding 5 free resurrections to a person that has less that 5 full clear to particular boss. But event that is hard to do then add easy mod cus you will need need to ad counter to every single player for every boss into database.

> >

> > I fail to see why so many pepole are agaist it.



> So how many times have you been to bloodstone fen or ember bay to kill the very obvious easy mode raid bosses that are there ?

> Do you do it daily / weekly / monthly / or did you give it the college 1 and done experience ?


> Because they've given you an easy mode as is. Sorry you dont like the champ bag experience enough to learn and move into raids from it though.


Well, that would depend on the rewards, some might say. If the bloodfen boss gave LI, people would have 15 instances of that map.

I dont agree with easy mode btw.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:


> So how many times have you been to bloodstone fen or ember bay to kill the very obvious easy mode raid bosses that are there ?

> Do you do it daily / weekly / monthly / or did you give it the college 1 and done experience ?


> Because they've given you an easy mode as is. Sorry you dont like the champ bag experience enough to learn and move into raids from it though.


What is does with raids wahtsoever? And I'm sorry I'm one of not many that want easy raids to drop exotics, maybe a chance of ascended weapons so i can carry new guildes trough, help them learn and get them initial gear, trough raiding, not open world braided zerging in sw and istan.


I don't need LI if i needed a leg armor I have enough league tickets to make a set from pvp but I only made back item for cosmetics. I didn't even finish making Aurora, juts did the collection parts for precursor as game has no questing, I treat collections as once. So yeah I been to BF more then once.


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