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Do raids need easy/normal/hard difficulty mode? [merged]


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Answered yes to easy and hard mode because you know what yeah it would make raids more accessible, new raiders could train on easy mode for less loot to try it out before committing wads of gold and mats to crafting asc gear for meta. It's one of the things that puts me off raids too. Just not willing to sink that much time and effort into just getting in a group that wants ppl with full meta only to risk finding out it might be the most dull thing in game.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > >

> > > So by your own admission they've spent less resources on a mode and you think somehow they're gonna find time to address this supposed problem ?

> > No, i don't. The time for that is long past. Raids are no longer important enough to warrant adding a second mode. It's far more likely that at some point they will simply tweak the difficulty down. Or just stop dedicating any resources to them altogether.

> >


> You keep doing you then.


> It's not like there's precedent from ANet now from their previous title and this one stating that they aren't going to change their endgame content's difficulty no matter how much people complain or anything.

Yes, it _is_ possible they will do exactly that, and not bother to adjust it before they'll stop paying attention to it. I f you haven't noticed, i did mention that possibility. They'd probably need to at the very least make an alternate PvE legendary armor option before they'll do that, though.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > >

> > > > So by your own admission they've spent less resources on a mode and you think somehow they're gonna find time to address this supposed problem ?

> > > No, i don't. The time for that is long past. Raids are no longer important enough to warrant adding a second mode. It's far more likely that at some point they will simply tweak the difficulty down. Or just stop dedicating any resources to them altogether.

> > >

> >

> > You keep doing you then.

> >

> > It's not like there's precedent from ANet now from their previous title and this one stating that they aren't going to change their endgame content's difficulty no matter how much people complain or anything.

> Yes, it _is_ possible they will do exactly that, and not bother to adjust it before they'll stop paying attention to it. I f you haven't noticed, i did mention that possibility. They'd probably need to at the very least make an alternate PvE legendary armor option before they'll do that, though.



It looks like they actually change raid releases with the next one. We get an open world area that could be used as an introduction for the boss mechanics. Which should be enough as an easy mode. I have no idea what it actually looks like though so that is pure speculation on my side.

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About the "easy mode might ruin raid"

There is a big difference between "Adding option for players" and "Dumping down" Fallout 4 is what happen when you dump down RPG aspect so everyone can just jump into, the result is a game with laughable dialogue, a terrible character build(removing skills was really really really really stupid for an RPG), the morality is sooo black and white that it is an insult to older fallout game.

Adding Easy mode wouldn't take away the Hard part in raid, the Hard mode is still there for you to enjoy. Now the most common rebuke is "They can't learn the hardship if they play Easy" Maybe they won't know how hard it's but at least they are prepared and know what to do. To me this is a Catch 22, the difficulty, fear of not knowing and, dare i say, the players scare away new comer so they can't learn anything but at least with Easy mode, they know the boss mechanic and maybe even the class build for that boss and they'll put on their big boy pants when confident enough.

So yeah just how i think about this argument

Or better yet why don't Anet add the Special Forces Training Area the option to fight a specific boss? I don't think adding golem with high health with modifier deserve a cool name like that!

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> About the "easy mode might ruin raid"

> There is a big difference between "Adding option for players" and "Dumping down" Fallout 4 is what happen when you dump down RPG aspect so everyone can just jump into, the result is a game with laughable dialogue, a terrible character build(removing skills was really really really really stupid for an RPG), the morality is sooo black and white that it is an insult to older fallout game.

> Adding Easy mode wouldn't take away the Hard part in raid, the Hard mode is still there for you to enjoy. Now the most common rebuke is "They can't learn the hardship if they play Easy" Maybe they won't know how hard it's but at least they are prepared and know what to do. To me this is a Catch 22, the difficulty, fear of not knowing and, dare i say, the players scare away new comer so they can't learn anything but at least with Easy mode, they know the boss mechanic and maybe even the class build for that boss and they'll put on their big boy pants when confident enough.

> So yeah just how i think about this argument

> Or better yet why don't Anet add the Special Forces Training Area the option to fight a specific boss? I don't think adding golem with high health with modifier deserve a cool name like that!


We all are way beyond that. Almost all of us (veteran raiders) aren't skeptical about bringing in an easy mode. On the contrary a lot couldn't care less. The problem that arises with making a concession is that there are lots of easy mode claimers not wanting the content but rather the rewards.

They acted like: Give us easy mode raids.

Answer: Hmm, no.

They: Come on nothing speaks against it.

Answer: Ok, you can have it but no access to the rewards.

They: Why play easy mode if we can't get the rewards.

--> So it's clear a lot of them only want the rewards but not the content.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Yes, it _is_ possible they will do exactly that, and not bother to adjust it before they'll stop paying attention to it. I f you haven't noticed, i did mention that possibility. They'd probably need to at the very least make an alternate PvE legendary armor option before they'll do that, though.


Actually they don't have to do anything of the sort.


It's your desire that they cater to your need for non-raid PvE legendary armor. That has nothing to do with their support of raids or an easy mode.

But we've beaten that horse to death countless times it always comes back to wanting the reward without doing the content.



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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > About the "easy mode might ruin raid"

> > There is a big difference between "Adding option for players" and "Dumping down" Fallout 4 is what happen when you dump down RPG aspect so everyone can just jump into, the result is a game with laughable dialogue, a terrible character build(removing skills was really really really really stupid for an RPG), the morality is sooo black and white that it is an insult to older fallout game.

> > Adding Easy mode wouldn't take away the Hard part in raid, the Hard mode is still there for you to enjoy. Now the most common rebuke is "They can't learn the hardship if they play Easy" Maybe they won't know how hard it's but at least they are prepared and know what to do. To me this is a Catch 22, the difficulty, fear of not knowing and, dare i say, the players scare away new comer so they can't learn anything but at least with Easy mode, they know the boss mechanic and maybe even the class build for that boss and they'll put on their big boy pants when confident enough.

> > So yeah just how i think about this argument

> > Or better yet why don't Anet add the Special Forces Training Area the option to fight a specific boss? I don't think adding golem with high health with modifier deserve a cool name like that!


> We all are way beyond that. Almost all of us (veteran raiders) aren't skeptical about bringing in an easy mode. On the contrary a lot couldn't care less. The problem that arises with making a concession is that there are lots of easy mode claimers not wanting the content but rather the rewards.

> They acted like: Give us easy mode raids.

> Answer: Hmm, no.

> They: Come on nothing speaks against it.

> Answer: Ok, you can have it but no access to the rewards.

> They: Why play easy mode if we can't get the rewards.

> --> So it's clear a lot of them only want the rewards but not the content.


Then they should accept that you will get less(not "no reward" though that would be unreasonable) if you play easy mode, not every player want easy mode for easy reward but for story and first experience, complaining about easy mode rewards is like complaining T1 fractal rewards are less than T4 which was, you know, designed for beginner. If Anet ever bring in easy mode, no doubt the forum will be filled with complaints about the reward but will be,like most tread, ignored or rebuked and other type of player will still do raid easy mode.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Yes, it _is_ possible they will do exactly that, and not bother to adjust it before they'll stop paying attention to it. I f you haven't noticed, i did mention that possibility. They'd probably need to at the very least make an alternate PvE legendary armor option before they'll do that, though.


> Actually they don't have to do anything of the sort.

"Have to" and "need to" are not exactly the same. Sure, they won't have to - it's not like anyone's going to force them to do it. Still, leaving the only avenue for a PvE legendary armor set in an abandoned content would, in my book, not be a good idea.


> It's your desire that they cater to your need for non-raid PvE legendary armor. That has nothing to do with their support of raids or an easy mode.

> But we've beaten that horse to death countless times it always comes back to wanting the reward without doing the content.

Suure. Considering that i already have my raid legendary armor, that's _exactly_ what it is about. [/sarcasm]


> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > We all are way beyond that. Almost all of us (veteran raiders) aren't skeptical about bringing in an easy mode. On the contrary a lot couldn't care less. The problem that arises with making a concession is that there are lots of easy mode claimers not wanting the content but rather the rewards.

> > They acted like: Give us easy mode raids.

> > Answer: Hmm, no.

> > They: Come on nothing speaks against it.

> > Answer: Ok, you can have it but no access to the rewards.

> > They: Why play easy mode if we can't get the rewards.

> > --> So it's clear a lot of them only want the rewards but not the content.


> Then they should accept that you will get less(not "no reward" though that would be unreasonable) if you play easy mode, not every player want easy mode for easy reward but for story and first experience, complaining about easy mode rewards is like complaining T1 fractal rewards are less than T4 which was, you know, designed for beginner. If Anet ever bring in easy mode, no doubt the forum will be filled with complaints about the reward but will be,like most tread, ignored or rebuked and other type of player will still do raid easy mode.


Like a mode with no rewards is going to survive. Seriously, remove rewards from current raids, and they will be completely dead in a month (and even that is being generous). And that even with most of the vocal raiders claiming they aren't interested in rewards and are in it for challenge. It's hardly any different for easy mode (or for any other content).


Those making this kind of "concessions" about easy mode are perfectly aware of that.




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You just said that raiding isn't profitable for Anet, and then you suggest them to put more time and effort to recreated 2 other difficulties for them?

Also, i'm pretty sure expecting players to divide more between contents wouldn't help the rest of the game either.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Seriously, remove rewards from current raids, and they will be completely dead in a month (and even that is being generous)


I need to remind you of the dungeon speed running community back in the day and the Fractal 50+ community also back in the day, when getting above 50 was really hard. At a certain point, both were pretty much useless activities reward-wise, as they offered nothing unique. High level fractals had no extra rewards, while afking in PVP earned dungeon rewards faster than trying to solo them. Yet they both had active communities running them and weren't considered dead. Raids wouldn't die if rewards were removed from them, there is more than enough evidence to support that. Not that I support something as nonsensical as removing rewards from any type of content

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First of all, raid wings (with 3/4 bosses) should be released once per 3/4 months. As it worked in ~2016. Not slower. Then we can even talk about easy, normal or hard modes.

Right now its just not worth for alot of pure raiding guilds and teams (so alot of them quit raiding) to raid in gw2 if t means for them to login once per year to clean everything in one week. And then wait another year for something new. Its too casual to form raiding guilds. Also with that "speed" of releasing new content you can do everything with pugs w/o any problem.


Or maybe new wings once per year as it works right now, but with alot more bosses. Like 12. And release 3 bosses per 3 months. So you keep interest for the whole year. And problem is solved.





Also people complain that raiding community is so small. So its not worth to develop it more etc, etc.

But it just can't grow if new raids are released so slow. Its simple.

Ofc raiding community always will be smaller than open world community. Its nothing revealing.

And it dont mean open world content brings more money. Its a lie.


Money these days are in live-streams for example. And what gets most popularity? Hardcore content.

So maybe its about very few hardcore players, but not completelythey, cause they bring thousands of viewers / players. And money. For the game.

Also any gaming media likes to write and talk about hardcore content. So game is getting more and more popular because of that.

While right now if media talks about gw2 its just about layoffs or some boring stuff. And casual content isnt interesting for them.


Hardcore content is made for a smaller audience. But it brings big audience.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> >

> > Then they should accept that you will get less(not "no reward" though that would be unreasonable) if you play easy mode, not every player want easy mode for easy reward but for story and first experience, complaining about easy mode rewards is like complaining T1 fractal rewards are less than T4 which was, you know, designed for beginner. If Anet ever bring in easy mode, no doubt the forum will be filled with complaints about the reward but will be,like most tread, ignored or rebuked and other type of player will still do raid easy mode.


> Like a mode with no rewards is going to survive. Seriously, remove rewards from current raids, and they will be completely dead in a month (and even that is being generous). And that even with most of the vocal raiders claiming they aren't interested in rewards and are in it for challenge. It's hardly any different for easy mode (or for any other content).


> Those making this kind of "concessions" about easy mode are perfectly aware of that.





I didn't said Easy raid should have no rewards, i said it should have less rewards. And there is a different in Easy, people can learn how bosses mechanic work and be prepared for the pressure and the difficulty that is hard mode which is the true experience for raid, with first hand experience + the best rewards in hard mode will motivate player to move out of easy mode.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Like a mode with no rewards is going to survive. Seriously, remove rewards from current raids, and they will be completely dead in a month (and even that is being generous). And that even with most of the vocal raiders claiming they aren't interested in rewards and are in it for challenge. It's hardly any different for easy mode (or for any other content).


> Those making this kind of "concessions" about easy mode are perfectly aware of that.


Nobody said anything about removing rewards completely from a possible easy mode. But handing out the same or not significantly decreased rewards will harm the actual mode.

So, people wanting an easy mode so badly should have it as I said I personally don't care but they should be ok with getting silver + rares, greens, blues and maybe a little amount of tokens. That's all what's needed if they are heavily interested in story, landscape and a slight overview over what a raid looks like. There's no point in forcing people into an easy mode with special or uncommon incentives. An easy mode should give a first impression and as well work as a training mode. You're getting a little bit of extra? Fine for me but please don't exaggerate otherwise we need to hand out expensive shiny infusions for T1 fractals and guaranteed drops per world boss kill to have a fair balance.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Seriously, remove rewards from current raids, and they will be completely dead in a month (and even that is being generous)


> I need to remind you of the dungeon speed running community back in the day and the Fractal 50+ community also back in the day, when getting above 50 was really hard. At a certain point, both were pretty much useless activities reward-wise, as they offered nothing unique.

Dungeon speed running was always profitable. About fractals, you are right, the 50+ community didn't have a lot of reward-based motivation. On the other hand, that community was too small to keep this mode afloat. It was the people running the lower fractal tiers, that kept Fractals alive then. If you nerfed then fractal rewards to the point of the level that is commonly proposed for easy mode (so, "two blues and a green" or even "no rewards whatsoever"), that mode would have died long ago.


> High level fractals had no extra rewards

No extra _unique_ rewards, but they did have an additional box per tier. And they **did** have rewards, which weren't that small (even if inferior to dungeons) even then. The "no rewards" proposals for easy mode that were sometimes made were not about no exclusive rewards. It was either "no rewards that might interest anyone", or "no rewards at all".

"lolnope" was the _only_ reasonable answer for those kinds of suggestions.


> High level fractals had no extra rewards, while afking in PVP earned dungeon rewards faster than trying to solo them. Yet they both had active communities running them and weren't considered dead.

Neither soloing community for dungeons, nor the 50+ fractal crowd was ever numerous enough to make the mode not dead.


> Raids wouldn't die if rewards were removed from them, there is more than enough evidence to support that.

On the contrary, there's enough evidence that removing rewards would crash the raid population well below sustainability levels.


> Not that I support something as nonsensical as removing rewards from any type of content

Yes, a content mode with no rewards _is_ nonsensical. I can fully agree with that.


> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Nobody said anything about removing rewards completely from a possible easy mode.

Actually, there were a _lot_ of those suggestions.




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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Dungeon speed running was always profitable.


Not really compared to farming.


> About fractals, you are right, the 50+ community didn't have a lot of reward-based motivation. On the other hand, that community was too small to keep this mode afloat.


This is wrong. There was barely anyone running Fractals outside the high tiers before they added the precursor collections. That's when Fractals exploded, until then it was dead content (like dungeons) being run by a focused community running them for the fun of it and not for the rewards.


> No extra _unique_ rewards, but they did have an additional box per tier.


There were no tiers.


> Neither soloing community for dungeons, nor the 50+ fractal crowd was ever numerous enough to make the mode not dead.


Actually they were, it was how those modes were kept "alive", even on life support.


> On the contrary, there's enough evidence that removing rewards would crash the raid population well below sustainability levels.


Where is that evidence? We both know that the dungeon runners and 50+ fractal runners kept those modes active and alive because nobody else was running them.


IF you want to see content that crashes based on rewards look at the open world instead. The "hardcore" players can keep content active even without rewards (or limited ones), the casuals run away from content with little rewards. They've done it numerous times, at the first sign of a nerf they turn tail and abandon the content, the casuals are those that are playing a game solely for the shinnies and the rewards and not because they are having fun in the content they play.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Actually, there were a _lot_ of those suggestions.


That was 1.5 years ago when the thread was started. Nowadays I'm not seeing those people insisting on it. Even Teapot suggested an easy mode raid and you'll only find a few elitists claiming it and those have no arguments at all meaning their voices are irrelevant.



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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Dungeon speed running was always profitable.


> Not really compared to farming.

It may not have been the best option, but up until the pre-HoT nerf it was always among the good ones.



> > About fractals, you are right, the 50+ community didn't have a lot of reward-based motivation. On the other hand, that community was too small to keep this mode afloat.


> This is wrong. There was barely anyone running Fractals outside the high tiers before they added the precursor collections. That's when Fractals exploded, until then it was dead content (like dungeons) being run by a focused community running them for the fun of it and not for the rewards.

It may seem like that to you because you were part of that community. Yes, Fractals were not as popular as dungeons (or even as they are now), but there was still a lot more players running it than those belonging to that "focused community" of yours.


Same with dungeons - there were always more casual runs/farmers than "achievement" type lowmans/speedruns



> > No extra _unique_ rewards, but they did have an additional box per tier.


> There were no tiers.

I'm pretty sure you could get more rewards by running fractals at higher and higher fractal levels. Although i may be misremembering it somehow, or mixing it up with the later system.



> > Neither soloing community for dungeons, nor the 50+ fractal crowd was ever numerous enough to make the mode not dead.


> Actually they were, it was how those modes were kept "alive", even on life support.

Dungeons were kept "alive" due to farmers and casual runners. Fractals barely survived due to more casual players as well (there weren't really any farmers for them then).



> > On the contrary, there's enough evidence that removing rewards would crash the raid population well below sustainability levels.


> Where is that evidence? We both know that the dungeon runners and 50+ fractal runners kept those modes active and alive because nobody else was running them.

The dungeon runners you speak of were the farmers and casuals (With casual players being a really significant part of all dungeon runners). Not the people that were doing them for better and better times or weird challenges. Same with fractals - there were always more players at lower tiers than the higher ones.


You might have ignored them, because you weren't running with them, but they _were_ there. And it is _them_ that kept those modes alive.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> It may not have been the best option, but up until the pre-HoT nerf it was always among the good ones.


Silverwastes/Dry Top say hi. There were always far better options


> It may seem like that to you because you were part of that community. Yes, Fractals were not as popular as dungeons (or even as they are now), but there was still a lot more players running it than those belonging to that "focused community" of yours.


And now I'd like you to post some evidence to prove that since you started this discussion in the first place.


> I'm pretty sure you could get more rewards by running fractals at higher and higher fractal levels. Although i may be misremembering it somehow, or mixing it up with the later system.


There was no better/more reward for running higher tiers. And compared to the effort required to reach high enough levels it was never worth it.


> Dungeons were kept "alive" due to farmers and casual runners. Fractals barely survived due to more casual players as well (there weren't really any farmers for them then).


Both were kept "alive" by that part of the playerbase running them, even though there were far superior options (in terms of rewards)


> You might have ignored them, because you weren't running with them, but they _were_ there. And it is _them_ that kept those modes alive.


Waiting for your source to prove that these existed

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> @"Lorin.9564" said:

> An easier mode for raids would give working players and families, who can't invest that much time in the game, the chance to get access to the legendary armour. I hope Anet will give them a real chance to get the armour they like.


It wouldent tho since easier mode would reward less overall so no achieves etc

100% rare instead of exotic with a low chance of exotic instead of ascended for example.


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Lorin.9564" said:

> > An easier mode for raids would give working players and families, who can't invest that much time in the game, the chance to get access to the legendary armour. I hope Anet will give them a real chance to get the armour they like.


> It wouldent tho since easier mode would reward less overall so no achieves etc

> 100% rare instead of exotic with a low chance of exotic instead of ascended for example.



You're way more generous than you should be. "Easy Raids" would be no different than open world content at which point you may as well just give them 3-5x Unid Gear.


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