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Collection items with no value again?

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Sigh. At first you added the boss specific Elegy mosaics as trash loot, then you changed those to give proper mosaics when consumed. But many players already got the old ones and deleted them and lost those extra rewards.


Now you added even more worthless collection items, for the "That Belongs to the Museum" and "Library Detective" collections. Is it safe for me to delete those or there will be an extra reward added for those later on?

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only, if this thign can retroactively add all kinds of books you had over the course of the years of your charactrs story that are most likely of relevance and make sense also to be shelved in the place at home.


otherwise this would be a waste of resources for items, which simply should get if they have no value for the player anymore either instantly auto deleted by the game the very moment the item loses its purpose for the player and isn't needed anymore for anything in the game.. or Anet should finally learn to mark all these items in their descriptions with a line which tells people, that they can freely delete these items, once the palyer has done with them somethign in the game, wherefore they were needed and up until this point not sellable, not removeable ect., not salvageble..


After this point, the player should be able to either salvage these items, just throw them away, sell them ect. pp.


Every form of trash item should have its value, even such kind of quest items that have lost their purpose and aren#t practically needed anymore to keep them.

In the last chapter of season 3/PoF Anet made it right with alot of these trash items, and designed these items so, that you can CONSUME them, to gain Karma.


Thats in my opinion something, what anet should from from now on with all trash items,/quests items.. if they shouoldt be sellable or salvageable, then the player should be able to asimpyl consume them and gain some Karma for removing these unneded items from the inventory and makign space for othe things that you will needc to carry around instead later...


You know actually.. this would be in fatc intelligent game design... and not this, we trash players full with junk items, dont tell them ever, when the moment has arrive, where they can savely delete them, and give them no value at all, so that these items basicalyl give the player always only the feelign of clutterign their inventory full, while giving you actually nothing... not even at the end when the reason of existance for the item has been fulfilled...

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hnmm, this could be really in fact a solution... basically an menu bound library system ;) genius. And then hopefully with reworkec books, that actually do look and function like books, that you open up to read then, where you change the pages in them like ypou actually are reading a boo, ,taht you hold in your hands, basicsalyl what Anet already did in GW1 ...

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Like I keep saying, until I'm told otherwise I hold on to most of that stuff, unless it really looks like junk...because you never know when they'll make one of those collectible items usable for other than the collection(yes, I kept the original mosaics in my storage...I have two panels just for things I'm collecting and won't use...like the different Gifts from the HoT maps and all those Gifts for world completion, currently sitting on 8 with no plans to ever use them).

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