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Let’s Talk About Marketing...

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> As for marketing for GW2 I see so much value in the lifelong connections fostered in game and I want to highlight this human aspect of what GW2 brings. The fostering of human connections around the globe. I can't go into too much detail but the ArenaNet marketing team has something amazing in store that I hope will celebrate these human relationships. More to come this February.


You did say in your original post that this ad was aimed at bringing in new players. The human connections and community feel are what keep you playing but something needs to **really** attract your attention in the first place. In a market saturated with big budget titles some customer testimonials and slow-mo panoramic landscape shots just won't do it for what I'd imagine is a large majority of potential players. You really need to get the sense that this is an epic game with a marvelous and diverse combat system because in the end that's exactly what it is and that's what I strongly feel is the best way to grab the attention of potential customers.


If you're looking to bring players back you remind them of the friends they made along the way while showing them new stuff, if you're looking for brand new customers you need a big flashy sign saying you're epic and worth checking out over the competition.

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Mike, I wish you the best, but imo this will be a difficult job since there are many years of bad marketing related to this game and even now facebook is showing me rather cringy "noname" recommendations...


1. Find top features of GW2 and show on FB, twitter etc. gameplay fragments with those features.

2. Ask well-known critics for re-evaluation of GW2 AFTER polishing some most well-known issues and after introducing new mount skins on a different method than mountgate so the mountgate will be forgotten a bit. Imo it is not that bad, but the price could be lower for each skin.

3. Change your trailers as many people suggested already.

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> I also want to make sure ArenaNet is providing our loyal fans with the tools they need to evangelize the game. I want the GW2 players to be proud evangelists


Are you the exact head of marketing in this company? Do you know that besides your faith, on a planet called Earth, there are other religions? It is better not to use religious words that refer to a religion in your "global lol "marketing"". We do not need religious sermons in the game! Meme generator ready.


> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> As for marketing for GW2 I see so much value in the lifelong connections fostered in game and I want to highlight this human aspect of what GW2 brings. The fostering of human connections around the globe. I can't go into too much detail but the ArenaNet marketing team has something amazing in store that I hope will celebrate these human relationships. More to come this February.


I did not understand the meaning. This means PvP + WWW update in February? okay

It's interesting and funny how you can tell about PvP + WWW and attract the audience (more funny than interesting). (Secret information! PvP and WWW not updated 5 years)


> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> It will take time to get everything created and I ask for continued patience and support over the following months and years but it WILL happen


I again did not understand. We have to wait for new videos on youtube for several years? Usually doctors say that everything is fine and the patient will soon recover.


About video.

Yes, bad. Brevity the sister of talent


I have five years of experience working with this company. If you need comprehensive help, my requirements are 10 gold / per hour for my in game mail sesbog.8705 +

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Emblem_Shirt . Without social package. This is a standard user contract in gw2 for interacting with the greatest minds.






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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Morgana The Fairy.2615" said:

> Hey Mike, I was just watching WP's video where the thread about Marketing/ Media was discussed. Just wanted to say that it's really nice to see you this active discussing the topic with the players. I think that's the best of both worlds. I can imagine however, that some of the feedback might feel like a smack in the face (justified or not). And even though that's part of every job, I want to thank you for the effort and the motivation to improve. I think we all in this chat appreciate it very much. In the end we all care about this product and we all want the best for it. So yeah, thank you for listening and discussing!


Thank you for the kind words. This is very appreciated. :-)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Sesbog.8705" said:

> Are you the exact head of marketing in this company? Do you know that besides your faith, on a planet called Earth, there are other religions? It is better not to use religious words that refer to a religion in your "global lol "marketing"". We do not need religious sermons in the game! Meme generator ready.


I am the Head of Global "lol" Marketing. My intention was not to be religious but happy to educate. To evangelize is another way of saying "spread the word" as in market a product. Sorry you read into this. Looking forward to the memes.


> I did not understand the meaning. This means PvP + WWW update in February? okay

> It's interesting and funny how you can tell about PvP + WWW and attract the audience (more funny than interesting). (Secret information! PvP and WWW not updated 5 years)


Sorry you didn't understand. Come back in February to learn more.


> I have five years of experience working with this company. If you need comprehensive help, my requirements are 10 gold / per hour for my in game mail sesbog.8705 +

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Emblem_Shirt . Without social package. This is a standard user contract in gw2 for interacting with the greatest minds.


Noted. Only looking for constructive feedback. If you do not want to participate in these sort of discussions I understand. Luckily the majority of participants were constructive with there positive and negative feedback, for which I am surely grateful. :-)

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That video and the recent ads are cringe-worthy.

Regardless, no matter how well a game is advertised, if your developers openly ignore issues and bugs that have been in game since launch, your not going to be attracting very many players and your going to be losing current players even faster.

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I ma not sure if that was mentioned before but why not also take point from success of even the long past of the company:



GW Factions trailer was easily a high point in Anet´s marketing. You will definitely need to do sth like this if you ever release a Cantha expansion. |


Also MattVisual made an amazing AMV showcasing the strait of devastation. Its a great way to showcase the world and its scale which is a big plus for the game.


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So, like others, I've totes played a lot of MMOs over the years, and I enjoy GW2 because of its model, but also, the design. However, there's a larger issue to the trailers than just 'they don't look very good', it's the idea that they never show anything off in explicit terms. And in a crowded MMO market, you have to be explicit. A good example, and you're totes allowed to copy it Anet, is how Blizzard handle their Feature Overview trailers for both Expansions and Patches. This is the Battle for Azeroth Features Trailer, and it explicitly states everything that you can expect in the upcoming expansion, with a lot of 'hype-inducing' images to get people excited.





For every feature, it has, in bold text: NEW CONTINENT - KUL TIRAS, NEW DUNGEONS AND RAIDS, WARFRONTS etc etc, rather than GW2's Living World and Expansion Trailers, which show nothing but images and flickers of content. When I first saw the Path of Fire Trailer, and the Daybreak Trailer, I didn't feel 'hype', I just felt 'relief' that there was content on the way. Luckily, the content delivered, but to someone without my 'resilience' (arrogant, I know *hairflip*), they wouldn't stick around and they'd ask: "Okay, so what am I getting?"


I think my biggest point here is that, Anet, you're allowed to tell us what we'll be getting. I'd love to see a reworked Daybreak trailer that shows me the areas of Istan with bold text: NEW MAP - DOMAIN OF ISTAN, with images of the map metas that says: NEW MAP EVENTS - SUNSPEAR UPRISING & BRANDSTONE RESEARCH, and then a flicker away from the area of Istan to show the new Fractal with bold text: NEW FRACTAL - TWILIGHT OASIS, then a brief cut-away to the incredible: NEW LEGENDARY - BINDING OF IPOS, and then the big frame of: NEW RAID - HALL OF CHAINS, leading to the final, music-less, ambient frame of: The Brandstorm rolling over to Amnoon with a voice-over line from Rytlock who says: "We only handed an Elder Dragon the power of a God. What could go wrong?" And then fade into the GW2 logo with: LIVING WORLD SEASON 4 - EPISODE 1: DAYBREAK, COMING X NOVEMBER.


If you build it up like this, people know that there's content in the patch/expansion, and then, you don't have people running around wondering what's coming. And then, you can release individual teasers for the Raid, and the Fractal, just 1 minute long each, but they show some tiny things about the raid to leave hints here and there. Ngl, a frame at the end of Dhuum in his throne would've been snazzy af, but that's just me. ;)


As for the trailer that you're planning to release, look for actual reviews of PoF, I don't think my opinion holds any weight for convincing someone to join, compared to an 'established reviewer'. Yah, there's bias everywhere, but awards and review scores bring attention to the viewer. And make sure to have comments from reviewers in the Trailer, but a screen with all of the scores, like they do with big-budget films and their TV spots etc.


Anyway, I hope this info is worthwhile! <3

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > You know what could be interesting?

> > A new GuildWars 2 Manifesto!!

> >

> >

> > Here's the thing, that video made me want to play the game because you could see some passion from the devs.

> > Right now, i think Arena Net needs this. We see bland statements from MO that feel empty, and pretty much silence. The fact that you shield yourselves behind silence and AMAs that happen too early for people to actually have questions about the content, and on a third party site create a sense of aloofness from the team.

> > Bring back Points of Interest, bring back World Tournaments on PvP, WvW Tournaments. Show the people that you care, by doing more than just a trailer that anyone with access to youtube and soundlcoud can reproduce.

> >

> > You need to show us that your players, ALL your players matter, because so far you've successfully excluded a lot of us with the statement from MO that implies in not so many words that only those that buy the overpriced mounts are supporting the game. And when you have ACTIVE players and content creators feeling, and saying that they're "not your target audience", this more than anything drives people away from the game.

> >

> > So yes, i'd suggest you start by mending fences with the community that you have, then move on to new horizons. At the moment, and not just in community relations, Arena Net seems to keep building their content on quicksand, instead of steady foundations.

> > Strengthen your core so you can build on top of that. (And that's also a way to say, rework the stats, core professions, health pools, bounties in core tyria, etc before telling us "here's another mainly decorative expansion, cough up the dough")..

> >

> > kitten... See, got me ranting...


> Thank you for this. The Manifesto is a great video that taps into the emotion and dedication of the ArenaNet Dev team. I would love to do an update to this.


> I also want to stress that ArenaNet...probably more then any company I've ever worked with, cares so much about there players...all players. We do make games as a business that we hope makes money but ArenaNet truly puts the players happiness as their number 1 goal above profit. It's a big reason I decided to come work here, leaving a job where I was very happy. It's an easy thing for me to write and hard to feel the sincerity in a post but I want this to be stressed as strongly as possible. ArenaNet is player first and I can promise specifically on the Marketing side that we are here. We are listening. When you guys say something it is noticed company wide. We strive to get it right and will continue to strive for excellence.


I believe you! And even with all the past and present decisions that i don't agree with, i'm still a GuildWars 2 player and i love playing the game. And although we haven't seen a lot from the devs lately (btw Points of Interest was a great idea, you should bring it back if possible), we still do get glimpses of that passion.


But after reading MO's statments, i couldn't play for the rest of that day. I was so angry and disappointed. I mean, i don't know if you were involved with this, but look at the pre-order and deluxe rewards for PoF, compare those with HoT and Core.

I bought Ultimate PoF, i loved Season3 and i felt that the 80€ was well earned by Arena Net. But still, me and a lot of people i talked with about the rewards, were disappointed that there was no mount skin (like there had been the glider one for HoT) with the deluxe. And although disappointed, i defended this with what i'd heard from WP, that you still weren't clear on how to handle mount skins, so i assumed none were ready because of that. Imagine the feeling for me and other people that bought on to that justification when a couple weeks after launch you land a 5 mount pack, followed soon after by 31 other mounts. Not only that but, except for the Halloween pack, every other release was questionable either in the method of delivery or the price.

You can't really fault people that a month after having bought the game, a lot of us having bought deluxe or better, After being disappointed with pre-order and deluxe bonuses, and that mounts had a single dye channel. You land us that.

I'm being honest, if MO came on a live stream and just give us the finger i wouldn't feel as bad and insulted as with that decision. And i'm definitely not alone there.


Back to marketing... I've tried out a competitor game recently, also Buy to play with a more limited trial version (7 days), and although that game is fun and has nice mechanics, in the overall philosophy (especially their premium store) it's a bit too "asian" for me (not trying to be racist, just that most asian mmos expect us to grind, have p2w stores, etc, etc.). They do, however, have an interesting store item, that might be worth mentioning and analysing for GuildWars2.

Basically, a player can gift another player a "Game Code" that turns their trial accounts into the full blown game, in return for several more or less exclusive rewards for the gifter (if the gifted gets to lvl 30). Basically a trumped up referral code.

I think this would work well with GW2, not only by allowing players to gift the expansions, but the Living Story Seasons.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Twyn.7320" said:

> I think my biggest point here is that, Anet, you're allowed to tell us what we'll be getting.


Thank you for this. It is very helpful. The above quote in particular is so spot on and something I am stressing internally so we can get trailers right and spark the emotion and excitement. :-)

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Did you really had to release a shortened version of that original trailer on twitter right now?


I get that you relegated the trailer from the original post from trying to address non-players to a "thank you" towards existing ones (that definitely makes more sense) but after all the feedback given in this thread the trailer can be amazingly easy to misunderstand. I am almost sure that many (i think some already have) will interpret this as "well Anet asked for feedback, it was given to them and they just ignored it and released it anyway".

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I don't really think it will change much, Turin.

The people playing the game happily will be unaffected and continue to do so.


The people who have left the game will not return until necessary gameplay changes have been made, some of which just won't return because some of those changes *shouldn't* be made. Those who have quit and posted feedback like myself would have seen the responses and understand this has no bearing on what will make us return: it's a change in their approach with the required fixes being made, or they just will simply not continue to get our business.


The only thing to worry about is the small portion of people who could have been lured back without any content changes and will use this as evidence not to bother looking into the future. I doubt the numbers are substantial, and the number of people who might come back for a quick thrill after perhaps having forgotten may be roughly equal in population. Maybe they'll get a few box sales from new people from this as well as part of marketing PoF.


If they were to start really advertising it hard as their primary strategy rather than posting a twitter video, those populations may flip. But it's pretty innocuous as it stands.


As I mentioned initially, it comes down to "put up or shut up." And that mostly just comes from the gameplay guys. New content isn't changing anyones' minds, per both expansions under-selling.

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I've read the comments and, one of the big reasons I came back to gw2 is because it's a very accessible game in terms of playing socially. You can pvp, explore and even do personal story with others literally right away, and at no point will you be asked to split up and wait on each other. This isn't the case for most other mmos. It's even downright rewarding, because chances are you have more than 1 character, and you don't do map completion on all, so even if you don't both start at the same time, you play together and will _both _ progress together. This is a big deal to me, I can't enjoy social games like mmos if I can't involve the people I'm closest to in my life properly.


Also, as other people remarked, if you can't fit all game aspects in 1 min, why not make a series you cycle between, 1 min for pvp/wvw, 1 min for fractals/raids/world bosses, 1 min for the exploration factor of game (size of maps/mounts/jump puzzles/nice views/guild missions), 1 min focusing on the variety of classes/the combat/their specialties. People will have been made a strong impression on, and if that game aspect didn't appeal to them, they will still come across the others at some later point. If that's a bad idea, 1 min vid for "hardcore content" (fractals/raids/world bosses/pvp/wvw) and 1 min for exploration(size of maps emphasized/mounts/jump puzzles/nice panoramic views/guild missions) is probably a fulfilling split. For either of those videos, some mention of the variety of playstyles, even if it's just narration stating the total amount of them would probably be interesting and impressive for players to know.

For me, this game's strong points are how painlessly co-opable it is, how much it rewards and offers in terms of exploration (big maps, even instanced pvp has big maps, and lots of different ones, more complex and just generally bigger than many other mmos I've experienced), how much variety there is in classes and builds, and that the combat is actionable and reactionary, not press tab and sit still. And how much exploration is a focus of game development in this game can't be overstated. If WoW is praised for it's group end game content and FFXIV is for it's roleplay, this is THE mmo for exploration based gameplay. You get a lot of freedom in your movement and activities(by comparison), and seeing every corner of the map is rewarded and fun.


In addition, having played games like league of legends and overwatch, what struck me as strange is that there's no change to launcher for events. ([example](

"example")). It can kind of set a mood, to have music or at least visual.

It ends up feeling less hyped, as if it's "same old".


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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> Did you really had to release a shortened version of that original trailer on twitter right now?


> I get that you relegated the trailer from the original post from trying to address non-players to a "thank you" towards existing ones (that definitely makes more sense) but after all the feedback given in this thread the trailer can be amazingly easy to misunderstand. I am almost sure that many (i think some already have) will interpret this as "well Anet asked for feedback, it was given to them and they just ignored it and released it anyway".


I think the real misstep here is how my quote was removed! :o That most certainly defeats a lot of its marketing value right there. SMH. :p

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Unfortunately, the video is not available to me for viewing but (as I'm sure you know) one of the biggest and most successful aspects of selling/marketing is setting yourself apart from the competition. What does GW2 offer that no other MMO offer?


Having watched some videos on YouTube prior to POF release, there were two things that made me a believer:


1) No sub fee. One of the biggest complaints about games is the "paying to play" (DLC, loot boxes, subscription fees, etc.) AFTER you've actually purchased the game. GW2 doesn't have this issue; I don't consider the gem store in this vein because there are no truly mandatory items in the gem store. And sure, most subs are inexpensive but would you rather pay $15.00/mo. to play after you purchased the game or not pay a dime at all?


2) The storytelling. GW2 truly sets itself apart with the episodic nature of the personal story and living world season (PLEASE make S1 available; I missed out!) which provides a player something to look forward to at set intervals. And there's also QUALITY of storytelling. Out of all the MMORPGs out there, GW2 has some of the most intricate storytelling and character development.


That's what hooked ME and I believe those are two elements you should really hit on. And saturation is important. Hit up not only digital media but televised spots if possible. Maybe even strongly promote your printed media (novels) as well.


But that's just me.

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Hello Marketing Team. You've gathered a lot of our insight that you mentioned it it was helpful. Awesome...


Then why did you just post that GW2 Video on Facebook that you asked us to analyse? It is a shallow representation of your game and it looks rushed and as if it was made by a half asleep video editor intern. I am just going to keep enjoying your game despite your efforts of not advertising it as the beautiful and complex world the devs have created. Your duty is to show it and you don't. It's quite simple really. There's no amount of workshops, college degrees and other fancy roles and classes to teach you that. It's a natural sense, something almost logical to show the best of what others have worked hard at. Instead you gut it and edit some meaningless words on the screen. You cannot copy what others have done. You need to discern what works for you and apply only that while staying true to your product/vision. I probably just wasted minutes of my life writing this....It's just unbelievable to me that an entire team of professionals can come up with a 28 seconds of a clip that communicates nothing. There's no thread connecting the images....no flow...nothing. I have unsubscribed from this sham thread. It no longer interests me.

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@"Mike Silbowitz.1827"


The modified version of the trailer that was ultimately released was a huge improvement over the initial one created for this thread. Most of my concerns with the poor choice of overlaid text were corrected. While overall an average trailer, you made it much better, and I'm glad you released it instead of scrapping/wasting the entire idea. Hope the next marketing campaign goes better for you.

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I dont know how you should do it. Its your job and you earn money on it. So you should know how to advertise and sell it.

And how to bring more and more ppl.


But as a player I know one thing:

GW2 marketing is so bad. Especially if it comes to the PoF.

I dont even feel like we had expansion release. It feels just like a patch.

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In my opinion, this is the best trailer ArenaNet ever made. It's footage from the Factions Preview Event, set to exciting music. I've remembered it all these years because it was so good.


Anyone can shell out for a fancy cinematic - and those are fun too! - but this clearly shows real gameplay by real players. It shows off the environments and combat, obviously both PvE and PvP, and enough of some maps to make it clear that there are Things To Do there, which makes players want to find out what those Things are. What are those portals for? Where is that huge turtle going?


The graphics look a little dated now, but at the time they looked fantastic, and even more impressive given that it's obviously in-game. Furthermore, the town footage shows that lots of people were present for the event, having fun together (I miss the synced /dance * command almost 1% as much as I miss build templates).


The only thing this trailer is missing is some kind of epic moment of action. Some classics:


-a clearly-organized group, running as one towards a clearly-challenging objective, ideally firing off flashy preparatory skills as they go. This wasn't really possible in GW1 since there was no movement during casting, but GW2 is full of these kinds of moments. Film a small party taking a tower in WvW sometime, including the moment the wall or gate comes down, with a firebrand casting mantras up the ramp to the lord, or a mesmer casting Mass Invisibility (which has a great pink shockwave animation). Big zerg battles are exciting to be in but they make for very chaotic footage - you could try though.


-lone heroes facing off against sinister monsters. I have dozens of screenshots of my characters on island ledges during the Mouth of Mordremoth fight, when they happened to be the only/first ones there just as the Mouth rose up slowly to glare eye-to-eye with them.


You get the idea.


My only other suggestion is that, if you're going to pack your trailers full of gameplay footage - which I definitely think you should - a much better use of text than "player testimonials" (or maybe alternating with them) is some splash text explaining what you're seeing. "New explorable zones!" "New Living World chapter!" "Sieze enemy territory in WvW!" "For Wintersday enjoy street racing... snowball fights... jumping puzzles...playing with toys... spreading the festive spirit (orphans)... or just imbibing some festive spirits (character badly intoxicated)."


I've loved GW1 and GW2 for years, and really hope you can do the game justice and help it continue to draw in new players for a long time to come.

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> My name is Mike Silbowitz and I am the Head of Global Marketing here at ArenaNet. I got the opportunity to chat with some of you this week during our Reddit Dev Celebration and really enjoyed the discussions and feedback on how to best create assets to support our Guild Wars 2 releases. I’ve met with our Marketing Team to discuss your feedback and we look forward to implementing many of your constructive and insightful suggestions over the course of the next few months.


> Because of the positive experience I had chatting with you all this week, I wanted to continue to test the waters and include you in the feedback process for one of our unreleased marketing assets. You have a lot of knowledge about and experience with Guild Wars 2, so why not tap your expertise and passion in reviewing a video we plan to use to engage potential new players? This unreleased video features positive accolades from our loyal fans while displaying gameplay in a way that will hopefully resonate with a new audience who may not have the rich history and knowledge you already possess. This would go live this month, targeting views by people who have never played our game, or those who may have stepped away from GW2. Any constructive feedback you can provide about this video, either positive or negative, will help us present GW2 in the best light possible.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM-bf1sBeT0


> I really hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the video and look forward to incorporating as much of your constructive feedback as possible in making something we all can be proud to share with our friends as an example of why they need to play GW2.


> Thank you and Happy Wintersday


> Mike Silbowitz a.k.a "Sibs"

> Head of Global Marketing @ ArenaNet

> Reddit: AnetHoGM


IMO you should think about 2 things todo if it comes to the marketing.


1) Create well-done video that shows what GW2 done to this day. PvP tournaments, Raids, Story, WvW, some casual content etc etc. Whatever youre proud of.

And show years dont matter if it comes to the new players, cause game is still open to them. And they can easily join.


2) Create well-done video that shows your future plans. For 2018 or even further. That's VERY important for players to see that you got plan. People dont want to waste their time for games without future. Especially when we talk about MMORPG.


We're missing this two types of the video SO MUCH.

Posting screens with people's opinions about game isnt something bad. But that's not enough. It's too small thing.


Here's solution. Now you can pay me for doing your job :P

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> @"Twyn.7320" said:

> I think my biggest point here is that, Anet, you're allowed to tell us what we'll be getting.


This so much.


On the other hand, it'd be a first for this game. That's one big issue, marketing for new expansions, balancing, system changes, QoL... little is **ever** communicated beforehand. Ever. It's as if even the devs don't know what features and changes they may or may not have ready tomorrow. Just look how many crucial changes are missing from every set of patch notes...


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I already did this suggestion in a post sometime the last year and i guess it's better to put it here in the comments with some tweaks .

# sPVP:

-As we all know GW2 PVP is the best of all available MMO on the market and better and enjoyable more that the MOBA's around but still the PVP community is not so high for a lot of reason's ,balance isn't one of them, simple because all PVP games aren't balanced in anyway.


The first reason GW2 is marketed as a MMO and the marketing isn't based on PVP, so PVP lovers wont look to GW2 as a PVP game and they still go for the other MOBA games that's got more than 50 million between LOL and DOTA 2 if not even more.and that's a lot of money out there for a good PVP game to take a portion from the cake.

the second thing is the availability to mass users GW2 is graphically friendly that's true you can play it on lower pc specs and that's a good thing but the high storage demand is so high for just a PVP lover to download more that 35gb that's hug if i'm just a PVP fun like my self.


PS:before i start with my suggested solution to this this solution don't affect the normal gw2 client in anyway.

So to overcome all this you need to create a PVP separated application that's not more than 5gb or 7gb max with the free core GW2 and the ability for the players to get the POF and HOT for half price but to get both expansions .or just make it more micro transaction and give the possibility to bay separated elite like if i went to get the MIRAGE elite for mesmer only for example (LOL system), but to only be used for PVP application and in the same time the possibility for the normal GW2 players to play in it normally. and add more 1v1 and 2v2 arena and why not 4v4 or 3v3 and as a fun idea PVP for mounts with flying fights and mounted fighters and races but making a lot of variation is bad if the population isn't enough(PUBG DEV's mad there community to play only in the new map they add and that for a reason) .


all this with a good marketing and a new name and and good partnership with good companies like twitch and to partnership with the PVP players that stream there games and respect the game, or YouTube game channels and with making more PVP tournaments every month to be streamed with low prizes as a starter like 2000 gems and some skins or so, be officially streamed by ANET and in your place ill just let JEBRO do the commenting .all this to encourage the players to develop there game-play.i believe if all this happen that's would be great for the game and for us PVP player base .


beware GW2 dev's for this to succeed you need a separated PVP team that manage the PVP separately from PVE completely and make sure that guild wars 2 PVP version is more stable and remove any common issues that the currant PVP community suffer from, like the unbalanced games when a plat can play against low gold or silver,or the high burstiness in pvp games just lower a bit the condi and power damage for longer lasting fights especially on the starter of this project so the new pvp players not instantly die to us original players and for a new player its not fun at all and maybe cos him to quite the game.

_So i hope that you dev's take this on consideration and make it happen the sooner the better as a new MOBA with multi ARENA's and FAST PVP game-play for only the smartest and the greatest PVP players i the world. _

# WvW :

This mode of the game need a lot of work and need to be reworked cos when i see the elder scrolls online GVG game mode with the idea of the Emperor just make me hype .so making something new like what ESO did would be amazing.

aonother thing is the 4 map idea im not a huge fan i prefer one big map but with increasing the numbre of players a lot more (i know that this is not easy and the server cant hundle more than 500 in a map or a number like that but to improve WvW this need to be don .

and about marketing WvW it's all about sinematics and to allow the WvW players to chat with the whole server to ask for help and to make that more relevant a good reword should be given if the server won against the other worlds to every player that participated daily with a percentage to gold gain +10% for the wining server or something like that.

# PvE :

I let the PVE guys talk about it cos i don't play much of PVE and when i do i'm happy whit what i get .


# Marketing

to bring more people to the game :

* You need to change something to market it was it big or small that, the first step.

* You need to make partnership with YouTubers that review games so they make one or two videos about the game .

* Go big and think big or the game won't last long .

* Cinematic's is always a good thing but they need to be watched and to achieve that you need to do the second suggestion "youtubers".

* Communication with players, was it on the forums or on live stream is always a good thing .

* PVP is the key take good care of it change it completely and it will change the whole company .

hope i get a response about this post at least to know what possible and what not tnks.

@"Mike Silbowitz.1827"

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