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Anet Devs, can you explain how you thought Deadeye, Scourge, Holosmith, Mirage were ok for release?


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> @Exedore.6320 said:

> Easy: only PvE matters.


> The developers load up these specs with tons of utility and survival. But because most of PvE is all about DPS, the damage gets increased without adjusting the utility and survival downwards as a tarde-off.


Deadeye is quite bad at pve though.

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One of theses day's i will link A split screen video of a d/d core thief on one side and a DE on the other. I'm pretty sure i can get all 5 enemy player's to the downstate before i get 1 downed with DE. This may sound ridiculas, but i've been a thief a long time. people simply forgot how to dodge, being so used to passive carries it's not really to surprising.


Now Op how do you think the DE is op / up i would really like to know?, There utlitiles are rehashed:

Mercy = Inf Signet, we could already get 25 stacks of might, (Didn't you wonder why they nerfed signets trait (+5 might stacks).

Shadow step = shadow flare, now with a self reveal and a projectile speed that is guarnteed to kill you in combat.

Shadow gust = Bandits defense /w stealth.. swap knockdown with knockback.

Binding shadow = Bandit's defense /w knockdown. and vuln.

His = shadow meld, useless vs decent opponents just like HIS, since this game is overloaded with interupts.

Malicous restorations = has anyone ever used this...


Oh but it doesn't even stop there, let's look at Traits next.....


Deadeyes' gaze, (Stolen skills are mostly bad), And with all the AOE floating around you needed the gap closer to escape/engage.

Revealed training = revealed malice. with less might given.

Iron Sight = Shadow arts resolience of shadows, of course ROS gives a 25% modifier while IS gives 15%. for wvw stacking these might be decent. not in Pvp.

One in the chamber = Improvisation.

-wasted minor slot- otherwise known as Renewing gaze.

Silent Scope: Useless.

Unforgiven = Panic strikes version 2. (swap immobilize with stun)

Both, Perphiral vision and fire for effect, close to being useful, but a fail in the long run. (seriously swap this to: Clear all boons on thief, copy boons to allies within 360 radius. Gain vit per boon. activates on deadeyes gaze. (Steal)

Malificent seven = Lead attacks with lead attacks being miles better.

Be quick or be killed, the only decent GM, a copy of trickery's traits Burst of agility, with added stats.

Steal ability: steal plasma = perfectionist,


Then of course we have Rifle, which is so bad it's hilarious.

Death's retreat, No evade frame. thankfully the player base is so bad they don't realize all they have to do is hit you with a channel skill and its over.

I might finish rifles later, probably not though.


You know the worst thing about Deadeye? like Hot it doesn't provide anything new. Burst from range? could do that before, while hot was Evade for day's (Nerfed acrobatics) It's a joke honestly, while other professions can now hit just as hard as thieves, have close to par mobility, while having there core sustain, theives got... well nothing. Fail dev will be fail.


Look forward to the next expansion where they will copy DA and repackage it as a new and shiny elite. (as we already know that arena net is to lazy to give us 1 handed weapons it's almost guarteeded to be a GS,


most thieves are just running DE in pvp due to sheer boredom.




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> @Exedore.6320 said:

> Easy: only PvE matters.


> The developers load up these specs with tons of utility and survival. But because most of PvE is all about DPS, the damage gets increased without adjusting the utility and survival downwards as a tarde-off.


LOL DE is trash in every game mode, fyi.

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