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Sous Chef Mastery Point (SPOILER)


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> @Nightshade.5924 said:

> If this is a mini game, it is insane. There is no tracker to indicate progress, I've got up to either 10 or 11 ingredients, and NOT completed the game. I've spent over 1/2 hour on this, and quite frankly, it's extremely aggravating. Just how many ingredients DO you have to throw?



I completed it in about 2-3 minutes.

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It was a bit frustrating. I found the chefs speech to be the most annoying part of all since he says it every time you restart (and if you fall too far behind early on, you may as well just start over).


Take a few tries and learn where ingredients are. Don't expect to do it on your first try (but still, try to!). It can be incredibly frustrating so don't give up (or do if you find it -too- frustrating, there are plenty of mastery points available elsewhere). The bar above your head is your 'health' bar. You recover a bit when you successfully deliver a material. So it's not the end of the world if you miss one or two ingredients, just try not to miss them consecutively or hope to get a couple quick ones to make up for it. I found it considerably easier to do alone. When there were other players in the area I found it confusing and sometimes I even mistook them for the chef when I was throwing in a hurry.

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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> Although i was foaming at the mouth at some point i eventually did it.


> The one that does me in is the MP memory game in the desert.


> I have a wonky short term memory due to a stroke and i can't even get through the second set ...lol :anguished:


That one is a lot easier if you mentally number them either clockwise or counter-clockwise (whichever seems to make the most sense for you) and then record the number to repeat back.

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I miss GW1 vanquisher titles. They were a reason to revisit every nook and cranny of maps you'd otherwise completely used up.


Now that we have masteries that actually have content (and even some of the existing HoT and PoF masteries are locked behind content) how about doing something similar?


The idea of vanquisher was to repurpose old content in a way that made it more challenging, and granted a reward for playing it at a higher challenge level right?


What if we used mastry points present on maps in a similar system by adding a timer, and you can only do it if you've alrady completed the map and obtained all the mastery points on it?


E.G. Talk to an NPC or use an item to start a "Mastery Run" countdown. Your goal is to obtain every mastery point on the map within the time limit. You can attempt this once per day. and get a little event chest for each one you get. If you can get them all within the time limit, get a title related to the zone (Master of the Crystal Oasis, etc.) and part of a meta-achievement that grants a unique skin and another more impressive title (Master of Magumma, Master of the Crystal Desert)


Heck you could even use the leaderboard UI that adventures use to make it a bit of friendly competition, compare your run time against others, etc.

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It’s not infinite, but it’s pretty long.

Do not rush, let him walk if he walks, then throw the item.

If you have problem remembering the location of an item, try to check the locations before you start, and imagine something funny which can force your brain to memorize the scene, and so the location (you just need imagination !)

That might looks weird but it works ! ^^

No drugs needed, I swear !

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > IDK what people are complaining about. I avoided it until yesterday because people were complaining so loudly about it and I didn't want to waste the little free time I had on it. I spent 3 tries learning where the ingredients where, and then on the fourth I completed it with no problem.

> >

> > Its not a hard challenge, really. It just takes some spatial awareness on your part, and knowing where to run for the next ingredient as soon as he yells it at you.


> Typical "I can get it so everyone who can't is lame." I know where the ingredients are, I know the chef's path, and I know how to play it. But every time I've tried it he asks for ingredients on opposite sides of the room, back and forth, back and forth, and I run out of time. You got it? Good for you. It's frustrating for many players posting here and for who knows how many that don't post. I agree with the above suggestion to make it a hero point instead of a mastery point.


> P.S. There's a reason the other sous chef is off crying in a corner in the kitchen.


I didn't call anyone "lame", all I said is that it takes some practice. But good on you for someone taking offense at that. The difficulty of this is fine, here are some tips for this exact situation though if you are still struggling.


* After you throw it at him, go run to the middle of the room. This potentially cuts the distance you have to run in half, and you have to wait for him to tell you the next ingredient anyway so its not like you are wasting time

* If you are too far away, pick up a different item and use Skill 1 to get the swiftness from it to get there faster.


All this takes is some practice, its really not as overtuned as people say it is

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > IDK what people are complaining about. I avoided it until yesterday because people were complaining so loudly about it and I didn't want to waste the little free time I had on it. I spent 3 tries learning where the ingredients where, and then on the fourth I completed it with no problem.

> > >

> > > Its not a hard challenge, really. It just takes some spatial awareness on your part, and knowing where to run for the next ingredient as soon as he yells it at you.

> >

> > Typical "I can get it so everyone who can't is lame." I know where the ingredients are, I know the chef's path, and I know how to play it. But every time I've tried it he asks for ingredients on opposite sides of the room, back and forth, back and forth, and I run out of time. You got it? Good for you. It's frustrating for many players posting here and for who knows how many that don't post. I agree with the above suggestion to make it a hero point instead of a mastery point.

> >

> > P.S. There's a reason the other sous chef is off crying in a corner in the kitchen.


> I didn't call anyone "lame", all I said is that it takes some practice. But good on you for someone taking offense at that. The difficulty of this is fine, here are some tips for this exact situation though if you are still struggling.


> * After you throw it at him, go run to the middle of the room. This potentially cuts the distance you have to run in half, and you have to wait for him to tell you the next ingredient anyway so its not like you are wasting time

> * If you are too far away, pick up a different item and use Skill 1 to get the swiftness from it to get there faster.


> All this takes is some practice, its really not as overtuned as people say it is


I didn't say you literally called anyone lame. Whatever. As I have said numerous times, I understand the game and the strategy. I simply can't get it. Some puzzles and mastery points are easy for me and some are not. I'm not wasting any more time on this and have enough mastery points from all the other places on the maps.


For those who do enjoy this mini-game, I hope ANet makes it replayable for you. Personally I would love an Achievement called Kill the Chef. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't even get this one. When I start it, he simply never calls anything out, and my timer expires. And because I can't get THIS mastery, I can't upgrade my mount, and therefor I can't REACH any of the other mastery points. So I'm screwed because this one doesn't work.

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> @Biff.5312 said:

> I can't even get this one. When I start it, he simply never calls anything out, and my timer expires. And because I can't get THIS mastery, I can't upgrade my mount, and therefor I can't REACH any of the other mastery points. So I'm screwed because this one doesn't work.


You should be able to get mastery points through the story-line. I got many of mine there which enabled me to upgrade mounts which, in turn, allowed me to get more mastery points and so on...

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It took me a few tries to figure it out, but I had the location of all the ingredients memorized it wasn't so bad. The most annoying this was small things blocking the throw. Just have to wait until he just stops running and toss it there just as he gets to his new location. Though I had no idea about filling the bar, thought it was just timed or number of ingredients.


completed it on 2 different accounts... rather glad it's just a one shot thing myself.

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As there are more mastery points than you can use, noone ever has to do this if he does not want to.


If this **one** mastery point that is harder to do than just run up and "commune" with it or kill a mob ticks someone off enough to rant and demand it do be made easier, that person has issues. Not everything in the game has to be designed in a way that everyone playing the game can just run up and do it on first try.

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> There's a checkbox in options to always show the nametags of interactable objects . That should help you out some.

If you turn on "Snap cursor to ground target" it helps a ton too. Click on the chef and have him targeted before you even begin the event, and your throws will never miss unless he starts moving before your toss gets to him.


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  • 2 months later...

My word, that was irritating. The 'snap ground target to current target' advice was a game-changer though. Turn this on, memorize the positions and don't forget there's an option on the 1 key to speed up. Avoid obstacles in the way of the throw and you should be able to chuck it at him from a good distance. Good luck.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > There's a checkbox in options to always show the nametags of interactable objects . That should help you out some.

> If you turn on "Snap cursor to ground target" it helps a ton too. Click on the chef and have him targeted before you even begin the event, and your throws will never miss unless he starts moving before your toss gets to him.



Yes, Targetting: Fast With Range Indicator

Snap cursor to ground Target

show interactable objects.

Always have the chef targetted with ctrl+t so even if you lose focus on him by accident you can press T again to retarget.

Wait until he stops to throw

Memorize the item locations

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  • 1 month later...

I did not enjoy this item, I cannot successfully complete this item, and I'm likely not going to try again until I hear they've done something to make it less annoying and more .. well, possible. Sure, many people can do it, but the way it's set up now, I cannot... so yeah, ok, whatever, I clearly stink at gaming... but y'know, it'd be nice to have locked content (i.e., mastery points for mount use/skill) not be sitting behind things that require extreme dexterity and response time (two things I just don't have).

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> So last stress test I did a mastery point that requires you to take on the role of a Sous Chef and throw ingredients at the Head Chef he tells you to bring while he runs around the kitchen.

> It was quite amusing to do but the thing is I find it to be a huge waste of time from the developers. I don't mean it's bad or anything, it's just that since it's a mastery point you can only do it once and only once, as unlike Hero Point's, Mastery Point's are per account not per character.

> So I find it a waste to create a mini-game that that we can only play once.

> Maybe it will be possible to redo it like some Hero Point's for additional rewards, but I doubt it and it would never be as popular as HP trains in HoT.

> So is this a mistake from ANET and it was suppose to be a Hero Point?


Select the option for "show all usable objects," or you'll have no chance.

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There is nothing extreme in this challenge. You just need patience and perseverance. Remember you can launch things at him: shoot where he is going to be, not where he is (Dont shoot unless you are sure he's quiet or know where he is going). Stay in the angle of the room, so you can quickly access anywhere, and come back to this point if you are waiting for the next order. Memorize the plates places and prhases, they are quite distinguishable.

I took my time to get this, I think I needed 7 or 8 times to do it right. But it wasn't extreme at all.

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it took me about 15 tries and i still don't have it, for someone who isn't that fast anjd has a concentration of a baseball this is impossible to do for me.

maybe when you have a memory of an archive it's easy, i can barely keep 3 incridience in mind and there are allot more then that.


two ways to make it bareable tho.

1. lower the amount of incridience

2. don't make the chef walk


it's bad enough that i need to remember a ton of incridience, it's only getting worse if he doesn't stand still.

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I finally got this one finished after giving up on it multiple times. I finally was lucky and gut quite a few requests for nearby ingredients and the same ingredients repeated. While I consider this one quite a frustrating mastery point to get, it is good to know that in the end you will get an excess of mastery points so you have room to skip a few and still end up with enough mastery point to max your level.

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  • 3 months later...

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