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Domain of Istan Branded Meteor Multi Map Farming and rose quartz vendor price, is it safe?

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> @battledrone.8315 said:

> this is just hilariously broken, people are even talking about it in other mmos, i heard about it in general chat in DCUO

> they had a good reputation once, now its just another broken F2P game

> you can delete my account ANet, i wont be coming back after this disaster



This doesn't make any sense.


The farm isn't that broken. What IS broken is the multiloot G. Hall metas which STILL haven't been fixed, as well as Palawadan multilooting.


Meteor farming *pales* in comparison.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> Nothing wrong here. You get 1-2 per hour if you grab 4 impact sites, 1g/h is a VERY poor farm.


Huh? You know you can use the multi-tool 3 and get rose quartz, yeah?


You get around 5-8 rose per map instance you farm, and you can generally farm 3-4 every 15 minutes, so it's a good 50g+ an hour if you have 4 map instances to swap to.

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> @Evolute.6239 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > Nothing wrong here. You get 1-2 per hour if you grab 4 impact sites, 1g/h is a VERY poor farm.


> Huh? You know you can use the multi-tool 3 and get rose quartz, yeah?


> You get around 5-8 rose per map instance you farm, and you can generally farm 3-4 every 15 minutes, so it's a good 50g+ an hour if you have 4 map instances to swap to.


This. So much this



ATM its even better gold/hour income than exploity palawadan ml. So easiest fix ist just edit vendor price from 50 silver to 1 silver. Will also drop the tp price which ist only at 60 silver cause of 50 silver vendor price

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Someone asked why I think the meteor farm isn't an exploit, while the multi map in Palawadan is. Here's why:


* Palawadan is basically an event, in which people are rewarded if they participate. This makes sense and is consistent with the rest of the game. The exploit is in being rewarded for an event without participating in it - people who were not at the event can loot the chests freely. This has been allowed probably because ArenaNet does not know how **not** to allow it: in the latest patch notes, ArenaNet said they would prevent this from working in the Great Hall event, yet people can still loot the chests there freely.


* The meteor farms, if you consider them to be mini events, reward people who participate. Players still need to go to the meteor and do the entire routine (use skill 5 to mark the site, use skill 1 to find the nodes, use skill 2 to make them appear, use skill 3 to mine). Meanwhile, the entire dynamic around the meteors expect people to warn each other when one falls from the sky - both the wait and the fact that the meteors need to be marked by different players hint that ArenaNet always expected people to hunt meteors together. Between this, the fact the NPCs who talk about the meteors are all in a single place, and how many materials each weapon recipe requires, IMO ArenaNet expected players to help each other, just like they are doing. They simply did not think players would be as efficient as they are.


The entire thing with the meteors is very poor design. In the long term, the worst mistake was making the Rose Quartz worth 50 silver (whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!). But the way people are hunting for them is exactly what their design drive people to do.

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I wonder what will they do. Reduce the value of the quartz in people inventory's to something like 5 silver? Reduce only the value of quartz that drops from now on? Remove quartz from the game and replace it with something else?


I'm sure people who were hoarding the quartz waiting for demand to explode aren't happy right now, but really, this was ridiculous.

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Bit of mis-information being tossed around here.


Using the multi-tool 3 ability allows for a much higher chance at getting full Rose Quartz. This drastically kicks up the GpH.

Comparing it to the Multi-loot meta Palawadon is also not quite right as the Palawadon events items have to be placed on an open market where supply and demand comes into play. The quartz was pure, liquid gold and a lot of it too. This could heavily skew the market. More gold means more inflation and suddenly everything skyrockets in price to try and compensate. A bit of a dramatic explanation, but player gold =/= Liquid gold, there are two very scurry beasts.

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> @WereDragon.6083 said:

> Bit of mis-information being tossed around here.


> Using the multi-tool 3 ability allows for a much higher chance at getting full Rose Quartz. This drastically kicks up the GpH.

> Comparing it to the Multi-loot meta Palawadon is also not quite right as the Palawadon events items have to be placed on an open market where supply and demand comes into play. The quartz was pure, liquid gold and a lot of it too. This could heavily skew the market. More gold means more inflation and suddenly everything skyrockets in price to try and compensate. A bit of a dramatic explanation, but player gold =/= Liquid gold, there are two very scurry beasts.


The Pala/GH metas if anything removes gold from the economy.


People, try to understand that selling to players is very different than selling to NPC. Selling to NPC is basically like printing money, while selling to players is just exchanging already existing money, with a little bit of it taken off the top.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > I doubt it's an exploit. I think it was a mistake.


> Simple fix: don't allow you to salvage meteors from another instance. Since they drop with a set timer it shouldn't be so hard to implement



Either this or reduce the vendor price of the quartz. Drop it to like 1s and it just won't be profitable enough to warrant the effort of joining another map.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> They disabled it this morning. Just when i got in. Why does anet hate me?

> Everyone gets to exploit the game but as soon as i jump on the wagon the train stops


Actually, they disabled it last night (edit: in my time zone, anyway), but the rest of your reaction is how I felt about it. :D Juuuust learned how to mine and got my first 3 rose quartz and could not sell them.

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A typo may not be an exploit, but when people get enraged (and yes they were in map chat last night) when it changes it says they know it was an exploit else it wouldn't enrage them when it gets corrected. I think that's my biggest issues with farms, they don't advance a map overall. Its better to up the loot drops of events. The fact that we have this thing that drops from the sky to be mined, there is no challenge there and leads people to the whole 'game the game' mentality where as if the events dropped more loot and even more if it succeeds it would encourage people to just play the game and advance the events. I like gathering and think its a great feature in the game that's an additional boost as you go and do other things, but when ANet tries to add these farms it seems to run into issues. At least with the leather farm there is some combat involved even if its a zerg-fest. To be fair that's also not considering multi-mapping, for that I think the HoT method of map zone contribution had some additional merit to it. Things that promotes people to jump back and fourth on maps just leads to upscaled/wrong scaled events and general chaos. It may be good for that squad, but bad for everyone else on those maps. You really don't want to create content that is "me first" logic in a multi-player game. 2 cents, good gaming.

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> @Zaron.1987 said:

> Rip Economy


> Hello isnane gold to gems Ratio


I dissagree. Usually I can spend all day destroying enemies and doing what I need to do in game, but at the end of the day I rarely make any gold, I just about break even. I've had to dig out my wallet just for crafting and in the end wasnt that happy about my purchases. I just feel if this game can't provide any nice drops there's no point in playing. I dont want to have to pay real cash every time I want a new character skin crafted or not.


Regular game play skins arnt very exciting because there's not much variety. IDK, maybe just getting bored and tired of it all since I cant afford buying gold all the time, and I certainly havent been able to get gold in in game unless I do PVP or leather farming. Getting tired of only doing leather farming and pvp.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> Everyone gets to exploit the game but as soon as i jump on the wagon the train stops

you mean they stopped it before it resulted in harm to the game? A few people got some extra gold, instead of "everyone." (Heck, even in the heyday of AB/ML, which lasted for 6-8 months, there were still tons of players who didn't know about it, let alone participate.)



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