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Can We Get Sore Loser Chat Fixed?


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> @usnedward.9023 said:

> I personally don't like blocking people but it is easy to "block" someone in WvW and that way you know who they are then you can troll them. This is what is happening here and there to me and I am sure others. Can we just get it fixed that NO ONE can know who you really are and avoid the whole toxicity of sore losers? That would be AWESOME!


so Anet allows thread titles like this to go unchecked but when i would create thread titles as such- unjust,unfairness,favoritism,deception, lies, illusions, greed.... i would get infracted?


Once again, Favoritism at its best....nothing new.


Anyhow, as i already stated numerous times, blame the toxicity on toxic class design and the toxic game design first, than toxic players.

'you supply them the tools to be toxic, they will use it'

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @usnedward.9023 said:

> > I personally don't like blocking people but it is easy to "block" someone in WvW and that way you know who they are then you can troll them. This is what is happening here and there to me and I am sure others. Can we just get it fixed that NO ONE can know who you really are and avoid the whole toxicity of sore losers? That would be AWESOME!


> so Anet allows thread titles like this to go unchecked but when i would create thread titles as such- unjust,unfairness,favoritism,deception, lies, illusions, greed.... i would get infracted?


> Once again, Favoritism at its best....nothing new.


> Anyhow, as i already stated numerous times, blame the toxicity on toxic class design and the toxic game design first, than toxic players.

> 'you supply them the tools to be toxic, they will use it'


And you'll problably get infracted again, as talking about being infracted usually end up in another infraction

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > go invis and none can whisp u


> It seems this has less to do about salty whispers than his belief that nobody should be taking to people on other servers and so they should be prevented from doing so.


> What's weird is that there doesn't seem to be a clear reason why, never mind a justification for Anet spending any time on it instead of things people care more about.


> Salty whispers are easily handled via block, which you, he, and pretty well everyone else has mentioned. Spying isn't addressed because people just use guild chat for that, and his call to just prevent right click to block obviously doesn't address spying anyway.


> Honestly, this all just seems like a poorly thought through idea that probably started in reaction to a salty or troll whisper. I haven't been able to find a clear purpose and rationale anyway.


Uh NOOO.. You are missing the whole point. It is not about cross server talk at all. That is a stupid idea. I do not believe that in WvW anyone should be able to identify the enemy which is the case of the block feature. You block...look at block list... then troll. Yes I can handle with a block but if you get rid of the process to identify well...there ya go. It is just merely a suggestion and you don't like it and who cares? Some like it some don't. So do not think it was not thought out because you disagree. I never feed trolls in whispers...I shouldn't in forums either but here I am.


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> @usnedward.9023 said:

> > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > go invis and none can whisp u

> >

> > It seems this has less to do about salty whispers than his belief that nobody should be taking to people on other servers and so they should be prevented from doing so.

> >

> > What's weird is that there doesn't seem to be a clear reason why, never mind a justification for Anet spending any time on it instead of things people care more about.

> >

> > Salty whispers are easily handled via block, which you, he, and pretty well everyone else has mentioned. Spying isn't addressed because people just use guild chat for that, and his call to just prevent right click to block obviously doesn't address spying anyway.

> >

> > Honestly, this all just seems like a poorly thought through idea that probably started in reaction to a salty or troll whisper. I haven't been able to find a clear purpose and rationale anyway.


> Uh NOOO.. You are missing the whole point. It is not about cross server talk at all. That is a stupid idea. I do not believe that in WvW anyone should be able to identify the enemy which is the case of the block feature. You block...look at block list... then troll. Yes I can handle with a block but if you get rid of the process to identify well...there ya go. It is just merely a suggestion and you don't like it and who cares? Some like it some don't. So do not think it was not thought out because you disagree. I never feed trolls in whispers...I shouldn't in forums either but here I am.



You just explicitly explained that your issue is about cross server talk right after you said it wasn't. Taking to people on enemy servers is cross server talk, and identifying through the block feature is one if the primary ways that people get to know others in the first place and initiate communication thereafter.


You also neatly laid out the problem with your request. We already have an easy solution (a few, actually) to deal with salty whispers. Having Anet waste time on adding another method is both unnecessary and it comes at a cost to people who enjoy talking to people on enemy servers (had two positive examples just last night, and no salt).


Your response to the latter, from what I can tell, is that you just don't think people should be able to do that at all, even when positive, which is no kind of justification.


Does that about sum it up?

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> @"Choppy.4183" said:

> > @usnedward.9023 said:

> > > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > > go invis and none can whisp u

> > >

> > > It seems this has less to do about salty whispers than his belief that nobody should be taking to people on other servers and so they should be prevented from doing so.

> > >

> > > What's weird is that there doesn't seem to be a clear reason why, never mind a justification for Anet spending any time on it instead of things people care more about.

> > >

> > > Salty whispers are easily handled via block, which you, he, and pretty well everyone else has mentioned. Spying isn't addressed because people just use guild chat for that, and his call to just prevent right click to block obviously doesn't address spying anyway.

> > >

> > > Honestly, this all just seems like a poorly thought through idea that probably started in reaction to a salty or troll whisper. I haven't been able to find a clear purpose and rationale anyway.

> >

> > Uh NOOO.. You are missing the whole point. It is not about cross server talk at all. That is a stupid idea. I do not believe that in WvW anyone should be able to identify the enemy which is the case of the block feature. You block...look at block list... then troll. Yes I can handle with a block but if you get rid of the process to identify well...there ya go. It is just merely a suggestion and you don't like it and who cares? Some like it some don't. So do not think it was not thought out because you disagree. I never feed trolls in whispers...I shouldn't in forums either but here I am.

> >


> You just explicitly explained that your issue is about cross server talk right after you said it wasn't. Taking to people on enemy servers is cross server talk, and identifying through the block feature is one if the primary ways that people get to know others in the first place and initiate communication thereafter.


Okay, Yes cross server talk but in WvW only. It is my opinion. Others, yes don't adhere to that opinion and this is why it is called a forum. Yes I can fix it by blocking people. My point is and suggestion is why allow it in the first place? I don't feed the trolls and I did nothing in particular to warrant the whisper but now this person because they failed to capture the point and we defended can now 1. Identify who I am by the block feature. 2. If they so choose, continue long after just this first chat by adding a descriptor of who it is they are targeting.


> You also neatly laid out the problem with your request. We already have an easy solution (a few, actually) to deal with salty whispers. Having Anet waste time on adding another method is both unnecessary and it comes at a cost to people who enjoy talking to people on enemy servers (had two positive examples just last night, and no salt).


The request is not a huge request. Remove the block feature from right click. That is all. Not some huge revamping of the whole chat system. Is it easy? Probably. Will they do it? Probably not but devs do come to the forum and maybe they say hey that's a great idea or maybe say eh...not gonna happen. I am fine with that. I tested the waters with this post and got mixed reactions and that's fine.


> Your response to the latter, from what I can tell, is that you just don't think people should be able to do that at all, even when positive, which is no kind of justification.


I don't agree with your assessment here. The enemy shouldn't be able to communicate. Period. Just my opinion and I can't say I have had tons of salty whispers. I don't really troll the enemy and thus not been a target of it but a few times. The other night was just a kind of thinking, when the person was upset for whatever reason, why would you be able to track the enemy? I asked around in TS and asked what positives there are for WvW in talking to the enemy. Common answer: Dueling. Really? Go duel in PvP was my response. Well...you don't get pips....you can't trade kills...Oo. I lol'd myself to sleep thinking of that convo... "How can we trick kitten the system to get rewards". Shame. However I will also admit that some people are free to give up their build info when taken down hard. That could be good but not a reason good enough for me.

> Does that about sum it up?

Pretty close and thank you for a courteous response though we disagree.



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> @"Brutal Augus.5917" said:

> So ultimately you want to remove the main source of my laughter. I guess I can understand how some with thinner skin than my own might not enjoy reading salty comments but I find their autistic anguish hilarious.


> @"Israel.7056" said:

> No I don't think the rationale for this makes any kind of logical sense. If you can't take reading angry whispers consider avoiding online games.


What is funny is how many people are misreading my intentions. I am not upset at the whispers. I move on and I don't respond. Just an exchange of ideas and my idea is simply not to be allowed to talk to the enemy. You don't agree and that's fine.

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