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PvP Systems Conversation

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> @JayAction.9056 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > > @JayAction.9056 said:

> > > Ranked pvp should have access to mats and complete legendarys from HOT and POF, linked behind a combination of rating and reward tracks or something like that.

> > >

> > > If not something that extreme, at least make available some of all these new skins being released in the Pve portion of the game in Pvp also.

> >

> > yessss more pveers ruining matches, just what everyone wants :D


> That's only an issue if you are rated low.


This a MILLION times.


When we had the amazing rewards at pvp, a lot of low-tier ''''pvp'''' players complained about 'pve' players ruining their game. Which is funny, because I have not seen any difference in that season @ 1800 rating.


There is absolutely no problem with PvE players joining PvP, that's why you have a ranking and matchmaking system.


Good rewards will bring greater playerbase and easier cross-playability for PvP-ers. Personally I just found out there is basically no good way of obtaining proper PvE gear from PvP. Was it season 5 when they had amazing rewards? That was a bit overkill maybe, but the rewards were nerfed to ground after that. Which is bad.


Although I don't agree with obtaining legendaries through PvP, but we really should have better rewards for general ranked (especially skins, and ascended armor)

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So, what happened? Is it that PoF launched, the new raid and fractal is out and LS4.1 is out so did a bunch of new people get ported over to PvP and you guys are wanting to get up to speed? While I understand this will attempt to make a more constructive forum as people are gonna want to be on their best behavior, it feels like there isn't a team who's been here, reading the forums, and reacting. It seems like a fresh start initiative. If that's the case, I'd advocate for a management restructuring. A lot of pros, and just regular players, who's feedback you'd value, have left. I also see this happening with WvW once this is done. The WvW population has shrunken so far, especially after PoF. You guys gotta stay on top of these things.


I do hope you guys get some good feedback, and are able to make proper changes that are truly good ones, cause if not, I think PvP is done in GW2. It also needs to be good enough and fast enough to retain your current player base, and maybe bring some people back.

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Thank you Arena Net, for finally opening to your community and actively asking for feedback first from the Marketing Team and now the PvP team, really appreciate it, I hope this is not going to be the last time you do smething like this, and that we will see that happening regularly from now on.

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Regarding balance:


I know it's not in the PvP teams pervue, but as you've seen so far, this is a surprise to many and a shock. While I've known the teams were separate, I am among the crowd that does see this as one of the biggest issues. While you can't address balance directly, as it's not your job, perhaps you guys can get the balance team more involved with the PvP team? Meet more often in the office? Get them to read and address the concerns in the PvP forums? It's just easier for us to address a class balance issue in the pvp forums, as it, well, effects pvp. It also makes more sense to come to one place then make a post in every class sub-forum, and follow them all. I've never understood this. As Dirk Gently would say, everything's connected.

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > It is precisely the pvp team's inability to directly handle class balance in pvp that vexes me.


> That's not the problem, It's just that the balance team needs 3x the budget and manpower to achieve about 3x as many positive changes per patch.


No, the balance team needs to be neutral. It needs to avoid personal bias and radical changes. It should also avoid homogenizing classes. The theory of "balancing" by giving away skills to other classes has left me nearly too bitter to enjoy a game I once doted on.


I have well over a year of time actually online and playing and now it takes a concerted effort to log in. That's primarily because I believe the balance is not objective. Secondarily, because of the way my beloved Mesmer and Thief classes have faired.

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Matchmaking/Leagues: 1 season solo/duoQ 1 season teamQ , I know you guys have ATs but ranked shoould be a place where players meet, become friendly and form teams for ATs but they need a place to practice competitively that isn't stomping pugs in unranked


Automated Tournaments: I think ATs are a great idea, but are stifled by time constraints and a lack of player base. if population goes up i'd like to see more frequent daily tournaments and swiss format.


Rewards: idk let us farm more gandmaster marks from byzantium chests, that'd be cool. also less useless bags inside of boxes inside of chests. i dont really play pvp for the reward tracks, the rewards i like best is the gold and ascended to legendary gear progression.


Maps: if we get new map tested and released every year that'd be cool, Revenge of the Capricorn and eternal coliseum were great additions to conquest.


Game Modes: i know people think its bad idea but only if pvp population rises would i like to see some new game modes, mid to large scale GvG tdm/stronghold would be awesome.


Miscellaneous: Please integrate dedicated balance devs into the pvp team rather than having them separate, as you can see from our side balance is huge part of keeping pvp healthy and pvp balancing needs are vastly different to what pve and wvw balancing needs are. you shouldn't be running 1 balance team for 3 different games modes. you already have skill splitting so i see no reason why your management hasnt done this already

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In more than 5 years I've seen too many discussions and proposals regarding the "competitive" area of this game, but nothing was listened back then.

I've played a lot of real competitive games since 1997 and the thing that all of them had in common was one: "BALANCING, constant balancing of the maps and of the features of the said game (weapons, damage), wich Guild Wars 2 sadly lacks of.

You want to do something good but you want to leave PvP off since is not your area? Fine, but remembers that a competitive mode could have plenty of good features, but without a proper balancing noone of them will work and be appreciated.


Saying this, I'll be glad to partecipanting at the discussions as I did on every CDI.

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> @Pyriall.1683 said:

> So the most important issue, balance, will not be addressed...


how dare u talk about the only thing that ANet prefers to not touch and its taboo to talk about it, and make it every time worse on pvp side and balance is all about remove trinkets.


Funny pvp should be where classes can be checked to have better balance and yet ANet chooses to banish pvp form the balance of the game...


GG 0/10 in quality.


Bluntness asside:


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" It is possible to make a question to the balance team if they pretend to come forward the Gw2 comunity as welsome dayl???

**Cause we all know how tied hand the pvp team is when theres no balance interest and they have no vote on the mater**....


The balance team is damaging the game (i actually feel u guys have no one and its done by dev's generally over time for pve only).


**Balance question asside:**

And since im a very direct person, why dont rebrand and reformart your pvp gamemodes and ladders to somethign that works and its decent?????


Diferent pvp game modes:


3 VS 3 solo arenas, with its own ladder and divisions (single 3v3)

5 vs 5 solo arena with its own ladder and divisions(single5vs5)


(Team based)

3 VS 3 team only arenas, with its own ladder and divisions (Team 3vs3)

5 vs 5 team only arena with its own ladder and divisions (Team 5vs5)


Remove stronghold and swap for something more similiar to:

https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heroes%27_Ascent, large pvp map with 2 team of 5 on each side with complex tasks to penetrate trough defenses where they need to fight as well.

No ladder but reward with unique stuff, some new guild mechanics and themes/skins or items coul dbe rewards trough this system this would valuate the guilds that looks more like chat rooms than guilds.


About the rewards overall u guys will want to overward players at the end... in hope to bring more players to the gamemode with i believe is the wrong aproach.

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Regarding everything else:


I'm not a big PvPer. I mostly WvW, but come to PvP for rewards and when things are slow. At least in PvP, I can get immediate fights rather than roaming around a map for 1/2 hour with nothing happening. That said, much of what I'm going to say has slight personal experience mixed in with forum feedback.


Matchmaking: I don't know what is happeing with it, but it seems that there's a lot of imbalance here. I suspect it's mostly due to a diminishing player base as it would explain the big differences in MMR. Couple that with match-making favoring class equality over MMR, and that can compound the issue. It seems there should be some tweeks here.


ATs: You need a lot more of them. I've been interested in them, but have never been able to get into one. Also, for the more active PvPers, there just aren't enough. This is your team mode. Ranked is for singles. You just can't be limiting your team modes so much. That is what creates community, guilds, friends, and is the life blood of MMOs and player retention.


Rewards: I feel that they're plenty. Unfortunately, ranked has turned into a reward farm. I know, I'm one of them, but I also try play well. This is a really tricky situation. One thing I never understood, though, is why are there so many PvE rewards for a game mode that doesn't require any of it. PvPers don't need ascended or legendary gear or trinkets. Nothing. It's all for free. WvW does need this stuff, as we need the gear, stats, etc, and a big issue with WvWers and why we love the rewards there is that it lessens the time we need to spend in PvE to play WvW. But that's just not the case for PvP. Now, this may not be popular, as it's been baked in for so long, but maybe the PvP rewards should be more PvP oriented. There's currently not much to PvP, so new incentives would have to be created. More exclusive PvP skins that are skins and not ascended stuff. I mean, you have artists coming out with a new weapon set and outfit every month. Have them do one for each PvP season. That's just one example.

Having ascended/legendary rewards invites PvEers/WvWers to farm pips who really don't care so they can get the gear for PvE/WvW, then leave. Get rid of them.


Maps / Modes: Besides class balance, this is probably the other biggest issue. I mean, you guys created PoF with 5 massive zones. LS3 had new zones every 2-3 months. Now we're into LS4. Besides the zones, there's the maps for the actual story instances themselves. All the programming for new monsters. All the scripting involved with new mechanics. All the voice acting, animators, and on and on. But you guys can't roll out a tiny, little PvP map every season? Common. It's a fraction of the size of even a LS zone, no monsters, maybe some voice acting, and some programming for whatever new machanics. Miniscule in comparison. I think this is why so many people are turned off, at least I am, by Anet's attitude towards PvP. We just feel neglected. You guys gotta be pumping out new maps and game modes. Just go through the forums for ideas. There's a ton of them. Or look to other games. SWTOR had some great maps and modes. But 5 years on conquest is so stale. Make the middle circle on each map bigger.




You guys gotta stay on top of your game. I've already expressed some of this in previous posts, but here, I mean policing. There's been a lot of bots, match manipulators, true afkers, unlike me who afks when the match is 400-100 and I'm on the loosing team. Don't feel like playing out the last 100 points, but true afkers. Verbal abusers, hackers, etc. This stuff ruins it for everyone and just makes us not want to play. Again, bad for retention. But you gotta have the budget for it. Talk to the higher ups. If this stuff runs rampant, then everything is just moot.


Honestly, If there isn't changes with the budget to do things that keeps PvP fresh with new skins (or whatver the rewards might be), new maps on a frequent basis, and policing, then just shut it down now and don't bother. You get what you put into it. If there's gonna be lack luster effort put into PvP (and I'm not talking about the people currently working on it, I'm sure they're giving it their all, I'm speaking towards resources), then you're gonna have a lackluster, and dwindling player base. Put in more effort on a consistent basis, then the people will come.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> You’ll notice that skills and balance and player behavior are not included in the list of topics. As most of you are aware, the PvP team does not handle balance changes and we are not responsible for reviewing or responding to player conduct issues.


Yeah I did notice, so what's even the point of this conversation then? Pvp team... that isn't responsible for pvp balance? Like, seriously, what . the . hell ? Does pve team balance? cuz that would make a lot of sense for current state of the game. Maybe it's time for a balance team to move to the pvp team so we can get some actual communication.


All we care about is balance right now Ben, who gives a crap about rewards or matchmaking - it's all useless until the state of the game can be improved and we get more players in the pvp scene. Pretty much everyone is quitting or abusing the systems right now cuz we just stopped caring. For rewards , pve is that way ---> and matchmaking sucks cuz no one is playing and those that do are just taking advantage of the ebola. Pvp is an absolute joke right now it's sad and we care so make some changes.

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I am glad this post is here!


> Our posts will cover the following topics:

> * Matchmaking/Leagues

Both matchmaking and leagues are total jokes. Matchmaking in unranked doesnt offer anything to anyone, has considerably lower playerbase and its completely random. ( Been matched against guys with 80+ ranks when I was about 5.) Leagues are just a lie. Placement matches are so random that u can get bronzes in your team or legends as enemy. ( Im starting off bronze 3 each season and climbing back to gold 3 ) So, leagues and the rank itself doesnt fully show the effectiveness of players.


> * Automated Tournaments


AT's are abused tournaments are only played by top tier players forming different teams over and over again. Playing the monthly tournament itself is quite pointless, a team made out of pugs has absolutely no chance. No need to say you also dont have any feature in pvp to practice as a group because our system doesnt have party matchmaking. ( People entering for rewards just gets smashed to the ground )


> * Rewards


Rewards are good enough for spvp, but no enough rewards for unrankeds, means the pvp playerbase doesnt really increase when you put more rewards on the spvp.


> * Maps


For the love of god, please remove Khylo from existence. Some maps have way too unfair advantage that favor specific classes cuz their aoes are bigger then the point itself, the battleground is restricted so it is not healthy.


> * Game Modes


What is conquest?


> * Miscellaneous (Note: We may not respond to everything in this thread. There are some things we can’t discuss at this time.)


> You’ll notice that skills and balance and player behavior are not included in the list of topics. As most of you are aware, the PvP team does not handle balance changes and we are not responsible for reviewing or responding to player conduct issues. As such, we cannot answer questions on these topics. You should continue to post your questions about skills and balance in the appropriate profession subforum, and you can direct any concerns you have about player conduct to our Customer Support Team.


> We look forward to having a good and productive conversation with you starting Wednesday!


As for this part, it is just sad that balance team doesnt take every point of pvp into consideration while making the "balance". In theory classes may be balanced, each class has its counters in the metagame, the so called necro isnt actually hard to stop in a 1 v 1 scenario. Homewer pvp isnt just 1 v 1 ing, its 5 v 5 where in most games matches starts with 4 people going mid. In a case when aoes are too big , and areas are too fight to fight, classes with big aoes ( Check scourge and firebrand mainly ) , this lowers diversity in general, because in maps like khylo, 2 necros can effectively shut down entire mid platform by bombing aoes and noone will have any chance of surviving that. Only acceptable teamfight for me is at foefire, where mid is exceptionally large so you actually have chance to dodge most of stuff. Other than that, most maps really has small fighting points and most of those points can be easily abused by any aoes and this is a huge disadvantage and its not competitive.


Also would like to mention since pvp and pve is entirely 2 different gamemodes, pvp should have its own balance team. Pve's balance team buffs stuff regardless of thinking how it will affect pvp or wvw.

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Really guys balance is the main thing that makes the game enjoyable or not for most people. Matchmaking reports are often Dunning-Kruger effect or just unreasonable expectations for the system, given the game mode and players queuing at the time. And really I don't know how many times you're going to change how many coins and floaty chests we receive and expect it to be effective. I would love if they talked about the total mess of team play in the game, and why ranked for the past year has been solo/duo only, and how that somehow is supposed to lead to teams and a community forming around it.


But the question on everyone's mind here seems to be: how the hell does the community open a dialogue or even get in touch with Karl/whoever balances the game anymore? They just seem to appear every 3 months with a minor blog post and a post-it note worth of changes that will improve or ruin the game for the next quarter, and then they disappear for another 3 months with no interaction. WTF

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This is like worrying about what color uniforms players should wear and what should be served in the concessions while ignoring the fact that some players can use aluminum bats and steroids and other players can only use wooden bats and must have sickle cell anemia.


You kinda have to balance the competition before worrying about the finer details.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hi folks!



> Our posts will cover the following topics:

> * Automated Tournaments


**Make them observable by ALL**, if all 10 players agree. To faliclitate the communication amongst the spectators and prevent communication with contestants, install a mechanism that allows the **spectators to chat amongst themselves** and prohibit all other chat options. Additionally/Optionally implement a **delay of some sorts for spectators**.



(Jebro and Roy do a fine job, but all this jumping between these fights is often confusing; I appreciate good commentary, but let me watch the action I want to see - like football)

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > It is precisely the pvp team's inability to directly handle class balance in pvp that vexes me.

> >

> > That's not the problem, It's just that the balance team needs 3x the budget and manpower to achieve about 3x as many positive changes per patch.


> No, the balance team needs to be neutral. It needs to avoid personal bias and radical changes. It should also avoid homogenizing classes. The theory of "balancing" by giving away skills to other classes has left me nearly too bitter to enjoy a game I once doted on.


> I have well over a year of time actually online and playing and now it takes a concerted effort to log in. That's primarily because I believe the balance is not objective. Secondarily, because of the way my beloved Mesmer and Thief classes have faired.


You think a skills & balance Dev who does this for a living needs to remember to avoid personal bias? How incredibly condescending. You or anybody cannot prove that X class has always been good because 'so and so' who's a skills and balance Dev mains it. That's an absurd thing to believe. What's not absurd to believe is that you're incredibly biased against anything sharing functionality with the only thing in GW2 you care about: how uniquely powerful Mesmer is. The day Ventari Rev and Renegade were able to apply alacrity I wish I could've heard the screeching coming from your Mesmer themed gaming lair. Nobody else is feeling homogenized or emotionally affected by those changes, so it's obvious you aren't in a position to call out the Devs for personal bias.


The PoF balance patch and quarterly update were both objectively very good, there was just not enough changes able to be fit in. Here's why:


PoF balance patch balanced Holosmith, taking it out of being S tier, the quarterly update balanced Spellbreaker, taking it out of the S tier. Could you imagine if these two sets of changes never happened for PvP? What if they didn't nerf Scourges pulsing Dhuumfire on Desert Shroud?


It's obvious that they've been objective, and frankly, dead on in their Holosmith and Spellbreaker changes from a PvP perspective. They just need to take a real crack at Scourge, Firebrand, then we'll see where Rev/Ele end up and possibly tweak them.


It's very obvious the Devs are just not able to pack enough changes into the patches which is sad.


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> @Sinid.7460 said:


> They have already tried Courtyard and it sucked. The game is balanced around conquest and that's how it should be because it's the most fun mode to play honestly. Deathmatch gets real old real fast. It's more interesting to play around objectives on a map and engage in varied matchups (2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 1v2) instead of getting into a map and fighting 5v5 every single time. Conquest promotes more build diversity because of this and you don't come across into as many repeated scenarios so it's less boring. I really can't see how anyone would think that deathmatch wouldn't make pvp more stale.


> Maybe more game modes would be fun, but this can't be done until the main mode (conquest) is healthier. The population is already shrinking and you want to shrink it even further by introducing new game modes? I don't think I need to explain more why this is a bad idea.



First off courtyard was awesome to those that didn't just run a bow 5 spam teef. It was just put in the game wrong and had crud mechanics (none). Heck most conq maps could be converted to TDM because honestly no conquest is the worst map mode idea ever for gw2. look how simple gw1 pvp was with kill or be killed end of story pvp. It was epic. Now sadly all you need to do i roll a 2 run bow 5 spam teef team and you win 90% of games. Right now since the launch of gw2 pvp has be sub par due to the crud like game mode of whoever has the most mobility on their team wins. This is not a gmae mode based of skill at all. LOL what diversity? In TDM you have support, then people to lure others, spikers, tanks, healers. In conquest roll 2 teef and ( 3 of either scourge or FB ) win game. Spam spam spam while one or 2 runs runs runs and you win!.


Sorry pvp is ded and there is only one way to revive it. By actually making it fun. Right now with circle dancing conquest all you do is run hide decap run hide decap run hide decap and you win! I know so many have their little hearts set on conq but that is what is holding GW2 PvP back from being worth playing. That or any any any! game mode besides circle dancing conq. Hell I'll take capture the flag over circle dance mode.


If another game mode like TDM was actually properly introduced with a decent map or 2 and a que. Not just here is a map or 2 to die off in HotJoin. Then pvp might improve a bit.

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5v5 3-round annihilation, ie, Courtyard done correctly could be legitimate.


Introduce anti-stall mechanics such as stacking heal reduction at the 3 minute mark of each round, aiming for 5 minute round limits.


Each map could have unique environmental hazards and various levels of terrain to defend yourself with.

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I think it is > @JayAction.9056 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > > @JayAction.9056 said:

> > > Ranked pvp should have access to mats and complete legendarys from HOT and POF, linked behind a combination of rating and reward tracks or something like that.

> > >

> > > If not something that extreme, at least make available some of all these new skins being released in the Pve portion of the game in Pvp also.

> >

> > yessss more pveers ruining matches, just what everyone wants :D


> That's only an issue if you are rated low.


> Otherwise should be no problem.


> Especially if items are gated behind rating/tier


> I mean, I'm not expecting legendarys or legendary mats to be accessible to gold rank.



I think it might be a good idea, however, it is a double edged sword. If the best rewards were exclusive only for platinum/legendary ranks the casual wave of players would just leave PvP instead of gitting gud. That's because you can get lege armour out of PvE and that is why it might happen. However, if there were more fancy and good stuff ONLY obtainable in medium/high rank PvP it might tease some players to try harder to get it.

Still, I can't understand how can you keep the game casual friendly and have a good PvP scene at that. PvP is not for casuals if they want to be good. In PvE, the "hardcore content" works even for casuals, all you have to do is learn the scripted behaviour, get a decent gear and farm it with a team that doesn't have potatoes for brains. Here you have to be cunning and efficient, react to the most unexpected things in a fight, which scares off most of the PvE playerbase.

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While this could be a good thing, you have to make fighting in PVP fun first and right now it's pretty lame the points are all visual cluster bombs full of conditions. I should screen shot this crap. (Sandshades and fb mantras are the worst offenders)


Remember the harder it is to read what's going on in a game the harder it will be for newer players to enjoy it. Most people play this game for the combat when that feels unrewarding a mess no matter your work (pvp/wvw teams) it's not going to get much better. You need to (figure out out a more streamlined balance) address class balance first then work from there. I know this is another team, I know they said that it's hard to do balance updates well y'all need to talk about it together and figure it out.

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Interesting how half of the people here complain about balance, although this is not the purpose if this thread. No one said that balance is not being taken care of and you can expect the next balance/nerf patch coming in at a point. But there are so many topics in pvp that need to be looked at, which repeatedly are discussed in this forum without developer attention. Now, there is the chance to address developers and people rather complain about the balance again...


As per my POV I'd like to see these issues being addresses in pvp:

- Matchmaking system throwing silver/gold/platinum players in the same pool to avoid queing for a match at certain points. Fix.

- Multiclassing is trying to be avoided but since you can adjust your comp by rerolling right before the match this filter criteria is worthless and could as well be removed to reduce queing times.

- Personal rank loss/gain depends too much on the team composition and the team success than on your personal effort. People with high rating being punished by loosing a lot of rank points for being teamed up with low ranking team mates against low ranking opponents. Rework.

- Make the individual ratings more transparent for people and show them after the match. Being teamed up with a "f*cking silver noob" is not the fault of the player but of the matchmaking system.

- Create maps for more than 5 people per team (e.g. 8 people) to balance the individual skill cap and better be able to balance the skill gap to bad players.

- Automated reporting and dishonor punishment system for verbal abuse, afking, botting etc. Give us a system that actually works and is usable: e.g. reports from the own team for afk lead to kick from the match after 10 sec, if the player does not leave the player base or engages into combat. New player is loaded into the match to even the odds.

- Punish bad behaviour and verbal abuse. If you don't have capacity, use bad word filters for delivering warnings to players continuously breaking the code of conduct. Pvp should be about doing your best, rather than being busy with insulting each other during a match.

- Add commodity features, such as a separate weapon set for pvp so that rerolling before the match start does not load my Toon with PVE weapons

- Reduce the not targeted condition and damage spam fest by reducing the usefulness of aoe spam (in pvp only). Player focused combat should be superior and make classes with low life pool more useful for team fights again.

- Add team deathmatch mode. Then a melee class (besides a SB or FB) finally could be useful against an aoe-spamming-condi-my-kitten-of-and-laugh scourge camping the capping point.

- Revise rally system. If I go in for the stomp it should not be race for downing your opponents the fastest in order to avoid a mass rally. Having downed a full 5 man enemy team at mid coming back up with 50% of live because only one of your team mates dies is just unfair and makes reviving AND stomping meaningless, as aoe bombs would do the job much better. Suggestion: let only one player rally if enemy player dies.


There are certainly a lot more points to add to the wish list...


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Well, i really appreciate the effort to discuss Topics with the community. But i am afraid that the biggest problems are those the pvp-team is not in the position to fix: Balance and vfx clutter. Let's just hope we can still have some good discussion and eventually somewhat fast changes to make the best out of the situation.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> TDM was absolutely awful. A friend of mine played it once and vowed never to return to PvP. He never did.


> The current toxicity and joyful trolling is nothing beside what a new Courtyard would produce. This should not be done under any circumstances.


Well... I played it and I found courtyard to be fun. So did other players. I'm not saying that it was the best map but a game mode beside capture points would be very welcome.

Concerning Toxicity, there is a clear need for moderation or a system that "motivates" to stick to the netiquette.

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