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Crafting WvW Legendary Armor

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I've slowly but surely been collecting WvW Skirmish Tickets to get my very own set of Legendary Armor. I'm not there yet but after reading the GW2 Wiki I was wondering:


Does it make any difference if I would get [Ascended Triumphant Hero's armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor "Ascended Triumphant Hero's armor") or [Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor "Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor") as base? Does the mistforged variant (requiring high WvW rank) have any improvements in the resulting WvW legendary armor? Or is the Legendary result all the same?

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > I'm nearing WvW rank 1000 now. So if I want the best visual style, I have to wait until rank 2000 and then craft the legendary WvW armor? Or can I upgrade it later?


> You can upgrade it later.


Do you know anything about the method and cost to do so? I would regret wasting a lot of tickets making a wrong choice.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > > I'm nearing WvW rank 1000 now. So if I want the best visual style, I have to wait until rank 2000 and then craft the legendary WvW armor? Or can I upgrade it later?

> >

> > You can upgrade it later.


> Do you know anything about the method and cost to do so? I would regret wasting a lot of tickets making a wrong choice.


I don't know, i personally haven't unlocked it yet, but on the wiki it says:


*"It takes 2,620 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets in total to obtain a full set of Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor."*


So, more tickets than the normal ascended one which costs about 1400 or something, and also on the wiki, it mentions that you need to unlock the tier 2 armor in order to even purchase the mistforged version. What that tier 2 armor actually is, is a bit vague, i don't know if it's the exotic one from the reward track, or the ascended one that you craft. But whatever tier 2 is, you need to unlock that and be the right rank. Also, the wiki doesn't say if you need grandmaster marks for that either so i don't even know what the mistforged thing actually is, armor or just a skin...


There was another thread about this here:



One person said that they made the legendary first, then unlocked the mistforged skins later.

So, you can absolutely do that. It unlocks a skin in your wardrobe anyway wether you need to craft it or not, so the worst you can do is end up with another set of ascended armor and spend 6 transmutation charges on your legendary to make it look like the sublime skin.


By the time you're rank 2000 you'll have tons of skirmish tickets anyway, so i wouldn't worry about what's effective... :wink:

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I'll admit I've been working with the ascended mistforged triumphant hero's armor from the getgo, so I'm not sure how one would go about upgrading the aesthetics should they opt to use the non mistforged version. I generally reskin my armor anyway, I'm not fond of most medium armor leggos. It'd be weirdly easy if it were a simple reskin.


I'll refer some guildies to the thread later tonight if there's still any confusion.


~ Kovu

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> @Linken.6345 said:

> From what Im told the ascended armor is just a reskin of the exotic armors you can buy so why not just buy the exotic skined armor of the one you want at 2000 wvw level?

> Shouldent have to use any marks


Because I want to go for a legendary set and the ascended pieces are a required ingredient for them.

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You can make your [legendary armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor "legendary armor") either using the 1) ascended Triumphant Hero's armor or 2) Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor as your precursors (or even a mixture of them). The armor you gain from the forge will have the initial look of your chosen precursor, but otherwise there are no differences on your purple pixels. Mistforged variant requires the high wvw rank to purchase, does not require grandmaster marks to buy but costs double the tickets. In addition to the rank requirement Mistforged variant also requires you to have purchased the regular Triumphant Hero's armor (either ascended or exotic) to be unlocked, effectively costing three times the tickets than the regular version for a precursor.


If you are looking forward to having stat swappable armor, you are able to make your legendary armor with Triumphant Hero's skin as soon as you have 7880 tickets (and the rest of the materials) available. If you really want the tentacles or the mistforged glow, you can later at rank 2k buy that ascended armor to transmute the look to your legendary set and to use the ascended pieces on another character perhaps.


Changing the looks of your legendary is no different from transmuting any gw2 armor. Cost is whatever it takes to acquire the skin you want and transmutation charges.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> Understood.


> So what's the best motivational way of obtaining the legendary set?


> Get all the ascended pieces first, then make the legendary one by one or get one ascended piece, then make it legendary before buying the next ascended piece? :sweat_smile:


I made full asce set... now im gathering tickets to change it to legendary...

I made it longer coz i buy sublime mistforged armors (heavy, light, medium) each takes 1050 tickets :)

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> @intox.6347 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > Understood.

> >

> > So what's the best motivational way of obtaining the legendary set?

> >

> > Get all the ascended pieces first, then make the legendary one by one or get one ascended piece, then make it legendary before buying the next ascended piece? :sweat_smile:


> I made full asce set... now im gathering tickets to change it to legendary...

> I made it longer coz i buy sublime mistforged armors (heavy, light, medium) each takes 1050 tickets :)


Lol i barely have time to make 1 armor. I already have the light ascended from crafting but i also want the legendary light armor. So i'm buying the precursors now. So far got the chest piece but idk if i should save tickets for all the pieces first or make the chest legendary before i buy another precursor.


Decisions lol. :sweat_smile:

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> So what's the best motivational way of obtaining the legendary set?


> Get all the ascended pieces first, then make the legendary one by one or get one ascended piece, then make it legendary before buying the next ascended piece? :sweat_smile:


This probably depends a lot on how much having an ascended armor set (the precursor) means to you. The precursors are the cheap part of the cost, so if you do need a set of ascended, by all means go for a whole set first. However, if you do buy the precursor armor a lot in advance to upgrading them, make sure to remember that 1) you cannot stat swap it in the forge or it won't be a precursor anymore and 2) you will lose your runes when you upgrade them to legendary. For these reasons, and due to the masses of t6 materials needed taking some time to gather, I made mine straight to legendary level piece by piece.

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> @Cinnamonfox.4965 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > So what's the best motivational way of obtaining the legendary set?

> >

> > Get all the ascended pieces first, then make the legendary one by one or get one ascended piece, then make it legendary before buying the next ascended piece? :sweat_smile:


> This probably depends a lot on how much having an ascended armor set (the precursor) means to you. The precursors are the cheap part of the cost, so if you do need a set of ascended, by all means go for a whole set first. However, if you do buy the precursor armor a lot in advance to upgrading them, make sure to remember that 1) you cannot stat swap it in the forge or it won't be a precursor anymore and 2) you will lose your runes when you upgrade them to legendary. For these reasons, and due to the masses of t6 materials needed taking some time to gather, I made mine straight to legendary level piece by piece.


I don't need an ascended set, i already have one. I only need to buy the triumphant one because that's a precursor, not because i need an ascended.

In fact, i think i'll have to salvage my old ascended armor piece by piece for balls of dark energy or whatever so i can make them into cubes. I salvaged tons of rings i got from fractals and didn't get a single one. And wiki says salvaging ascended armor gives 100% chance of getting a ball of dark energy, so i'll basically replace my crafted ascended armor with the mistforged one piece by piece.


And you're right, it might be better to go straight to legendary because of the material cost. That way i'll at least see some progress every 3 months lol. And since i can't grind to diamond pips, this whole process will take me a while unfortunately. I wish Anet didn't make us grind this much. WvW armor is essentially 3 or more layers of timegated stuff on top of each other. And then you still have to grind mats and stuff....


Oh well...

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> @Cinnamonfox.4965 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > So what's the best motivational way of obtaining the legendary set?

> >

> > Get all the ascended pieces first, then make the legendary one by one or get one ascended piece, then make it legendary before buying the next ascended piece? :sweat_smile:


> This probably depends a lot on how much having an ascended armor set (the precursor) means to you. The precursors are the cheap part of the cost, so if you do need a set of ascended, by all means go for a whole set first. However, if you do buy the precursor armor a lot in advance to upgrading them, make sure to remember that 1) you cannot stat swap it in the forge or it won't be a precursor anymore and 2) you will lose your runes when you upgrade them to legendary. For these reasons, and due to the masses of t6 materials needed taking some time to gather, I made mine straight to legendary level piece by piece.


I'm in the same boat. Half of my armor is exotic, the other half is legendary. I'm upgrading my armor one piece at a time as the tickets become available and black lion chest salvaging the exotics for their pieces. Stuff's expensive, yo. But that's a good thing. _Legendary_ content _should_ be expensive and time consuming.


~ Kovu

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > @Linken.6345 said:

> > From what Im told the ascended armor is just a reskin of the exotic armors you can buy so why not just buy the exotic skined armor of the one you want at 2000 wvw level?

> > Shouldent have to use any marks


> Because I want to go for a legendary set and the ascended pieces are a required ingredient for them.


if you can craft the legendary with the 1000 level armor then you can buy the normal 2000 level armor exotic and reskin the 1000 level legendary armor.

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