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Not thirsty achievment


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Not sure how this achievement works.

Do you need to just tag or complete the destruction of a fountain?

It seems to me, you must complete it.

Also, I'm guessing you do not drink.

Anyhow, does anyone have a better description as to what exactly you need to do here?


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Think the big problem with some of these is knowing how much is enough - am guessing more than just one strike but hopefully not needing the killing blow. I know I got a few credits for this and don't think did killing blow or even a lot of damage. Think only the devs will know the exact threshold but with 8 per hall should get 2 or maybe even 3 at a time.

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I was able to get this done by striking each fountain a couple of times and moving to the next one. The middle room has the most fountains so it is better to go there and run around and get as many hits as you can vs. trying to get the two that are on each outer edge. I was getting credit for most of the ones in that room each time. It did take participating in the event quite a few times to get it done though.

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