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Honestly, is it even worth doing Raids?


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As with most things in an mmorpg, the enjoyment you get out of it depends a lot on the people you are playing with. If you are in a group that helps and supports each other through the fights, raids can be the most fulfilling content in the game. The sense of achievement you get from finally beating a hard boss through teamwork with people you trust is something you only really get in raiding. It's the main reason why I got into progression raiding in the first place. Unfortunately most PUGs are only concerned with clearing the content as fast as possible and that sense of camaraderie isn't there. If you want the true raiding experience, find a static group of people you genuinely enjoy playing with rather than PUGs.


Case in point:



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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> As with most things in an mmorpg, the enjoyment you get out of it depends a lot on the people you are playing with. If you are in a group that helps and supports each other through the fights, raids can be the most fulfilling content in the game. The sense of achievement you get from finally beating a hard boss through teamwork with people you trust is something you only really get in raiding. It's the main reason why I got into progression raiding in the first place. Unfortunately most PUGs are only concerned with clearing the content as fast as possible and that sense of camaraderie isn't there. If you want the true raiding experience, find a static group of people you genuinely enjoy playing with rather than PUGs.


I appreciate the advice. As of right now, my favourite thing to do is PvP because of the group I play with. Who knows, a lot of my guild does raids, so this might just be amazing. Thank you!

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Raids are definitely worth doing, not only for the rewards but for the experience. Some of the best mechanics in the game are in raids, and it's always exciting to get your first kill on a new boss =) what you have to look out for of course is the groups. Make sure you get understand a groups expectations when you join, if you join an experienced group when you're not experienced you can expect them to get upset. Look for training runs and try to find a group of people that's willing to teach! Training runs are posted in lfg pretty often. I know I see them usually everyday, for various bosses.theres training runs, semi exp runs, runs for fun, don't get too discouraged by a fee negative experiences. Raids are what you make of them so make sure you understand that =) there's alot of general negativity in the community towards raids , they definitely impact's new raider's opinions, don't let they get to you !! Hop in and have fun !

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Let us know how it turns out, @"Lina.1327" . I'm with @"Wandering Mist.2973" — it really depends on how you find your group (and with what sort of stuff is fun for you).


My friend & I had the same discussion about pick up groups for challenging content.

* Friend: "I love PUGs; _anything_ can happen."

* Me: "I hate PUGging, because _anything_ can happen."

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Depends on how much you enjoy that kind of content and whether you are just there for the rewards or to actually have fun. Raids are not any different from PvP or WvW for that matter as far as people are concerned. It may take some time but find the one group that works for you and you'll enjoy yourself.

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I kindly recommend to do Raid only as member of a guild having regular raid activities, organizing regular training sessions and experienced sessions, with weekly appointments. That way, you will always be in a group of friends, that you know, that are used to play together, and I believe it is the best way to enjoy raiding. :)

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I kindly recommend to do Raid only as member of a guild having regular raid activities, organizing regular training sessions and experienced sessions, with weekly appointments. That way, you will always be in a group of friends, that you know, that are used to play together, and I believe it is the best way to enjoy raiding. :)



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Yes, do agree with depending on the people you're doing it with. Here's a scenario ; An inexperienced Daredevil with Celestial's stat decided join and try raiding but failed to kill the Boss. Analyzing the problem, it was due to a slight lack in DPS causing the Boss enrage every attempt at 3-5% remaining HP and in technical the Daredevil did not perform any error in the raid mechanics.


Squad leader A : Kicks the Daredevil off squad (with / without apologizing if it matters in this case), and invited an experienced veteran raid player as replacement, by doing so he had secured the kill thus satisfying 9 players in the squad.


Squad leader B : Persuade the daredevil in getting a set of exotics (zerker), to be fair to everyone in fulfilling their respective roles (Dealing dmg in this case). As result, the Boss was killed shortly after.


Both Squad leader shares the same goal, completed the task. The method used is subjective depending on who's perspective (eg. Members in squad A might felt its a reasonable action taken.) the difference is in one side displayed a better Leadership. It really depends on who you're playing with to enjoy the game. If it's one thing bad in GW2 is it needs me work three times as hard to reach out for players interaction, felt its more to a solo-player game (SOLO WAR) instead of online multiplayer (GUILD WAR) outside of the guild I'm in.

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> @Eramonster.2718 said:

> Yes, do agree with depending on the people you're doing it with. Here's a scenario ; An inexperienced Daredevil with Celestial's stat decided join and try raiding but failed to kill the Boss. Analyzing the problem, it was due to a slight lack in DPS causing the Boss enrage every attempt at 3-5% remaining HP and in technical the Daredevil did not perform any error in the raid mechanics.


> Squad leader A : Kicks the Daredevil off squad (with / without apologizing if it matters in this case), and invited an experienced veteran raid player as replacement, by doing so he had secured the kill thus satisfying 9 players in the squad.


> Squad leader B : Persuade the daredevil in getting a set of exotics (zerker), to be fair to everyone in fulfilling their respective roles (Dealing dmg in this case). As result, the Boss was killed shortly after.


> Both Squad leader shares the same goal, completed the task. The method used is subjective depending on who's perspective (eg. Members in squad A might felt its a reasonable action taken.) the difference is in one side displayed a better Leadership. It really depends on who you're playing with to enjoy the game. If it's one thing bad in GW2 is it needs me work three times as hard to reach out for players interaction, felt its more to a solo-player game (SOLO WAR) instead of online multiplayer (GUILD WAR) outside of the guild I'm in.


I'm sorry but do you know how easy the bosses in this game are? You can literally 5-7 man most of them. If the group hits enrage timer, they have other issues that need fixing other than that 1 guy in shitty gear. Last night we did 5 man vale guardian for no reason, made bunch of mistakes and still had over a min left on the enrage timer. We could take 5 of those theoretical daredevils with us, and still kill it, while they just sit around and do nothing.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> I'm sorry but do you know how easy the bosses in this game are?


"Easy" depends on the skill of the player; raids aren't "easy" for everyone. If they were, people wouldn't keep starting discussions about easy-mode or story mode etc.


Full disclaimer: I'm a fan of GW2's raids, even though I haven't found my long-term static group (and I hate PUGging).


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> @Cynn.1659 said:


> I'm sorry but do you know how easy the bosses in this game are? You can literally 5-7 man most of them. If the group hits enrage timer, they have other issues that need fixing other than that 1 guy in kitten gear. Last night we did 5 man vale guardian for no reason, made bunch of mistakes and still had over a min left on the enrage timer. We could take 5 of those theoretical daredevils with us, and still kill it, while they just sit around and do nothing.


Not straying off the main topic, what I was trying to highlight is not the crafted scenario but which group will make one enjoy and makes raid worthwhile.


I do get your point, raids can be easy with practice but its as you said, as its not always a smooth sail outside. Absence of a regular member in group can be felt. Standard and expectations will be placed on the replacement especially if its a PuG. This builds a wall in between veterans in game and new players trying to start raid. Neither side will benefit from this mentality as veterans will slowdown or stop raiding once gotten the skins; while having insufficient new players to fill in as theres no one to guide and nuture(only pressure and expectations) thus giving up in raids.

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My main issue with Raiding, is that I’m on during an inactive time due to my work schedule and the guilds im in do their raid runs while I’m at work, so unless I want to pug a wing, which let’s be honest is hit or miss, it makes it incredibly difficult to do the content. Which is unfortunate because I like the content.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> > @Eramonster.2718 said:

> > Yes, do agree with depending on the people you're doing it with. Here's a scenario ; An inexperienced Daredevil with Celestial's stat decided join and try raiding but failed to kill the Boss. Analyzing the problem, it was due to a slight lack in DPS causing the Boss enrage every attempt at 3-5% remaining HP and in technical the Daredevil did not perform any error in the raid mechanics.

> >

> > Squad leader A : Kicks the Daredevil off squad (with / without apologizing if it matters in this case), and invited an experienced veteran raid player as replacement, by doing so he had secured the kill thus satisfying 9 players in the squad.

> >

> > Squad leader B : Persuade the daredevil in getting a set of exotics (zerker), to be fair to everyone in fulfilling their respective roles (Dealing dmg in this case). As result, the Boss was killed shortly after.

> >

> > Both Squad leader shares the same goal, completed the task. The method used is subjective depending on who's perspective (eg. Members in squad A might felt its a reasonable action taken.) the difference is in one side displayed a better Leadership. It really depends on who you're playing with to enjoy the game. If it's one thing bad in GW2 is it needs me work three times as hard to reach out for players interaction, felt its more to a solo-player game (SOLO WAR) instead of online multiplayer (GUILD WAR) outside of the guild I'm in.


> I'm sorry but do you know how easy the bosses in this game are? You can literally 5-7 man most of them. If the group hits enrage timer, they have other issues that need fixing other than that 1 guy in kitten gear. Last night we did 5 man vale guardian for no reason, made bunch of mistakes and still had over a min left on the enrage timer. We could take 5 of those theoretical daredevils with us, and still kill it, while they just sit around and do nothing.


This highlights a huge problem with raid content as it shouldn't be possible to low man top tier challenging instances :)

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As everyone said. It depends largely on the ppl you play with. If you PUG its a random chance whether you get cool ppl or toxic ones. Every game mode is the same. PvP for example you can find a lot of toxicity with random ppl. But as you said with friends it works really good. If you raid with friends, your guild or the training communities its amazing fun. And not because of the rewards. These are just a bonus.


If you cannot find a guild to raid might i suggest the discord training communities. They are great ppl, they can help you with both the bosses and improving you own play and when you go through the training they even help you find a static group. BEST way to get into raiding outside a guild.




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> @"miku.3025" said:

> You find raid easy doesn't mean others are too. There are raid newbie .. so when you say it's easy just insta cc gorse and burst it down.. no green VG etc, this isn't easy for many newbie groups and ofc not helping them to improve.


Makes sense now nvm

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