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How do you deal with spellbreakers and stealth insta-burst thieves? (with high ping too)


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In roaming, spellbreakers almost seem to nullify my burst, and thieves just appear out of nowhere, burst you down, then teleport away, even if you have teammates nearby. How do you deal with these cancers? Is there an anti thief build out there that can survive a thief burst, or is good at baiting one? Also how do you even respond to these bursts which happen so quickly when you have high ping?

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I dont see which character you playing :) But that high ping is problem alone for fighting with thief...

If you play power builds... its good to have proc sigils (skills ) on you ... like hydromancy sigil... once they jump on you... switch wpn and let proc sigil atleast do something to him... but with really good thief you cant do much... he will kill you or run away. If u want to win... u need to have good roam build and experienced with it. Try to aoe cleave around you... have some traps, aoe skills ready... or good cc...


Fighting SB is more about moving... dont stay in his face... or cc dps counter you to death.... move... evade ... and between that try to dps.

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> @Joshewwah.2956 said:

> In roaming, spellbreakers almost seem to nullify my burst, and thieves just appear out of nowhere, burst you down, then teleport away, even if you have teammates nearby. How do you deal with these cancers? Is there an anti thief build out there that can survive a thief burst, or is good at baiting one? Also how do you even respond to these bursts which happen so quickly when you have high ping?


I'm sorry to say this; there will never be a solution to thief toxicity, until they are re-designed. As for spellbreaker; Anet need to re-adjust their damages; increase their risks for damage. As the saying goes, 'You can't have the best of both worlds' (Advantage and Disadvantage)<->(Offense+Defense) at the same time


No class/s should have the best of both worlds

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Rune of surging or putting a cc trap below your feet might assist you on the thief. Engaging power almost always theirs, might as well take advantage of it. This can at least or might buy you a few seconds to set up a counter burst. Either that or you can at least waste one of his stun breaks. You will still get hit though. so it might be better not be too squishy, and have a stunbreak ready for basilisk. For sb, just follow the usual, tick his hp off til 50% to trigger passive and dance til he's out of god mode. These should be doable on your ping. I should know, I play from sea region with 350ish in a eu server.

You have to come in terms though that the higher your ping, there should be more things in the game that you cannot just cross such as fighting too much in the style of visual and audio tells. Even if your reaction is fast enough for this, your ping just won't allow it. That means that there are just really good people that you will not be able to give an equal fight with. You can try of course, it's only a game.

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> @Joshewwah.2956 said:

> In roaming, spellbreakers almost seem to nullify my burst, and thieves just appear out of nowhere, burst you down, then teleport away, even if you have teammates nearby. How do you deal with these cancers? Is there an anti thief build out there that can survive a thief burst, or is good at baiting one? Also how do you even respond to these bursts which happen so quickly when you have high ping?


Learn to dodge on the very first hit. They are burst and rely on timing.


If you survive the first burst you can down them.


Also I love moaing them. Or putting down fields as a necro.


Invest in endurance runes to help with the dodge refresh.

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> @Joshewwah.2956 said:

> In roaming, spellbreakers almost seem to nullify my burst, and thieves just appear out of nowhere, burst you down, then teleport away, even if you have teammates nearby. How do you deal with these cancers? Is there an anti thief build out there that can survive a thief burst, or is good at baiting one? Also how do you even respond to these bursts which happen so quickly when you have high ping?


if the thieves are killing you too quickly for your reaction(also caused by ping) then no build will help you. some builds have auto defense that might let you survive their first burst but as you have already realized they port away really quick so, they just do the same a little later when your auto is on cd an kill you. but it might help you when you run with a group that they have time to preassure the thief before you go down. cause thief gets killed by quick bursts and with high ping there wont be a quick burst.

as for spellbreakers i mostly play thief so i do a little quick burst & run/stealth till all their 'cant touch this' runs out and then they drop, would be easier to help you if you told us what class(es) or build(s) you like to play usually.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> I'm sorry to say this; there will never be a solution to thief toxicity, until they are re-designed. As for spellbreaker; Anet need to re-adjust their damages; increase their risks for damage. As the saying goes, 'You can't have the best of both worlds' (Advantage and Disadvantage)<->(Offense+Defense) at the same time


> No class/s should have the best of both worlds


Spellbreaker has already taken a nerf and you don't want to butcher the class so much so that no one plays it anymore.

OP has not said what class he plays so hard for anyone to comment what he should be doing.

I can suggest using stun breaks, kite and dodge.....and move, don't just stand there.

If you really want to know that class, make one yourself and try it out, you will very quick find out what their limitations are.


As for OP in roaming, around some corner there is a shatter/burst mirage that's seen you and are lighting up their torch :)


PS. I play from Australia and my ping is 250-300ms.

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> @Joshewwah.2956 said:

> In roaming, spellbreakers almost seem to nullify my burst, and thieves just appear out of nowhere, burst you down, then teleport away, even if you have teammates nearby. How do you deal with these cancers? Is there an anti thief build out there that can survive a thief burst, or is good at baiting one? Also how do you even respond to these bursts which happen so quickly when you have high ping?


You forgot to mention what class you play and quite clearly do not understand the nature of a thief properly.


Generally, anything with reveal will do against an assassin. Some actually use their elite to stay infinitely in stealth so you might catch them without it and when you land the reveal they stay revealed and after that they're dead meat. Then you got traps, necro marks, explosive charges and mines. You may want to check your utility bar, you'd be surprised how many of those things can be very useful.


Note, that you will never catch a skilled thief and you really need to deal with it because a skilled thief will know their odds even though to you it may seem they have none. Depending on their build it may be quite tricky for them. Playing a thief requires a lot of precision in planning, which most people think it's just random dodges, stealth and backstab. Far from it and any good thief will confirm. It may seem like we just run around and teleport but due to our fragile nature we really have to consider what we are up against and whether we can or cannot engage. Thief is not meant for head-on combat. It's power lies in deception, i.e. stealth among other things.


Spellbreakers are downright broken. Everyone knows that. It is ridiculous to fight something that is permanently and consistently invulnerable to any type of damage for extended periods of time while possessing the best of all abilities from all classes. No class should be rendered immune to damage for what can seem like eternity. I voted a long time ago to remove invulnerability of any kind from every class in the game to make it fair and square for all. If you play a thief and you face a Spellbreaker the best option is to remain cloaked until the right time arises, when he least expects your attack and hit him very hard, possibly insta-kill. Same goes for Mesmers, which I see far too many for my taste everywhere, especially Shatters, which are far more popular than Deadeye and I dare say, far more lethal. They can insta-down groups of people without any warning and repeat the same combo quickly, whereas Deadeye has been made a punch bag once it's revealed and every single one of its attacks can be dodged, reflected or just blocked = silly + its single lethal skill produces a marker of the size of a fireball above your head = stupid, but it's there.


Why don't have Shatter Mesmers a tell? They can daze you consistently = you can do nothing, because even if you stun break you get insta-dazed again and you're screwed. Funny, everyone thinks this is OK. And they can perform this on groups whereas Deadeyes are all just single target.


One thing I found super effective against Spellbreakers are condi builds. Even with their resistance they can be taken out ez compared to fighting them with power builds, god forbid ranged attacks which they negate the most.


Lastly, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. Not every battle can be won, but you can at least learn from it.

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I don't play SB in WvW, but fighting against them I don't have an issue with the invun. However, they are completely broken when you factor in the invun with the massive damage they can do. To get the invuln, they should sacrifice damage. goes for any class really. They should change all invulnerabilties so when you invuln on, your skills do 75% less damage.


I've fought some decent to good SBs lately. Its ridiculus how they have invun+reflect+invun+evade+all the cc's + 21k one shots against squishies. then to top it off, they have mobility to get away from everything but thief and maybe mesmer.

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Spellbreaker is just a juggernaut. If the player is wearing all maxed gear and can close on you, your lunch. Condi does work better but they can usually get away if you don't have some kind of speed boost to catch them fast before their heal cooldown is over. Deadeye is pretty potent, I'm still learning to deal with them myself, however if its the perma stealth thief its all tricks and no real bite...Don't let it troll you and waste your time.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @Joshewwah.2956 said:

> > In roaming, spellbreakers almost seem to nullify my burst, and thieves just appear out of nowhere, burst you down, then teleport away, even if you have teammates nearby. How do you deal with these cancers? Is there an anti thief build out there that can survive a thief burst, or is good at baiting one? Also how do you even respond to these bursts which happen so quickly when you have high ping?


> I'm sorry to say this; there will never be a solution to thief toxicity, until they are re-designed. As for spellbreaker; Anet need to re-adjust their damages; increase their risks for damage. As the saying goes, 'You can't have the best of both worlds' (Advantage and Disadvantage)<->(Offense+Defense) at the same time


> No class/s should have the best of both worlds


Since when is killing someone in WvW considered toxic? I can see if they jump no you or /laugh when the kill you, however i dont believe you used the right terminology as "thief toxicity" isnt exactly accurate.

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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> I don't play SB in WvW, but fighting against them I don't have an issue with the invun. However, they are completely broken when you factor in the invun with the massive damage they can do. To get the invuln, they should sacrifice damage. goes for any class really. They should change all invulnerabilties so when you invuln on, your skills do 75% less damage.


> I've fought some decent to good SBs lately. Its ridiculus how they have invun+reflect+invun+evade+all the cc's + 21k one shots against squishies. then to top it off, they have mobility to get away from everything but thief and maybe mesmer.


Spellbreaker doesn't have 21k one shots... neither does core or Berserker really, but SB even less so.


Warrior access to resistance and stability recently took hits, Full Counter has taken a couple of damage hits (about 30% since release, iirc), and Endure Pains are 4s each on 60s cds.


Finally, just about every class has the tools to escape a Spellbreaker too in at least some circumstances (including necro and guard), but whether they're built to use those tools is another matter.

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