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PvP Discussion: Miscellaneous

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> This is your place to discuss anything not covered by the previous posts, **outside of balance and player behavior**. What do you want to talk about?


Hi Ben Thank you and the PvP team taking this time to answer the questions/concern we have going.


I'll like to discus Match making , Rating Gained/lost from matches , And Possibly adding Guild vs Guild into the game for rank purposes or anything to have an actual team comp going where players can have a control on whos on their team and not just any randoms.


1:I think i speak for a majority of the PvP community when i ask why did you guys believe this style of match making would be the best if it's been giving a majority of us a really really unbalance match up? We understand their might not be "enough" player for the certain rated players but wouldn't it make sense for them to play against people slightly below them instead of players leagues below them?


2:As for rating being gain and lost is a cool concept but why do a majority of us need to lose double from what we gain from a win? I need to win 2 games in a row to equal out 1 lose in rank sometimes which is hard to understand when my rating isn't above 1600. This kinda forces some of us not to spam games all day long due to the risk factor being to high.


3: Can we please bring Guild vs Guild into the game ? I haven't understood the purpose of just having tournament and limiting us on what hours we can play in as a team against other teams(unrank is a joke most of the time where we stomp other by over 300 points it's not fun or a good way to improve on skills.). I 'll love to see something added where actual teams can be involved more often other then AT/Unrank give us a reason to make teams/party of 5.

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Gem store purchases geared towards pvp. My hope is that if you can extract more winnings from pvp, more can be invested into it into the future.


I would like to see more interesting finishers being sold on the gemstore. I think that adding custom emotes that you can buy on the gemstore to then equip and use during the end of match sequence might be good too.


There are other possibilities: being able to buy music that plays when your team wins a match. If you ever implement build templates, you can sell extra slots on the gemstore. You can also sell new lounge areas similar to the one you get access to when you win monthly tournaments. Probably have it like an area within the pvp lobby that's separate from the rest of the map and you have to buy access to. If you want to put a pvp feel to these lounge areas, you can put arenas and sparring npcs in them too.


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> @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> Would be cool see a build management where you can save your pre-sets and not be forced to relog to another character of the same profession just to play with a different elite spec. This way, you just change the saved pre-sets and everything gets faster, especially for people with no good computers.


Build templates are something that we're pretty interested in. It's not off the table, but I think we'd want a game wide solution rather than one just for PvP.

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Is there a way to use the template from gw1 where you had an option to save a build, label it, then access it later so it would be automatically set up for you to use when you selected to use it? If it was added in the hero tab then you allow pvp, wvw, and pve to all access it with little to no trouble.


I was actually curious as far as pvp goes about any upcoming changes to build customization. Have there been any talks of changing the amulet system or adding more places to equip stats so that build diversity can see an increase as a result? Or possibly a change to the trait system to allow for more diverse selections in traits?

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I don’t know, if this counts as a **balance problem**, but I have something in mind about the PvP attribute system:

All these amulets provide little build diversity. So how about a revision?


#the two ring system

Instead of *one* amulet to select stats, the players have to equip *two* rings *(half-half of the amulet attributes; still exotic tier)*. Every attribute combination of the game is represented by *one* ring – plus some PvP-only combos. All rings are **unique**. So, no one can go full *Berserker* or *Cleric*.

If a player wants to play “full heal”, he has to equip one *Cleric* and one *Magi* ring. And if he wants to go “full burst“, he has to equip *Berserker* and *Assassin*.

By changing the system, more build diversity should be achieved. But also prevent “pure” bunkers or other “cancer” builds. Since no one can go full *Dire*, but can mix it with *Trailblazer*.

If this system still grows “cancer” builds, some combos can be removed again. But with this change, it should still be possible to “reintroduce” more attribute combos into PvP *(again)*.

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Ben, i know that both SPvP and WvW are not ANET top priority, and since it's not charity but a Company, i do pretty understand the reasons behind.

That said, could there be a way to incrase the resources designed to both modalities?


Let's say that through GEMSTORE we can support ANET, but most of the incomes come indeed from PvE players.

Many SPvP and WvW players would like to see more about the 2 game modalities.


So, could there be anything we can do about?

Maybe while we do purchase from the store, one sort of survey in order to claim one of the following


* I want to support PVE

* I want to support SPvP

* I want to support WvW

* I want to support all modalities


could somehow grant more founds to these 2 team divisions?

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> @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> Is there any reason why we can't see elite spec icons in games? Especially now with two sets of Elite Specs, being able to see and work around what the enemy team is running would massively help.


We've talked about that several times recently. I think early on in PvP development, it would considered a skill to identify what builds people were playing and we didn't want to neutralize that skill. (I could be wrong about the early motivations, as it was before my time here.) But it's something I think we can probably put on our backlog. May not be a high priority change though.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've talked about that several times recently. I think early on in PvP development, it would considered a skill to identify what builds people were playing and we didn't want to neutralize that skill. (I could be wrong about the early motivations, as it was before my time here.) But it's something I think we can probably put on our backlog. May not be a high priority change though.

I would be happy, if an option, to disable the symbols *(and titles/names)* of the elite specialisation could be added for **all** game modes instead. Disabling it would show the symbols in PvP, though.



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Talking about diversity:

Could you add an option, to enable **Standard Enemy Models**—SEM—for your own team *(for WvW, too)*? SEM have the nice side effect to *disable* all auras and back items on players’ models. A “nice to have” in my opinion.

Oh, and could you introduce a checkmark, to show team colours *(and maybe SEM (see above))* on everyone *but* your character?

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> @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

> Talking about diversity:

> Could you add an option, to enable **Standard Enemy Models**—SEM—for your own team *(for WvW, too)*? SEM have the nice side effect to *disable* all auras and back items on players’ models. A “nice to have” in my opinion.


That would be one of the greatest thing ever.

Standard models everywhere.


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Quaggan would love to see such features as (listed by importance):


1. Voice Communication System - Quaggan would love to have Voice Command System, where you have prerecorded commands you simply use while pressing certain button combinations (e.g. nums) [[example]](

"[example]"). Why does Quaggan would prefer such system instead of simple VOIP? Because in EU people use many languages, not all understand english or even if they understand english, they doesn't speak it. Commands can be translated and recorded in each (supported by GW2) language. Quaggan is sure more and easier communication between players would give us better match quality.


2. Announcer - Quaggan believes it would be amazing, if we could have customizable announcer, which is telling us that some objective is contested (we could set about which objectives we care), like "Enemies are constesting mid/far/close", "Enemies captured mid/far/close", "Svarnir is under attack" - assuming we can see those actions on mini map.


3. Ability to save builds, for easy switching. Like we had in GW1.


Also, in case in 1 & 2 you could sell extra voices for gems, it would be good if Anet could get some extra money from PvP players, because this way we would be "more important" than we are. Anyway, wouldn't it be great to have ability to hear some Mad King and Palawa Joko the Great himself while playing sPvP?!

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Maybe we can't talk about balance but can't we apply some band aid to it. Some runes amulets or sigils with condition/duration damage reduction, convert conditions to boon.Maybe some reduction on amulets instead of toughness. As in now the options for runes are Hoelbrack, Melandru, Leadership and Lyssa , only Hoelbrack is useful and it still not enough to help. Some runes with condition threshold would also would be nice like you get 6 conditions and you take x% less damage from from them.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

> > Talking about diversity:

> > Could you add an option, to enable **Standard Enemy Models**—SEM—for your own team *(for WvW, too)*? SEM have the nice side effect to *disable* all auras and back items on players’ models. A “nice to have” in my opinion.


> That would be one of the greatest thing ever.

> Standard models everywhere.



I second this.


I have to hold with a potatoe computer until the holidays, so this would be a god sent.

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> @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > I second this.

> > Please.

> > I have to hold with a potatoe computer until the holidays, so this would be a god sent.

> But I weren’t talking about the **low-quality** models. ;)


I don't care xD

Still a blessing!

Every bit of FPS counts =w=d

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

> > Talking about diversity:

> > Could you add an option, to enable **Standard Enemy Models**—SEM—for your own team *(for WvW, too)*? SEM have the nice side effect to *disable* all auras and back items on players’ models. A “nice to have” in my opinion.


> That would be one of the greatest thing ever.

> Standard models everywhere.



We've talked about this a few times. Cal brings it up specifically because he hates Twilight. It's on the backlog.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

> > > Talking about diversity:

> > > Could you add an option, to enable **Standard Enemy Models**—SEM—for your own team *(for WvW, too)*? SEM have the nice side effect to *disable* all auras and back items on players’ models. A “nice to have” in my opinion.

> >

> > That would be one of the greatest thing ever.

> > Standard models everywhere.

> >


> We've talked about this a few times. Cal brings it up specifically because he hates Twilight. It's on the backlog.


I want to make so many jokes about this statement...


But jokes aside, that's good to hear. Would there be any possible looking into option to tone down some animations to reduce visual clutter or is that a lot more work than I think it is? (I am not a developer of any kind so I don't know much about how many resources would go into a specific thing like that)

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> Quaggan would love to see such features as (listed by importance):


> 1. Voice Communication System - Quaggan would love to have Voice Command System, where you have prerecorded commands you simply use while pressing certain button cominations (e.g. nums) [[example]](

"[example]"). Why does Quaggan would prefer such system instead of simple VOIP? Because in EU people use many languages, not all understand english or even if they understand english, they doesn't speak it. Commands can be translated and recorded in each (supported by GW2) language. Quaggan is sure more and easier communication between players would give us better match quality.



We can talk about that. It would require VO, which can be complicated to organize/schedule. Also, this could easily be a source for trolling.


> 2. Announcer - Quaggan believes it would be amazing, if we could have customizable announcer, which is telling us that some objective is contested (we could set about which objectives we care), like "Enemies are constesting mid/far/close", "Enemies captured mid/far/close", "Svarnir is under attack" - assuming we can see those actions on mini map.


This is actually something we have talked about before. It's pretty unlikely. VO is expensive and complicated and the number of people interested in voice packs enough to spend gems on them is probably somewhat low.




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