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PvP Discussion: Miscellaneous

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > @Ashyri.5426 said:

> > > > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > > And an option to turn off all pings. They do drive me insane with people spamming for no reason.

> > >

> > > Pls dont. PvP should be all about communicating with the team, so you should improve its features instead of disabling them.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Why not? I value my sanity more than what a 12 year old wants, living the mental narrative of being the reincarnation of Sun Tzu and spamming "doot doot doot" for the entire game like a moron to make sure we do understand in what mood he is.


> Can just limit how many pings one can make within short period of time. Haven't had issues with current pings.


There's really no good reason for pings since there's a text chat, and if you can keep it short it's just as good if not better, but without the distracting noise spam. You want to show mid? Say mid in team chat. 3 letters isn't the end of the world. I have yet to see a ping used in a way that makes the said ping better than 3 letters in team chat. The ping means "I request your immediate attention" and it's often unnecessary and quite rude, even when used appropriately, which is a minority of uses from my personal experience.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:

> > > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > > @Ashyri.5426 said:

> > > > > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > > > And an option to turn off all pings. They do drive me insane with people spamming for no reason.

> > > >

> > > > Pls dont. PvP should be all about communicating with the team, so you should improve its features instead of disabling them.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Why not? I value my sanity more than what a 12 year old wants, living the mental narrative of being the reincarnation of Sun Tzu and spamming "doot doot doot" for the entire game like a moron to make sure we do understand in what mood he is.

> >

> > Can just limit how many pings one can make within short period of time. Haven't had issues with current pings.


> There's really no good reason for pings since there's a text chat, and if you can keep it short it's just as good if not better, but without the distracting noise spam. You want to show mid? Say mid in team chat. 3 letters isn't the end of the world. I have yet to see a ping used in a way that makes the said ping better than 3 letters in team chat. The ping means "I request your immediate attention" and it's often unnecessary and quite rude, even when used appropriately, which is a minority of uses from my personal experience.


Actually pings worked better for me than chat. As thief i almost never have time typing (always fighting, always rotating). Once again never had issues you described.

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**Communication about Balance**

Would it be possible for ANet Devs to comment on balance-related PvP concerns at a high level when problems arise? Just a simple acknowledgement of the problems the players are posting about is fine, and maybe some ideas on what needs adjusted broadly. For example, "Scourge can apply too many conditions too quickly; we're looking at smoothing the damage out over a longer period of time."


**PvP Stat System**

Can we move to a multi-item stat system, such as an amulet and two rings (50/25/25 or similar split)? It has so many advantages and no appreciable negatives:

* More customization to better fit builds. Low HP professions can get some extra HP; you can get a little toughness instead of none or a ton, etc.

* Less stat combos needed overall

* 4-stat items and their power creep (+220 stats over 3-stat amulets) can safely be phased out

* No less confusing than the current PvP gear system

* Overly defensive builds can still be restricted by limiting what combos are available in what slot.


Is there a design reason that the current amulet system is favored?

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Hey Ben! Great posts!


Playing tonight I had two games in a row with dcs back to back (Not the good back to back Like the Dr).


Just wondered if there was a chance we can have a surrender or feature to allow all four players to withdraw after the 2 mins. In ranked you dont lose any rank points anyways if a team mate DCs for 2 mins and 99.9% of the time youll lose that match. It just means sitting back and getting a lil mad whilst you wait it out rather than having a quick exit match option to get you right back into some 5v5.


Will leave feedback relevant to other things on other threads. Cheers for putting these threads up!



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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @Vancho.8750 said:

> > Will there be new amulets, sigils and runes any time soon?


> We just released a batch of new amulets not too long ago. And did a big sigil rework in May. I'm sure we'll do additional revisions, but not in the near future.


Can you elaborate why Rune of the Scourge was not included with the other profession runes?

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Would it be possible on the PVP UI as well as showing your current rating to show the highest rating you reached *that* season? I'm not saying I want to trade on my past plat 2 glories, just that I want to remember them as I plummet trying to grind out ascension class achievements with classes I have less familiarity with.

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Are there any plans for dueling in this game?

I am talking about dueling anywhere, everywhere ( i mean pve zones/HotM/cities). Example wow: you can right click a person and invite them to a duel. If they accept, you and your opponent become hostile to each other (other players obviously can't attack or support you) and duel ends when one of you got killed, ran out of duel area bounds (XY units from dueling point start) or typed /forfeit.


Reasoning for it:

- no need for dueling servers anymore -> no need for instances -> no issue with full dueling servers.

- dueling is usually the first step into pvp. I have played many games in the past and it was always the same, people watch other duel, get interested and try it themselves. Then they get friends from dueling, get introduced to pvp and play matches together -> more players in pvp. The nice thing about it, you can do it to have some fun in main cities and for entertaining purposes as well as to kill time between matches.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @kKagari.6804 said:

> > Hi Ben,

> > Thanks again, for doing this!

> >

> > This is something I've harped on for ages now, but I have issues with the following, in terms of PvP:

> >

> > 1) The minimap is not very useful. When zoomed out to see the entire map, player icons overlap each other and you often can't see how many people are fighting over each node. Competitive PvP minimaps need to require minimal interaction, since gameplay is so fast. It also doesn't help that when you zoom in to see the nodes more clearly, the minimap snaps back to where your player is after a brief period of time.


> I'll add it to the lists of thinks to talk to about with our gameplay programmers. Just based on my previous experience with minimaps, this could be a pretty big ask.


> >


Already the personal option to increase the size of the minimap in the UI beyond its current limitations would help a lot! Sometimes I feel like that old granny meme looking at a computerscreen to really read the map right.



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Seems to be comments on what we already know/assumed, which is fantastic and I'm very appreciative of that.


What are your thoughts on locking the PvP Discussion threads after Friday so you guys can catch-up and respond to things that could have been commented on?


That said, as a failsafe, I'm assuming the ones not immediately responded to... may take longer to respond to? Have no comment? Are acknowledged at the least?


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:


> > And someone said, we want to support pvp team. Could we have ways to purchase items that would directly go to finance pvp team work?

> We don't have any mechanisms in place for this, and it's probably not something we'd do.



I recall it was mentioned during mounts discussion, that purchases of mounts directly fund production of following mounts. As suggested, I would love to see Outfits, mounts (available for everyone), but ALL sales from them will go directly to PvP budget.


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**Punishment stats** - consider publishing weekly punishment stats for idle players/abusive language so that it's apparent that our reports are doing something and to serve as deterrent to potential offenders

**Movable/PvP optimized UI** - can you please consider allowing moving of minimap/skills/party bars/target bar/self bar elements? Or if even moving elements would fall under anet stance "play the game, not ui", can we please at least get "pvp mode" where I don't need to watch every corner of the game screen? If not, please make people saying 'no' play spvp on ultrawide monitors until they change their opinion.

**Option to have static boon/condi positions** - currently it's quite hard to scan for specific boons/condis, it would be nice if we could enable option to always show specific condis/boons on the same position (if it looks too weird having spaces between them, display inactive condis/boons as mostly transparent greyed out versions).


_Already mentioned, just want to give +1 to these:_

**Friendly player health bars** - the game is currently too fast to be forced to spend time connecting people in 3d world with party health bars by name.

**Build templates** - they would be very welcome even without gear swapping

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @serenity.4712 said:

> > Adding additional PvP titles and possibly armor/outfit/cosmetics for people who have played for a really long time. Examples:

> >

> > 150 matches won as a Warrior gives you Champion Legionnaire...add a special title for 1000 matches won for each class, and a special cosmetic for 2000 wins etc.

> >

> > Also in general I would suggest cosmetics that stand out and make people know that you're a PvP player. Such as unique armors/weapons that are not that easly obtainable. Something to work forward to through a few seasons or so.


> Titles are a relatively easy reward we can make and give out. I've had a feeling that we're on a bit of a title overload for PvP though. That being said, I'm not closed off to the idea.


Hey Ben,


I think the point serenity.4712 was trying to make is the current achievement structure with just 150 rated wins per profession is lackluster for a multitude or reasons:

1. It promotes just playing whatever is borderline broken in terms of balance between balance patches for people that aren't playing pvp as active.

2. Tying into the first point, people currently dont really have any incentive to really get invested into a class most of the time.


Now looking at potential advantages:

1. Adding achievements for beyond the 150 rated wins the way wvw achievements are designed at long term dedication to the mode could get more people to stick with a class and get really good at it.

2. You can reward players for long term achievements instead of only the ones performing good at a high level.

3. Account based unlocks from achievements and/or increasing the pvp rank (I can only think of reward track gain and coin gain per match at the moment).


In terms of struturing these, I could see a split into 3 sections:

**150 to 500 rated wins with a specific class**

*tier threshholds at 250, 375 and 500

* reward: some AP , 5% increased coin gain from matches)

**500 to 1500 rated wins with a specific class** (reward: some AP + 10% increased reward track gain for the account )

*tier threshholds at 750, 1000, 1250 and 1500

*reward: some AP + 10% increased reward track gain for the account

**1500 to 4500 rated wins with a specific class**

*tier threshholds at 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500 and 4000

*reward: some AP + a title + a class specific gizmo (this could for example just be the class icon floating around) + 10% increased coin gain


Concerning PvP ranks I think it could be nice to add something like +5% reward track gain every 50 ranks

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I think that ANET has labored under a couple of misconceptions. Please do not consider this an attack. It isn't.


The first and most damaging is that that "competitive" gaming means pitting unskilled players against skilled. It has been argued that this will encourage the unskilled players to "l2p." **It won't. It will encourage new players to leave.** Competitive means pitting players of nearly equal skill against each other.


Without any disrespect, gaming is to some extent a Ponzi scheme. *The people at the top and middle are fine as long as there is an influx of new people.* You need the new people to keep "paying" the upper levels in terms of rank, "prestige" and matches. New players are the life blood of the game, respect and nurture them.


The second misconception is the idea that the group fight at mid is the most important thing. I know that many on the forum would disagree with me on this point, but team death match and mass slaughter is not what is going to serve this game well. Here's why;


It chases away new people, who naturally die very quickly in such games.


It narrows the range of usable classes and builds.


GW2 itself is not set up or themed as a mass slaughter game. You're taking a Dressage Horse and trying to make it into a Polo Pony.. not gonna work.

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Hopefully this discussion is still being reviewed by devs.


The main idea/concept I am currently interested in putting forward would be the addition of an "avoid" list functionality. I am aware that blocked players can still be randomly placed in sPVP match-ups on the same team. When having to que without a full party - e.i. in ranked - it is often frustrating if you end up with the same player in your team who you have not enjoyed playing with previously.


Don't get me wrong, this is not exclusively because people are toxic or "useless" - there are also occasions where people on your team simply don't want to work with others and as a result I'd rather just avoid being matched up with those.


I would be more than happy to wait longer for a match-up - 50% longer, maybe up to 100% - as long as I am guaranteed not to have endure a match with a teammate I don't like.

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It would be awesome to have PVP flag in PVE.

You can switch your PVP flag any time on any PVE maps and booom you can fight all the dudes who have their PVP flags on.

Like in Wildstar. Its more exciting to doing quest when you know someone can stab you in the back anytime:)

And you can have duels anywhere maybe even in cities.


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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> Are there any plans for dueling in this game?

> I am talking about dueling anywhere, everywhere ( i mean pve zones/HotM/cities). Example wow: you can right click a person and invite them to a duel. If they accept, you and your opponent become hostile to each other (other players obviously can't attack or support you) and duel ends when one of you got killed, ran out of duel area bounds (XY units from dueling point start) or typed /forfeit.


> Reasoning for it:

> - no need for dueling servers anymore -> no need for instances -> no issue with full dueling servers.

> - dueling is usually the first step into pvp. I have played many games in the past and it was always the same, people watch other duel, get interested and try it themselves. Then they get friends from dueling, get introduced to pvp and play matches together -> more players in pvp. The nice thing about it, you can do it to have some fun in main cities and for entertaining purposes as well as to kill time between matches.


This is a great idea! +1

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @breno.5423 said:

> > HP bar. This is all what i want.

> > How can i play a healer role if i can't see the health of my team?


> This bothers me too. At some point I asked a programmer to look into the feasibility of this, but I don't think I ever put it on the backlog. It's going there now.


This is wanted for other game modes as well just so you know, even regular PvE (with the option to turn it on/off).

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> @MarshallLaw.9260 said:

> The main idea/concept I am currently interested in putting forward would be the addition of an "avoid" list functionality.

It doesn't work in practice for the following reasons:

* At the top of the rankings, it can be abused to avoid playing with/against other top players.

* Leads to longer queue times while you sort out the web of avoidance.

* Unfairly punishes players who don't play something "meta" and are avoided.



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For the Timeline feature at the end of a match I'd like to be able to zoom in to a more granular level and hover over to see who died and when. With it being so small (it doesn't auto-resize, it's always based off 15 mins) clumps of deaths and caps/objectives sprout up and it's difficult to make sense of what exactly happened and where, negating the helpfulness of the feature.

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