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Left over Mastery Points

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I have every mastery completed in Heart of Thorns, I have finished every inch of that expansion but I have 8 available points left to spend. Same with central Tyria, every track done but three points left. I don't think I've missed anything in the game so I'm wondering is there something new coming? Would the devs ever add a mastery track to an old expansion? Because if not then we could do with a way to use them, it feels like such a waste of my time to collect them all. Maybe some sort of trade in system so I can convert them to Path of Fire mastery points or a vendor with one off rewards? I don't know, just an idea.

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> They're there so you don't have to get all of them. Some are much harder to get than others and it varies by person. Also if you don't raid, there are more masteries in there.



And PoF mastery points are even easier to get in order to cap all masteries ( 4 mounts ) + extra ( special mount and LS4 ), just by doing map MP and Story MP.


It's wonderful that you have a choice in terms of "how to get the MP needed?".


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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> They're there so you don't have to get all of them. Some are much harder to get than others and it varies by person. Also if you don't raid, there are more masteries in there.


I have the heart of thorns raid track too, or are there tracks for the other raids? Because the wiki doesn't say so.

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> @Polarfairy.8046 said:

> > @Fluffball.8307 said:

> > They're there so you don't have to get all of them. Some are much harder to get than others and it varies by person. Also if you don't raid, there are more masteries in there.


> I have the heart of thorns raid track too, or are there tracks for the other raids? Because the wiki doesn't say so.


Just 1 generic raid track.

Currently the Cap is 259 mastery points used is


* Core > 49 points

* HoT > 144 points

* PoF > 66 points ( ongoing ).



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I think you may also have missed my point a little, I'm not complaining about the amount of mastery points, it's great there are so many! I'm saying for those of us who are completionist obsessesives (hi!) I have collected every point in Heart of Thorns and my last 8 have no use! So some sort of system to convert them or use them would be cool.

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> @Polarfairy.8046 said:

> I think you may also have missed my point a little, I'm not complaining about the amount of mastery points, it's great there are so many! I'm saying for those of us who are completionist obsessesives (hi!) I have collected every point in Heart of Thorns and my last 8 have no use! So some sort of system to convert them or use them would be cool.


Not sure about a possible solution.

However... are you sure you collected every mastery point in HoT?


![](https://i.imgur.com/YgT1qwF.jpg "")


I just need to unlock the raid track, which is 8 points, and have 33 left to use.

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> @Polarfairy.8046 said:

> I think you may also have missed my point a little, I'm not complaining about the amount of mastery points, it's great there are so many! I'm saying for those of us who are completionist obsessesives (hi!) I have collected every point in Heart of Thorns and my last 8 have no use! So some sort of system to convert them or use them would be cool.


And everyone is explaining to you why that's not going to happen: the points are meant to be 'extra', so that no one feels they have to be a completionist. It's great that you like getting everything; that will have to be reward enough for you.

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But what's wrong with a post HoT vendor?

After you've unlocked everything you spend left over points at a vendor for secondary trash.

Nothing that would make a casual player feel forced to hunt extra points, but just enough to make worth of the efforts of adventurers.

The point of spare points wont be jeopardized this way

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> But what's wrong with a post HoT vendor?

> After you've unlocked everything you spend left over points at a vendor for secondary trash.

> Nothing that would make a casual player feel forced to hunt extra points, but just enough to make worth of the efforts of adventurers.

> The point of spare points wont be jeopardized this way


Spare means spare; it means they are extra, no additional uses, surplus to utility. Offering any use for them makes them something other than 'spare'.


Every use for an item puts pressure on players to complete it: look at the folks saying they went out of their way to collect excess mastery points. Adding an actual use increases the existing pressure.


Additionally, it takes development resources to add anything to the game. Is this really a change that will improve the game for enough people to make it worth the effort? If the "leftover" points translate to "secondary trash," why does it even matter all that much to go without?

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I agree with those that say that having extra is a good thing (and I needed that because I certainly don't have all of them), but I also think it might be nice *after* an expansion is *done* for them to add some "epilogue" track. Now it's important to say that *nothing in this track should be necessary or cool.* No unique titles, no unique skins, nothing that would force anyone to grind out points they don't want to just because the "must" have that widget and it's the only way to get one. It should all be stuff they could get elsewhere in the game, maybe a free Machined weapon, or free Auric weapon, maybe a bundle of HoT materials, but just some place you could dock spare points until you run out, AFTER they've already released all the content that might potentially ever use it (so people don't spend points they might need later). And it should all be available for one point per item, so that if you don't have a ton saved up you can still always spend every point you've got.

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> @DeanBB.4268 said:

> So what happens if they add an "extra MP vendor" and someone spends their points, then in two years Anet gets inspired and adds a "mastery use" for those points? Will they be happy with their lack of unspent MP's then?


And what about people who think they have all the masteries they want, and blow the rest of their MPs at the vendor, and then discover too late that they NEED complete Itzel mastery for their legendary weapon? Or people who have all the masteries, but can't seem to manage to get enough extra points for things they want at the Extras vendor? Suddenly there will be protest threads demanding a way to get more mastery points to infinity so they can spend them at the vendor.


There are much worse things than having more of something than you can use.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> At least the OP didn't say their excess mastery points are "rotting". That's the usual refrain. So kudos on that.


> @Polarfairy.8046 said:

> I think you may also have missed my point a little, I'm not complaining about the amount of mastery points, it's great there are so many! I'm saying for those of us who are completionist obsessesives (hi!) I have collected every point in Heart of Thorns and my last 8 have no use! So some sort of system to convert them or use them would be cool.



"My last 8 have no use!"


Aypple Ahpple. Tomayto Tomahto. Ehyumi Ahyumi.

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What others have said. You can't add a use for extra mastery points without changing the fact that they are **extra** mastery points designed to add flexibility. What Anet could do, however, is to display your mastery level based on the # of mastery points you've earned and not the amount you've spent. That way players who wish to collect each and every one can show off that fact, but there's no tangible benefit to cause imbalance and require others to also attain every single one.

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> @DeanBB.4268 said:

> So what happens if they add an "extra MP vendor" and someone spends their points, then in two years Anet gets inspired and adds a "mastery use" for those points? Will they be happy with their lack of unspent MP's then?


I can't imagine them adding any more HoT masteries after this. And like I said, they shouldn't offer this option for PoF masteries until they're into the next set.


As for people just choosing to spend points on these things instead of the intended uses, maybe just limit it to ONLY spending points after you've already banked all the existing ones. Like either you'd need to buy all the other HoT masteries first, or if it costs X points to buy out every HoT mastery, then you could only spend points once you already have at least X+1 points (ie if you've bought half the masteries and would need 56 points to buy out the rest, then you could only spend points on the bonus track if you had at least 57 points, and then only spend one point).


The point is, it's nice that they have more than enough to get the things you NEED, and that should continue, but once you have all those things, and you have extra points, then you should be able to spend them on things that you'd never NEED, but that would at least be better than nothing.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > But what's wrong with a post HoT vendor?

> > After you've unlocked everything you spend left over points at a vendor for secondary trash.

> > Nothing that would make a casual player feel forced to hunt extra points, but just enough to make worth of the efforts of adventurers.

> > The point of spare points wont be jeopardized this way


> Spare means spare; it means they are extra, no additional uses, surplus to utility. Offering any use for them makes them something other than 'spare'.


> Every use for an item puts pressure on players to complete it: look at the folks saying they went out of their way to collect excess mastery points. Adding an actual use increases the existing pressure.


> Additionally, it takes development resources to add anything to the game. Is this really a change that will improve the game for enough people to make it worth the effort? If the "leftover" points translate to "secondary trash," why does it even matter all that much to go without?


If people feel so threatened by a second use, then just remove them? And seriously, pressure? No one is feeling pressured to pick up every single gathering node in the world, why woyld they feel more pressure from a mastery point?

After you unlocked everything hide the mastery points so theyre not constantly staring at me

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I didn't mean for this to be such a toxic post, I literally just meant like.. hey heart of thorns is done and i have left over mastery points so why not let me trade them for path of fire mastery points that are also hard to get or have nice vendor open up once you're done that has nothing necessary but just nice stuff. Not everything posted about guild wars is a complaint you know, i love this game, I just wanted to suggest a way to get even more out of it.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > > But what's wrong with a post HoT vendor?

> > > After you've unlocked everything you spend left over points at a vendor for secondary trash.

> > > Nothing that would make a casual player feel forced to hunt extra points, but just enough to make worth of the efforts of adventurers.

> > > The point of spare points wont be jeopardized this way

> >

> > Spare means spare; it means they are extra, no additional uses, surplus to utility. Offering any use for them makes them something other than 'spare'.

> >

> > Every use for an item puts pressure on players to complete it: look at the folks saying they went out of their way to collect excess mastery points. Adding an actual use increases the existing pressure.

> >

> > Additionally, it takes development resources to add anything to the game. Is this really a change that will improve the game for enough people to make it worth the effort? If the "leftover" points translate to "secondary trash," why does it even matter all that much to go without?


> If people feel so threatened by a second use, then just remove them? And seriously, pressure? No one is feeling pressured to pick up every single gathering node in the world, why woyld they feel more pressure from a mastery point?

> After you unlocked everything hide the mastery points so theyre not constantly staring at me


Look, there's no way to have this both ways: either there are spare mastery points or there aren't spare points. I don't think ANet is going to spend time changing this on the basis of "so they're not constantly staring at me."

Or put another way: if you feel so threatened by no further use, then just stop going after extra points.

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> @Polarfairy.8046 said:

> I didn't mean for this to be such a toxic post, I literally just meant like.. hey heart of thorns is done and i have left over mastery points so why not let me trade them for path of fire mastery points that are also hard to get or have nice vendor open up once you're done that has nothing necessary but just nice stuff. Not everything posted about guild wars is a complaint you know, i love this game, I just wanted to suggest a way to get even more out of it.


It's not toxic. Just because your ideas get argued with doesn't make them bad or mean you shouldn't suggest them.


I think the biggest worry with any extra use of MPs is that MPs are meant to be finite in number, which means there will never be as many as some people want for extras. It seems better to have too many than find more uses and have there be too few.


The vendor idea worries me because it sounds like a seesaw that will never be balanced, no matter how many rocks you pile on both ends. Too many MPs = give us more to buy with them. More to buy with MPs means we want more MPs to buy things with. Etc.


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> @Polarfairy.8046 said:

> I didn't mean for this to be such a toxic post,


Your suggestion didn't come across as toxic and I don't think people disagreeing is "toxic." Reasonable people can have contradictory differences of opinion. I apologize if I came across as argumentative. I have nothing against ANet adding vendors; my goal was to explain why they aren't likely to do so.

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