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Path of Fire Material Storage

Gaile Gray.6029

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What a terrible idea. So you introduce unid'd gear to _SAVE_ space and then saw the outcry and decided, "Ya know what, let's screw the player base and force them to store material that would have gone into the storage, clearing up space, and reducing the need to call this game Inventory Wars." As others have said, tie achievements or map completion or quest rewards to this material so there is a massive amount of supply. Will some people deposit it? Sure. Will others put it up on TP? Sure. What you have done, it seems, is to force people like me to just designate a mule character and everything not that cannot be stored will go to him. Never to go on the TP. Never to enter the economy. Just out of spite. What a way to derail hype for the expansion. _Bravo_ /sarcastic clap

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I understand the thought behind this, but I don't really agree with the implementation. It would be much better if the new materials somehow weren't included in the "deposit all materials" function right away, forcing players to review them, but still had a spot in the material storage such that players could chose to move them there manually after considering their value. That should more or less appease both sides of the argument.

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I know they want to see what happens but really don't want them to do this. By bank is full enough without having to keep random crafting materials in it and my bags get filled up fairly quickly because I have to carry around multiple armor sets (really would be nice to have those condense into a single item like BDO). Its going to be super lame to have to stop playing to deal with the inventory nightmare. You guys are bad enough about having a bunch of different junk and bags that take up extra slots as it is.


The price thing isn't that big of a deal. Some people will make money finding farming spots which is nice and people who cant afford the prices can just wait a while.

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We players hoard materials because we know that we need stacks of everything to craft ...ANYTHING. We need nearly a stack of flax seeds (namely 200) to craft a single piece HoT four stat gear. An EXOTIC set of armor + weapons needs 1600 flax seeds (six and a half stack) and we are not supposed to hoard?


Sorry. This is not going to happen. We know that we will need a metric kitten-ton of everything. Making new materials undepositable will make playing more annoying and nothing more.

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They aren't doing it to stop deliberate hoarding. They're doing it to reduce **accidental** hoarding by the very large group of casual players that don't check forums, or use sites like gw2efficiency or such. *Those are a pretty large majority of the population.*


I don't like it, but I see why they do it after having read Izzy's posts on reddit.

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I'm regretting my purchase of the Material Storage expansion now. Inventory management is literally the least fun part of the game and I think increasing a chore while devaluing a cash shop item (Material Storage expansion) is a poor choice to address what is fundamentally an interesting problem of uncertainty around unstable markets. The uncertainty around the market is what should be addressed. You can do that by making it very clear from the getgo which items will have large quantities, which will be rare, and which recipes will be using those items in what quantities.


Or just artificially cap the cost per item for new items entering the market for x months after a release.


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> @pmnt.4067 said:

> We players hoard materials because we know that we need stacks of everything to craft ...ANYTHING.


Not putting the materials in storage is trying to get the majority to decide what to do with them, rather than simply depositing and forgetting about them. The flaw with personal loot is that everyone has to get something, so as a result, everyone has to get less. You're not actually supposed to farm your own materials, but rather do whatever you want, sell what you don't need and buy what you do. By not putting the materials in storage at the start, people will be forced to deal with them, which is going to make it cheaper to buy them. Without doing this, the average player is simply going to play through PoF, deposit their materials and never use them.


Don't like the price of mystic coins for example? It takes about a year of login rewards for the average player to obtain a stack, at which point they overflow and they may begin to sell them. If ArenaNet had a popup that told people the value of the mystic coins they had, they'd be a fraction of the price.


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I wonder how many mats it will be that are going to be held back. Using 3 slots to save 750 mats if needed to be deposited later isn't too bad but it's really going to be a pain for crafting. My bank is rather full and having to swap chars to gather mats for crafting anything (not all of my chars have every crafting profession unlocked) sounds very tedious. I'm probably going to end up with a bank character. At least I know what to do with my extra character slot that I got with PoF haha.

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Am I the only one who saw that this is only a handful of materials, and will probably only be in effect for the first few weeks? I mean, I can definitely deal with that. And the reasoning is sound. Leaving them in inventory probably will result in more being sold, which should help quite a bit in stabilizing the value sooner.

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Thank you for transparently informing us of this, I will respond by hording harder than ever in order to punish you for this attempt at behavioral engineering by forcing inconvenience on the playerbase. Doesn't matter if it hurts me - and it will, far more through Inventory Wars 2 than through lost money, great job. What matters is it's the opposite of what you want and what you tried to compel us to do by making the game objectively more annoying to play.

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Anet, I disagree with this treatment.


Instead, you guys should make the merchant penal linking directly to the storage so we can actually see which material is worthwhile and which isn't.

Making materials stuck in our inventory will only encourage us to discard it or sell them directly to the market, which may not always be the wisest choice.


I can't tell you how often I almost discard important items in LS3 like Druid Stone Fragments because it's taking up my precious space and I donnu what's it for before I did the research.


I would also like to notice you guys how precious my inventory space is.

My main character has every weapons equitable for my class and 4 sets of armors in my inventory , switching around depending on situation.

I have max 160 slots, and those equipments/ food already filled up 100 of my spaces before any other junks are filled in.

I cannot afford to carry extra new currency in PoF map.

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> @Gulesave.5073 said:

> Am I the only one who saw that this is only a handful of materials, and will probably only be in effect for the first few weeks? I mean, I can definitely deal with that. And the reasoning is sound. Leaving them in inventory probably will result in more being sold, which should help quite a bit in stabilizing the value sooner.


Telling me that it is so important that these particular materials be sold quickly that ANet are willing to go out of their way to add an annoyance factor affecting, potentially, the entire player base is a pretty solid way to convince me that the they are too important to sell quickly.


I mean, whatever it is that needs these to be sold immediately after launch must be important enough for me to hold onto my mats for, right?

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This is quite unfortunate to hear.

I discovered that in the Path Of Fire demo, there were **a lot** of items clogging up the inventory spaces of players. Now, I understand that the demo is a 'starter' build, and has been substantially updated; the many items which plagued our inventory bags could have been removed/fixed.

However, i understand that items such as the _Trade Crate Keys, Unidentified Gear, Trade Currency consumables and more_, will also be necessities as we traverse the Elonian maps. In addition, that on top of the materials which we will be unable to deposit will be quite infuriating. Maybe in the following weeks (or less) post launch, they may withdraw this action if they see that players are struggling to keep up with all these new items.

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I think it would have been the better move to be quiet about this experiment and tell us in 3 weeks about it - along with the patch to add the missing materials to the storage.


It's a simple psychological principle: Give rather than take.

There is a mechanic in WoW to discourage players from overextended playing. After a certain time they gain less rewards and XP until they log out for a certain time.

Originally this was designed as a "Fatigue"-Debuff. And the community **HATED** it... until Blizzard made a very smart move: They negated the entire mechanic. Now players are "Rested" and get Bonus XP for a certain time after a logout period. And suddenly the Community lauded the system.

The catch: The numbers are **exactly the same** as before. Blizzard basically just swapped the nameplates.


And in the same way you could have presented this experiment to us.

Have the items left out of storage silently. Players might be slightly sniffy about it, but we have learned from Lindsey that adding things to the storage is not particularly easy, so we may just shrug and say "Eh maybe it didn't fit in."

And then in 3 weeks you can be like "Tadaaa! Here's your missing slots. Oh BTW we did this for a market experiment."

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Considering the amount of negative reactions in this thread you would think that Anet will listen and not follow through with their proposal, however, the one thing that comes to my mind that may keep them on their current track is if the new collection tabs are not actually ready yet /plot-twist

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> @"Emissary Vex.5690" said:

> Just so you know, despite what you are doing I fully intend to still horde all crafting materials in my bank until I know what they are all for and have no intention of selling anything on the trading post until well after launch of the expansion. This change will simply make the game more difficult and tedious for me to accomplish the same thing and I will resent you for it.


Love this quote.


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