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[Suggestion] Warrior uses 2 weapons of the same kind with different cooldown times


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It occurred to me that warrior would be so cool to play if we could equip 2 weapons of the same kind on different hands. For example, lets say I equip axe + shield and axe + sword.

Currently, using axe skills and then switching weapons results in the axe skills going in a cooldown on the secondary weapon. it will be awesome if warrior had a trait or something that allows them to be able to use 2 weapons of the same kind with different cooldown times.

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I can see that an interesting idea, it is cool to just imagine...

But some weapon skills are strong, if the CD do not share among both set, may push warrior to OP state.

For example, shield stance provide long block duration and reflect if traited, if the CD do not share, we will see the skill got nerf for balance's sake.

Double GS rush and whirlwind attack, i don't think it is op by using 2 GS, but people love to complain, that may lead to rush being nerf, 2x WWA could be OP in the right hand.


But it could be a trait that similar to Ranger quick draw, reduce 1 skill CD after swap... i can see potential.

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> @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> I can see that an interesting idea, it is cool to just imagine...

> But some weapon skills are strong, if the CD do not share among both set, may push warrior to OP state.

> For example, shield stance provide long block duration and reflect if traited, if the CD do not share, we will see the skill got nerf for balance's sake.

> Double GS rush and whirlwind attack, i don't think it is op by using 2 GS, but people love to complain, that may lead to rush being nerf, 2x WWA could be OP in the right hand.


> But it could be a trait that similar to Ranger quick draw, reduce 1 skill CD after swap... i can see potential.


I don't think double shield could be considered OP. We already have a combination of shield and offhand sword which blocks for about the same duration and it is not OP. I think that by having 2 sets of the same weapons would make warrior vulnerable but in my opinion more fun to play.

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As Crossaber.8934 said, if Anet did this, they would have to rebalance skills around potentially being executed back to back. It would however hurt warriors that run 2 different sets. Don't think war is really in need for such changes, they are actually in good spot in all game modes atm.

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> As Crossaber.8934 said, if Anet did this, they would have to rebalance skills around potentially being executed back to back. It would however hurt warriors that run 2 different sets. Don't think war is really in need for such changes, they are actually in good spot in all game modes atm.


I don't think a rebalance is needed for back to back execution of skills, just look at the thief, they can execute 2,3,4 times the same skill. And we are talking about skills that deal an insane amount of damage.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > As Crossaber.8934 said, if Anet did this, they would have to rebalance skills around potentially being executed back to back. It would however hurt warriors that run 2 different sets. Don't think war is really in need for such changes, they are actually in good spot in all game modes atm.


> I don't think a rebalance is needed for back to back execution of skills, just look at the thief, they can execute 2,3,4 times the same skill. And we are talking about skills that deal an insane amount of damage.


These are not comparable because of initiative, a thief pays a high price for these skills and the ability to execute them many times in a row, spamming them mindlessly is looking forward to one's own demise. Generally speaking, one cannot compare classes directly because they all have a different mechanics.


I like your idea though, maybe they could do that for an elite spec. I do share the same concerns about balance, some skills would probably be too strong back-to-back, e.g. GS#3. But maybe it'd be possible, if they adjust the skill facts for the spec only.

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> @"Elegie.3620" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > > As Crossaber.8934 said, if Anet did this, they would have to rebalance skills around potentially being executed back to back. It would however hurt warriors that run 2 different sets. Don't think war is really in need for such changes, they are actually in good spot in all game modes atm.

> >

> > I don't think a rebalance is needed for back to back execution of skills, just look at the thief, they can execute 2,3,4 times the same skill. And we are talking about skills that deal an insane amount of damage.


> These are not comparable because of initiative, a thief pays a high price for these skills and the ability to execute them many times in a row, spamming them mindlessly is looking forward to one's own demise. Generally speaking, one cannot compare classes directly because they all have a different mechanics.


> I like your idea though, maybe they could do that for an elite spec. I do share the same concerns about balance, some skills would probably be too strong back-to-back, e.g. GS#3. But maybe it'd be possible, if they adjust the skill facts for the spec only.


You missed the point, thief has no cooldown upon skill usage and that is not OP. If warrior were to get dual weapon-same type-welding then a skill would be executed 2 times in a row maximum, but in doing so warrior would miss the opportunity to use a lot of other skills available.

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I was thinking of something similar for a future expansion. Once they get through all current weapons, if they don't want to make more, they could do something for using one weapon in both slots. Something like GS warrior could use their normal GS abilities, and with the new elite spec, become even more proficient and gain five new abilities for GS on the weapon swap. It was just something that popped in my head one day, but I think it would be a fun way of introducing more elite specs without too much extra development.

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There could be something to be said about predictability. It may be strong to have double shield stance or double rush but how your build is limited and how much easier you are to predict may be a balancing point in itself.


Another may be a stipulation where if you swap weapons while a skill is on recharge, using the same skill before it's recharged incurs a 10% cooldown penalty added to follow up iterations of the skill.

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