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Sorry but it's too late.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Ara.4569" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums.

> > Currently, GW2's most enjoyable PvP games are held on forums. We're meta, boys! Right here, right now! :)

> >


> It's almost like the PvP forums have a bigger and better community than the PvP game itself now days.


That's more than likely true. Here you have people like me still joining in on some of the discussions. Even tho I currently don't have the game installed on my machine. Just think about how many others are doing the same.


We still want the Player versus Players interaction in this game become good again. However we are to the point where all faith in ANet is gone. Thus, for the most part we are taking a long break. Till the PvP scene in GW2 improve to that of the basic standards of decent PvP.


But at last it's like this.....


And there are other games that are begging for us the join. That has decent to great PvP in them. Even tho I don't play GW2 at the moment. I'm keeping up my monthly sub with two other MMOs that support PvP and RvR-like combat. Since their is no fighting, the mindset of a game dev. team. Over the vision of their game. If their vision for their game is to have some of the most unrewarding, and cancerous PvP for the sake of PvE. Than who am I to argue with them. I can either accept their vision, or not.

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It's unfortunately maybe too late, especially considering the time it took to have swiss round automated tournaments, a system that existed 10 years ago in.. Guild Wars 1. But it's still better now than never, and latest patchs( excepting scourge/spellbreaker stuff) were in the good direction.

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Its never to late. I understand some frustration, but this never ending threads of dead game, dead mode, dead everything makes the game still alife. At the release of a mmo everyone is talking this myth. Like lotro, it should be dead 8years ago, it isnt. It remembers me some years ago to the ele d/d meta. Patch changed that crantrips gained no might anymore. 9 of 10 eles was writing they delete the game and wont come back. 8/10 still playing.


If you cant adapt or want, if you only like your class if meta and cheese, if you only believe matchmaking is fine if you win all of your matches, you should leave and you will understand there is no difference in other games. 50% players of match will be frustrated allways. But yeah, ESO makes it better, if you survive the lagfest ( a real without beeing able to move for minutes) or like to play a build killing 5v1 by mechanic, not skill.


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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > > > > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hey buddy I'm still waiting for your footage beating a bunker druid

> > > > >

> > > > > Kid, don't you have someone else to bother? Seriously, you already made yourself look over the top in your own thread.

> > > > >

> > > > > How about you go learn to fight a bunker druid, instead of whining about it everywhere.

> > > >

> > > > Nope, it was you who agreed on ele having a ridiculously easy matchup against bunker / normal druid. I wanna see some footage of you beating either of those builds ez.

> > >

> > > If you learn to read, I didn't mention ele.

> > > So, no, I'm not wasting my energy to entertain you.

> > > Besides, I don't have recording equipment so sorry sweetheart looks like you are tough outta luck.

> >

> > My sweetheart, agreeing with the guy who said "FA ele hard counters druid" and then implying that I'm a bad ele because of my inability to handle bunker druids, directly means that you could do it better. Put your money where your mouth is and go prove those claims you fraud.

> >

> > Makes me cringe seeing someone run his mouth and then make an embarrassing backpedal excuse like this tbh.

> >

> >


> You can think whatever you want buttercup, whatever I say you are taking my words out of context, so I'll let you just float around and be in your happy, op druid land.


> I'm gonna get go my late-night coffee.


Still waiting.

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> @"HealAlNite.9658" said:

> How many devs are working in the pvp team? lets suppose they are five devs and they earn 2k€/month, dismiss them (as op said, theres nothing they can do) and then put 5k€ as reward in monthly tournaments and invest the rest of the money in good commercials, good casters, a yearly LAN tournament etc.


But then who would correct all the skill tooltips for "balance" patches?

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > I feel like Ben and crew do alright. It is the balance team that makes me want to tear my hair out every time they post anything.


> Is that fair though? My only criticism is the mutilate defenses trait and name change to expose defenses which uses extra resources for localization and does not impact the game positively, (or at all?)


> Other than that, all the content from PoF balance patch and quarterly balance patch has been top notch and all good changes for PvP. I wish they could crank out 300% more changes in the last two patches, not facepalm when they reveal.



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> @"huehuehueh.5106" said:

> > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > I don't really even need to say anything other than the title, there are like 3 actual players left in NA last time I played, everything the PvP devs are doing now is in vain, they had a chance with the last balance patch to fix class balance but it was an utter failure, therefore the consequence is that the game is dead. I literally played kalla rev at the beginning of the season and sat in top 100 because it's ridiculous how few players there actually are that are good. Honestly my theory is that the devs are purposely trying to destroy PvP so they can completely remove it from the game and focus on pvesports. I only post on the forum now, because it's more fun than the actual game.


> Yeah there was this really skilled multiclasser guy named potato but I do not see his account online anymore I wonder what happened to it, its almost like he has been removed from the game for a certain reason. I wonder why these pros keep leaving, I wish potato and his alt would log on so we could ask them why they left.


You know why I stopped playing, it's outlined in the thread. PvP balance is horrible and the leaderboard is now meaningless because Arenanet implemented soloQ without actually changing the way matchmaking and points work. Also my potato account isn't banned/removed from the game, there are several reasons why I no longer play on that account.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > Ahahahhahhahahahahaha


> Compelling argument :lol:


> You think original holo/Scourge/Spellbreaker nerfs were bad ideas or something? Try naming some recent bad changes in Q4 2017?


> They need to keep that shi coming, just lack of changes is the problem.



Horribly implemented soloQ only, core warrior nerfs, lack of nerfs to scourge, weaver is still worthless, random nerf to daredevil, soulbeast is still worthless, HoT builds are completely powercreeped and invalidated, I can keep going for a while tbh.

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> @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > > Ahahahhahhahahahahaha

> >

> > Compelling argument :lol:

> >

> > You think original holo/Scourge/Spellbreaker nerfs were bad ideas or something? Try naming some recent bad changes in Q4 2017?

> >

> > They need to keep that shi coming, just lack of changes is the problem.

> >


> Horribly implemented soloQ only, core warrior nerfs, lack of nerfs to scourge, weaver is still worthless, random nerf to daredevil, soulbeast is still worthless, HoT builds are completely powercreeped and invalidated, I can keep going for a while tbh.


1.) SoloQ is not the balance team, :-1:


2.) Core warrior changes not bad at all. Un-crittable balanced stance and axe buffs offset stance duration changes. It didn't move core Warriors power level down but you're hyperventilating over it. :-1:


3.) Everything you said is a LACK of changes, did you even read what I said? I said my criticism of ArenaNet is exactly that too. :angry:


Clearly the balance team has made so many bad changes and you can go on for so long, but yet you can't. Only about what they aren't doing. Hysterically trashing what the balance team does with clearly limited changes per patch is a good way to get upvotes tho

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HoT builds invalidated? Half of them, maybe.


DH, Daredevil, Chrono, Druid and Herald still strong, and in some cases better than their PoF version (DD, Druid and Herald though that speaks more on renegade being garbage than herald being amazing).


Core warrior could use even more nerfs. I know this sounds scrubby but a class that can do 4k autos and 9k burst attacks with axe should be easier to deal with, considering all their immunities.


I got hopes for the next patch. Scourge and Mirage are the clear problems and they're about to be addressed. That leaves Firebrand, I really hope they don't forget to nerf his ass a little. After that, Ele and Rev buffs and we're good.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > > > Ahahahhahhahahahahaha

> > >

> > > Compelling argument :lol:

> > >

> > > You think original holo/Scourge/Spellbreaker nerfs were bad ideas or something? Try naming some recent bad changes in Q4 2017?

> > >

> > > They need to keep that shi coming, just lack of changes is the problem.

> > >

> >

> > Horribly implemented soloQ only, core warrior nerfs, lack of nerfs to scourge, weaver is still worthless, random nerf to daredevil, soulbeast is still worthless, HoT builds are completely powercreeped and invalidated, I can keep going for a while tbh.


> 1.) SoloQ is not the balance team, :-1:


So who is the balance team then? By the looks of it, they don't really exist concretely if some other person has to speak for them saying how they aren't involved in PvP design conversations. Jagdtiger is also talking about the forced solo-queue only at plat2 and higher, implemented because anet can't design and balance a good PvP experience past the year 2010. What kind of a team-based game doesn't allow teams to regularly queue up together and play in the same matches on the same team? It's a joke.



> 2.) Core warrior changes not bad at all. Un-crittable balanced stance and axe buffs offset stance duration changes. It didn't move core Warriors power level down but you're hyperventilating over it. :-1:


Yes, because we see core warrior and axe used so often and to such unique effect after those changes (which, like 97% of all anet's inspired changes, were just "let's make this number bigger").



> 3.) Everything you said is a LACK of changes, did you even read what I said? I said my criticism of ArenaNet is exactly that too. :angry:





> Clearly the balance team has made so many bad changes and you can go on for so long, but yet you can't. Only about what they aren't doing. Hysterically trashing what the balance team does with clearly limited changes per patch is a good way to get upvotes tho


Anet has consistently designed gw2 PvP around a philosophy of passive safety nets, instant, lethal burst from range, insulating players from risk while attacking, effortless self-healing and extremely passive gameplay all while progressively ramping damage numbers until the only point at which a "smart" or "good" player makes any move on anybody is when they know that their build can hard counter anything that their target can do. GW2 at its highest level is a game of cowards who either run in circles under the aegis of overpowered healing and insane damage output or only take fights that they know they can win with the absolute least amount of risk and effort possible. It's pathetic.

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> @"huehuehueh.5106" said:

> > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > I don't really even need to say anything other than the title, there are like 3 actual players left in NA last time I played, everything the PvP devs are doing now is in vain, they had a chance with the last balance patch to fix class balance but it was an utter failure, therefore the consequence is that the game is dead. I literally played kalla rev at the beginning of the season and sat in top 100 because it's ridiculous how few players there actually are that are good. Honestly my theory is that the devs are purposely trying to destroy PvP so they can completely remove it from the game and focus on pvesports. I only post on the forum now, because it's more fun than the actual game.


> Yeah there was this really skilled multiclasser guy named potato but I do not see his account online anymore I wonder what happened to it, its almost like he has been removed from the game for a certain reason. I wonder why these pros keep leaving, I wish potato and his alt would log on so we could ask them why they left.





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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> So who is the balance team then? By the looks of it, they don't really exist concretely if some other person has to speak for them saying how they aren't involved in PvP design conversations.


Irenio Calmon-Huang, Robert Gee, Karl McLain. They're the skills and balance game designers who handle skills & balance across all game modes. By the looks of it, they don't exist concretely, how refreshingly cynical of you :lol:


> Yes, because we see core warrior and axe used so often and to such unique effect after those changes (which, like 97% of all anet's inspired changes, were just "let's make this number bigger").


You're making the case that it's under-represented, are you also making the case that core warrior is un-viable or underpowered core spec, how about compared to elite specs like Tempest, Reaper, Soulbeast, Scrapper, Dragonhunter, Herald, Renegade? If so, would you be willing to put that to a strawpoll? Core warrior is currently more useful than half the elite specs in PvP just to let you know.


> Anet has consistently designed gw2 PvP around a philosophy of passive safety nets, instant, lethal burst from range, insulating players from risk while attacking, effortless self-healing and extremely passive gameplay all while progressively ramping damage numbers until the only point at which a "smart" or "good" player makes any move on anybody is when they know that their build can hard counter anything that their target can do. GW2 at its highest level is a game of cowards who either run in circles under the aegis of overpowered healing and insane damage output or only take fights that they know they can win with the absolute least amount of risk and effort possible. It's pathetic.


Guild Wars 2 since launch has always been about build strategy and forcing the match-ups that you like, and it has not a thing to do with the overall damage level or even the balance team. Only a dunce wouldn't push match-ups where they countered, or avoid match-ups if they were outmatched.


You call GW2 is a game of cowards, but have you taken the time to think for a second how it's a natural reaction for players to learn how acting courageously, greedily, and recklessly die all game punishes them and their team? I feel like I'm having to cover some basic common sense stuff here. Do you think elite MOBA crowd players don't know what matchups to avoid and push, or do you think they cowardly hide behind their towers and meekly farm experience? Any decent gamer worth a crap will know there's a time to go rambo and a time to play it safe. GW2 has both, just like every other game.


Your only relevant whines on skills & balance that I can address are about easy survival mechanisms, overpowered healing & damage, Mirage Cloak, and from what I can interpret as, Deadeye burst? These to me are ugly mechanics too, are all tolerable only because of how they work in the greater picture of PvP.


I'm not in love with Self-Regulating Defenses or Defy pain either, but as long as fights are ending in a reasonable time, not too fast or too slow, I will tolerate the few such classes who depend one predictable, low health-threshold saving throw, and enjoy the game. If you wanna make a case to provide reasons why you think the combat is becoming too slow or too fast, that's a valid argument. Just because the power levels have changed does not mean the game becomes unenjoyable, or it becomes too slow or too fast.


Deadeye when played as glass rifle is a dumb design, but I tolerate that as well because if I do get tagged by a fully malice stacked Death's Judgement, that was my complete lack of awareness at fault, and any class can easily make it their mission to see that the Deadeye can never rest until he either ragequits or afks. Personally not a fan of long range kill-shot builds, but because they are a joke when you actually confront one, and I can only die if I'm both not listening for the tell and unaware, it's something I tolerate as well.


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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> > > > Ahahahhahhahahahahaha

> > >

> > > Compelling argument :lol:

> > >

> > > You think original holo/Scourge/Spellbreaker nerfs were bad ideas or something? Try naming some recent bad changes in Q4 2017?

> > >

> > > They need to keep that shi coming, just lack of changes is the problem.

> > >

> >

> > Horribly implemented soloQ only, core warrior nerfs, lack of nerfs to scourge, weaver is still worthless, random nerf to daredevil, soulbeast is still worthless, HoT builds are completely powercreeped and invalidated, I can keep going for a while tbh.


> 1.) SoloQ is not the balance team, :-1:


> 2.) Core warrior changes not bad at all. Un-crittable balanced stance and axe buffs offset stance duration changes. It didn't move core Warriors power level down but you're hyperventilating over it. :-1:


> 3.) Everything you said is a LACK of changes, did you even read what I said? I said my criticism of ArenaNet is exactly that too. :angry:


> Clearly the balance team has made so many bad changes and you can go on for so long, but yet you can't. Only about what they aren't doing. Hysterically trashing what the balance team does with clearly limited changes per patch is a good way to get upvotes tho


Core warrior was nerfed fairly hard. Uncrittable balanced stance is worthless against players that aren't monkeys, the stability was much more important and it got nerfed, berserker stance is horrible, the physical skills trait that made bulls charge and rampage strong was made useless (10% dmg buff for 5s LUL). Either way I don't really care to argue with you, if you continue to enjoy this dead game then go ahead, but other games are much more fun.


Also I don't think you understand how strongly I feel about the lack of changes. You're brushing off lack of changes as if it's just 1 criticism and the things they've done outweigh the criticism, but there was A LOT that the balance team needed to do last patch, and they didn't do nearly enough.

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> @"masskillerxploit.2165" said:

> There is absolutely nothing anet can do to restore sPvP unless they stop focusing 110% of their efforts on gem store skins and lootboxes.


> -Ferox

Love the hyperboles. I understand that you are frustrated with some gem store mount skins, but I would advise you to read this:



On a more serious note both Path of Fire and LS1 were decent successes imo. And balance will get sorted out more or less eventually (it was never perfect sadly).

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Actually the reason you were top 100 on a Rev is because if your account has a high MMR all you have to do is do modestly well in placement like 7-3 and you'll get put at like 1700 MMR to start then you only have to win like 60% of your games to stay there. Don't get me wrong all the good players are gone but even if they weren't its not hard at all to be top 100 on a high MMR account. The class you play is meaningless when you get put far up the ladder to start.

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This thread basically represents everything that is wrong with this forum, people who quit playing the game trying to spoil it for those that still enjoy it, for whatever reason. I really don't understand what motivates people that came to loathe their game to keep lingering in the forums and hate on it no matter what actually happens and if there actually are improvements.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> This thread basically represents everything that is wrong with this forum, people who quit playing the game trying to spoil it for those that still enjoy it, for whatever reason. I really don't understand what motivates people that came to loathe their game to keep lingering in the forums and hate on it no matter what actually happens and if there actually are improvements.


This people still playing, this is the bigger joke. It is allways a good fact if forum is active, means the game is great enough to trigger them. So at this point anet won. Anyways, it will allways be like this in a competive game. 5 player needs to be in the losing team and of course there will be allways some salt.


If the game is so bad, why spend time on forum for the issues you voted like 3 years? Nothing changed? You still play? Its like your ex girl..........

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> @"Xibalbar.7459" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > This thread basically represents everything that is wrong with this forum, people who quit playing the game trying to spoil it for those that still enjoy it, for whatever reason. I really don't understand what motivates people that came to loathe their game to keep lingering in the forums and hate on it no matter what actually happens and if there actually are improvements.


> This people still playing, this is the bigger joke. It is allways a good fact if forum is active, means the game is great enough to trigger them. So at this point anet won. Anyways, it will allways be like this in a competive game. 5 player needs to be in the losing team and of course there will be allways some salt.


> If the game is so bad, why spend time on forum for the issues you voted like 3 years? Nothing changed? You still play? Its like your ex girl..........


A lot of people ex-girlfriend is gw2.

They hang onto the forums like it's gonna give you anything.

If you don't like the game, leave.

If you like it, stay.


That's just it. People need to stop whining, grow a pair or put on their undies, and either leave or stay. This is not multichoice questionnaire. It's yes or no. Leave or don't. Stop trying to sit here and explain your reasoning for staying on forums, but somehow can linger on these forums at least 6 hours out of the day. You ain't fooling anyone.

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