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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > It's like you think these problems are recent lmao.

> > No, I don't think so.

> >

> > Point is, it's not surprising that Anet is avoiding engaging on forums when they are greeted by extremely pointless posts like the OP.


> People have been asking nicely for years, and got ignored every single time.


yet we get xx players every season, the only issue is some people hate to adapt to different style, and meta. I agree with you that its taken them forever, and they have but this in the back burner but like every other season the good players are going to continue to adapt and keep playing.




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players seem to be forgetting that an mmo as a game needs to go through changes and evolve. both to retain old players and attract the new. its natural that rough patches have to be endured before there can be improvements, any efforts anet wants to go to now to improve pvp aren't in vain just because portions of the population are done.

The playerbase of pvp in the next 5 years wont be same as the playerbase now, or as it was on release. that doesn't mean you shouldnt tell anet not to bother working hard on their game because whatever changes occur now will still benefit future players.

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> @"Ioras Dagnir.3927" said:

> players seem to be forgetting that an mmo as a game needs to go through changes and evolve. both to retain old players and attract the new. its natural that rough patches have to be endured before there can be improvements, any efforts anet wants to go to now to improve pvp aren't in vain just because portions of the population are done.

> The playerbase of pvp in the next 5 years wont be same as the playerbase now, or as it was on release. that doesn't mean you shouldnt tell anet not to bother working hard on their game because whatever changes occur now will still benefit future players.


I'm pretty sure any graph would tell you there has been anything but quality evolution from it's changes in the PvP game mode. In fact, it's devolved if anything. At this point you have a now very limited staff basically desperate to get things flowing to recover the massive loss of players over the years , so I applaud them for continuing to try.


The new maps will bring fresh air to the rotations and bring back some players simply from that which is good and hopefully they can work on conditions to the point of being able to not kill it off entirely but make them more manage-able. Keep in mind this is in all game modes that they will be doing this balance in so fingers crossed it goes well or they could potentially destroy a large number of their existing PvE player base on top of it by making wrong choices.


Hopefully faster/more consistent patches in terms of balance could be made, but that's wishful thinking.



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I won't say i completely disagree with you. but I'd argue my point that the implementation of a ranked league was a step up from just casual matches. then on the downswing HoT introduced broken builds and condimeta, between that this seemed to cause a bit of a bad run for us, no more esports, the soloQ vs teamQ poll, never being able find the happy medium for class balancing. You gotta take the good with the bad. But you cant say we have always been ignored, some ventures just didnt pan out how anyone wanted them to [courtyard and stronghold], we got ATs but still people said too little too late, and sometimes it only feels like we are met with silence. Now a few months after PoF launch Anet has had time to see what is going wrong and are willing open up talks, my point being despite past setbacks or disappointments the pvp community should make the most of the opportunity, not shut it down. But I firmly believe that if devs do keep communicating and trying to improve then good things will follow.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > I feel like Ben and crew do alright. It is the balance team that makes me want to tear my hair out every time they post anything.


> Is that fair though? My only criticism is the mutilate defenses trait and name change to expose defenses which uses extra resources for localization and does not impact the game positively, (or at all?)


> Other than that, all the content from PoF balance patch and quarterly balance patch has been top notch and all good changes for PvP. I wish they could crank out 300% more changes in the last two patches, not facepalm when they reveal.


The problem is their changes are glacial in their pace and half of them seem to be random shots in the dark to make the patch seem more significant which ultimately change nothing. On the other hand major issues like the scourge fiasco are completely ignored. Scourge was S+++ tier during beta and several months later it is still top dog being completely unchanged last balance pass with no sign this coming patch will touch it either.

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> @"Ioras Dagnir.3927" said:

> players seem to be forgetting that an mmo as a game needs to go through changes and evolve. both to retain old players and attract the new. its natural that rough patches have to be endured before there can be improvements, any efforts anet wants to go to now to improve pvp aren't in vain just because portions of the population are done.

> The playerbase of pvp in the next 5 years wont be same as the playerbase now, or as it was on release. that doesn't mean you shouldnt tell anet not to bother working hard on their game because whatever changes occur now will still benefit future players.


Fair enough


Let me ask you a question: every changes Anet make is repeating the same mistakes over and over again


How does this benefit future players?


How does this benefit future players upon discovering no lessons learned?

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Ioras Dagnir.3927" said:

> > OPs thread is like dealing with a spoiled toddler is swear haha

> >

> > "Pvp is dying." "Anet fix pvp kitten" "kitten this game devs don't care!"

> > ~

> > anet comes along to communicate with us "ok whats your problem? how and where can we improve and help make a better experience?"

> > ~

> > "no. dont want. going home."

> >

> >


> [it reminds Quaggan certain episode of South Park...](

"It reminds Quaggan certain episode of South Park...")



Reminds me of this comic:


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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > I feel like Ben and crew do alright. It is the balance team that makes me want to tear my hair out every time they post anything.

> >

> > Is that fair though? My only criticism is the mutilate defenses trait and name change to expose defenses which uses extra resources for localization and does not impact the game positively, (or at all?)

> >

> > Other than that, all the content from PoF balance patch and quarterly balance patch has been top notch and all good changes for PvP. I wish they could crank out 300% more changes in the last two patches, not facepalm when they reveal.


> The problem is their changes are glacial in their pace and half of them seem to be random shots in the dark to make the patch seem more significant which ultimately change nothing. On the other hand major issues like the scourge fiasco are completely ignored. Scourge was S+++ tier during beta and several months later it is still top dog being completely unchanged last balance pass with no sign this coming patch will touch it either.


Glacial, but what they do ship is good. That's my assessment

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> @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> >

> > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?


> Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.


> So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic


Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.


Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.


I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.


Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > >

> > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> >

> > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> >

> > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic


> Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.


> Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.


> I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.


> Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.


Cyberbullying is real HAHAHHAHAHA. But the thing is , if you quit you dont win right? You can quit , ppl like you disgust me

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> @"Jagdtiger.2517" said:

> I don't really even need to say anything other than the title, there are like 3 actual players left in NA last time I played, everything the PvP devs are doing now is in vain, they had a chance with the last balance patch to fix class balance but it was an utter failure, therefore the consequence is that the game is dead. I literally played kalla rev at the beginning of the season and sat in top 100 because it's ridiculous how few players there actually are that are good. Honestly my theory is that the devs are purposely trying to destroy PvP so they can completely remove it from the game and focus on pvesports. I only post on the forum now, because it's more fun than the actual game.


Yeah there was this really skilled multiclasser guy named potato but I do not see his account online anymore I wonder what happened to it, its almost like he has been removed from the game for a certain reason. I wonder why these pros keep leaving, I wish potato and his alt would log on so we could ask them why they left.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > >

> > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> >

> > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> >

> > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic


> Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.


> Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.


> I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.


> Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.


Hey buddy I'm still waiting for your footage beating a bunker druid.

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> @"Ioras Dagnir.3927" said:

> @ZhouX.8742

> I won't say i completely disagree with you. but I'd argue my point that the implementation of a ranked league was a step up from just casual matches. then on the downswing HoT introduced broken builds and condimeta, between that this seemed to cause a bit of a bad run for us, no more esports, the soloQ vs teamQ poll, never being able find the happy medium for class balancing. You gotta take the good with the bad. But you cant say we have always been ignored, some ventures just didnt pan out how anyone wanted them to [courtyard and stronghold], we got ATs but still people said too little too late, and sometimes it only feels like we are met with silence. Now a few months after PoF launch Anet has had time to see what is going wrong and are willing open up talks, my point being despite past setbacks or disappointments the pvp community should make the most of the opportunity, not shut it down. But I firmly believe that if devs do keep communicating and trying to improve then good things will follow.


True, let's hope the talks can produce some quality content / improvements for PvP. It would be a nice breath of fresh air for sure.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > > >

> > > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> > >

> > > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> > >

> > > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic

> >

> > Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.

> >

> > Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.

> >

> > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.

> >

> > Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.


> Hey buddy I'm still waiting for your footage beating a bunker druid


Kid, don't you have someone else to bother? Seriously, you already made yourself look over the top in your own thread.


How about you go learn to fight a bunker druid, instead of whining about it everywhere.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> > > >

> > > > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> > > >

> > > > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic

> > >

> > > Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.

> > >

> > > Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.

> > >

> > > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.

> > >

> > > Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.

> >

> > Hey buddy I'm still waiting for your footage beating a bunker druid


> Kid, don't you have someone else to bother? Seriously, you already made yourself look over the top in your own thread.


> How about you go learn to fight a bunker druid, instead of whining about it everywhere.


Nope, it was you who agreed on ele having a ridiculously easy matchup against bunker / normal druid. I wanna see some footage of you beating either of those builds ez.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> > > > >

> > > > > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> > > > >

> > > > > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic

> > > >

> > > > Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.

> > > >

> > > > Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.

> > > >

> > > > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.

> > > >

> > > > Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.

> > >

> > > Hey buddy I'm still waiting for your footage beating a bunker druid

> >

> > Kid, don't you have someone else to bother? Seriously, you already made yourself look over the top in your own thread.

> >

> > How about you go learn to fight a bunker druid, instead of whining about it everywhere.


> Nope, it was you who agreed on ele having a ridiculously easy matchup against bunker / normal druid. I wanna see some footage of you beating either of those builds ez.


If you learn to read, I didn't mention ele.

So, no, I'm not wasting my energy to entertain you.

Besides, I don't have recording equipment so sorry sweetheart looks like you are tough outta luck.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > > > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > > > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic

> > > > >

> > > > > Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.

> > > > >

> > > > > Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.

> > > > >

> > > > > Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.

> > > >

> > > > Hey buddy I'm still waiting for your footage beating a bunker druid

> > >

> > > Kid, don't you have someone else to bother? Seriously, you already made yourself look over the top in your own thread.

> > >

> > > How about you go learn to fight a bunker druid, instead of whining about it everywhere.

> >

> > Nope, it was you who agreed on ele having a ridiculously easy matchup against bunker / normal druid. I wanna see some footage of you beating either of those builds ez.


> If you learn to read, I didn't mention ele.

> So, no, I'm not wasting my energy to entertain you.

> Besides, I don't have recording equipment so sorry sweetheart looks like you are tough outta luck.


My sweetheart, agreeing with the guy who said "FA ele hard counters druid" and then implying that I'm a bad ele because of my inability to handle bunker druids, directly means that you could do it better. Put your money where your mouth is and go prove those claims you fraud.


Makes me cringe seeing someone run his mouth and then make an embarrassing backpedal excuse like this tbh.



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> @"kahzee.6042" said:

> Pvp needs to be more individually based on how you play as a player. I shouldnt be penalized because I have a guy dieing at far repeatedly.


Lol yeah I know used to know the feels. Now I don't, imagine that!


On a serious note tho. Divisions should just be taken away at this point. ANet should just leave the league system in place. Just do away with matching players based on MMR and Rattings.


Because at this point. I'm pretty sure random matchmaking would create better match ups then what's going on now. It's almost like this current MM system was made for a completely different game.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > > > > @"Duzik.9137" said:

> > > > > > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > > > > What's killing PvP is the toxic and negative people whining on the forums 24/7.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > There is progression regarding communication (see AMA) and balance (see 12.12 update), so why can't you just stop posting here when you are not even playing the game?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Toxic people are very easy to explain . Imagine your self in the workplace. And you are forcefully put with 4 other random ppl to do a certain task in certain time, and let's say 2 out of 5 are underperforming of which 1 is completely worthless, what it means is rest 3 have to perform for 4. Now imagine of those 3 ppl 2 do only what they imagine is enough on they part. So you are left alone to perform for 2 and a half. If it happens once, it's whatever, but if it happens on regular bases and you get shouted on by boss, that you are underperforming, you start to be a kitten to ppl who are in your team and are underperforming. And can you blame the person for that? And obv those who underperform come up with some kitten excuse like, ahh its just a job, chill, we get paid hourly anyway, and so on.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So now i hope this explains "toxicity" of ppl , when in reality its you who is in blame for them to be toxic

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Then why don't the people just leave so we don't have to listen to them whine and complain on the forums.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Most of them are just bitter vets that are stuck in the past anyways and can't take off their nostalgia glasses. I ain't saying this game is crystal clear in the slightest, but literally just hitting and spamming the threads with the same topic over and over and over again.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums. They are purposefully making themselves bitter, and ruining their own fun instead of just leaving. It's like when we were sixteen and the one kid is marching around the halls saying I'm leaving this school and never coming back.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Same thing here. If you are so tortured here leave, if not stay. Stop doing this whole announcement crap.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hey buddy I'm still waiting for your footage beating a bunker druid

> > > >

> > > > Kid, don't you have someone else to bother? Seriously, you already made yourself look over the top in your own thread.

> > > >

> > > > How about you go learn to fight a bunker druid, instead of whining about it everywhere.

> > >

> > > Nope, it was you who agreed on ele having a ridiculously easy matchup against bunker / normal druid. I wanna see some footage of you beating either of those builds ez.

> >

> > If you learn to read, I didn't mention ele.

> > So, no, I'm not wasting my energy to entertain you.

> > Besides, I don't have recording equipment so sorry sweetheart looks like you are tough outta luck.


> My sweetheart, agreeing with the guy who said "FA ele hard counters druid" and then implying that I'm a bad ele because of my inability to handle bunker druids, directly means that you could do it better. Put your money where your mouth is and go prove those claims you fraud.


> Makes me cringe seeing someone run his mouth and then make an embarrassing backpedal excuse like this tbh.




You can think whatever you want buttercup, whatever I say you are taking my words out of context, so I'll let you just float around and be in your happy, op druid land.


I'm gonna get go my late-night coffee.

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> @"Ioras Dagnir.3927" said:

> players seem to be forgetting that an mmo as a game needs to go through changes and evolve. both to retain old players and attract the new. its natural that rough patches have to be endured before there can be improvements, any efforts anet wants to go to now to improve pvp aren't in vain just because portions of the population are done.

> The playerbase of pvp in the next 5 years wont be same as the playerbase now, or as it was on release. that doesn't mean you shouldnt tell anet not to bother working hard on their game because whatever changes occur now will still benefit future players.


All truth but dont forget that gw2, progressions is a buy new forget old, classes dont have some strong and solid class design or role, this is a extremelly simplistic class/trait design wich everything ends with the same mechanics, boon stack + condi stack spamable gameplay.


Or maybe im askign way to much or complex things, since i love the class design and complexity on DnD based games wich makes evey class unique, here is like only the animation changes but everything leads to the same.


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> @"Ara.4569" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > I'm sorry but you clearly have some attachment if you still hang out on the forums.

> Currently, GW2's most enjoyable PvP games are held on forums. We're meta, boys! Right here, right now! :)



It's almost like the PvP forums have a bigger and better community than the PvP game itself now days.

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