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Which of these "impossible" changes to the game would you pick? (Part 2)


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In the spirit of the holidays, the GW 2 Genie is feeling quite generous and is willing to grant another set of changes to GW 2 that would otherwise be impossible or unlikely to ever happen in GW 2. You can only pick one.


What do you choose?



*GW 2 Genie's previous set of changes offered:




*****Meant to say "ALL PvE content" for this one:

Legendary armor is no longer only available through raids but through PvE content as well

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Even thou i was there for it season 1 is my choice. Would help people get to know and better understand how/why we have them as companions. Because for most new players/returnee's they are just a random addition with no build up towards them being our companions. Would also love to be able to do some of the old bosses/events since they were fun as hell (and maybe get achivs i missed).

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> I need Diablo 3-type transmogrification please.


I was saying in an other thread, they should just bring the PvP system over to PvE, make it so you can just stat-swap using amulets rather than armor, and then just let people choose whichever skins they like out of the wardrobe at will.

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> GW 1 remastered to GW 2 graphics and upgraded with only the mechanics you like from GW 2

Question. Would I be able to get my Black Widow Spider Pet in GW2 if I played this version? I never played GW1 but I want the Black Widow Pet.


> The Dervish, Paragon, and other GW 1 Professions now playable in GW 2

Ritualist? I want Ritualist.


> Legendary armor is no longer only available through raids but through PvE content as well

Bah-humbug. I would transmutate it anyway.


> Season 1 of Living World remastered and made playable for free

I don't even care if I have to pay. I want to play Season 1.


> ArenaNet buys state-of-the-art new server systems making lag and disconnects obsolete

Okay now THIS is 100% impossible so I don't even vote for it.


> Medium armor finally gets something other than trench coats

What about the "holeiffic" selections on Light Armour? I need pants too on Light Armour!


> Ability to salvage Legendary Items

Wait... you can't?


> Braham killed off (genie offering this again cuz he knows it’s a hot choice )

Only if Taimi is in the choice too.


> A tier of item stats higher than ascended and legendary

No. No no no. No. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NOO! NO!!!! NO! NO! BAD DJINN! BAD! NO!


> Wardrobe now gives unlimited skin transmutation without the need of transmutation charges

Have almost 300 of the bloody things.

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I voted for LWS1 but the "free" clause is something I don't agree with. I am absolutely fine with ANet charging for it, in fact **I'd prefer them to charge for it** cause that'd both give them more motivation to make it and set higher expectations from the playerbase than a free update would.

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> @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> I voted for LWS1 but the "free" clause is something I don't agree with. I am absolutely fine with ANet charging for it, in fact **I'd prefer them to charge for it** cause that'd both give them more motivation to make it and set higher expectations from the playerbase than a free update would.


Well they could charge the same with Seasons 2, 3 and 4, for those not there when they were released.

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I started playing shortly after the conclusion for LWS1 so most of my time spent with LWS2 involved constantly asking myself if I should know what was going on. The fact that I've still never been able to experience Scarlet's story outside of watching plot summary videos is a big disappointment.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Again you failed to provide the option for "None", there should always be the option to choose absolutely nothing.


But you chose nothing by not selecting an option from the list. If there were an option, you would have chosen an option, even if that one was "nothing".

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