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Translation into Russian / into other languages

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Всем привет! Вы официально продаёте игру в РФ. А русского языка нет. Вы перевели только сайт с покупкой ваших дополнений.

Я хорошо отношусь к вашей игре, считаю её лучшей MMORPG в плане PVE ( и худшей в плане PvP - оно ужасно! Особенно WvW).


Мне нравится ваша игра, нравится мир, который вы создали! Но меня раздражает факт - вы хотите заработать деньги на игроках российского региона не предоставив им сервиса, который предоставляете другим регионам. По факту - вы дискриминируете российский регион не предоставляя ему перевод на национальный язык.


Окей! Я понимаю, что из РФ играют не так много игроков, и что перевод (пускай только субтитры) - себя вряд ли окупят вообще. В таком случае есть альтернативное решение - создайте инструментарий, который позволит фанатам самим переводить игру - если это вообще возможно. При помощи данного инструмента игроки сами переведут на русский язык. (На сколько мне известно, игра не поддерживает кириллица, но я думаю, что если постараться, то всё получится).


С уважением за PvE контент и с презрением за PvP контент, -ваш игрок.


Hello! You officially sell the game in Russia. But there is no Russian language. You have transferred only the site with the purchase of your add-ons.

I have a good attitude towards your game, I think their best MMORPG in terms of PVE (and worst in terms of PvP - it's awful! Especially WvW).


I like your game, I like the world that you created! But I'm annoyed by the fact - you can make money on the players. In fact - you are discriminating the Russian region do not provide him with a translation into the national language.


Okay! I understand that not many players play from the Russian Federation, and that the transfer (let only subtitles) - is unlikely to pay off at all. In this case, there is an alternative solution - create a toolkit that will allow the fans to translate the game - if at all possible. When using this tool, the players themselves will translate into Russian. (As far as I know, the game does not support Cyrillic, but I think that if you try, everything will turn out).


With respect for PvE content and with contempt for PvP content, your player.

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That sounds like a good way to get passages like:


Commander: Taimi, are you there?

Taimi: poop poop poop fart


Anet would have to hire someone to check the user translations, and at that point they might as well translate it themselves. Hopefully they'll chime in on the thread with some good news though, shame any language has to be left out.

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> @"supermid.3478" said:


> Okay! I understand that not many players play from the Russian Federation, and that the transfer (let only subtitles) - is unlikely to pay off at all. In this case, there is an alternative solution - create a toolkit that will allow the fans to translate the game - if at all possible.


That's probably not going to work, either. First, ANet isn't in the translation business, so they'd have to build an API to someone else's system. Second, there are almost certainly copyright and other ramifications of running a game using text that hasn't been officially vetted by ANet and (worse from a legal standpoint) outside their control to edit. Further, there would the usual problems with trolls deliberately mistranslating or inserting inappropriate phrases.


And even if those problems were manageable, the evidence suggests that fans aren't at all interested in translating from English into other languages. Take the wiki. ANet hosts versions in the four supported languages and none are translated with any consistency. If it doesn't happen with the wiki, when no special tools are needed, when there are no time pressures, then I can't imagine it would be more likely to happen just because people could update the game.


* [The English version](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page) maintains over [73000](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:Statistics) articles

* [Wiki en Français](https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/Accueil): > [46000](https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Statistiques)

* [Wiki auf Deutsch](https://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hauptseite): > [42000](https://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spezial:Statistik)

* [Wiki en Español](http://wiki-es.guildwars2.com/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal): under [7000](http://wiki-es.guildwars2.com/wiki/Especial:Estad%C3%ADsticas)


There used to be several unofficial wikis for other languages, some of which were documented on [the English wiki's list of fansites](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_fansites). However, near as I can tell from the article's history, there never was one in Russian. At best, there were a couple of Russian sites listed before the game launched and none that were kept up-to-date through the years. Currently, there are none listed in Russian, one in Polish. Obviously, the wiki's list isn't going to 100% accurate, if for no other reason than it's in English not Russian; it's merely a proxy for demonstrating the amount of interest (or lack thereof).



If you think there's a lot of Russian-speaking fan support for this endeavor, then make it easier for ANet to see it: setup a Russian fansite, ideally a wiki. And set up translations for the various bits of dialogue that are already documented in one of the existing wikis. If ANet sees that there are a ton of fans who are actually doing this sort of work (rather than promising that they plan to help, probably, maybe), then it's easier for them to decide to invest their resources to make it happen. I imagine the first thing they'd try would be an officially-supported wiki (rather than a fan site).


But, as you can see, even the official Spanish site maintains less than 10% of the content of the English site. In others, it's not enough that there are fans of the game.



tl;dr this isn't as easy or cheap to implement as the OP suggests. And, despite the enthusiasm of some fans, the evidence suggests that there isn't as much free labor from fans as one might think.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language. We localize for French, German, and Spanish because those gaming communities are large and there is a solid business reason for doing so. However, we do not have plans to localize for other languages. By the same token, we cannot accept and implement community-translated text, because verifying and implementing the input would be very time consuming and costly. (Consider that inputting text involves things beyond words -- it also can involve videos, animation, and more.)


We have received offers to do community translation for Russian, Hungarian, Czech, and several other languages. We regret that we are not able to offer Guild Wars 2 in every language, but doing so simply would not be feasible, even with the kind offers of the community.


I've talked to players from around the world, and I actually asked many of them what language they chose when playing the game. A surprising number of them, while they were native French, German, or Spanish speakers, told me they preferred to play in English. Most cited the opportunity to practice their language skills; some said they liked to play "exactly what the devs created." I hope that all players are able to choose a language that allows them to join in!

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You know what people we are. Price tag of GW2 and international language are separators of people. Erudites/Not. We must understand community in this game, cooperate to achieve goals. And if gw2 had our language in game, we (i have no doubt about it) we would play in our own gw2, separated from rest of community. Trade, spam in map chat, bad words in LFG etc are typical set for random player from our countries.

You can disagree with me, everyone can't be like that, there are many players who have sense of respect, they like the game but can't play because they understand nothing in english. Maybe. ![](https://i.imgur.com/QPNZUUM.jpg "")

GW2 for me like an oasis in quicksands of MMORPGs. I hope Anet will not do the language localisation of gw2 for our countries. Peace.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language. We localize for French, German, and Spanish because those gaming communities are large and there is a solid business reason for doing so. However, we do not have plans to localize for other languages. By the same token, we cannot accept and implement community-translated text, because verifying and implementing the input would be very time consuming and costly. (Consider that inputting text involves things beyond words -- it also can involve videos, animation, and more.)


> We have received offers to do community translation for Russian, Hungarian, Czech, and several other languages. We regret that we are not able to offer Guild Wars 2 in every language, but doing so simply would not be feasible, even with the kind offers of the community.


> I've talked to players from around the world, and I actually asked many of them what language they chose when playing the game. A surprising number of them, while they were native French, German, or Spanish speakers, told me they preferred to play in English. Most cited the opportunity to practice their language skills; some said they liked to play "exactly what the devs created." I hope that all players are able to choose a language that allows them to join in!


Спасибо за ответ! Отговорки "нам дорого это делать; практикуйте другие языки; другие не жалуются; слишком много текста" - позиция слабой компании, очень жаль.


В игре убили pvp. WvW - абсурд. Добавили бесполезный класс - ревенант. Убили даже PvE баланс. Вы сделали хорошую одиночную игру и постоянно её расширяете. Было интересно играть. Теперь же игра стала рутиной - все события - повторяются. В игре нет случайности. Было интересно, честно. Сейчас же нет ничего, вообще ничего интересного (лично для меня в данной игре). Со временем PvE - стало однообразным. PvP- мертво, напрочь отсутствует баланс ( у в рага 3 некроманта из нового дополнения? Можно с базы не выходить, а зачем? 3 некроманта - это 100% победа). Про самое неудобное управления - я промолчу. Она самое неудобное из всех MMORPG - которое только есть ( я так считаю, особенно камера).

Пожалуй, на пол года возьму перерыв, посмотрим, что добавят, если не исправят PVP контент - то смыла не вижу играть.


Thanks for the answer! Excuses "it is expensive for us to do this, practice other languages, others do not complain, too much text" - the position of a weak company, very sorry.


The game killed the pvp. WvW is absurd. We added a useless class - the revantant. They even killed PvE balance. You have made a good single player game and are constantly expanding it. It was fun to play. Now the game has become a routine - all events are repeated. There is no chance in the game. It was interesting, honest. Now there is nothing, nothing interesting at all (personally for me in this game). Over time, PvE - became monotonous. PvP-dead, completely out of balance (in Rag 3 necromancer from the new add-on? You can not leave the base, but why? 3 Necromancer - this is a 100% victory). About the most uncomfortable management - I will not say anything. She is the most uncomfortable of all MMORPG - which only is (I think so, especially the camera).

     Perhaps, for half a year I'll take a break, let's see what they add, if they do not correct the PVP content - then I do not see the game washed out.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I've talked to players from around the world, and I actually asked many of them what language they chose when playing the game. A surprising number of them, while they were native French, German, or Spanish speakers, told me they preferred to play in English. Most cited the opportunity to practice their language skills; some said they liked to play "exactly what the devs created." I hope that all players are able to choose a language that allows them to join in!



For me it's the other way round. Due to the excellent German voice acting (of the male Asura), I did not switch to English. I had to do so in League of Legends, because it's really, really bad there, an adult female dubbing for a girl (Annie) and it's so cringy you rip your headphones off and throw them into the corner..


Here in GW2, I can't stand the U.S./English voice acting at all, even though some translations are somewhat off (e.g. the female Asura lost their edge in the German translation), but when I hear the English Asura, no thanks. The French one sounds like he is under pressure - the one and only voice acting I am fine with is the German one.


You should not put too much weight into the typical "It's foreign, so it sounds better" attitude you have witnessed. First of all, you just asked native (German/French/Spanish) speakers _cappable_ of speaking English _in the first place_, so you basically created a bit of a filter bubble (by not actually asking in German/French/Spanish, you can not figure out who **HAS** to play the game in his/her native language and thus you are unable to find out who enjoys to play in the native language).


In FF14, I was once in a guild (called Free Company over there) with Ü30 (over 30 years old) people and back then, English was not a deal at school, yet they play the game - in German - because they had to. Same with French and Spanish, their educational system towards English is totally different, something I have witnessed in ALL games so far with French and Spanish players: When they're actually speaking English, it's just some flames. Other countries, like Czech, Poland and the Nederlands are used to have only subtitles if at all - so they are used to that. The Polish "SIMPSONS" has just a guy reading off the script laid over the original U.S. audio track, no matter if a male or female is talking. Under these circumstances, I'd also learn English ASAP, but that does not mean they would not be happy about a localization.


I am here, I have learned most of my English capabilities on Youtube (had a small channel there, so I was not just reading and listening, but also getting more into actually talking English) and I am glad to go back to German, my native language, which also need to be taken care of.



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supermid.3478, you did not get satisfying answer so you decided to avenge such unfairness. Why did you switched from game language localisation, to the assess of what you don't like? In one topic you managed to make over9000 mistakes in **both** languages in addition to PvE, WvW, sPvP "problems" and with ridiculous knowledge about business and game development. Apologies if my words were too straight.

That's what i was talking about. That's what i afraid the most.


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So you don't like the official response. You think that ANet is missing something big. If that's so, do you think they'll change their plans on your word alone?


If you're really convinced that there's a huge group of fans out there just waiting to show off their English:Russian translation skills, then show ANet that there is. Put some time into backing up your claims.


There are several companies that will host a wiki for you. You can take the in-game quotes documented on the wiki, present translations, and demonstrate that there's real support. Include a fan-site link to purchase of GW2 and you can demonstrate that there's untapped money to be made from such efforts.


In the meantime, try not to assume that ANet hasn't spent any resources evaluating the markets for other translations.



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Community translations aren't a new thing. Aside from many enterprise-level open source projects that rely on it, Valve uses community translation for the Steam client, and I have yet to hear of any scandals arising from it. The risk of trolls is easily mitigated by peer review, the same way all crowdsourcing (including the wiki) works. I don't have an opinion about GW2 translations, just saying that the potential for trolls is not a valid reason to dismiss the proposal.

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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> Community translations aren't a new thing. Aside from many enterprise-level open source projects that rely on it, Valve uses community translation for the Steam client, and I have yet to hear of any scandals arising from it. The risk of trolls is easily mitigated by peer review, the same way all crowdsourcing (including the wiki) works. I don't have an opinion about GW2 translations, just saying that the potential for trolls is not a valid reason to dismiss the proposal.


No one is dismissing the proposal, certainly not because of any particular potential problem. I've listed _some_ of the issues that need to be addressed, to demonstrate it's not as simply as "just adding a translation tool." "Peer review" is something that can work for Steam for a variety of reasons; it's not necessarily something that ANet can switch to for the game itself (although it uses that for the wiki).

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> That sounds like a good way to get passages like:


> Commander: Taimi, are you there?

> Taimi: poop poop poop fart


> Anet would have to hire someone to check the user translations, and at that point they might as well translate it themselves. Hopefully they'll chime in on the thread with some good news though, shame any language has to be left out.


Это форум, да, - есть опечатки и пунктуационные ошибки... Писал на эмоциях, переводил гугл, - к нему претензии.

В своё время почти официально обещали перевод (ещё в 2012, - если не ошибаюсь).

Отговорки: "это вредно для бизнеса" - не прокатывают. В WoW - играют в РФ не так много, сомневаюсь, что " Метелица" - отбивает затраты на перевод. Тем не менее WoW - полностью на русском языке, даже озвучка шикарная. Это зависит от отношения компаний к регионам.

Одни обещают, а потом отмазываются, а другие - нет, дают качественный продукт для каждого региона. Дорого? Наймите удалёно переводчиков, опять дорого? - Создайте инструментарий, думаю он уже существует, ведь игру переводят на несколько языков и внутри компании он должен быть, так сделайте его в открытом доступе, чтобы фанаты сами переводили, в Grim dawn - так сделали. Напишите, что вы не несёте ответственность за фанатский перевод! И всё!

- Введите ещё элементы казино в игру! Больше сундуков со случайными наградами, особенно косметическими! Давайте убивайте и далее своё творение. - Ваше право.


This is a forum, yes, there are typos and punctuation mistakes ... I wrote on emotions, translated Google, - to it claims.

At one time, they almost officially promised a translation (back in 2012, if I'm not mistaken).

Excuses: "it's bad for business" - do not roll. In WoW - play in Russia is not so much, I doubt that "blizzard" - beats the cost of translation. Nevertheless, WoW - completely in Russian, even the voice of posh. It depends on the relationship of companies to the regions.

Some promise, and then otmazyvayutsya, and others - no, give a quality product for each region. Expensive? Hire remote translators, again expensive? - Create a toolkit, I think it already exists, because the game is translated into several languages ​​and inside the company it should be, so make it publicly available, so that the fans themselves translate, in Grim dawn - so did. Write that you are not responsible for the fan translation! And that's it!

- Enter more casino elements into the game! More chests with random awards, especially cosmetic! Let's continue to destroy your creation. - Your right.


Yes, I do not understand anything in the video game business, I'm not interested, I want to see a quality product, if developers do not listen to their target audience, then they are bad developers and will soon lose the entire audience.

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> @"supermid.3478" said:


> Yes, I do not understand anything in the video game business, I'm not interested, I want to see a quality product, if developers do not listen to their target audience, then they are bad developers and will soon lose the entire audience.


Language barrier or not, pleading ignorance doesn't make you correct. Brushing aside the actual business considerations because you aren't interested don't make the developers bad ... if there was a market worth the work to make the translation in Russia, Anet would have done it ... do you know why I know this? Because they did it for German, French, Italian ... I would speculate that even in IF Anet would loosen control on their game content (that would never happen) to allow third party translations, it would probably cost them as much or more to do it because of the extra work involved with checking and working with third parties.


Seems to me, Russia just isn't as big a market that warrants translations.


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OP.. you have told us you think the company is weak, the game is boring, PvP is dead, WvW is absurb and basically the game in general is dead, dying so your taking a maybe a 6 month break... so why are you worried if ANET could offer/accept a Russian translation, seems that wont appease your deeper issues with the game.

But, hey - taking a break in GW2 is maybe the right thing for you to do, safe in the knowledge that you can come back and pick right back up where you left off,that's the beauty of their model.


Balance.. yep balance is not great at the moment imo, but then again balance is very rarely or never achieved in any MMO, certainly not any that I can remember over the last 10-15 years... someone always feels something is out of balance when they cant steam roll something in seconds.. answer - cry foul on a forum and hope the game is reworked for you... balance is a moving target and so are many of the variables that govern it.


ANET gave you a reasonable answer to your OP.. they have said they feel the Russian market was not big enough to warrant a language specific GW2 and that having a community translation option opens up more the potential for more problems than what its worth.

I support the post by Illconceived.. if you feel there is such a large market and support for your community project, build your own wiki and present it your Russian counterparts for their input and translations, add your fan site and tap into that vast market and the pool of wealth it will yield and prove ANET wrong... but I think we both know that the response you were given was based on facts, metrics and availability of resource and that's not unreasonable imo.

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What's the point of playing MMOs if they can't understand English? I mean you have to communicate with other players in MMOs, Gw2 is not a single player RPG game which is just about dialogs. My native language isn't English as well but I use it as a common language to communicate with other people. And most of those people are from countries that don't have English as their main language. It also helps me to practice and learn new stuff in English. I'm against French, German and Spanish translations as well because they bring people that don't understand the stuff other people are talking about. For example, in meta events some people don't understand English and cause those events to fail.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to bully that people who can't communicate in English, but it's like the main requirement to play a massive multiplayer game.

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I don't really see a problem with fan-subs. ANet would only have to save all text in external text files. This text file would include a reference number (so the game knows where to use this line) and the text. 12789="Commander, a word please!" Gendered sentences would simply be split to two separate keys. 73485="I like him." 73486="I like her." Sentences with multiple gendered references would be split into multiple keys. 73487="He likes" 73488="She likes" 73489="him." 73490="her."


Videos could potentially be a problem if the subtitles are part of the video (why would anyone do this) instead of an overlayed text-box. Shouldn't be that hard to fix though.


The translations would be hosted on 3rd party websites, completely organized by the community and without any extra work by ANet. Yes, someone could make a joke-translation and write some nonsensical stuff. Any good translation platform would have a rating system and clearly mark joke-translations as such. But that's something the community would work out, so ANet doesn't have to bother with it.


Translations could then be downloaded from various sources and put into a special localization folder. Any translation in that folder would show up in the ingame options.

- English

- German

- Russian

- Klingon

- Beep Boop


The possibilities are endless.

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As a russian player I must say I'm 100% against russian localization.

FtP and all the resent changes, like adding raids, overpowered elite specs, etc. - that was enough already to make this game... let's say - not dead yet, but it has a potential. :)

I think anyone who has played an MMO game knows what russian community means - they are really agressive players and love competition (even if there isn't one in the game, they will try to find it). I mean, Guild Wars 2 is still quite casual and it would not buy russian players attention. WoW is all about raiding, battles and mythic dungeons. I hope you can see my point. Why should A-net spend huge money on localization which most likely won't even pay off.

Not to mention cheating & botting & all that abuse in the map chat you would get... ugh...

The only thing I would like to see is a cyrillic **guild** chat. This would be a great help.


>! This is for OP

>! Ну правда - если ты считаешь эту игру такой плохой и собираешься уходить, зачем тебе оно надо? Ты будто специально выискиваешь за что зацепиться, чтобы продолжать играть, но вот что я тебе скажу - не нужно. Зачем заставлять себя, бери перерыв, потом может быть соскучишься и вернёшься. А может быть и нет. В любом случае GW всегда была такой игрой, с которой можно свалить на год и ничего особо не потерять от этого. Если играть не весело - то это уже не игра, это фигня какая-то, китайский пластырь от скуки и безделья.

>! У меня есть друг, с которым я сейчас играю, он понимает английский на уровне "зис ис э тэйбл", но у человека есть желание и цель играть, и чему-то учиться, поэтому он играет. Иногда со словарём, что-то интуитивно понимает, о чём-то спрашивает. Если ты так не можешь/не хочешь, значит это не твоё просто, плохо хочешь.

>! Плюс в группах и гильдиях всё равно все сидят в дискорде/TS3, интерфейс вообще интуитивно понятен, так всё же зачем тогда русский язык?


>! I will not fully translate this, but the meaning is - all I see is that at this point OP doesn't like the game enough to even try to understand it. Adding russian language to the game is just an excuse for himself to keep playing what he actually finds "weak, dead, uncomfotrable, etc." Well... we all get tired sometimes. Even from something we love. One of the best things about GW2 is that you can take a break if you need to, and you won't be punished for it, staying far behind other players.

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Not to come off as 'an ugly american' but yes, english is currently the de facto communications standard in many areas. Just as it used to be French and probably will be Chinese or something in a couple centuries. In most countries people are fluent in at least 2 languages: their native tongue and the current dominant language for working with other countries. Which means when emailing other countries you should try their language in case they do not know english (even if done with google translate) but include the english copy if they are fluent in it (which odd are they will be).


Back to the proposal though. If this were done I might use a Finnish translation at times. I am currently trying to learn it.

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maybe a tip to post in the API-section. I'm no expert, but I imagine it might be doable to use an overlay that tracks the player in such a way that a fanmade translation is presented on an overlay. If it currently is impossible, the API liason might be interested to add it at some point.

This means there is no doubt it is not an offical translation but a fanmade, and you still get the translation.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language. We localize for French, German, and Spanish because those gaming communities are large and there is a solid business reason for doing so. However, we do not have plans to localize for other languages. By the same token, we cannot accept and implement community-translated text, because verifying and implementing the input would be very time consuming and costly. (Consider that inputting text involves things beyond words -- it also can involve videos, animation, and more.)


> We have received offers to do community translation for Russian, Hungarian, Czech, and several other languages. We regret that we are not able to offer Guild Wars 2 in every language, but doing so simply would not be feasible, even with the kind offers of the community.


> I've talked to players from around the world, and I actually asked many of them what language they chose when playing the game. A surprising number of them, while they were native French, German, or Spanish speakers, told me they preferred to play in English. Most cited the opportunity to practice their language skills; some said they liked to play "exactly what the devs created." I hope that all players are able to choose a language that allows them to join in!


I agree. Let's spend the money on more important things than employing hundreds of voice actors etc.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language. We localize for French, German, and Spanish because those gaming communities are large and there is a solid business reason for doing so. However, we do not have plans to localize for other languages. By the same token, we cannot accept and implement community-translated text, because verifying and implementing the input would be very time consuming and costly. (Consider that inputting text involves things beyond words -- it also can involve videos, animation, and more.)

> >

> > We have received offers to do community translation for Russian, Hungarian, Czech, and several other languages. We regret that we are not able to offer Guild Wars 2 in every language, but doing so simply would not be feasible, even with the kind offers of the community.

> >

> > I've talked to players from around the world, and I actually asked many of them what language they chose when playing the game. A surprising number of them, while they were native French, German, or Spanish speakers, told me they preferred to play in English. Most cited the opportunity to practice their language skills; some said they liked to play "exactly what the devs created." I hope that all players are able to choose a language that allows them to join in!


> I agree. Let's spend the money on more important things than employing hundreds of voice actors etc.


Please look at the topic again. It's only about textual translation (no voice actors needed) and even then it's only about making fan-translations possible. The game already has different textual translations, so moving them to a separate folder and loading additional translation files that happen to be there wouldn't be much work. I'd estimate something between 10 h-50 h depending on the quality of ANet's code.

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  • 1 month later...

I am writing to you, via an online translator.


I read what administrators write. Arguments against the Russian language, look simply ridiculous and is an undisguised manifestation of discrimination, with the lines of Anet!

They write that France is more profitable in terms of profits. But where does the player live more, there or in Russia ??!

In addition, Russian is spoken not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries! So you lose customers in neighboring countries!

And what's more, you calculated how many Chinese people learn Russian at school ??

They write that ostensibly, when translating and voice acting, there can be problems in Russian. These problems (sorry!) Exist only in Anet's head and there is never any more!

If problems existed, then Anet and the French would not translate))))

All the statements of Anet, about the problems translated into Russian - fake and discrimination by language !!!



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language.


Dear Gaile Gray, i personally don't care about Russian localizations in games, but could the devs PLEASE introduce the Cyrillic script support for our guild and group chats? Latin letters do not suit us, your Russian playerbase, like, at all. Almost every Russian-speaking player i know feels the same way. It's still quite painful, even after 5 years! **Please, let us communicate comfortably in-game.** :'(

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