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Would you like a GW 2 Optional Monthly Membership?


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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> "Optional" sub is impossible. It would have to be good enough so people would buy it, and then it would no longer be optional since it is that good.


I don't think that's true. It's a difficult balance, sure, but they've done similar stuff already. They let you buy boosts. They let you buy permanent tools. They let you buy copper-fed salvagers. They let you buy hub passes. There are all sorts of conveniences that ANet lets you add to your experience, and they are all useful to some degree, but not everyone "has to have them" to play. If a "bonus club" were to offer similar conveniences and minor, non-game-breaking benefits for a reasonable price, I think plenty of players would get it, but players who didn't wouldn't be *too* disadvantaged for it.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> Oh look, another request for discount prices disguised as a subscription request. It's always gimme, gimme, gimme.


That's the truth behind everything.

People trying to get advantages from averything is probably the lamest thing in every mmo.


I would like to see a 10 € monthly sub which simply gives 800 gems and take automatically money from Credit card.


Then we will see the might hypocrisy.

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As a complete newbie, I've been playing the game for 9 whole days and I love it. So I would sign up for a reasonable sub to help support it's ongoing development. I came here from an mmo that never got the financial base it's creators needed so they stopped putting any effort into it. That was sad to see. So yes, I'd do a sub and would buy gems to help keep this game going.

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> @"FANY.6524" said:

> Firstly, let me say that I really don't mind optional "perk" memberships. ESO, for example, has one that I don't mind and find decent enough that I would pay it. It allows the following:


I actually consider that an example of why an optional sub is a bad idea. It is like the difference between the BTP and FTP versions of this game. An optional sub should not feel like it is mandatory to get the full enjoyment from the game. An 'optional' sub to get access to your bank?

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"FANY.6524" said:

> > Firstly, let me say that I really don't mind optional "perk" memberships. ESO, for example, has one that I don't mind and find decent enough that I would pay it. It allows the following:


> I actually consider that an example of why an optional sub is a bad idea. It is like the difference between the BTP and FTP versions of this game. An optional sub should not feel like it is mandatory to get the full enjoyment from the game. An 'optional' sub to get access to your bank?


It doesn't give you access to your bank, it doubles your bank space.

I've played ESO quite comfortably without a sub.

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Yes, i would like a premium sub so i can skip the nonsense that is the gem shop or make it that much more bearable.

I feel dirty every time i use the gem shop and i only used it for utility purchases.


If i could get those with a sub, i would prefer that. But, well... it's my opinion.


It could maybe avoid loot boxes from happening, wich would be grand. They are filthy things that shouldn't be associated with GW.

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> @"Jin.8501" said:

> People vote for no, then they whine about lack of content and expensive gem store stuff. Makes sense.

> And in other thread people are wondering why sub MMOs do better content and popularity wise


Weird, I have yet to see a sub based MMO with better content than I see in GW2. Popularity in an entertainment medium... thats an odd one, and all too often not at all based on quality.

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> @"Jin.8501" said:

> People vote for no, then they whine about lack of content and expensive gem store stuff. Makes sense.

> And in other thread people are wondering why sub MMOs do better content and popularity wise


I voted no. I'm very happy with the content and I don't really complain about the gemstore. If I don't like the price...I don't buy.


I actually think it's pretty sad, that people feel they need to have a sub or advantages, to support the game.

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Going with yes purely from my experience with Planetside 2. They have a very very good subscription model. If you play the game tons, the extra certs (used to unlock stuff) and XP is well worth it. Not only that, monthly you get currency like gems, that gives you access to weapons or skins or whatever on the store you fancy. Helmets that players make sell well, and the players get a cut.


Now think if we paid something under £10 a month, and for that we got a month long booster and gems that I will say, must value to something like a mount skin. Another benefit could be free waypoint travel. Anything that does not give the player advantage, but makes life a little more comfy.

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> @"Jin.8501" said:

> People vote for no, then they whine about lack of content and expensive gem store stuff. Makes sense.

> And in other thread people are wondering why sub MMOs do better content and popularity wise


You do realize what attracted many people WAS no sub, optional or otherwise, right? The moment there is even an optional sub the company starts putting things in it to get people to subscribe so saying it is optional is like saying there is not pressure to buy GW2 or an expansion.


As to popular? It mystifies me why they are popular. The most well known one has graphics that are cartoonish and kitteny 'quests'.

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> @"Jin.8501" said:

> People vote for no, then they whine about lack of content and expensive gem store stuff. Makes sense.

> And in other thread people are wondering why sub MMOs do better content and popularity wise


But Sub based MMOs don't do better, hence the rise of F2P MMO's being just as good if not better then old style sub based MMO's.

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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> I've re-categorized your ideas.


> ## Removal of economic sinks

> * People pay real life money to remove sinks from the game. Have you thought about the effect these will have on the economy?

> No cost to use waypoints

> No crafting license fee

> No coin cost for salvaging

> Reduced material amount for all crafting recipes

> Gold discount on Trading Post fees

> Discount on all gem store items

> Discount on expansion releases

> Soul-bound items are now only account-bound.

> Unlimited and free item skin transmutation.

> One extra shared-slot for your account.

> One extra character slot for your account.

> One extra bank tab for your account.

> Two extra bag slots pre-filled with 20-slot bags.


> ## Addition of economic faucets

> * People pay real life money to gain more, bypassing the gem-gold system which is built to handle such a thing.

> Double amount of materials from gathering nodes.

> Extra chest in addition to the daily chest from world bosses.

> Extra rewards from daily achievement chests.

> Black Lion Keys can be aquired from the Story Mission 3 times a week instead of the current 1 key per week.


> ## Items which could just be sold for all players to buy

> * Did you think of the cost to develop some of this stuff? Are these lost when a person doesn't renew their subscription?

> Can hire a henchie for free that lasts 1-2 hours in PvE non-dungeon content.

> Daily Membership Buff (gives all the bonuses of the strength, speed, armor, karma, heroic, and celebration boosts for 2 hours after daily reset and does not count down while logged off - resets each day - alters for PvP and WvW).

> Pickup loot radius is increased.

> Character Screen Background now can be switched with a few other select backgrounds.

> A Rune and Sigil Bag that takes up one slot and holds all available types of runes and sigils.

> An additional special item with each daily log-in reward.

> Exclusive access to unique items from skins to wardrobe items and toys released on occasion.

> Exclusive Guild Hall decorations and finishers.

> Exlusive mini, dyes, and titles.

> Dyable cape with your membership to show off your membership status.

> Special badge by your name on the forums to indicate your membership status.

> Access to exclusive avatars for your forum account.


> Your ideas either have players spend money to gain economically (which we already have a mechanic for called gems), or they're ideas which could be sold directly in the gem store without being hidden behind a subscription (which you've yet to posit any reason for needing to be implemented, making all of this seem rather moot).


Unfortunately for us, that isn’t how marketing and increasing sales works. The purpose of an optional subscription model is to entice members and keep members for that monthly fee. Not cherry-pick and make certain items and benefits available directly.


There has to be a collective exclusivity in benefits and items to make the membership something worth buying and keeping. If the gem store was working as well as you assume, the need to squeeze it (high prices, limited-time sales, scarcity, ect.) and things like loot boxes, BL keys with low chance, and transmutation charges wouldn’t be as focused on and as necessary to Anet as they are now.


The ideas I included are meant to be possible and rework-able ideas. Most who come into this thread will see the word "sub", then look at the possible ideas I alone conjured up, and base their vote on that which is expected. But I want players to look at the idea of an optional sub system and conjure their own ideas of how it can work. If they truly can't find any, then the question of the discussion has found it's answer.


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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"FANY.6524" said:

> > Firstly, let me say that I really don't mind optional "perk" memberships. ESO, for example, has one that I don't mind and find decent enough that I would pay it. It allows the following:


> I actually consider that an example of why an optional sub is a bad idea. It is like the difference between the BTP and FTP versions of this game. An optional sub should not feel like it is mandatory to get the full enjoyment from the game. An 'optional' sub to get access to your bank?


Maybe you could further elaborate on this. What in particular makes the sub feel mandatory and constitutes "full enjoyment" of the game?

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Jesus what an awful poll. On a topic this controversial you need as few options as possible.


> Yes


> No


> Potentially (explain in comments)


> You absolutely cannot run a successful poll on this topic with so many options to choose from for answers.


This is incorrect. Less options so you can more clearly see the "No" results is not how you more accurately study public opinions.


The poll met the exact purpose I needed, which was to gauge a public opinion more diversely and specifically than "yes" and "no". As well as separate the different types of "no" opinions which you have successfully helped achieve for me. The point is to separate players from their fear of the word "sub" long enough for them to actually analyze what an optional sub would mean. It's not as simple as "yes" and "no". There is also the "other" option as well.


To do a basic poll as you suggest, would not be adequate for this type of subject. However if you feel there is something you'd rather analyze that wasn't in or achieved from this poll, you have the choice to create your own poll. Though the point would ultimately be redundant, less accurate, and likely reveal the same overall results.


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> @"Phil.7369" said:

> I'm not sure if you are trying to benefit GW2 or if this is a troll thread, but this "By not getting the membership, you lose NOTHING" is not true.

> This is naive and if you think everything in this world is free and that the "others" will pay for your game while you keep playing for free is realistic.. then you've got a lot to learn.

> What you propose looks interesting at first, but how long until GW2 goes down the ESO and Neverwinter road? How long until "New Episodes" become "15$ DLCs"?

> How long until new power creep is locked behind subscriptions and non-gem convertable features? How long until gem store prices skyrocket and gem items too, because it is now the standard to have a ton of gems? (thanks to subscription benefits) And when cosmetic and special chests are now locked behind sub-based content? When new Masteries are now extremely demanding in terms of EXP and subbing is the only reasonable way to speed up the exp gain?


> No thanks! I like GW2 the way it is, the best MMORPG right now for casual players. No pay to win, no cash-grabs and sub fees, no locked content behind pay features. If I want these things, I could just re-install ESO and pay 15$ every 3 months for their DLCs which are similar to our living world episodes, but instead you pay for them. I could re-install Neverwinter and start paying them to skip the HUGE grind behind power creep or I could sub to WOW and forget all that, but then every time I'd want to try something new outside of WOW, I'd have to fight with my self who'd be telling me "Your 15$ sub-fee is going to waste!"




There is too much assumption, false statements, and fear-mongering here, but I can tell you that if you want more than the standard, you gotta pay for it. These type of things don't come free. If you don't pay the monthly fee, you can still play any type of content you want. You just don't get to reap the extra benefits. "Extra" being the word of focus.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > Jesus what an awful poll. On a topic this controversial you need as few options as possible.

> >

> > Yes

> >

> > No

> >

> > Potentially (explain in comments)

> >

> > You absolutely cannot run a successful poll on this topic with so many options to choose from for answers.


> This is incorrect. Less options so you can more clearly see the "No" results is not how you more accurately study public opinions.


> The poll met the exact purpose I needed, which was to gauge a public opinion more diversely and specifically than "yes" and "no". As well as separate the different types of "no" opinions which you have successfully helped achieve for me. The point is to separate players from their fear of the word "sub" long enough for them to actually analyze what an optional sub would mean. It's not as simple as "yes" and "no". There is also the "other" option as well.


> To do a basic poll as you suggest, would not be adequate for this type of subject. However if you feel there is something you'd rather analyze that wasn't in or achieved from this poll, you have the choice to create your own poll. Though the point would ultimately be redundant, less accurate, and likely reveal the same overall results.


I guess I was wrong. I thought you started this thread in order to ask for discounts in the gem store. But I see you made a poll just to argue with people that respond differently than you.


I believe you've created a troll poll

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