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Your Opinion on: Ways to implement new 1v1 mechanics (Duels)


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Hi, Ive been reading around in different forums, and i don't know if i should make this a "suggestion" before actually hearing people's opinions, but why do we not have Duels as a "featured" or more emphasized game mode, in pvp, or in open world.


Potential Negative answers.

1.- Class Balance wouldn't allow it(ill explain this one below)

2.-People would be annoyed by the duel challenges.- I agree with this, but there is a simple solution, if you don't want to receive duel challenges/invitations, an option can be implemented for you to block those completely. or simple duels being in an alternate tab, with the notification showing without completly disrupting your current gameplay, Kind of like the party request is like Right now.

3.-The game is team based.- There can be ways to implement this in a way it doesn't affect team play, you can do it just for fun, or small accomplishments, while the Devs keeping PvE and other game modes having the best rewards, and not making dueling rewards too big. So people wouldn't be there annoying each other with duels because you still need to fight together to beat PVE challenges. You can also only allow Open world duels after a certain level (lets say lvl 50-70) or even 80, new players are not getting annoyed by it, and don't even get an introduction to it untill the get it as a "level up reward" That way, people that wants to duel someone, will only be allowed to do so against people that want the same. Having it, doesn't mean it will replace what we have.


Right now the only way you can "duel" is by going to a premade dueling room, or fighting someone while roaming and be lucky that no one gets there... which feels dull and pointless to me, its fun sure, and you get to fight people that actually want to duel, and prove themselves in a 1v1 situation. And actually in wvw if you get ganked by someone else, you get to prove you are a bad ass if you manage to escape (or beat them). But even if you win duels, or duel at all in PVP there is not a feeling of "accomplishment" or excitement when being forced to go to the pvp room, and look for someone, you just: *bow* * duel ends* *gd* ...and meh thats it... There is no feeling of reward, or adventure, or nothing. Where as if we had actual 1v1 arenas, with small rewards (titles, achievments etc.). If you wanna call it that way...then sure...to brag about you being good in 1v1. It doesn't have to be a toxic experience, since you would be winning duels against people that WANT to duel too.


I explain...there could be many ways for implementing this, and many reasons but i will tell you guys my personal opinion on why it would be a good feature for the game:


1.-Fun- I personally find it fun to fight with other people 1v1. I know you can already go to a dueling room in the pvp lobby, and find some people there, but even then, why not make some actual arenas or matchmaking for dueling enthusiast. Show us some love. There are other less important and more situational problems, like a troll coming in or stuff like that.

2.-Bragging- Sure, why not? showing off a title or achievement/score that you got for being a good 1v1 fighter is not a bad thing, a system that shows what professions you have beaten is also a good idea, sure, there are some professions/specs stronger than others in 1v1 but this will only make you feel even more badass if you beat them!! as long as you don't get some insane advantage for other game modes with the rewards, (which wouldn't be that bad either, a lot of people has been asking for legendary armor to be obtainable in all game modes for example) which brings me to my next point:

3.- Fashion Wars- I find it cool that one of the core end-game goals is looking good, having badass armor, shine a lot...so taking advantage of this, if the achievment system doesnt feel rewarding enough, why not add some equipment pieces obtainable trough enough dueling skill?. Sure it would contradict my last point about legendary armor being obtainable trough all game modes, but it already isn't, so for people that is about doing "all-around game completion" this could add up to their list.

4.- PVP diversity- Right now we have spvp, and wvw, which are both feeling empty as the days go on, they are hard to balance, and players seem to never be happy with any change that the Devs make, every single pvp forum is flooded with complains, so yeah probably adding another PVP mode would make balance even harder, i admit this is a problem and its the only thing that i agree would make my whole suggestion nonviable. But COME ON we are never going to get perfect balance in the game anyways, so why not get a way to stress yourself out after getting an afk in Rank, or a non-skilled player, you can just untilt yourself by playing some 1v1 matches, you can clear your mind, know that you are a good player, knowing you did what you could and move on, think about it, no more crying in the forums you can just go dueling and win some matches by yourself without the need of having a good team. Diversity beats getting bored, diversity beats routine.

5.-Potential for E-sports- The best duelist of GW2 fighting each other, in a DBZ style tournament to get a reward and recognition for being badass skilled 1v1 fighters! think about it, i personally think it sounds cool.

6.- Role Playing- Going around, feeling like a pro, badass duelist dueling people to see who accepts the challenge or coming close with roleplaying..Montage enthusiast! which brings me to my next point:

7.-My final point-In case of being implemented in any form this has INSANE MONTAGE POTENTIAL(as in gameplays with linkin park music and stuff) , which leads to insane publicity and increasing popularity of the game! Imagine recording an epic 1v1 at a cliff in Wayfarer Foothills! or some intense fight that ends up with you throwing some guy to lava, nearby the Citadel of Flame, or just the creating or birth of a small community that likes to record duels in gladiator forum at the black citadel!. Or you just raoming around in your raptor, and suddenly you see a badass fight between 2 thieves, they stealth, backstab, stealth again, dodge some impressive stuff, and you just stay to watch it because they are actually pretty good, and the fight looks flashy as hell! Think about it, it would make the open world more living, if you don't think so..thats ok, but i still don't see how it would hurt to have some actual 1v1 arenas and rewards.


So yeah thats pretty much it, what do you guys think about it?? I hope someone at least reads it LOL... And if you do, please explain the reason for your awnser! ill be reading it :).

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> They have a hard time balancing team based spvp and you want them to be able to balance all the classes against each of the other ones?

> "You dont ask for much do you? /sarcasm"


Spvp doesnt get balanced properly anyway, and i didtn ask for them to add a balanced feature, Im just suggesting them to add the feature. It wouldnt need more balance than spvp and wvw need.

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> No to Open World PvP for all the reasons stated in the countless previous threads created over the past 5 years.

> Keep PvP in PvP-designated areas.

> Thank you.


Can you mention at least 3 of those reasons? i cant find any posts that contain awnsers to this specific suggestion?, or just tell your reasons why you wouldnt like it, or how it would affect your experience?


> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> You can duel in the guild hall, you can duel in WvW and you can duel in PvP, take your pick, did not vote as none of your options fit my opinion...


I forgot to mention the guild hall, even then there is not competitive feeling when doing this..you just do it for doing it. But fair enough, i dont like the picks we have but i respect your opinion :).

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The current system puts the burden to duel on those who want to duel: there are lots of place to duel; people just have to make their way there after agreeing to duel. The idea of proposals like this is to move the burden onto those who don't want to duel: people who don't duel would need to opt out, would need to ignore /whisper or /say or /map calls for dueling, and potentially would need to avoid areas where it ends up being common to be asked to duel.


That isn't better or worse; it is, however, very different from the status quo. So I think it's up to the OP to offer a more compelling argument as to why making it easier to duel is good for the entire community.


In other words: I get why adding a formal dueling system would be great for people who like to duel. How would it make the game better for those who don't duel?

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> @"pola.5832" said:

> I forgot to mention the guild hall, even then there is not competitive feeling when doing this..you just do it for doing it. But fair enough, i dont like the picks we have but i respect your opinion :).


What makes something competitive then? I would assume anywhere you go that you can 1v1 would be competitive.

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The general community is not mature enough for an open world duels spams . Infact it may turn off more ppl against pvp and have a the mindset reinforced against pvpers


Pvp is **more dependent on other players** than pve, the last thing you want to do is to turn others away from it .

No opponent = no pvp

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I will respond to this as a non PvP/WvW player, but I've been within those modes quite enough times to at least say I've experienced it (and sometimes still do when I have to do dailies or those stupid reward tracks).


> @"pola.5832" said:

> Hi, Ive been reading around in different forums, and i don't know if i should make this a "suggestion" before actually hearing people's opinions, but why do we not have Duels as a "featured" or more emphasized game mode, in pvp, or in open world.

I would say something about that open world part, but I'll wait a bit and read down more before saying anything.


> Potential Negative answers.

> 1.- Class Balance wouldn't allow it(ill explain this one below)

> 2.-People would be annoyed by the duel challenges.- I agree with this, but there is a simple solution, if you don't want to receive duel challenges/invitations, an option can be implemented for you to block those completely. or simple duels being in an alternate tab, with the notification showing without completly disrupting your current gameplay, Kind of like the party request is like Right now.

> 3.-The game is team based.- There can be ways to implement this in a way it doesn't affect team play, you can do it just for fun, or small accomplishments, while the Devs keeping PvE and other game modes having the best rewards, and not making dueling rewards too big. So people wouldn't be there annoying each other with duels because you still need to fight together to beat PVE challenges. You can also only allow Open world duels after a certain level (lets say lvl 50-70) or even 80, new players are not getting annoyed by it, and don't even get an introduction to it untill the get it as a "level up reward" That way, people that wants to duel someone, will only be allowed to do so against people that want the same. Having it, doesn't mean it will replace what we have.

1. Okay I'll wait for the explanation.

2. I'm already annoyed by random guild invites when I make a new/temp character when I'm either right in the intro instance before level 2 or JUST as I finished the intro and become level 2 and getting guild invites. I would be even more annoyed if some person just randomly wanted to fight me for 0 reasons whatsoever. Maybe yeah, if they added that option as you said to completely turn off that notification I would be okay with it.

3. If you want to do it "just for fun" there's ways to do this already. Many times in the Arena in either the Guild Hall or in the PvP Lobby people stay with themselves and duel someone 1v1.

"New players are not getting annoyed about it" sounds weird as what about non-new players getting annoyed about it? You don't have to be new to get annoyed by the constant "I want to fight you!" people.


> Right now the only way you can "duel" is by going to a premade dueling room, or fighting someone while roaming and be lucky that no one gets there... which feels dull and pointless to me, its fun sure, and you get to fight people that actually want to duel, and prove themselves in a 1v1 situation. And actually in wvw if you get ganked by someone else, you get to prove you are a bad kitten if you manage to escape (or beat them). But even if you win duels, or duel at all in PVP there is not a feeling of "accomplishment" or excitement when being forced to go to the pvp room, and look for someone, you just: *bow* * duel ends* *gd* ...and meh thats it... There is no feeling of reward, or adventure, or nothing. Where as if we had actual 1v1 arenas, with small rewards (titles, achievments etc.). If you wanna call it that way...then sure...to brag about you being good in 1v

What makes going into a dueling room or fighting someone roaming "dull and pointless"? I'm just asking as a non-competitive person.

I see all fights the same. You either do it in a lobby, in an arena, in a tournament, or out in the street. A fight is a fight. What makes open world "LET'S DUEL!" less pointless than what you say is dull and pointless?

Reading on you want a feeling of "accomplishment". That sounds like a personal problem to me honestly. If someone ganks me in WvW as I'm just trying to roam to get to an area to do something, and I somehow beat the hell out of them or they start running for their life... um... I will feel a bit of an accomplishment to let them know not to bother me as I'm not bothering anyone.

Reading on more, you just want rewards for facing people 1v1 is the thing. That's different than the "just for fun" as you mention. When rewards come into the mix, then it's more of "I want it for the treat at the end after beating you."

That already makes me vote against what you're asking for.


4. It doesn't have to be a toxic experience, since you would be winning duels against people that WANT to duel too.

Or you can get people being toxic in trying to taunt and verbally attack people for not taking duels.


Yeah, not all will be like that, but I've seen a lot of toxic comments in the PvP lobbies.


Even in the Arena, when me and a friend just in there trying to get one of the dailies quick which is the PvP Kill one. We would head to the Arena so I kill them 3 times for the daily, and then they kill me 3 times for theirs and we leave.

I've had a few times someone trying to sneak up on me when I'm trying to get the kill from my friend. Most times I would kill them and tell them to stop with them starting to whine about "Why? This is an arena. You're supposed to fight everyone." Then they might come back again and start all over again until me and my friend sometimes have to team up those certain individuals and still get our dailies done from them.

When we leave, many times we get those taunts of "Aw, why you're running now for?" or "Lol wimps. Can't take me on fairly!" and other taunts like that.

So yes... it will be a toxic experience. Not always, but it will just ooze those nasty things into the PvE area which I would not want.


> I explain...there could be many ways for implementing this, and many reasons but i will tell you guys my personal opinion on why it would be a good feature for the game:

Will read on again, I guess.


> 1.-Fun- I personally find it fun to fight with other people 1v

Which you can already do.


4. I know you can already go to a dueling room in the pvp lobby, and find some people there, but even then, why not make some actual arenas or matchmaking for dueling enthusiast. Show us some love. There are other less important and more situational problems, like a troll coming in or stuff like that.

Why make something to do something when you can do it already. You just said you could do it already and right above again you said it's for "fun".

Go to the dueling room in the pvp lobby and play for fun.

And you don't think someone will troll in let's say an open world 1v1 situation?


Picture this. You're fighting a Scourge and a troll, who is also Scourge, comes along and wants to have some fun with you.

The Scourge you're fighting puts down a Shade and you dodge that. Now the troll can't hit you, but they know you will see a shade and move. So the troll starts putting down his own Shades so you can't tell which is which no more and putting down wells and other stuff just to confuse you.

Now you lose unfairly.


> 2.-Bragging- Sure, why not? showing off a title or achievement/score that you got for being a good 1v1 fighter is not a bad thing, a system that shows what professions you have beaten is also a good idea, sure, there are some professions/specs stronger than others in 1v1 but this will only make you feel even more kitten if you beat them!! as long as you don't get some insane advantage for other game modes with the rewards, (which wouldn't be that bad either, a lot of people has been asking for legendary armor to be obtainable in all game modes for example) which brings me to my next point:

Once again wanting it just for the carrot on the stick situation. The "fun" isn't "fun" unless you get rewarded for it? If that's the case then yeah, I will say no to this completely.

I like being in Core Tyria a lot more than HoT and PoF. Here's the thing... it's more rewarding to be in the expansion areas, but I have fun being in some of the Core areas.

Shocking, I know. When I need items/materials/gear/etc, I will to those specific areas for them, for any other time though... I'm going to go to do things that I like doing.

I don't need rewards to have fun.


> 3.- Fashion Wars- I find it cool that one of the core end-game goals is looking good, having kitten armor, shine a lot...so taking advantage of this, if the achievment system doesnt feel rewarding enough, why not add some equipment pieces obtainable trough enough dueling skill?. Sure it would contradict my last point about legendary armor being obtainable trough all game modes, but it already isn't, so for people that is about doing "all-around game completion" this could add up to their list.

Not repeating myself as once again seems you're just in it for the rewards.


> 4.- PVP diversity- Right now we have spvp, and wvw, which are both feeling empty as the days go on, they are hard to balance, and players seem to never be happy with any change that the Devs make, every single pvp forum is flooded with complains, so yeah probably adding another PVP mode would make balance even harder, i admit this is a problem and its the only thing that i agree would make my whole suggestion nonviable. But COME ON we are never going to get perfect balance in the game anyways, so why not get a way to stress yourself out after getting an afk in Rank, or a non-skilled player, you can just untilt yourself by playing some 1v1 matches, you can clear your mind, know that you are a good player, knowing you did what you could and move on, think about it, no more crying in the forums you can just go dueling and win some matches by yourself without the need of having a good team. Diversity beats getting bored, diversity beats routine.

"Players seem to never be happy with any change the Devs make, every single pvp forum is flooded with complains, etc etc etc"

And this won't continue in 1v1?

"What are you going to do in balancing this crap? I was beaten by a Mesmer 1v1 as a Warrior and I couldn't get a hit on them!" or something.

The complains will just grow more from 1v1.



Uh huh...

> so why not get a way to stress yourself out after getting an afk in Rank, or a non-skilled player, you can just untilt yourself by playing some 1v1 matches, you can clear your mind, know that you are a good player, knowing you did what you could and move on, think about it, no more crying in the forums you can just go dueling and win some matches by yourself without the need of having a good team. Diversity beats getting bored, diversity beats routine.

Because getting pissed off in one match you won't get pissed off in another match that is 1v1? Is that what you're saying?

If I got pissed at let's say a problem during Claw of Jormag, I don't think me going to Dragon's Stand for the meta would help as I would just get more angry if I'm one of those elitist that "Want things done the right way."

Going from one fight to another will probably calm the winner? But it's 1v1. The other side (aka the loser) will not feel unlit. They will be set ablazed.

Would be even worse if it's like that Warrior with the Mesmer. You lost because of a Mesmer in normal PvP. Now you go to 1v1 to try and take on another and you lose again.

Back to square one.


> 5.-Potential for E-sports- The best duelist of GW2 fighting each other, in a DBZ style tournament to get a reward and recognition for being kitten skilled 1v1 fighters! think about it, i personally think it sounds cool.

Not even going to comment on this one as I'm super bias to E-Sports.

Also, you already said how this might make the balancing even worse "BUT COME ON!" so this will NOT make it a potential for E-sports unless the balancing IS done better. Not if you make it worse.


> 6.- Role Playing- Going around, feeling like a pro, kitten duelist dueling people to see who accepts the challenge or coming close with roleplaying..Montage enthusiast! which brings me to my next point:

Because you need to Role Play a 1v1 to feel like a pro.

My character took on dragons, gods, and even (SPOILERS) and many other things, and just beating someone in 1v1 will make me feel like a pro in role playing? Okay then.


> 7.-My final point-In case of being implemented in any form this has INSANE MONTAGE POTENTIAL(as in gameplays with linkin park music and stuff) , which leads to insane publicity and increasing popularity of the game! Imagine recording an epic 1v1 at a cliff in Wayfarer Foothills! or some intense fight that ends up with you throwing some guy to lava, nearby the Citadel of Flame, or just the creating or birth of a small community that likes to record duels in gladiator forum at the black citadel!. Or you just raoming around in your raptor, and suddenly you see a kitten fight between 2 thieves, they stealth, backstab, stealth again, dodge some impressive stuff, and you just stay to watch it because they are actually pretty good, and the fight looks flashy as hell! Think about it, it would make the open world more living, if you don't think so..thats ok, but i still don't see how it would hurt to have some actual 1v1 arenas and rewards.

I myself do like old school Linkin Park (shut up), but um... you do know these montages already exist right?

Whether it's PvE or PvP or WvW. Especially WvW and PvP. Not sure how this one will be the "Alright, screw it. That PvP and WvW ones were great, but that 1v1 montage. Man... now I NEED to play this game."

Not saying what you're saying is bad, but I don't think one different form of a "vP" mode montage over another will pull someone in more.

Also you mention at a cliff in Wayfarer... I've seen WvW clips of people trolling by just knocking players who are after them off a cliff with skills and moves and utilities that either knockdown, knockback, or something.


And yeah the problem still I'm seeing is as mentioned already... you can just go into dueling arenas or just the guild hall 1 v1 and take on some of those "epic battles" like a thief against a thief.

A spectator on the side put the camera in first person view and watch from the side and record it. Then edit it with music in the background and then upload it.

Won't be the whole "epic scene" of throwing someone in the lava... which I consider a cheap move... but it's still the "epic" and "for fun" battle as you wanted to begin with.


> So yeah thats pretty much it, what do you guys think about it?? I hope someone at least reads it LOL... And if you do, please explain the reason for your awnser! ill be reading it :).

By the way, small trivia to say is that Arenanet did have a plan in one of the PoF maps to have an event where you would have open world PvP 1v1 in it. The idea was scrapped.

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> @"JVJD.4912" said:

> The general community is not mature enough for an open world duels spams . Infact it may turn off more ppl against pvp and have a the mindset reinforced against pvpers


> Pvp is **more dependent on other players** than pve, the last thing you want to do is to turn others away from it .

> No opponent = no pvp


After watching all awnsers i guess you are right, people cant handle losing in SPVP, i guess it would be worse for them to have duels...appearantly people prefer to fight machines, and still they ask for a challenge, kinda sad.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I will respond to this as a non PvP/WvW player, but I've been within those modes quite enough times to at least say I've experienced it (and sometimes still do when I have to do dailies or those stupid reward tracks).


I understand your answers because you specifically say you are a non PVP/WVW player, but a non PvE player could say the same thing but twisted: "ive experienced PvE because im forced to get some stupid crafting components to get that legendary armor I want, and look cool in it)


> I would say something about that open world part, but I'll wait a bit and read down more before saying anything.


> 1. Okay I'll wait for the explanation.


Thanks for reading it all BTW, i was hoping to get into a debate with someone that actually reads, and this is nice, we will get into a nice discussion.


> 2. I'm already annoyed by random guild invites when I make a new/temp character when I'm either right in the intro instance before level 2 or JUST as I finished the intro and become level 2 and getting guild invites. I would be even more annoyed if some person just randomly wanted to fight me for 0 reasons whatsoever. Maybe yeah, if they added that option as you said to completely turn off that notification I would be okay with it.


I understand how you get annoyed by guild invites, but i think you are taking that problem way too seriously, its basically 2 clicks away for you to deny it..But yeah i know some people can be that delicate so an option to completely turn it off would be understandable.


> 3. If you want to do it "just for fun" there's ways to do this already. Many times in the Arena in either the Guild Hall or in the PvP Lobby people stay with themselves and duel someone 1v1.

> "New players are not getting annoyed about it" sounds weird as what about non-new players getting annoyed about it? You don't have to be new to get annoyed by the constant "I want to fight you!" people.


Why do you need to go to a specific, small, INSTANCED area, just to have a 1v1 with someone? What if im leveling with a friend and we suddenly want to duel, we could just duel each other right there instead of going all the way to the pvp arena, where other people would be dueling too, You also need to have a guild for the first suggestion, it doesnt hurt having it, why would it actually hurt other people in open world, people that doesn't want it at all could completely turn it off.



> What makes going into a dueling room or fighting someone roaming "dull and pointless"? I'm just asking as a non-competitive person.


Ok Im explaining, i agree i wasn't really clear, what i mean by "dull and pointless" is, the dueling rooms, are ROOMS, you need to get the ticket to make your own, and the ones available are in the same map, same map which you get always when playing sPVP there is no variety or innovation in this aspect, is like the game didtn want you to duel at all ... The guild hall, you can only fight with your guildies, and the arena is a giant golden floor, whats exiting about fighting in a golden room?? I guess you are a PVE/dungeon/raid player, (if you are im not judging, i spend most of the time playing PVE myself cuz i find PVP modes boring). What would you feel, if the content you like to do, lets say "dungeons" where all in the same room, you basically kill a boss inside a box, then another boss appears in that box, instead of exploring the dungeon finding the boss, exploring, stuff like that, looking at your environment while doing the things you like to do, thats why i feel its dull and pointless to do.


> I see all fights the same. You either do it in a lobby, in an arena, in a tournament, or out in the street. A fight is a fight. What makes open world "LET'S DUEL!" less pointless than what you say is dull and pointless?


Then killing a boss is all the same, either you kill CoF boss, or the AC boss, or any paths to do...killing a boss is killing a boss, what makes different dungeons less pointless than 1 dungeon only? Diversity in content..that is.


> Reading on you want a feeling of "accomplishment". That sounds like a personal problem to me honestly. If someone ganks me in WvW as I'm just trying to roam to get to an area to do something, and I somehow beat the hell out of them or they start running for their life... um... I will feel a bit of an accomplishment to let them know not to bother me as I'm not bothering anyone.

Thats completely personal, I agree, and i know im not changing your point of view since you are a PVE player, and i respect that so, lets move on from that.


> Reading on more, you just want rewards for facing people 1v1 is the thing. That's different than the "just for fun" as you mention. When rewards come into the mix, then it's more of "I want it for the treat at the end after beating you."


The rewards are a perk for doing what you like, and its completely optional, im just putting options..and eventually you are going to get all rewards, after this is just the fun left.


> That already makes me vote against what you're asking for.


Why? I mean, sure if i was being toxic about it i would understand, but why is having a reward for being good at something bad?


> Or you can get people being toxic in trying to taunt and verbally attack people for not taking duels.


> Yeah, not all will be like that, but I've seen a lot of toxic comments in the PvP lobbies.


Thats completely subjective, Toxic people is everywhere, we already see them in the PvP lobbies, and you can just report them for toxic behavior and move on, and i mean...no MATURE person would get affected by what some guy says in a game anyway so why would it make it bad in GW2 when its basically implemented in some way on every other MMO?



> Even in the Arena, when me and a friend just in there trying to get one of the dailies quick which is the PvP Kill one. We would head to the Arena so I kill them 3 times for the daily, and then they kill me 3 times for theirs and we leave.

> I've had a few times someone trying to sneak up on me when I'm trying to get the kill from my friend. Most times I would kill them and tell them to stop with them starting to whine about "Why? This is an arena. You're supposed to fight everyone." Then they might come back again and start all over again until me and my friend sometimes have to team up those certain individuals and still get our dailies done from them.

> When we leave, many times we get those taunts of "Aw, why you're running now for?" or "Lol wimps. Can't take me on fairly!" and other taunts like that.

> So yes... it will be a toxic experience. Not always, but it will just ooze those nasty things into the PvE area which I would not want.


But you are already having this toxic experiences...If anything adding dueling in other places will actually keep that people away from daily's rooms, so its a WIN/WIN you get to do your daily, and those morons will go look for trouble somewhere else. (And I personally rarely see people ruining dailys anyway, its THAT BIG of a big deal)



> Will read on again, I guess.


Again, thanks i actually wanted someone to read this carefully, and criticize it.



> Which you can already do.


Sure , but i exlained above why the current ways of doing this feel underwhelming (at least for me)


> Why make something to do something when you can do it already. You just said you could do it already and right above again you said it's for "fun".


Why does Anet make more Raids, if you can do raids already? Like I said, its all about Variety, and expanding the game content.

> Go to the dueling room in the pvp lobby and play for fun.


I guess thats what im forced to do, since there is no more content in this aspect.


> And you don't think someone will troll in let's say an open world 1v1 situation?

> Picture this. You're fighting a Scourge and a troll, who is also Scourge, comes along and wants to have some fun with you.

> The Scourge you're fighting puts down a Shade and you dodge that. Now the troll can't hit you, but they know you will see a shade and move. So the troll starts putting down his own Shades so you can't tell which is which no more and putting down wells and other stuff just to confuse you.

> Now you lose unfairly.


They wont be able to, because you have to accept the duel to actually be in combat with someone else, the same situation can be added in an opposite duel, a system can be implemented in which when you are in a Duel with someone Your Health bars become gray, and you cant be affected by any other players besides the other duelist, (or creeps, lets say a neutral moa could hit you if you hit him)



> Once again wanting it just for the carrot on the stick situation. The "fun" isn't "fun" unless you get rewarded for it? If that's the case then yeah, I will say no to this completely.

> I like being in Core Tyria a lot more than HoT and PoF. Here's the thing... it's more rewarding to be in the expansion areas, but I have fun being in some of the Core areas.

> Shocking, I know. When I need items/materials/gear/etc, I will to those specific areas for them, for any other time though... I'm going to go to do things that I like doing.

> I don't need rewards to have fun.


I like being in Core tyria too, the enviroments feel more natural/realistic..and i find this parts of the map beautiful...

Like i said, rewards are just a suggestion for people that would actually want it, i personally dont, some cosmetics would be nice IMHO or some titles, but i dont need that, i just want to be able to fight my friends in random places around the map...just for the hell of it.


> Not repeating myself as once again seems you're just in it for the rewards.


Again, i dont really WANT the rewards myself, but i really dont think it would hurt, i mean the point of this game is getting rewarded by everything, you get rewarded and can level up just by exploring, i think its really selfish to not allow duelist to have the same thing, which is why im suggesting ocassional rewards (i dont need them tho, im happy going to other places to get items i need)




> And this won't continue in 1v1?


It wont stop by not adding it either


> "What are you going to do in balancing this crap? I was beaten by a Mesmer 1v1 as a Warrior and I couldn't get a hit on them!" or something.

> The complains will just grow more from 1v1.


The answers to complains are always the same bro "get better at the game". If they grow or diminish it depends on the Maturity of the current community, which im seeing is on the ground RN


> Uh huh...


> Because getting pissed off in one match you won't get pissed off in another match that is 1v1? Is that what you're saying?


Im saying by adding diversity to PVP modes you can give people ways to stop being pissed off, also, most of the complains about people in PVE are "i got an afk" "my teammate didtn move" "this thief went to far and kept dying"...SO if you are soo good and you lose because of your teammates why not go to duel someone by yourself, and you can win without depending on your team, this is what i find will help a lot in reducing people's angryness, and also make people understand that others aren't perfect players like them.


> If I got pissed at let's say a problem during Claw of Jormag, I don't think me going to Dragon's Stand for the meta would help as I would just get more angry if I'm one of those elitist that "Want things done the right way."


I rarely get pissed off at this game, im just mentioning the above because some people get pissed off in pvp, but i have never ever been pissed off in pve, and ive had every kinds of stuff, from dungeon trolls etc..im not one of those elitist either, and i find that part of the community even more toxic than the ones that troll in PVP, forcing you to play the meta and stuff, who do they think they are? But yeah Personally if something goes Wrong in a Fractal, i would just go somewhere else to do something I like, like exploring in my raptor or some sht. SOMETHING BY MYSELF, without needing other people to win. or have fun


> Going from one fight to another will probably calm the winner? But it's 1v1. The other side (aka the loser) will not feel unlit. They will be set ablazed.


That depends on the person... I personally never get upset when i lose a 1v1


> Would be even worse if it's like that Warrior with the Mesmer. You lost because of a Mesmer in normal PvP. Now you go to 1v1 to try and take on another and you lose again.

> Back to square one.


Then dont duel mesmers as a warrior? LUL, go fight a thief or something...if you lose again, then get good, or go to PVE and shut down your duel notification thing LOL..



> Not even going to comment on this one as I'm super bias to E-Sports.

> Also, you already said how this might make the balancing even worse "BUT COME ON!" so this will NOT make it a potential for E-sports unless the balancing IS done better. Not if you make it worse.

Just commenting on the possibility of it, balance is already bad, and we have E-Sports events anyway.. The balance wouldnt be made "worse" because it would be a completely separate area to balance


> Because you need to Role Play a 1v1 to feel like a pro.

> My character took on dragons, gods, and even (SPOILERS) and many other things, and just beating someone in 1v1 will make me feel like a pro in role playing? Okay then.


Im just adding options lol, but yeah actually if you put it like that, your character beat Dragons, Gods, etc...But the other guy's character beat the same stuff too! he is a badass just like your character is! what gets more epic than that???!! if anything it makes you feel more pro if you put it that way.



> I myself do like old school Linkin Park (shut up), but um... you do know these montages already exist right?


Like i said, adding diversity to the game, people will get bored of the Random WVW fights, or the boring Videos fighting in a dueling room, adding the beatiful open world maps to the actual montage would be great.


> Whether it's PvE or PvP or WvW. Especially WvW and PvP. Not sure how this one will be the "Alright, screw it. That PvP and WvW ones were great, but that 1v1 montage. Man... now I NEED to play this game."


This is the reason MANY MANY people got into Blade and Soul, the Duels there are pretty cool in there, a similar system in GW2, may or may not be the deciding factor of a newcomer buying the game, but im pretty sure it wouldn't RETRACT him/she from buying it.


> Not saying what you're saying is bad, but I don't think one different form of a "vP" mode montage over another will pull someone in more.


Its not about the montage itself, its about the VARIETY, there is people out there that likes to challenge other people, it can pull them in, or it cannot, but it is not pushing people away (as long as you add things like locking it from your notifications and stuff, so it doesnt feel toxic)


> Also you mention at a cliff in Wayfarer... I've seen WvW clips of people trolling by just knocking players who are after them off a cliff with skills and moves and utilities that either knockdown, knockback, or something.


LOL yeah and those clips are pretty cool, I enjoy doing this with necro staff 5 skill, i see it as an "Outplay" more than a way of trolling, i mean you can just put stability on yourself or teleport away from the seal on the floor, so that people got outplayed hard.


> And yeah the problem still I'm seeing is as mentioned already... you can just go into dueling arenas or just the guild hall 1 v1 and take on some of those "epic battles" like a thief against a thief.

Its not the same, to be exploring and suddenly finding 2 guys who are good at dueling as a surprise for yourself. Rather than expecting it, and looking for it, but BOOM noone in your guild is dueling, and the duels at the spvp room look boring because its the same map, and you went there EXPECTING It rather than it being a surprise while exploring... It sounds kinda weird and stupid i know, im just putting an hypothetical situation on the table. It increases immersion(for me at least) and increases the already strong feeling of being in a living world. Rather than some map with NPCS and people farming stuff.


> A spectator on the side put the camera in first person view and watch from the side and record it. Then edit it with music in the background and then upload it.


Thats a nice idea, never tought of it.


> Won't be the whole "epic scene" of throwing someone in the lava... which I consider a cheap move... but it's still the "epic" and "for fun" battle as you wanted to begin with.


Im not sure what you mean here, but what i meant is...Its not the same dueling in a golden room than dueling in a bridge of lava, or a battle field that got literally destroyed by a dragon, or some place else that is a cool setting to record a nice dueling video, rather than the boring scenarios we already have: A golden room, and legacy of foe fire Mid point, with a giant white circle... DULLLL



> By the way, small trivia to say is that Arenanet did have a plan in one of the PoF maps to have an event where you would have open world PvP 1v1 in it. The idea was scrapped.


Thats actually a pretty bad idea because you are making an event in which you force people to PVP...the whole point of Events is to cooperate, not fight each other lol.... But in conclution


For the Guild Hall arena question you made: It doesnt feel competitive because its meant to be for practice between guildies, you cant really go there and challenge someone, I mean you can, but only your guildmates, and you cant move on from there, or improve yourself in this aspect. It feels more like a "practice tool" rather than an actual competitive enviroment.





> @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> I have enough irritation with these awakened freaks ArenaNet put in just to torture us. I don't need some player offing me in PvE just for lulz.


> Keep PvP separate from PvE.


Wow, i guess The community really isnt ready for this kind of change, they are too afraid of toxicity that isnt even there yet.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The current system puts the burden to duel on those who want to duel: there are lots of place to duel; people just have to make their way there after agreeing to duel. The idea of proposals like this is to move the burden onto those who don't want to duel: people who don't duel would need to opt out, would need to ignore /whisper or /say or /map calls for dueling, and potentially would need to avoid areas where it ends up being common to be asked to duel.


> That isn't better or worse; it is, however, very different from the status quo. So I think it's up to the OP to offer a more compelling argument as to why making it easier to duel is good for the entire community.


> In other words: I get why adding a formal dueling system would be great for people who like to duel. How would it make the game better for those who don't duel?


I dont think it would make any difference for people that dont like dueling a lot TBH..most people dont want it because they dont want to get bother by 1 dueling notification??? Besides that, it wouldnt affect them at all...even a system to block those notifications completely could be implemented like i said. It certainly would benefit them, buts its not affecting them in ANY WAY either. Rather than a small notification window..come on people when did we become THIS delicate?


But...Maybe like i said above, there is a lot of people that trolls daily's maps, and they want to brag in 1v1's ..by implementing this, they would have a way of doing precisely that, without directly affecting people, they would move from there and get moved somewhere else, where you can actually completely ignore their stuff. Maybe not in the form of OPEN WORLD duels..but 1v1 Arenas, that way the daily rooms are unaffected by this people.

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Even if you put a dueling arena at the black citadel that was instance based, it still disturbs a lot of players somehow so there is absolutely no hope for a 1v1 arena.


The options that will be pointed out to you are:

- Guild arenas if you can afford one and recruit someone to the guild just for the duel.

- Obsidian Sanctum if your dueling friend just happens to be in your tier of WvW.

- Edge of the mists if your dueling friend just happens to be a different colour on the same server map.

- PvP dueling arenas where builds are restricted


Not all that great for choices but that's what Anet has managed to give us despite several complaints that "1v1 shouldn't exist in MMO" mentality.

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The OP keeps trying to say: it's up to non-duelers to explain why they don't want dueling. But it's the other way around: the existing game offers dueling opportunities; they just aren't convenient. If the OP wants that to change, it's up to them to provide a reason for others to support it (especially those who are opposed philosophically to the idea). They also have to convince ANet that there's something so good about including dueling in the game that it makes the overall game better for us all.


> @"pola.5832" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The current system puts the burden to duel on those who want to duel: there are lots of place to duel; people just have to make their way there after agreeing to duel. The idea of proposals like this is to move the burden onto those who don't want to duel: people who don't duel would need to opt out, would need to ignore /whisper or /say or /map calls for dueling, and potentially would need to avoid areas where it ends up being common to be asked to duel.

> >

> > That isn't better or worse; it is, however, very different from the status quo. So I think it's up to the OP to offer a more compelling argument as to why making it easier to duel is good for the entire community.

> >

> > In other words: I get why adding a formal dueling system would be great for people who like to duel. How would it make the game better for those who don't duel?


> I dont think it would make any difference for people that dont like dueling a lot TBH..most people dont want it because they dont want to get bother by 1 dueling notification??? Besides that, it wouldnt affect them at all...even a system to block those notifications completely could be implemented like i said. It certainly would benefit them, buts its not affecting them in ANY WAY either. Rather than a small notification window..come on people when did we become THIS delicate?


Wow, you really didn't read my post, did you?

The status quo works fine for people who don't like dueling; it's inconvenient for those who do. Your proposal changes that so that it's easier for dueling fans to find each other, but more work for those who want to avoid dueling (and all its associated baggage). There's nothing that says that one preference is better than the other.


Except that the first way is how the game works today. You've established why it's better for dueling fans; you haven't given a reason to non-duelers as to why changing things is better for them. If it were free to change, then the reason doesn't have to be very strong. But it's not free. In fact, you've asked for a lot of changes. Given that devs have limited time, they have to prioritize what they work on.


So again, what's so special about dueling that it makes the entire game better, not just for the minority of duelers, but for the majority who not only have no interest in dueling for themselves, but also who have concerns (reasonable or otherwise) that it will ruin part of what makes PvE great in GW2?



> But...Maybe like i said above, there is a lot of people that trolls daily's maps, and they want to brag in 1v1's ..by implementing this, they would have a way of doing precisely that, without directly affecting people, they would move from there and get moved somewhere else, where you can actually completely ignore their stuff. Maybe not in the form of OPEN WORLD duels..but 1v1 Arenas, that way the daily rooms are unaffected by this people.


Right now, one can easily ignore those who want to duel everywhere except sometimes in WvW. Why should non-duelers support a change to the game that requires them to work harder to achieve that same level of comfort?


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The OP keeps trying to say: it's up to non-duelers to explain why they don't want dueling. But it's the other way around: the existing game offers dueling opportunities; they just aren't convenient. If the OP wants that to change, it's up to them to provide a reason for others to support it (especially those who are opposed philosophically to the idea). They also have to convince ANet that there's something so good about including dueling in the game that it makes the overall game better for us all.



You are right about the ANeT thing, you have to convince them that it would be better for the overall community, and there arent many things that would improve, BUT IT WOULDNT BE WORSE EITHER. Just because you dont like dueling it doesnt mean adding it will make the game absolute shit.

> > @"pola.5832" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > The current system puts the burden to duel on those who want to duel: there are lots of place to duel; people just have to make their way there after agreeing to duel. The idea of proposals like this is to move the burden onto those who don't want to duel: people who don't duel would need to opt out, would need to ignore /whisper or /say or /map calls for dueling, and potentially would need to avoid areas where it ends up being common to be asked to duel.

> > >

> > > That isn't better or worse; it is, however, very different from the status quo. So I think it's up to the OP to offer a more compelling argument as to why making it easier to duel is good for the entire community.

> > >

> > > In other words: I get why adding a formal dueling system would be great for people who like to duel. How would it make the game better for those who don't duel?

> >

> > I dont think it would make any difference for people that dont like dueling a lot TBH..most people dont want it because they dont want to get bother by 1 dueling notification??? Besides that, it wouldnt affect them at all...even a system to block those notifications completely could be implemented like i said. It certainly would benefit them, buts its not affecting them in ANY WAY either. Rather than a small notification window..come on people when did we become THIS delicate?


> Wow, you really didn't read my post, did you?

> The status quo works fine for people who don't like dueling; it's inconvenient for those who do. Your proposal changes that so that it's easier for dueling fans to find each other, but more work for those who want to avoid dueling (and all its associated baggage). There's nothing that says that one preference is better than the other.


You didtn read mine, The current system works fine for people that dont like dueling, and IT IS inconvenient for those who do, My proposal does make it easier for dueling fans to find dueling oportunities, but why is it MORE WORK for those who want to avoid it??? and what associated baggage You basically add another small window upthere along with PVP and WVW...With an option in your hotkeys to completetly make it dissapear, is that to much work??? is 3 clicks away lol after disabling it you wouldnt be bothered at all.


> Except that the first way is how the game works today. You've established why it's better for dueling fans; you haven't given a reason to non-duelers as to why changing things is better for them. If it were free to change, then the reason doesn't have to be very strong. But it's not free. In fact, you've asked for a lot of changes. Given that devs have limited time, they have to prioritize what they work on.


This is impossible to explain, its like explaining dueling fans while adding more PVE content is beneficial for them, IT JUST ISN'T..They are free to play this parts of the game, or completely ignore them, even then adding this content is not affecting them in any way.


> So again, what's so special about dueling that it makes the entire game better, not just for the minority of duelers, but for the majority who not only have no interest in dueling for themselves, but also who have concerns (reasonable or otherwise) that it will ruin part of what makes PvE great in GW2?


You still haven't exlained how that will ruin the PVE experience, it will be exactly the same, Literally the only "concerns" anyone has mentioned, is how they dont want to get a duelling notification because it will make them feel sad, because they dont want to accept it! And this is solved already.


> >

> > But...Maybe like i said above, there is a lot of people that trolls daily's maps, and they want to brag in 1v1's ..by implementing this, they would have a way of doing precisely that, without directly affecting people, they would move from there and get moved somewhere else, where you can actually completely ignore their stuff. Maybe not in the form of OPEN WORLD duels..but 1v1 Arenas, that way the daily rooms are unaffected by this people.


> Right now, one can easily ignore those who want to duel everywhere except sometimes in WvW. Why should non-duelers support a change to the game that requires them to work harder to achieve that same level of comfort?



You can ignore them easily anywhere, you didn't read the other post...Non duelers wouldnt be working harder at all, to achieve that "level of comfort" you are basically separating everything, but giving you the option to ignore Dueling COMPLETELY, it would be like a new area of gameplay as it is right now:

1.-PVE/Open World/Dungeons etc...

2.- WvW


4.-Duelling/1V1 Arena

How is something like that affecting PVE PLAYERS AT ALL?



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I enjoy dueling. I get why people enjoy dueling.


I absolutely hate what dueling does to game balance (and mostly complaints from players) because people start focusing on the micro instead of the macro balance aspects. Granted this already happens quite often as far as raid compositions goes when people deem it worth to start "nerf class xyz" threads without keeping the overall picture in mind, but dueling would just increase this trend.

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> @"pola.5832" said:

> > @"JVJD.4912" said:

> > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > I have enough irritation with these awakened freaks ArenaNet put in just to torture us. I don't need some player offing me in PvE just for lulz.

> >

> > Keep PvP separate from PvE.


> Wow, i guess The community really isnt ready for this kind of change, they are too afraid of toxicity that isnt even there yet.


It already happened once, due to a bug in the game.


When the Silverwastes map was new, there was a bug that made players hostile to each other inside the bandit camp. (it's the area with bandits and traps on the ground; you pay the spokesmen gold to deactivate the traps so you can get by to activate a lever that turns the bandit spokesman you payed into a champion enemy)


Players were really up in arms about this because some players thought it was a good idea to just go inside that area and wait for other players to come in, then defeat the unsuspecting players who were just exploring the then new map and checking things out. Some players actually payed the gold to deactivate the traps, and were furious about it. The bug was fixed soon after. (I don't quite recall, but I think the bug only lasted less than a day before it was hotfixed)


So don't tell me the toxicity doesn't exist. The Silverwastes incident is a great indicator that it WOULD create a toxic environment if open world PvP was added to PvE.


P.S. I've never PvP'ed in this game, but I've seen countless complaints among the community about how toxic PvP in this game is. I did do a lot of PvP in GW1, mostly Jade Quarry arena, and eventually the toxicity turned me off from PvP all together in MMOs.


PvP in any MMO is inherently full of toxicity. Players can shrug it off, become toxic themselves, or just avoid that game mode all together to avoid all the B.S.


The toxicity in PvP in GW2 would indeed spill into PvE should open world dueling or PvP ever exist, as was seen in Silverwastes. We actually had a lot of complaints on the forums about it, and the players doing it for lulz come out and told them to stop whining. Elitists snobs thrive on trash talking and taking out anyone they can in MMOs because they think it's funny when others who just want to enjoy the game get mad at them. They're nothing but predators.

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I believe dueling in PvE maps would be a good feature for people who want something to do while waiting for stuff to happen (e.g., Dragon's Stand to get going). I think that dueling could work with some restrictions.


+ Dueling disallowed near crafting stations, bank, TP or possible role-play locations. Maybe restrict dueling in cities to a specific area or just not in cities at all.

+ An option should be created that allows a player to enable accepting duel requests. The default would be "disabled," so those who don't want to duel don't have to be the one to hit the toggle.

+ There should be no rewards for dueling other than the intrinsic reward of getting to duel. This would be so to limit the amount of dev time needed to maintain the system.


Of course, if someone uses chat to pester someone to duel who does not want to, the existing tools would suffice (block, or block and report if the pest crossed a line laid down in the ToS/UA).


The existing duel options are all in areas separate from PvE. This means that duelers who want to duel while waiting for PvE stuff to start may not get to participate in said PvE stuff. Leaving maps like DS to duel can (and often would) result in losing one's spot on the map.


I also believe that dueling is currently tucked away under some rocks and out of sight because some people object to it. Nor do I expect ANet to change that.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If the poll is any indication, the suggestion doesn't look very popular, with 2-to-1 against (at the time of this posting).


Yeah LUL Its 3>1 RN... i was hoping for it to be a balanced poll, but people really doesn't like to fight other people 1v1 in this community, sad. The worst part is there is not any reasonable facts besides "it would get toxic!!" or "i don't like pvp!". The first being totally possible but easily avoidable, and the second one being selfish about it with people that actually want it in the game. But its fine the majority rules.

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From your option, I was torn between 1 and 3 but still choose 3.


When i think of duelling, my first impression is of two guys in tights with flintlock guns firing at a range of 20 yards because everything else would be too far for the gun to penetrate even a paper sheet. Only then I get the flashback to Achilles vs Hector, Gandalf vs the Balrog or anything even remotely heroic.


I would vote for a test baloon when the area where duelling is ok would be like wvw but in the game world, kind of an area that is fought over by players and here to stay instead of vanshing fridays. Definitely a no way Jose to anything in the other PvE sections though, I don´t want to be trolled by duelling requests through chat even if my flag would say no to duels. As in RL, no means no.

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> @"pola.5832" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > If the poll is any indication, the suggestion doesn't look very popular, with 2-to-1 against (at the time of this posting).


> Yeah LUL Its 3>1 RN... i was hoping for it to be a balanced poll, but people really doesn't like to fight other people 1v1 in this community, sad. The worst part is there is not any reasonable facts besides "it would get toxic!!" or "i don't like pvp!". The first being totally possible but easily avoidable, and the second one being selfish about it with people that actually want it in the game. But its fine the majority rules.


The only pro-dueling options in the poll require one agree with your ideas, either in whole or in part. I know I would have selected an option for dueling to be added if doing so did not also indicate support for ideas I don't agree with. Perhaps, in any future polls, you might consider offering the options of yes/no, then explain your ideas without tying them to the voting.

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