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Veteran player interested in the WvW state of the game


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So a few years ago before HoT came out, I was fully invested in GW2. I was apart of a very highly skilled zerg busting and passionate GvG group called Syndictive on SoS. We were well known for what we were capable of and logging on and playing was never boring. We always were out looking for fights to be had and constant improvement in our skills. Fast forward to when HoT came out and elite classes became available, those that didn't or couldn't pay for the expansion were at a significant disadvantage compared to those that forked out the money. This caused most of our guild to split. Those that were unhappy with the new imbalance in both WvW and our limited GvG scene at the time ended up leaving the game for Archeage when it came out, including our main driver and guild leader, Fallen. And that was basically that. Since then, I've logged on and walked around anything that wasn't EB and saw that it was basically abandoned on a T1 server. Since then I haven't logged on in at least two years. Now a new expansion has come out and there is always a part of me that remembers the fun I had back before HoT and I wanted to know if things had changed since then. Are there still highly skilled highly competitive guilds out there? A GvG scene? An active community? Is there a good enough reason for me to buy the new expansion and give the game another chance?

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Here is what it basically comes down to...if you are willing to accept change and just as importantly, if you are willing to adapt and move forward. Things change over time, that is inevitable, sometimes its good, sometimes its bad.


There are still guilds out there that will engage in GvG. Expansions are pretty much necessary to stay competitive because of elite specs and access to other features like runes, sigils, recipes etc. You can have a lot of fun, but its always up to you.

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I just came back a few weeks ago after a pre hot break that ended up being over 2 years, obviously if it was prehot, anyway you can surely prepare to have your mind blown and it will be like logging into any other mmo after not playing for years, way way different but within a few days of playing it will feel both like a brand new game and like you never left. I highly recommend coming back. For me it wasnt even a conscious decision to get back into the game. Another game account was logged into and I was panicking checking all my games to make sure it was isolated to that one. I logged into guild wars where I had the expansion pre ordered and started to play. I havnt touched another game since, it's like christmas every day because I see great stuff I had forgotten about. WvW is still very full and active in my experience but Im not on your server or trio of servers connected to yours. Give it a shot, can you not try out the elite specializations in the structured pvp?

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if you want skilled gvg get back to gw1.

IMO wait until balance patch comes up, that is what im doing.


The game balance is a mess, and servers are ktraining each other with diferent timezones.

Suposed skilled groups are mostly who stacks more scourges and firebrands, just who spams more aoe staff not really based on skill.

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its ded, stay away. no point wasting money on it. the list of problems goes unheard and it builds and builds....and their solution is to give us new skins or more shitty lootbags full of worthless busywork. they are so out of touch with the mode....its funny. even looking at the answers to common questions thread they posted....they have no idea what they are talking about.

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> @"Columba.9730" said:

> If you are really "Into WvW," move on. The President thinks that wvw players are "really into pve,." and wvw reflects that. Don't come to GW2 unless you love pve.


What's wrong with pve in wvsw? I love doing pve in wvsw. There's hardly any pve here though. It needs more pve to make the dang mode interesting. All I see when I log in is t3 everything and 1-2 paper towers you ktrain over and over for ur entire play session. You try and get people to take the t3 stuff and .....they just wanan fight! They don't want to try lol. They don't want to man cats, or build things....or spend money on siege, or even grab suppply from the huts. So ur just stuck wandering around ur own corner waiting orur stuck visiting the same paper tower over and over. There's nothing else to do....ain't no pve events to do......ain't no big bosses or cool minibosses to do to get boons or anything. Its like a moba without a jungle and creeps and bosses.....like the only thing is static towers sealing off parts of the map and people. Nothing fun about that given how the combat of wvsw works.


ALl they wanna do is wander around the map and fight in the same spot for their entire session.

Whats the point in wandering around in a giant zerg fighting in the same spot for 2 hours straight without gaining anything other than 'bags' full of generic useless loot I could farm better from pve? So dumb.

If that's what you are playing for WHY ARE YOU IN WVSW? aND IF this sitting around on a hill fighting over and over watching people waypoint and walkback to where they died within 20 seconds....MAKES YOU HAPPY!....I mean......fine. Whatever, to each their own. I play rts and alot of people 'like' playing infinite resource games...so the entire economy part is gone, as well as the actual microing ur army, and its just a case of spamming barracks and generic trooops and setting waypoints so they spawn from the buildings and walk to 1 location.....then you just highlight and click and move them in a giant blob not caring that u aren't playing 95% of the actual game...and both teams do this until you overwhelm the other with sheer numbers. They find that fun, just spamming units and not micrco'ing them or doing the economy part or anything just building buildings and setting waypoints...lol.


I mean how cool would it be if there were giant bossses and dragons and what not visiting wvsw, and defeating them gives loot or boons or bonuses or just plain more points! Those things you forget exist. At the end of each skirmish or beginning....to spawn bosses would be cool. Or just randomly spawning events happening on the maps would be awesome. Then you don't log in....check ebg and ur home bl (assuming its not desert...in which case no point visitng anyways). And you can tell in about 20 seconds whether there is anything to do or not lol. And if it's a 'no' you might as well log out and try again in 3 hours lol.

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> @"Cerby.1069" said:

> > @"Columba.9730" said:

> > If you are really "Into WvW," move on. The President thinks that wvw players are "really into pve,." and wvw reflects that. Don't come to GW2 unless you love pve.


> What's wrong with pve in wvsw? I love doing pve in wvsw. There's hardly any pve here though. It needs more pve to make the dang mode interesting. All I see when I log in is t3 everything and 1-2 paper towers you ktrain over and over for ur entire play session. You try and get people to take the t3 stuff and .....they just wanan fight! They don't want to try lol. They don't want to man cats, or build things....or spend money on siege, or even grab suppply from the huts. So ur just stuck wandering around ur own corner waiting orur stuck visiting the same paper tower over and over. There's nothing else to do....ain't no pve events to do......ain't no big bosses or cool minibosses to do to get boons or anything. Its like a moba without a jungle and creeps and bosses.....like the only thing is static towers sealing off parts of the map and people. Nothing fun about that given how the combat of wvsw works.


> ALl they wanna do is wander around the map and fight in the same spot for their entire session.

> Whats the point in wandering around in a giant zerg fighting in the same spot for 2 hours straight without gaining anything other than 'bags' full of generic useless loot I could farm better from pve? So dumb.

> If that's what you are playing for WHY ARE YOU IN WVSW? aND IF this sitting around on a hill fighting over and over watching people waypoint and walkback to where they died within 20 seconds....MAKES YOU HAPPY!....I mean......fine. Whatever, to each their own. I play rts and alot of people 'like' playing infinite resource games...so the entire economy part is gone, as well as the actual microing ur army, and its just a case of spamming barracks and generic trooops and setting waypoints so they spawn from the buildings and walk to 1 location.....then you just highlight and click and move them in a giant blob not caring that u aren't playing 95% of the actual game...and both teams do this until you overwhelm the other with sheer numbers. They find that fun, just spamming units and not micrco'ing them or doing the economy part or anything just building buildings and setting waypoints...lol.


> I mean how cool would it be if there were giant bossses and dragons and what not visiting wvsw, and defeating them gives loot or boons or bonuses or just plain more points! Those things you forget exist. At the end of each skirmish or beginning....to spawn bosses would be cool. Or just randomly spawning events happening on the maps would be awesome. Then you don't log in....check ebg and ur home bl (assuming its not desert...in which case no point visitng anyways). And you can tell in about 20 seconds whether there is anything to do or not lol. And if it's a 'no' you might as well log out and try again in 3 hours lol.


lol. ok. you must be the person he referenced. Fights don't need to require zergs. If fighting mobs is your thing or you find monster AI challenging, by all means come to Gw2 wvw. Most other WvW games I played had far less pvp. to each his own.

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On SoS? err didn't Fallen declare DB most stable NA server and jumped ship back then? lol.


> Are there still highly skilled highly competitive guilds out there?

Not a lot around these days..


> A GvG scene?

That died a faster death than wvw, HoT finally killed it.


> An active community?

Depends on server.


> Is there a good enough reason for me to buy the new expansion and give the game another chance?

One shot skills, condi's galore, spellbreakers scourge firebrands everywhere you turn.

Yup lots of reasons to come back!


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> On SoS? err didn't Fallen declare DB most stable NA server and jumped ship back then? lol.


> > Are there still highly skilled highly competitive guilds out there?

> Not a lot around these days..


> > A GvG scene?

> That died a faster death than wvw, HoT finally killed it.


> > An active community?

> Depends on server.


> > Is there a good enough reason for me to buy the new expansion and give the game another chance?

> One shot skills, condi's galore, spellbreakers scourge firebrands everywhere you turn.

> Yup lots of reasons to come back!



**'Stop Telling People

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> @"Invalidist.6872" said:

> So a few years ago before HoT came out, I was fully invested in GW2. I was apart of a very highly skilled zerg busting and passionate GvG group called Syndictive on SoS. We were well known for what we were capable of and logging on and playing was never boring. We always were out looking for fights to be had and constant improvement in our skills. Fast forward to when HoT came out and elite classes became available, those that didn't or couldn't pay for the expansion were at a significant disadvantage compared to those that forked out the money. This caused most of our guild to split. Those that were unhappy with the new imbalance in both WvW and our limited GvG scene at the time ended up leaving the game for Archeage when it came out, including our main driver and guild leader, Fallen. And that was basically that. Since then, I've logged on and walked around anything that wasn't EB and saw that it was basically abandoned on a T1 server. Since then I haven't logged on in at least two years. Now a new expansion has come out and there is always a part of me that remembers the fun I had back before HoT and I wanted to know if things had changed since then. Are there still highly skilled highly competitive guilds out there? A GvG scene? An active community? Is there a good enough reason for me to buy the new expansion and give the game another chance?


Although there are a few guilds that still GvG (eM,, DIE, RISE, RED, BAN, PRX), the scene is not as competitive nor anywhere close to alive as it once was. For the last 2 years or so it's mainly been like 2-3 guilds GvGing. There was a small revival in the summer where guilds like Hymn, GS, and Agg came back but it died pretty quickly and all 3 guilds have disbanded. For the last year or so it was pretty much only KEK and Borp GvGing. Most the gvg players you know have either left the game or joined guilds like KEK where they mainly just raid and mess around. Although they have recently gone on haitus due to the state of wvw and the holidays. PYRO is back too but they dont GvG and only raid once or twice a week.

If you are looking only to hardcore GvG, I'd probably say it's not worth coming back. Open field fights can still be fun but it's either super pirateship or scourge stacking. There really is no point going full tryhard at this point as you'll just burn out instantly and there isnt much competition worth tryharding IMO.


This is mainly for NA. I hear EU is still pretty active if you are able to play EU timezones but will need someone from EU to confirm that. could be totally wrong

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I get the feeling most of the people saying stuff about GvG stopped paying attention to it and are out of the loop, as there are a number of guilds that have been getting into the scene for a change of pace and fighting against each other in OS or in guild halls. Over the last 4-5 months, my guild [Grim] has had around 20 or so GvGs, so that works out to roughly 1 a week, and of those, maybe 1 or 2 were repeat matches, so we're talking at least 15 guilds out there willing to GvG that we've found so far. No official tournament or anything like that just yet, but it's possible in the near future if interest continues to grow.

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GvG tournaments have never been beneficial to the scene, as fun as they sound, they've always results in burnout and guilds disbanding. The last GvG tournament NA had, resulted in at least 5-6 guilds disbanding. I was in one of those guilds, by the end of it most of the people didn't even want to play anymore. Last thing we need now is more guilds leaving the game and burning out.

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