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scourge meta


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good luck with that. This is the spec that was tailor made for casual, non-skilled players. And that is the direction GW2 is trying to go in nowadays. It combines the 2 basic principles for casual: no skill, low risk/high reward. If Anet did ever do anything to make a scourge actually target another player, they would lose 95% of their necro playerbase, as they would be unable to adapt and function in a skill-base targetted meta. And as the dev in the other thread so eloquently stated, the devs do not balance to wvw, but rather to pve.



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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> Necros are already nerfed to sub-ground, no need to do that again.


issue with necros is the mechanics of the condis that are ment to work for pvp as they work on pve, condis are a very lame way to design a game since they are not tied to hexes(Anet should have never droped the hex mechanic) and can be easilly overstacked, but so boons are on the same state.

ANet need to add more mechanics to the game rather than everything results in boons and condis, game is already ovehelmed with spam of both.


what makes this imbalanced combat is the lack mechanics and poor/slackers skill design.

https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Condition more diverstity in strategie and skill design, players need to know what they are doing.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition 101 boon or condi.. stack max u can for win its a mindless spamwars, very unskilled.


I actually doubt that this balance updete will damage necro scourge stacking, it might damage more roaming to small scale than full stacked scourge and spambrands on a blob.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> https://www.tentonhammer.com/articles/guild-wars-2-are-thieves-and-mesmer-s-the-cause-of-the-meta


> **For the Million time; Thief and Mesmer Are The Meta**


that is an interesting assumption, since mesmer lost all the gameplay from Gw1 all they need to do her is power creep bursts, but that was due ANet was searching for a slacker path doing a game.


Still i feel that might be an effect rather than the cause.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > https://www.tentonhammer.com/articles/guild-wars-2-are-thieves-and-mesmer-s-the-cause-of-the-meta

> >

> > **For the Million time; Thief and Mesmer Are The Meta**


> that is an interesting assumption, since mesmer lost all the gameplay from Gw1 all they need to do her eis power creep bursts, but that was due ANet was searching for a slacker path doing a game.


this is not an assumption; that is truth.


During gw2 beta test; Anet devs stated that the meta's shift are determined by Thief and Mesmer performance


The article is exposing it. I can't understand why some refuses to see it


(there is even a dev who openly stated that thief is Anet favorite class than followed by 'Mesmer being second'....laughs')

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> I;m not saying Necromancer/Scourge doesn't need any adjustments but just please don't make them a scapegoat to the root cause of condition problems we are facing.


> All condition specs need to be toned down across the board to all classes; with no exceptions


What he said, all classes are in need of a review and not just blaming one class to fix it all.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> https://www.tentonhammer.com/articles/guild-wars-2-are-thieves-and-mesmer-s-the-cause-of-the-meta


> **For the Million time; Thief and Mesmer Are The Meta**


This might be true from a sPvP point of view, but WvW...


>@"cobracommander.5861" said:

> If scourge doesn't get nerfed, can anet just remove trailblazer? That condi set has mostly ruined wvw.


Removing Trailblazer would do nothing against Scourge(I guess), they can just go for Dire, a little less damage, but more survival...they need to rework Scourge, corrupt boons on AoE is horrible for the game...but to be fair, Necros are not the only ones to blame for this new stupid meta...Warriors(Spellbreakers) are broken OP too, the elite skill is way to powerfull, a thing like shouldnt even exist in the first place.



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condi changes should fix this in zergs, scourges in open field in roaming are pretty easy to deal with, not very hard to avoid their shades./condi bombs


now scourges in Spvp are aids because it's conquest and they spam points with Firebrand support. But in WVW they are sooo easy to kite/avoid in open field.

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Honnestly the reason corruptions are going rampant on the necromancer is very simple: Anet think that players use boons a bit to much. It's silly to complain about the scourge being toxic due to it's corruptions, the corruptions have been made to shut down the boon meta. The reality is that this design hurt the necromancer as a whole even more than it hurt the pride of PvPer/WvWer.


Scourge most likely have never been tested by the designers, they just put it on the game thinking: "Yeah with this boons will take a hit and we will have done our job". The issue is that there is no counterplay to the scourge's shroud skills, it's just instant punishement that you can't prevent. No cast time, no aftercast, shade can't be hard removed, _desert shroud_ can't even be interrupt, pretty short skill cool down... The hell do the dev thought when they created this?


The necromancer started from _death shroud_ in which you can be burst out of shroud:

AA: long cast time slow projectile

dark path: cast time, aftercast, 15 second cooldown slow projectile to teleport (+ dark path which can corrupt 2 boons)

doom: instant 1 second fear to only 1 target with 20 second cool down

life transfert: low damage channeled skill that can easily be interrupt on a 40 second cool down (+ transfusion which heal on each tic which doesn't heal your toon)

tainted shackle: cast time + low damage control skill on a 40 second cool down


To Scourge shroud skills which you can use whenever you see fit:

nefarious favor: instant no after cast skill that clear 2 condi on up to 10 players with an 8 second cool down (+ AA proc, dark path which can corrupt 2 boons and scourge shroud traits effects)

sand cascade: instant no after cast skill defensive skill protecting up to 10 players on an 8 seconds cool down (+ AA proc and scourge shroud traits effects)

garish pilar: instant no after cast aoe 1 second fear on up to 10 foes on 15 second cool down (+ AA proc, uninterruptible transfusion which heal your toon and scourge shroud traits effect)

desert shroud: instant aoe damaging skill that cannot be interrupt on 20 second cool down (+ AA proc, enter shroud effect procs, In shroud passive buff and scourge shroud traits effect)


How the hell could they think that this would end up balanced? We jump from a mechanism with 2 layers of counterplay to a mechanism with zero counterplay and shorter cool down with traits that have heavy impacts. And then they say: "No guys! No powercreep in this X-pac! We are against such a thing!"


It's not even a matter of condition, the scourge shroud skills provide twice as much sustain than a necromancer shroud skills, more hard and soft CC, as much defense (if not more) and probably more raw damages. And they can't even be countered... Guys, the issue is not the conditions...

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@Dadnir.5038 , that is true, conditions are not the issue, they were just a effect of another cause wich actually its the skill design the culprit of it, and to mascarade ANet added lots of boon removal and resistance, in hope players would see it has better gameplay, with PoF Anet added more spam on condis and boons, on a already saurated gameplay of boons and condis.


ANet needs to fix their skill design concept that looks and feels something out of someone who thinks it will be easy cause everything is the same, well that will just saturate the gameplay way faster and make it really awfull...


More skill and stronger varietry on effect, traits needs to be stronger and somehting that changes the gameplay or the way player plays.


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the scourge might be an issue today. ~~when~~ if it gets nerfed, we will see a million hammer revenants (which we already have plenty of) and the next profession will be targeted.

anets target of conditions ramping up instead of bursting better than power is already in progress.

a bit of stability change (the immense amount corruption really kills this one boons entire purpose atm) and we might get a ~~playable~~ enjoyable wvw again.


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> @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> the scourge might be an issue today. when it gets nerfed, we will see a million hammer revenants (which we already have plenty of) and the next profession will be targeted.

> anets target of conditions ramping up instead of bursting better than power is already in progress.

> a bit of stability change (the immense amount corruption really kills this one boons entire purpose atm) and we might get a ~~playable~~ enjoyable wvw again.



Yep. Power hammer rev is still viable for those that don't have PoF. I wonder what that means? Huh.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @Burnfall.9573, tks for the info and correct :) i didnt know about that.


> Mesmer needs to be reverted to the gw1 mesmer :P that would fix it, about thiefs i dont mind with them, imo atm they are far the issue.


If only mesmer could be reverted to GW1... All the punishing hexes and interrupts (with the appropriate UI of course). I had so much fun with my mesmer !

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Its realty just the F5 skills that doing it on scourge it makes them too tankly and has more condi application then most elites. Its a stronger version of the old plague form in effect. Scourge and all mages should be weak to pick but due to F5 skill on Scourge no one can get in to do any real dmg.


> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> They nerf scourge again and 1/2 the player base will leave for other games... it is already weak enough in wvw with bubble, condi clears left and right and no escape skills/speed or invul


Truth be told if that what holding you to gw2 you should already of quit a long time ago. Try being ele only for the last 5 years though both the super nerf and the super buffs up and downs playing wvw as both d/d and staff.

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> @"ThomasC.1056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @Burnfall.9573, tks for the info and correct :) i didnt know about that.

> >

> > Mesmer needs to be reverted to the gw1 mesmer :P that would fix it, about thiefs i dont mind with them, imo atm they are far the issue.


> If only mesmer could be reverted to GW1... All the punishing hexes and interrupts (with the appropriate UI of course). I had so much fun with my mesmer !


i agree

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You remember when anet removed the Guardian trait that allowed boon removal on burn ? It was not even a boon corruption and for the sake of "balance" they removed it. So now why a spam corrupt boon class come to be balance when they actknowledged the boon removal on burn from guardian was OP.

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