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What keeps you from raids?


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* I like playing Ranger. I do not want to play Druid. I do not want to be a healer.

* While my guild does regular raiding (for which I adore it), it's very rare for me to be able to raid on weeknights and no guild I'm part of raids on weekends. So, time constraints.

* The sheer ATTITUDE problem of random raiders. Content is *simultaneously* 'not that hard' (therefore no excuse you can't do it!) and demanding of apparently the bestest gear, the bestest food, and the perfect rotation (and we'll kick you if you're missing any of those).


I mean honestly? I'd love to learn the raids. I'd love to work on legendary armor. But between my time constraints and my blood pressure, I just don't see it happening.

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I find 10 players a very uninteresting number. 5 is fun, 25+ is fun too (works fine in open world at least) but 10 isn't enough to have enough diversity and not care about some dead players and 10 is too many players not to cause too much trouble. I lead a group the other day for some raiding stuff and it's... tiresome. 10 is just a bad number, I don't know why ANet did that.

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Raids are many times meaner than dungeons once were. I remember being required to ping my gear to get on a CM run. That's why I habitually post "all welcome" when I run dungeons today.


Raid groups are simply nasty in my experience. **I'm not even sure what the raid rewards are, but I'm sure they're not worth dealing with militant players who will kick you arbitrarily at whim.**

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As someone who works full time, has personal commitments etc,


Raids simply take too much time or most raid groups run at times in the middle of working hours for me. Even hosting own training raids, to do so is at the expense of personal time and loss of potential gain because you know you are almost guaranteed to not succeed (although I had a training group one shot VG much to everyone's surprise).


An average raid run for me is along the lines of 20-30 min of waiting for properly geared people to get ready, usually 1-2 tries before success. Often, an hour has gone where I could have done something else and gotten maybe triple the return for a singular successful raid run. Unfortunately on low time, it just doesn't feel overly appealing.




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The main reason is that it is too early for me. I am just clawing my way through fractals and until I can reach 100 (by which I guess i can approach legendary weapon crafting) I wont even look in raid direction.

However the question is whether I will even consider doing raids, mostly due to apparent toxic vibe trailing raids - raiders called elitists for insane requirements, low acceptance of specific professions (thief here). If I find a group of volunteers in my guild, I will give it a go, but absolutely won't do LFG approach.

Still a distant future for me.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i like to play at my pace with my build and for fun, raids are filled with ppl who only want speed runs and are way to serious.

> i play games to relax, even if it takes 2 hours longer to get trough a raid, as long as it's fun i don't give a single crap.


Want to chime in that me and some of my friends are pretty much the same.

Last week we did the Arah dungeon for the first time with 3 pugs who also was doing it for the first time.


I will take a wild guess that it's not supposed to take over 2 1/2 hours to beat, right? I'm just wondering.

But all 5 of us had a wonderful time and was happy when it ended (one reason yeah that it was over, but the whole time we was enjoying the whole map).


Could've seen some of those elitist people getting mad and just leaving because we had no clue on what we were doing.

When we finally learn what to do, we finished the task easily.


I could at times get annoyed by people though if they don't listen at times.

Like during one of the fractals with the giant and the fanatics. First time doing it, it was just 3 of us in the Fractal. We noticed that the Fanatics were healing when we went back and forth to the others during one part so I decided that I should just solo one end and the other 2 head to the other side to destroy the seal. When one is gone, they won't have a way to heal the other.

Told one guy countless times not to stick around near me, but he insisted on staying and then die.

Because he wasn't helping the other guy... the other guy died. Now I tried to complete it alone and then I die.


This happens about 4 times with the guy simply not listening. In the end the guy left and 2 random people joined up.

We beat it with 0 problems after that.


I can see at times being annoyed when someone say something (as many of us been there), but when you get to the point of



Those kind of people are... I don't even know what to call them.


Seen those same types of people in PvP where if someone kills them, they start calling them... well let's just say it involve parts of the body and about sucking and how he's such a.... cigarette and so on and so on.

Just because someone killed him. Then he comes back and the person kills him again and he goes more raging.


I don't understand why some people are like this. If you get this worked up at a game, I think it would be healthier to just stay away from it.

Heard quite a few stories in the past of guys trying to look for people who beat them in game and then start wanting to fight them in real life.

That's what it seem those Raid/Many PvP/ and some WvW people are.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > i like to play at my pace with my build and for fun, raids are filled with ppl who only want speed runs and are way to serious.

> > i play games to relax, even if it takes 2 hours longer to get trough a raid, as long as it's fun i don't give a single crap.


> Want to chime in that me and some of my friends are pretty much the same.

> Last week we did the Arah dungeon for the first time with 3 pugs who also was doing it for the first time.


> I will take a wild guess that it's not supposed to take over 2 1/2 hours to beat, right? I'm just wondering.

> But all 5 of us had a wonderful time and was happy when it ended (one reason yeah that it was over, but the whole time we was enjoying the whole map).


> Could've seen some of those elitist people getting mad and just leaving because we had no clue on what we were doing.

> When we finally learn what to do, we finished the task easily.


> I could at times get annoyed by people though if they don't listen at times.

> Like during one of the fractals with the giant and the fanatics. First time doing it, it was just 3 of us in the Fractal. We noticed that the Fanatics were healing when we went back and forth to the others during one part so I decided that I should just solo one end and the other 2 head to the other side to destroy the seal. When one is gone, they won't have a way to heal the other.

> Told one guy countless times not to stick around near me, but he insisted on staying and then die.

> Because he wasn't helping the other guy... the other guy died. Now I tried to complete it alone and then I die.


> This happens about 4 times with the guy simply not listening. In the end the guy left and 2 random people joined up.

> We beat it with 0 problems after that.


> I can see at times being annoyed when someone say something (as many of us been there), but when you get to the point of



> Those kind of people are... I don't even know what to call them.


> Seen those same types of people in PvP where if someone kills them, they start calling them... well let's just say it involve parts of the body and about sucking and how he's such a.... cigarette and so on and so on.

> Just because someone killed him. Then he comes back and the person kills him again and he goes more raging.


> I don't understand why some people are like this. If you get this worked up at a game, I think it would be healthier to just stay away from it.

> Heard quite a few stories in the past of guys trying to look for people who beat them in game and then start wanting to fight them in real life.

> That's what it seem those Raid/Many PvP/ and some WvW people are.


you are ignoring the fact that we raid elitist have cleaned those bosses many times before. and most of the wings are on a so called farm status like t4 fractals. its a very fun 2-3 hour activity once a week (even more fun if you do it multipe times to help out some friends)

i spent 10 hours at the first boss of the new wing after finaly killing him (80% of that time with the "toxic pug crowd"), not once was anyone flamed or harrassed in any way.

now one week (or two to be exact) the expactations of your fellow pug raider have naturaly risen. which make sence because we as a community have more experiance with said encounters now.


what you are describing with you first time arah group is exactly what happens in raids when, a new wing is released or you form a beginner raid group. so why are you not doing the same with any raidboss?

you experianced challening content with people with the same knowledge of that content like yourself.

as you said yourself you had a blast, yet you are criticizing "elitist" which want to experience the same., challening content with people with as much experiance than yourself.

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Should’ve been a section for toxic players (I happen to know one on these forums too...). But I’ve never been able to do a successful raid(s) mainly because I don’t get to play how I want to play AND even if I’m headed correctly, but like to use certain skills, items etc... I’m not allowed to.


But I feel that I’m not missing out on anything important so to each their own. I’m not being forced to do it so I couldn’t care less. Like others yes it’d be cool if there was different modes of difficulty, but oh well.

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raid times. and further i cant play the build i want. i wanted nevermore very bad and now i have it but mesmer and staff is bad dps.

i geared for mirage and i did 16,5k dps on dummy but on raid build sites they do 40+ k dps with the same gear, i only have renegade runes instead of berserker.

further i dont know the rotation that much. :P


i still dont like that i cant play the build i want. all we want is having fun ingame and relax playing with nice rng :D but if i am forced to play some meta build i just dont raid or fractal. it also cost me much gold to get a full ascended set. i had a viper necro but i got bored and put the gear on my mesmer so i dont have to craft new gear.

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I've never raided in this game - and only a couple of times in WoW - before, but my reasons are between "Too much of a commitment" and "The group-aspect and what that entails". Too many hoops to jump through, all just to wipe to the same thing over and over. No thanks. Open world PvE might not be the most dignified way to play, but at least you can do it without all the hassle. Makes my job at Wal-Mart not so bad.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > i like to play at my pace with my build and for fun, raids are filled with ppl who only want speed runs and are way to serious.

> > > i play games to relax, even if it takes 2 hours longer to get trough a raid, as long as it's fun i don't give a single crap.

> >

> > Want to chime in that me and some of my friends are pretty much the same.

> > Last week we did the Arah dungeon for the first time with 3 pugs who also was doing it for the first time.

> >

> > I will take a wild guess that it's not supposed to take over 2 1/2 hours to beat, right? I'm just wondering.

> > But all 5 of us had a wonderful time and was happy when it ended (one reason yeah that it was over, but the whole time we was enjoying the whole map).

> >

> > Could've seen some of those elitist people getting mad and just leaving because we had no clue on what we were doing.

> > When we finally learn what to do, we finished the task easily.

> >

> > I could at times get annoyed by people though if they don't listen at times.

> > Like during one of the fractals with the giant and the fanatics. First time doing it, it was just 3 of us in the Fractal. We noticed that the Fanatics were healing when we went back and forth to the others during one part so I decided that I should just solo one end and the other 2 head to the other side to destroy the seal. When one is gone, they won't have a way to heal the other.

> > Told one guy countless times not to stick around near me, but he insisted on staying and then die.

> > Because he wasn't helping the other guy... the other guy died. Now I tried to complete it alone and then I die.

> >

> > This happens about 4 times with the guy simply not listening. In the end the guy left and 2 random people joined up.

> > We beat it with 0 problems after that.

> >

> > I can see at times being annoyed when someone say something (as many of us been there), but when you get to the point of


> >

> > Those kind of people are... I don't even know what to call them.

> >

> > Seen those same types of people in PvP where if someone kills them, they start calling them... well let's just say it involve parts of the body and about sucking and how he's such a.... cigarette and so on and so on.

> > Just because someone killed him. Then he comes back and the person kills him again and he goes more raging.

> >

> > I don't understand why some people are like this. If you get this worked up at a game, I think it would be healthier to just stay away from it.

> > Heard quite a few stories in the past of guys trying to look for people who beat them in game and then start wanting to fight them in real life.

> > That's what it seem those Raid/Many PvP/ and some WvW people are.


> you are ignoring the fact that we raid elitist have cleaned those bosses many times before. and most of the wings are on a so called farm status like t4 fractals. its a very fun 2-3 hour activity once a week (even more fun if you do it multipe times to help out some friends)

> i spent 10 hours at the first boss of the new wing after finaly killing him (80% of that time with the "toxic pug crowd"), not once was anyone flamed or harrassed in any way.

> now one week (or two to be exact) the expactations of your fellow pug raider have naturaly risen. which make sence because we as a community have more experiance with said encounters now.


> what you are describing with you first time arah group is exactly what happens in raids when, a new wing is released or you form a beginner raid group. so why are you not doing the same with any raidboss?

> you experianced challening content with people with the same knowledge of that content like yourself.

> as you said yourself you had a blast, yet you are criticizing "elitist" which want to experience the same., challening content with people with as much experiance than yourself.


And you can see from people stating in other comments how trying to get with random pugs that don't know anything just like them they get kicked out as well.

So it's both the inexperienced and the "toxic players" that's kicking people out of raids.

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Intimidated. I enjoy mesmer so working on getting a chronomancer geared out. Challenge is getting the time to work on rotation and then put it into practice. I feel it will be a harder as being a tank in wow and other raiding games. I feel fingers will be pointed at the mesmers/ranger if the group failed.


**doesn't help none of my friends play anymore so I need to find a learning raid or static to raid with and befriend during my gaming time.



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I've been joining a guild group for raid training over the past few weeks, but it's a huge time commitment for me which makes it difficult. Week to week, we haven't even been able to get the same players together, and have had to resort to pugs with limited success. For example, I think we tried the "simple" escort mission for about 4 weeks in a row before we finally beat it this weekend. Our group and leader are patient, but we're continually having to explain the basic mechanics over and over, since we continually end up having 1 or more new players in the group. Part of the problem seems to be that it's too difficult for us to find a time that works for 10 players. If that number was smaller, say 5-7, it would be much, much easier for us to reliably get the same set of players participating each week.


On top of that, the meta builds seem to be continually shifting as a result of ~~nerfs~~rebalancing, which causes continually gear-chasing just to keep up. I've already had to restat some items once after the build I was geared for got nerfed by some recent updates.


Beyond that, I'm not so sure the rewards are really worth the the hassle. In the time I've spent so far participating in raids, I have very little to show for it, and if I'd spent that time doing other content I could have done a lot of other stuff rewarding stuff instead.

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