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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > Not sure why people are hating on Taimi.

> >

> > I find the Asura NPCs to be the most entertaining and likable.


> Taimi is the only Asura I can think of I loathe actually.

> I honestly can not think of another Asura I don't find awesome.


Hmm, yeah her attitude could be attributed to her age (selfish, annoying teen). But that’s why I find her interesting and plus I give her points for being a try hard with her robot. But I do miss Zojja. My 4 newest characters are Asura so I can see more of Zojja.

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> @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > Not sure why people are hating on Taimi.

> > >

> > > I find the Asura NPCs to be the most entertaining and likable.

> >

> > Taimi is the only Asura I can think of I loathe actually.

> > I honestly can not think of another Asura I don't find awesome.


> Hmm, yeah her attitude could be attributed to her age (selfish, annoying teen). But that’s why I find her interesting and plus I give her points for being a try hard with her robot. But I do miss Zojja. My 4 newest characters are Asura so I can see more of Zojja.


My reasonings are:

1. While she's meant to be young (and I've seen many young Asurans in like Metrica and I like them, her design kind of disturbs me. She look like she got her hair done and face caked-up like one of those pageant children...

2. While yes she will be childish and such, the young Asurans I see seem to find fun in learning things, but still at least seem competant for their age. Amazed at everything but competant. Taimi just seems like too much of "I want to poke everything!" even you after you have SPOILERS.

3. Sometimes seems way too much like a Mary Sue that has a solution to every problem. If not right away, she seems to always have one and usually have answers to everything after a short while. I know Asurans are smart, but I've seen enough of them that are smart and brilliant, but at least problematic problems happen. They would learn from it, but never right 99.999999% of the time like Taimi seems to be.

4. As you mentioned. She's pretty much the replacement of Zojja and I like Zojja. I really don't like "New Zojja" as at least the certain times Zojja joked, it would be at least interesting and sometimes funny. I haven't found anything Taimi said interesting or funny. Next is, while I already mentioned the whole age thing, I rather an Asuran that's been around and not want to poke everything. Zojja had her flaws as many other Asuras. The only flaw I can find in Taimi? She has some illness that gives her problems with her body. Yes, I feel bad for her for that, but that's it? Not saying to make her a walking pity-machine of maybe making her half as stupid as the typical Asuran or to make her lose an eye or a arm or a foot to have her have flaws, but ugh...

5. Don't know why, but something about her voice to me is like playing a Nine Inch Nails song with nine inch nails on a chalkboard. I find it really irritating at times.


Give me any Asura. Any. There's a ton of them throughout the story. Give me Gixx if you have to. I don't care. Just give me any Asura that is not Taimi, please.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> 1. While she's meant to be young (and I've seen many young Asurans in like Metrica and I like them, her design kind of disturbs me. She look like she got her hair done and face caked-up like one of those pageant children...




I laughed so loud my spouse asked me if everything is ok. Maybe she puts on makeup and gets her hair done to draw attention away from her disability. But if I were her, I’d fire her makeup artist because makeup is supposed to accentuate her natural beauty and not make her look like a drag queen.

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hmm i see some relevant reasons i can uderstand altho these all are just based on players personal oppinion and i respect that tho i could argue about some of the stuff. Taimi saying hello Commander in the begining of every LWS is not a problem imo. She just greets you. Like what would you have her to say?

"Yo ma duwd dere is sum big ass moa***** down at da Istan iles lets kill dat ass." wouljd it suit her better ?????? Like she is small girl that looks up to you like to older brother and she behaves to you according to it.

Disliking someone because of her pitch of a voice is ...... possible...... I dont see any logical counter reaction for reasoning with this since it makes no sense at all to me.

Make up was explained already and i agree with it.

About the jokes.... Well we all have different tastes for humor. I agree she can be annoying with her jokes to someone. I like the for example someone doesnt have to but i dont really see it as reason to hate someone.

I saw ppl saying they would kill her off cuz of that which is barbaric imo. She only wants to make situations to look lighter than they are. And she is not joking durring crucial points of story as someone said. I was replaying the game recently with my new char and she actually doesnt joke that often it could be annoying imo. But suit urself.

TBH i cant counter-fact that she really does always know answer for everything but well.... that is sort of her role there. And it is not actually her fault but devs. Sory to say it but they need to push story forward and since this is MMO they cant let you to decide it for yourself so often. They have to ''shove'' solution to you somehow because gaem would become too wide and broad to be able to create its story continue as it is supposed to. Take it as if you read a book because that is what we actually do here. We just fight through crucial scenes of a book of GW. And even in book story is fore-written and since they dont want to make us read pages they have Taimi and she shows us the answer for solutions. I agree it could take more time but again that equals more work on game. She is simply pointing arrow of devs deciding how story will go. as i said not her fault.

I hope i mentioned all.

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And yes i am defending her here because she is the type of character that is seen only in few games. Very well done and i grew on to her. I like her and last LWS scared me lot when the last fight occured. And after i read how many hate ppl pose to her for flaws she maybe has but mostly is not responsible for i came here to put defend here. Cuz Taimi is like a little sis of my Comander and both he and I will not stand her getting hurt (Maybe i sound weird but whatever i can take a few in a chin for this because this matters to me)

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The only thing I don't like about her is how they constantly use her as a ~~Deus~~ Taimi Ex Machina to move the plot forward.


That's a pitfall that Anet's writers all too often fall into whenever they involve Asura in the plot, really.


I mean, that's the reason why everyone loathes Will Wheaton's character in TNG. Wesley Ex Machina ruined far too many good episodes...

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I like Taimi, but the Deus Ex Machina comments nailed it. Poor writing is more accurate. She pulls complex solutions out of her butt, like "Oh I'll just modify this machine that I don't know how to use." How do you modify its design if you don't know how it works, Taimi, huh? HUH?

While at other times, she's overlooking obvious information that she realizes just in time for plot purposes, while the rest of the team stands by. I'm the Snaff Savant, dammit! And at least twice your age! And I realized the problem a whole chapter ago, but the Commander has to ask Taimi "duh, what you say?" because they have to be all races at once.

So yeah, personality-wise Taimi's fine. But the plot should do without her for a while.

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**Because of:**

* Her ego

* Too much talking

* Her vocal identity crisis because she switch voices every few lines (i personally LOVE IT LOVE LOVE ITTT)

* her control over situation. Your main character can only agree with her.

It took ~ 5 min for me to think what can be annoying in Taimi. I like her character.

**But to find out the truth you have to...** Think of that)))))) To avoid spoiler there will be too much some words.

>! 1. Some female character stole something from you,

>! 2. Some female character**S** was involved in the death of some other character

>! 3. Some female characters are villains, zealots - raid bosses.

>! 4. Because of death some female character, some male character became a j*rk

>! 5. Some Goddess turned her back on human problems

>! 6. Because Anet killed some cool female character in that damn island.

>! 7. Because Taimi has more option in wardrobe, while guys have to chose between 3 light armor pants!!!!

>! 8. Some female character destroyed fountain in Lion's Arch, LA itself and awoke the Elder dragon.

>! Taimi is carrying the legacy of female characters of Guild Wars 2. May be Rox will do something memorable,(because she did not anything bad/good) so we could argue about how we like or dislike her.

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I personally hate her and for many of the reasons people have listed above:


Mainly because shes used as a dues ex machina, with her inventions solving every problem in the story. Its unsatisfying and has gotten so annoying that I cant stand the story or taimi anymore.


Her personaliy change as shes got older has also put me off. Its a shame because I used to really like her. She used to have SOME humility and personal character flaws in her insecurity about her disability and confidence in herself due to it. Now shes just a typical mary sue asura. Arrogant, looks down on the MC due to their intelligence and is convinced she is always right with a giant ego.

Its also really annoying that the MC is always on her side and does whatever she suggests without question, when taimis actions literally almost destroyed the world not too long ago.


Idk if i want her to die, and i dont mind her jokes, but im sick of her being so central to the main story and want her to just disappear into the background.


> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> People hate Taimi? Ok, I can grudgingly accept that. I love her, but you can't please everyone.


> But to the people calling, wishing, hoping for the death of a crippled teenager, what in the alchemy is wrong with you?


Her being crippled has no effect whatsoever on me liking/disliking/wanting her to die. Also its a character in a video game. Not a real life teenager so its hardly a big deal if people want them gone. Its not like them dying has any real negative effect.

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I like her, she brings back a bit of something my dark, hate-filled heart of a lone, grumpy Asura sniper has lost over the time: Warmth and affection.

Calling her up and we having some banter chat going on made me laugh last time when she faked to lose connection about not teasing someone. Then I went back to killmode until I call her again... Sounds like some 70s country song on a 7" inch vinyl B-side.


But also because Zojja always was like one of my elementary school class mates and I am lucky that I never saw her again..


Also, Taimi is so small and cute and fragile and that really triggers my protective instinct.


![](https://i.imgur.com/U06rg50.png "")




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