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I am very sad a few ppl voew her in so bad way BUT i can see your point. You are right about all D ex M thing and about her being Marry Sue. Well i cant argue with that but this again is not her fault but devs. Well sort of not even theirs. problem is this is mmo and is too broad. if they would try to change only such small fact as Taimi not pushing story forward whole game concept gameplay and what else would have had to be changed = insane amount of work + risk that result will not work out or will not be satisfying to players. anyway i am sad that a lot of ppl blame Taimi for this. i voew her as character a young sis' in a game which partially is her role. i hope you can see it from my poibt same as i see it from yours

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> @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > 1. While she's meant to be young (and I've seen many young Asurans in like Metrica and I like them, her design kind of disturbs me. She look like she got her hair done and face caked-up like one of those pageant children...




> I laughed so loud my spouse asked me if everything is ok. Maybe she puts on makeup and gets her hair done to draw attention away from her disability. But if I were her, I’d fire her makeup artist because makeup is supposed to accentuate her natural beauty and not make her look like a drag queen.


To be fair, all female Asura look like drag queens....

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > 1. While she's meant to be young (and I've seen many young Asurans in like Metrica and I like them, her design kind of disturbs me. She look like she got her hair done and face caked-up like one of those pageant children...

> >


> >

> > I laughed so loud my spouse asked me if everything is ok. Maybe she puts on makeup and gets her hair done to draw attention away from her disability. But if I were her, I’d fire her makeup artist because makeup is supposed to accentuate her natural beauty and not make her look like a drag queen.


> To be fair, all female Asura look like drag queens....


Uh. I don't know how you made your Asuran or which NPCs you've seen but the ones I've seen don't look like those pageant children.

There's one face in the game that does look like they look like a living doll that came to life all chucky style, but not all make-uppy like Taimi at all.

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> @"bart.3687" said:

> I like Taimi. She's fun and has a vivid personality. I for one much prefer her to Zojja.


> Braham on the other hand, ughhh... I had never cared about him till A Crack in the Ice. I hate him since then.


A Zojja fan, huh?


I never understood her appeal. She seemed to draw so much attention and praise for seemingly no reason and she's not a very pleasant person either. Any interesting feats she accomplishes could be attributed to her golem. I guess since she built it...but our asura characters are the opposite, as in we accomplish our goals ourselves...so maybe that's why people don't mind her because she doesn't undermind us as a direct comparison. Taimi, on the other hand seems way more intuitive to our asura characters, and with her golem, she can accomplish still more while we never invent anything, discover nothing and rely on her to figure technical stuff out. For non-asura players, no problem, but how do asura players feel?


Personally, I have it set up that my main asura elementalist just isn't a genius (by asura standards). In fact, he is uniquely interested in cooking and fashion. My asura warrior is a student of the statics college and focuses on maximizing, optimizing and utility. I consider him the builder of my characters' salvage-o-matics, reap/log/mine-r-Trons, the golems either of them use and the banker golem all my characters use. For them, I replaced much of their "asura qualities" with other extreme traits/flaws so taimi and zojja don't step on my characters' toes.

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > 1. While she's meant to be young (and I've seen many young Asurans in like Metrica and I like them, her design kind of disturbs me. She look like she got her hair done and face caked-up like one of those pageant children...

> >


> >

> > I laughed so loud my spouse asked me if everything is ok. Maybe she puts on makeup and gets her hair done to draw attention away from her disability. But if I were her, I’d fire her makeup artist because makeup is supposed to accentuate her natural beauty and not make her look like a drag queen.


> To be fair, all female Asura look like drag queens....



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> @"Rumba.3174" said:

> **Don’t like her due to she’s waaaaaaaay too smart compared to the rest of the Asura race.**

> She makes all the other asura look dumb. I love the asura race by far my favorite but she makes them irrelevant due to she is soo smart, she can figure out everything on her own.


thinking about it...does she figure all this stuff out? she has lab assistants and all, i'm sure at least one of them has done something that has pushed her's and everyone else's theories of what is going on or how to move forward...she just never credits anyone...

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Rumba.3174" said:

> > **Don’t like her due to she’s waaaaaaaay too smart compared to the rest of the Asura race.**

> > She makes all the other asura look dumb. I love the asura race by far my favorite but she makes them irrelevant due to she is soo smart, she can figure out everything on her own.


> thinking about it...does she figure all this stuff out? she has lab assistants and all, i'm sure at least one of them has done something that has pushed her's and everyone else's theories of what is going on or how to move forward...she just never credits anyone...


That's even worse.

At least when a krewe does something, one of them will mention their krewe figured it out. Not splurt it as if they figured it out themselves.

That just makes me not like Taimi even more.

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I adore taimi. Never noticed that taimi is indeed the one who always seems to have all solutions. Even then u can't quite use her as deus ex machina. she has the solutions. your incredibly op character is still needed to actuall put them into practice. She is not a deus ex machina. I honestly always played her inventions that are capable of dealing with dragon energies as simply her bieng one of those Asura who are simply gifted even among thier kind. I mean people called Ceera smart but her intelligence is considered common for an Asura.


I wouldn't say she is the smartest asura. there is still that one guy who made the super adventure box, and then u have kudzu who bassically was one of the first to come up with the whole dragon energies are a spectrum kinda thing.heck he even made succesfull artifical hybrids before we came across destroyers with modrem and or zaithan powers.


And lets not forget, dessa/arc who kinda created some kind of alternate dimension/reality mumbo jumbo and the one resposinble for super adventure box.


Taimi 's progress is incredibly impressive for her age but she is far from capable of soloing the dragons. Or that is how it's written in story. u still need fire power and that is where your op character comes in. remember taimi can be overpowered by a few inquests if u catch her at the right time.

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> I adore taimi. Never noticed that taimi is indeed the one who always seems to have all solutions. Even then u can't quite use her as deus ex machina. she has the solutions. your incredibly op character is still needed to actuall put them into practice. She is not a deus ex machina.


All ex machina means is that the solution to a problem has been pulled out of nowhere for the sole purpose of moving the plot forward. This is Taimi's primary role. You can say a lot of things about Taimi, but you can't deny she is currently the main supplier of too-convenient plot devices. This makes her the deus ex machina when she does so.

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I always liked the character. The only issue is that in some cases in LS3 she was pulling to many ex machinas out of the blue. I think the writers want to make her into a Q character. But they just went a bit overboard with the effectiveness of the gadgets.


And her voice actor is so amazing. The last instance is actually disturbing and hard to hear.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> She is the story writers plot device. She's Star Trek: The Next Generation's Weasly Crusher. The young know-it-all who has whatever piece of knowledge is needed or can whip up whatever techno bauble is needed to move the story along. Plot devices like this quickly become boring.


> Inferior writers make inferior characters.


![](https://i.imgur.com/T0QTcxG.gif "")


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Long post alert, because this plays into so much of my frustration with the game's story, and what I think is bad writing in game stories in general.


1) I don't care much for children, I don't find them cute or endearing or whatever. And I especially do not like children in my entertainment because too many cheap and lazy writers try to be manipulative by using children to appeal to "parental instincts" instead of writing an actually compelling character, situation or overall story. Anet is definitely guilty of this, too. Taimi is simultaneously supposed to be the smartest and most competent person in the world and also a helpless child we're supposed to care ever-so-much about protecting, but don't anyone _dare_ to even think that she is a child in need of protection! The Rata Novus detour in HoT was very much in-your-face about that. You can't have it both ways, writers.


2) I don't like asura, with the exception of Tonn (RIP) and Warmaster Efut from the old personal story. Taimi is very much a stereotypical asura, which is why her whole "I'm SOOOOOOOOOO much smarter than everyone else and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO persecuted and unappreciated" angle is even more ridiculous. In case you hadn't noticed, kiddo, your entire culture is like that, and you too perpetuate it with your behavior towards others, so shut it.


3) Asura magitech in general and Taimi in particular have been a constant deus-ex-machina for far too long. Instead of exploring the rich diversity of the setting through the cornucopia of information-gathering and problem-solving tools it _should_ give us, far too often it's only magitech this that and everything, Taimi here there and everywhere. Where's the Norn spirituality? The sylvari Dream-lore? The actual technology ingenuity and unmatched martial discipline of the charr? (And the PC being allowed to be proficient in them, depending on thir race, while we're at it?) Yes, we get snippets like the Kodan flame-spirit or the druid's protection, but that is merely background fluff which is there one moment and gone the next. The vanilla PS had its flaws, but at least with its focus on the Pact and bringing everyone together, it did a much better job at showing that everyone contributes and is needed. Plus, Taimi gets to take exclusive credit for the notion that killing Elder Dragons is bad, despite that having been hinted at since vanilla and made quite clear by our vision in Omadd's Machine (which is, of course, magitech). But it is only acknowledged and turned into a plot point when _she_ "discovers" it.


4) Taimi is a writer's pet and maybe this game's #1 symptom of a writing style that I've come to have zero patience for: PC/NPC interactions being all about the PC providing characterization and development and care and support and a punching bag for the NPC without getting anything in return. That is the (primary) reason why I finally dropped Bioware despite having been a massive fan since BG1 revitalized a dying genre. If a game's story suggests that they'd much rather write novels about their pet NPCs than actual interactive fiction with the player character as something deserving the label of "character", nevermind "protagonist", I feel like I'm wasting my time. Doesn't mean I don't like important NPCs or always need to be #1 or don't want strong PC/NPC bonds -- but I want them to feel real and earned through _mutual, reciprocative_ care, curiosity and support. Otherwise they're just fake and hollow and end up feeling exploitative towards my character, which in turns makes her feel like a spineless doormat.


5) The writer's pet problem and my disgust with it also applies to NPC/NPC interaction in which the favored character gets to walk all over everyone else with no regard for the less-favored NPCs' personality or rank or whatever. Case in point: Taimi constantly spying on people, violating privacy, mouthing off, and never facing any consequences for any of it. It also manifests as the writer's pet being shoehorned into all sorts of interactions. Case in point: Taimi's omnipresence via that damn communicator.


6) The combination of only-ever-one-way interactions between PC and NPCs with the writer's pet syndrome _and_ the painful lack of racial dialog and RP options for the PC means that it often feels like Taimi has become more of a protagonist than the PC. She, not we, get to have actual friends who care about her. Oh and she also has an adoring krewe that she leads and manages like a pro while we get our face rubbed in how bad with people we are throughout LS3 ... and get dropkicked out of the Pact, and the Pact out of the story, lest anything distract from the all-important "biconics". She, not we, seems to be the catalyst of the bad joke that is Dragon's Watch coming together at last. She, not we, sets the tone of conversations and tells us what to do. And while I don't play asura, I bet that asura PCs were set up to be outstanding according to their culture's standards, just like the sylvari PC has a Wyld Hunt and the charr PC becomes a ranking offficer. So it must be especially galling for an asura PC to be reduced to a generic clueless yokel in order to make Taimi look smarter and vitally important.


Just compare the angst-fest that was Taimi's capture in the first episode of LS4, with the game going out of its way (in violation of basic GM/storytelling etiquette) to use status icons to tell us we're basically crapping ourselves with fear and guilt, and where eveyone pitches in, to the slapstick-and-crickets (lack of) reaction to the PC's actual, horrible death and impossible revival in PoF. Can't get any more in your face about who matters and has people care for them ... and who is not and does not. And who was the driving force behind turning the resurrection moment into slapstick instead of one with appropriate gravitas and emotional impact? Taimi.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's gotten to the point where Taimi is the last NPC I want to have involved in anything and grimace when her voice appears. We've been devolved into being Taimi's errand-runner despite being both seasoned adventurers and, you know, the player. I'm right sick of her. The brilliant prodigy with insight others missed is something that needs to be used sparingly, not at every possible opportunity.


Send Taimi to boarding school, have that communicator break, I don't care. She needs to be written out of the game.

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I see a lot of points against Taimi. And truth be told i dont like to admit it but i have to agree with you all. (haters) You are right she pretty is much the one who decides the game for us. But as i said before it is not her fault. I know it is irritating and annoying and it is not what you'd expect from a game but i dont to loose her from the game. She has this special place there in Dragons watch in my eyes. I agree with you that she needs to be changed. She needs to become less deus ex machina. And i agree that it would be just fine for her to shut up and let us players to decide the story...

But it is not possible. We are playing the game here and the game has only as many solutions as there are created. And for now there is only one way how to do story in this game. I must say that it is because of a vast community of players and because the story must match at its end for all of them otherwise we would not be able to play the game we do together. But you are right. She has become too much of a controler in game. AGAIN I WILL SAY IT IS NOT HER FAULT.

She is just the first logical solution for devs since she is asura. (smart one) and they have to deliver our tasks to us somehow. Problem is it was done so far only through her. Maybe now when braham and Rox came back to game it will change. MAybe not. And maybe devs will hear you out and kill her off. I will be sad if that would happen. But remember this. If Taimi will go there will be no one left to give you those ''orders'' = hints = tasks to do so the story might proceed and that means they will simply find another person = character to do it. Because there has to be some character doing it.

because the game has to match at its end and all missions because this is multiplayer game and we can play missions in groups (sometimes we have to for achies) so missions have to be the same and story is the same one for all of us all the time which means we have to get to those missions the same way all of us and that way has to be given to us and someone has to give it to us = Taimi at the moment. If she will dissapear there will be someone new. That is the inevidable true and we cant change it. So haters do hate but realize the reason as well please. Thank you


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I don't hate Taimi, but I was gritting my teeth fighting her golem in the recent story. How the crap can she have something that ridiculously powerful and still get captured? Invulnerability phases and huge AoE CC + burn was particularly annoying to have to wade through and here I am, risking my neck facing undead and what not while she's just reclining in the lab with mega-death-machine in the garage!?


At the end where it said "Survive her deadly barrage" I said "FUUUHHHck THAT!" and just hopped on my mount and left the platform.

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