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PvE Players... Do you think GW 2 would be better without PvP and WvW?


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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > well duh if you ask pve players if they think wvw or pvp is needed, theyll say no.

> >

> > wvw players or pvp players would answer the same with a reverse question


> No,they won't.


As a person who plays mostly pvp games, and gw2 wvw, i would say pve would be better w/o any kind of pvp, dev's could fully work for pve stuff.

Wich is what is game is ment for ... pve players.


Doing a pve game with awfull pve class design and force them to pvp is not a good thing, will always be under pve and behing lame gameplay,

Make a pve game based on mechanics designed for pvp and AvA gameplay is a good thing, easier to balance, and pvp will never sufer from how classes need to carry players on pve.

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I don’t care if others want to play PvP and WvW and make themselves toxic. It doesn’t affect me as a PvE player. Besides, sometimes people just want to kill people.

I do know that people who want legendaries but are PvE players hate doing the PvP/WvW for any needed items, but they’re already doing so much work anyway and could farm gold to buy those items off the TP instead.

So, I don’t care. Let the PvPers and WvWers smack each other.

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> @"sweetrules.8359" said:

> I'd be okay with them removing PvP. Not WvW though. They constantly balance WvW around PvP even though PvP has different stat sets, lower stat caps, Set 5v5 structure, and altogether just different way of being played. WvW should have been separated from PvP balance long ago, but they still haven't done so.


Is is different. WvW and spvp dont show up same numbers in skills on damage/duration etc.! You are wrong.

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I mad a post last week about this . under the name [Voting on making PvP separated from the core game (Installation only) ] and my idea was simple is to keep the gw2 client as it is and in the same time making a only spvp client and merge between NA and EU servers for pvp players only by making a directing NA players to EU servers when clicking on the spvp client. And change it name to something new like guild wars 2 clash of the masters or something like that.

And in the same time make a separated balance team for only pvp with good marketing ideas this project would be great for GW2 community and the 5gb max for the PVP client whould bring a lot more players .

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > > without PvP the game could be so much better, without PvE the game is bankrupt in months.

> > > >

> > > > selfish really, a mmorpg is a sum of its parts, and many many players play all parts of the game.

> > >

> > > selfish or thinking ahead, no PvP-only game survives for long without a huge baised fanbase behind it yet PvE-only games are online still and after decades.

> >

> > I am to take it you have been totally oblivious to the rise of the MOBA.


> I was partially forced to try MXM for an Aion outfit (that I never got btw) during one month early summer.

> Got mail like 3 weeks ago that it's shutting down in a month.


> Not everything MOBA works and not everyone is interested or care for MOBA.


> Played LoL for a solid 5 minutes in the tutorial and went "Nope, not for me."


and yet.. LoL topped the charts with 27 Million Active Players.. in 2012..


That is 27 million players, all playing at the same time. To give that perspective, GW2. sold 6 million copies over 4 years. MOBA's are far more successful then anyone realizes.

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Let’s say you finished all masteries, stories, got all collections. Crafting 500 and got all legendary armor and weapons. What’s next? Pvp and wvw. Battle all the people. That’s what the goal is. After you finish everything there is nothing left for pve. Which is why there’s dungeons. Raids. Pvp. And wvw. Don’t take those out. It would make people leave because there’s no content. When arenanet takes 2 years to make a new expansion. Takes couple months for each new living world season 4 episode, you have people who will leave cause nothing to do.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> Let’s say you finished all masteries, stories, got all collections. Crafting 500 and got all legendary armor and weapons. What’s next? Pvp and wvw. Battle all the people. That’s what the goal is. After you finish everything there is nothing left for pve. Which is why there’s dungeons. Raids. Pvp. And wvw. Don’t take those out. It would make people leave because there’s no content. When arenanet takes 2 years to make a new expansion. Takes couple months for each new living world season 4 episode, you have people who will leave cause nothing to do.


Because I'm bored and can't access the game, I'll indulge in a counterargument against this (that I'll probably regret later considering the nature of these forums).


Do you realize how much content there is in PvE alone? Do you realize that Anet keeps adding onto this? Have you taken a good look at what all these is to do in terms of collections and achievements in PvE alone, all of varying degrees of difficulty? This isn't even taking into account the ability to make alts to do the stories all over again for rewards, to level those alts up in terms of crafting, to get Legendary stuff for those alts. If I recall right, you can have upwards to 69 - 70 character slots. That's a lot of characters to do all that stuff on. There's also farming just for the sake of farming and there's even role playing (which I myself partake in on occasion).


Realistically, there's no end to PvE because from the perspectives of time available and the difficulty of some of the content, it would be literally impossible for everyone to do absolutely, positively everything available. It's also impossible because a lot of the content is repeatable and/or farmable. Some folks (like myself) are in a guild where we do Dungeons and Fractals on a weekly basis and repeat this content so none of us need to go to PvP or WvW for a so-called "content fix".


Not everyone is going to make the jump from PvE to PvP/WvW. There's quite a lot of folks who are just fine staying in PvE just like there are folks just fine staying in PvP/WvW.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > Let’s say you finished all masteries, stories, got all collections. Crafting 500 and got all legendary armor and weapons. What’s next? Pvp and wvw. Battle all the people. That’s what the goal is. After you finish everything there is nothing left for pve. Which is why there’s dungeons. Raids. Pvp. And wvw. Don’t take those out. It would make people leave because there’s no content. When arenanet takes 2 years to make a new expansion. Takes couple months for each new living world season 4 episode, you have people who will leave cause nothing to do.


> Because I'm bored and can't access the game, I'll indulge in a counterargument against this (that I'll probably regret later considering the nature of these forums).


> Do you realize how much content there is in PvE alone? Do you realize that Anet keeps adding onto this? Have you taken a good look at what all these is to do in terms of collections and achievements in PvE alone, all of varying degrees of difficulty? This isn't even taking into account the ability to make alts to do the stories all over again for rewards, to level those alts up in terms of crafting, to get Legendary stuff for those alts. If I recall right, you can have upwards to 69 - 70 character slots. That's a lot of characters to do all that stuff on. There's also farming just for the sake of farming and there's even role playing (which I myself partake in on occasion).


> Realistically, there's no end to PvE because from the perspectives of time available and the difficulty of some of the content, it would be literally impossible for everyone to do absolutely, positively everything available. It's also impossible because a lot of the content is repeatable and/or farmable. Some folks (like myself) are in a guild where we do Dungeons and Fractals on a weekly basis and repeat this content so none of us need to go to PvP or WvW for a so-called "content fix".


> Not everyone is going to make the jump from PvE to PvP/WvW. There's quite a lot of folks who are just fine staying in PvE just like there are folks just fine staying in PvP/WvW.


Well we are just different players honestly. I like intensity. And to me the collections aren’t really fun or has no real purpose to look forward to besides achievements. I’m not saying there isn’t enough content. I’m saying if you have finished all the collections. If you have finished all story. Finished map completion etc. then you might want to do something else. Instead of waiting for the new content. I know people who started during gw2 launch and they have finished those things. So saying there is no end, maybe to players who came later then the beginning, because were playing catch up.


Pof is much easier to finish compared to hot. So all I’m saying is for people who have already finished hot and pof content. However even though I haven’t finished everything yet and played almost two years. Even doing mostly pve, I tend to go to pvp, or fractals when taking a break from questing.


But that’s me. It’s most likely not you and that’s ok. All I’m saying is for people who tend to not wanting to do pve all day every day. And want some intensity, taking out pvp, and wvw is a bad thing.

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Personally I feel the dev team has been way to split up over the game modes. Yes, there should be a PvP element to the game, but we were promised some stuff at release (Mina's Target Shooting, anyone?) that wasn't ready, nor did we hear anything about it at all. Ever. It just didn't happen and no statement came out.


With HoT they promised too much and delivered not even a sliver of what we were expecting (that "new FULL set of legendary weapons!"). At least with PoF they didn't set the bar incredibly high with the announcement (learning from mistakes), and if people thought they did then they seem to have delivered.


My reasoning behind my vote is that it would be a better game without these modes, because the devs would be able to pool their resources into the one mode rather than splitting it up over 3, and worrying about skill balance and gear balance in all 3. I've come across so many issues in all game modes that haven't been touched on, and have seemingly been ignored. If 2/3 of the game was non-existant then they could at least try to get one game mode right, whether it be a PvP/PvE/WvW only game.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> Let’s say you finished all masteries, stories, got all collections. Crafting 500 and got all legendary armor and weapons. What’s next? Pvp and wvw. Battle all the people. That’s what the goal is. After you finish everything there is nothing left for pve. Which is why there’s dungeons. Raids. Pvp. And wvw. Don’t take those out. It would make people leave because there’s no content. When arenanet takes 2 years to make a new expansion. Takes couple months for each new living world season 4 episode, you have people who will leave cause nothing to do.


When I finished Mass Effect 3, Marvel Vs Capcom 3 all story completes with every character, Unlocking everything in Mario Kart *insert number* and whatever else game that has a mixture of "PvE" and "PvP" into it, I move onto the next game.

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This is a selfish and pointless post im sorry to say. Firstly, it leads to no purpose, only to endless bickering in a circle of different individual oppinions having different interest and like you mentioned; all 3 modes(pvp, wvw & pve) have their supporters in the game making as a whole of GW2 players.

I can just as easily throw out numerous problems I faced in all the modes(emphasized "i") but just because its a disadvantage,bad experience,lack of interest or etc for any of the modes mentioned does not mean others felt the same.

In my opinion, if one thinks either pvp/wvw or pve brings weakness/disadvantage instead of trying to remove it from the game, its better to think of ways to fix/improve it.(why not?same effort.)

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> My reasoning behind my vote is that it would be a better game without these modes, because the devs would be able to pool their resources into the one mode rather than splitting it up over 3, and worrying about skill balance and gear balance in all 3. I've come across so many issues in all game modes that haven't been touched on, and have seemingly been ignored. If 2/3 of the game was non-existant then they could at least try to get one game mode right, whether it be a PvP/PvE/WvW only game.


Not really. The thing is, no matter how much content they put in the game, it will still get exhausted in roughly the same time. There's the repeatable content, of course, but even that will tire you out if there are no alternatives. The PvP mode offer such an alternative, a change of pace if you like. Personally, I don't like sPvP and I don't play it. But I often get into WvW and while I remain primarily a PvE player I have to admit WvW has played a significant role in keeping me in the game. Whenever I get bored of all the PvE, my guild mates aren't on for some raiding and I've already done all the fractal dailies, I can simply join the efforts of my server. And because it is very different, I find myself enjoying the game again.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > My reasoning behind my vote is that it would be a better game without these modes, because the devs would be able to pool their resources into the one mode rather than splitting it up over 3, and worrying about skill balance and gear balance in all 3. I've come across so many issues in all game modes that haven't been touched on, and have seemingly been ignored. If 2/3 of the game was non-existant then they could at least try to get one game mode right, whether it be a PvP/PvE/WvW only game.


> Not really. The thing is, no matter how much content they put in the game, it will still get exhausted in roughly the same time.


At no point did I talk about exhausting the available content. I was talking about quality of content rather than quantity.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > My reasoning behind my vote is that it would be a better game without these modes, because the devs would be able to pool their resources into the one mode rather than splitting it up over 3, and worrying about skill balance and gear balance in all 3. I've come across so many issues in all game modes that haven't been touched on, and have seemingly been ignored. If 2/3 of the game was non-existant then they could at least try to get one game mode right, whether it be a PvP/PvE/WvW only game.

> >

> > Not really. The thing is, no matter how much content they put in the game, it will still get exhausted in roughly the same time.


> At no point did I talk about exhausting the available content. I was talking about quality of content rather than quantity.


Same thing, really. Quantity and quality both need time and effort to produce. I'm fairly sure ANet's PvP and WvW teams are small enough so they'll hardly make a real difference. Also the rest of my post you cut off in that quote is still valid. Quality helps to make content replayable, but only so much.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > My reasoning behind my vote is that it would be a better game without these modes, because the devs would be able to pool their resources into the one mode rather than splitting it up over 3, and worrying about skill balance and gear balance in all 3. I've come across so many issues in all game modes that haven't been touched on, and have seemingly been ignored. If 2/3 of the game was non-existant then they could at least try to get one game mode right, whether it be a PvP/PvE/WvW only game.

> >

> > Not really. The thing is, no matter how much content they put in the game, it will still get exhausted in roughly the same time.


> At no point did I talk about exhausting the available content. I was talking about quality of content rather than quantity.


I was mostly a PvE player, but there are so many things to do in pve that i was not able to finish yet.

Then i also tried a bit pvp/wvw side of the game and it is really refleshing to me. I have over 4k hours into the game so...

From my point of view, whoever able to finish the existing pve content and find nothing to do beside going pvp/wvw is exhausting game content.

PvE contents are very time consuming to create, and Anet has already doing a exceptional job to keep up the new contents in quality and quantity.

If they can remove RAID and focus thier resources into pvp/wvw class balancing, it will make GW2 a much better game for a long run.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > My reasoning behind my vote is that it would be a better game without these modes, because the devs would be able to pool their resources into the one mode rather than splitting it up over 3, and worrying about skill balance and gear balance in all 3. I've come across so many issues in all game modes that haven't been touched on, and have seemingly been ignored. If 2/3 of the game was non-existant then they could at least try to get one game mode right, whether it be a PvP/PvE/WvW only game.

> > >

> > > Not really. The thing is, no matter how much content they put in the game, it will still get exhausted in roughly the same time.

> >

> > At no point did I talk about exhausting the available content. I was talking about quality of content rather than quantity.


> Same thing, really. Quantity and quality both need time and effort to produce.


No, quality and quantity are by far different aspects of the one thing. Yes, both need time and effort to produce. That's about where the similarities end.


If it were up to me I would much prefer a good quality game with, perhaps, a smaller amount of content in it to a haphazardly rushed game with a lot of content. The latter is definitely what I've been seeing in the game updates recently. You can find a large quantity of crappy games on greenlight. Who knows if they have large amounts of content? No one cares because the quality is crap.


If you wish to continue this quality vs quantity debate you're not going to get it here. My original comment - as I've stated - was to do with quality.


> @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> From my point of view, whoever able to finish the existing pve content and find nothing to do beside going pvp/wvw is exhausting game content


"At no point did I talk about exhausting the available content. I was talking about quality of content rather than quantity."

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > > My reasoning behind my vote is that it would be a better game without these modes, because the devs would be able to pool their resources into the one mode rather than splitting it up over 3, and worrying about skill balance and gear balance in all 3. I've come across so many issues in all game modes that haven't been touched on, and have seemingly been ignored. If 2/3 of the game was non-existant then they could at least try to get one game mode right, whether it be a PvP/PvE/WvW only game.

> > > >

> > > > Not really. The thing is, no matter how much content they put in the game, it will still get exhausted in roughly the same time.

> > >

> > > At no point did I talk about exhausting the available content. I was talking about quality of content rather than quantity.

> >

> > Same thing, really. Quantity and quality both need time and effort to produce.


> No, quality and quantity are by far different aspects of the one thing. Yes, both need time and effort to produce. That's about where the similarities end.


> If it were up to me I would much prefer a good quality game with, perhaps, a smaller amount of content in it to a haphazardly rushed game with a lot of content. The latter is definitely what I've been seeing in the game updates recently. You can find a large quantity of crappy games on greenlight. Who knows if they have large amounts of content? No one cares because the quality is crap.


> If you wish to continue this quality vs quantity debate you're not going to get it here. My original comment - as I've stated - was to do with quality.


In the context of your original statement, they are one and the same. They both require adding extra manpower and you won't get enough of it from the pvp teams for either. From the PoV of the user they are of course different, but that has no relevance to your original point.

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Though I only do PVE, the game could not continue without the other modes. The only problem I have with current balance patches is each mode needs it's own kind of balance, any one size fits all changes generally create more problems given their infrequency. This leads to making certain content overly difficult for specific professions or in the case of Meta, professions that can't even play on par with the rest.

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Of coarse it would be, not because, I don't play either mode (I do just not as hardcore as I used to.) but because it would remove most of the toxicity that players of these two modes throw around at each other, either on a individual level or blatantly attacking players of a certain server, ect. There was a pretty big reason ANet removed the server match up discussions from the forums, and that was the share amount of passive-aggressive/aggressive/toxic ect. goings on in those threads, where certain individuals would stand out among the rest and receive the majority of belligerent comments and insults, or how one server behaved in WvW (Using too much siege.) ect. I feel that the core of the game and its content could have had a larger focus and had more goings on, if ANet didn't have to worry about the players who came to a largely PvE game, in search of player vs. player content.

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As I said before on this Topic, WvW was supposed to be the "End Game" after people got their gear and began to look for a challenge.


But lets be real, they really did a bad job with WvW. The Rewards are Bad, the game Mechanics are always far behind PvE (Gliding, and now Mounts), The maps are old an stale (Alpine), or made by people who have no idea how to WvW (Desert). Its in a pretty dismal place, and that's a crying shame, since anyone can see they were trying to set this up as the "final game mode" and its became more.. this disowned step child mode.

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