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Are you satisfied with the armor designs of your race/gender?


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> @"Silyth.7382" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > More pants, less buttcapes.


> Thank you, that is exactly correct.


> I think heavy armor pains me the most. Most of the lower armor parts are just skirt things and are rediculously stiff. I get that a few are supposed to be plates (how that doesn't slice up an characters legs as they run is beyond me). But every single piece is super stiff. Only the kodan leggings has soft parts. I get it, they are trying to convey heavy armor. But what about chain? It should hang and move like cloth. But fit the heavy idea.


> And then the shoulder guards for Charr. I play primarily Charr and most are Ash. How am I supposed to sneak through anything without getting wedged with 90% of shoulder guards? They are too massive. Need some lean ones to balance out.


Skirt things or dangly bits on the hips. Someone at ANet seems to really love large hips and big butts >_>

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> @"Dashiva.6149" said:


> Now I'm curious about your characters, especially the Soulbeast. Mind sharing some pics?


I just popped on and grabbed one of her!


![](https://i.imgur.com/SEJ2Mr4.jpg "")


Unfortunately it's night in game, but principle dyes are Celestial, Night Song, Hydrangea, and Silver.

Armor Pieces: Elonian top (the one I got for completing PoF story)

Carapace shoulders

Wolf bracers and boots

Predator legs.

Crystal dragon wings backpack/glider


Zodiac torch and dagger.

I sometimes use the glint's gaze mask, but most time I just leave headgear off completely.


She's my ice queen and I love her.... now if ONLY I looked like her, right? :D


ETA: I really hated the elonian stuff, until I got the top. In fact I can't stand all the other pieces to it, but that top is really great. I used to have her all in Wolf set with the carapace shoulders and I liked it, but this look I just love :D


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I play Sylvari, every cultural armor piece has a kitten buttcape somewhere! I want some simple tight leafy clothes but NOT OUTFITS! I don't mind "normal" clothes on my Sylvari but those have too many buttcapes as well... I want more tight stuff like Sneakthief, Profane, Krytan, etc...

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> @"Noa.7490" said:

> Less trench coats, less human/norn female armors that look straight out of a Victoria's Secret catalog, less obvious boobs in armors. For the latter check this link for reference: ---> https://imgur.com/gallery/SXqji

Oh, the breast shelf on heavy armor for females is a complete embarrassment. For one, it just looks awful. For two, it's impractical, dangerous even, and is thought to have never been used in real life. I won't wear most of it.

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> @"Noa.7490" said:

> > Less trench coats, less human/norn female armors that look straight out of a Victoria's Secret catalog, less obvious boobs in armors. For the latter check this link for reference: ---> https://imgur.com/gallery/SXqji


We think alike. I put together this little gallery of female armor with no hubcaps, traffic cones, or peekaboo panels.


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> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> Bias in poll options as usual.


Not quite. If I wanted to create a biased poll, I could certainly do a far better job than this. I would give far more limited options, make most if not all the choices state the same thing, and would not offer an "other" option.


Do I have a preference of the choices? Of course. Such as in the "Should there be a GW 3 expansion?" thread. I would love a GW 3, but I gave various options that are for, not for, and partially of both. The results were split, but the majority by a few was directly "No" there should not be a GW 3, and those who don't want to even think of GW 3 at the moment. Regardless of what you think the bias is of a poll I created, the results are ultimately the same.


You have an option. Use it and make your own choice known. You can also create your own poll that meets what you would qualify as non-biased. If other's choices are so easily swayed to something you feel a poll is biased toward, then they probably didn't have a strong sense of their choice in the first place. I'd like to give our community a little more credit than that however.

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The community spent a very long time, over many years giving constructive feedback about armour - more specifically the legendary medium set.


Players requested over and over “less trench coats” and the much belated release of legendary armour saw us completely ignored and given a trenchcoat armour. It even makes my Sylvari on the thinnest model look bulky.


I hope we have alternatives to legendary armour looks in the future or armours more on-par with them - legendary racial armours anyone?

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I'm a weirdo. I don't mind butt capes or trenchcoats-- at least they're sort of reasonable and modest. But light armor is completely awful. I've had it with bras, garter belts, and weird random cutouts.


I'd kill for some pants. Some simple shirts. Maybe the Durmand Priory's female uniform.

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This is an instance where the GW2 art team need to realize that the vast majority (of even the vocal minority) are unhappy with the current state of armor.


They need to start experimenting with things that aren't outfits. Put out pieces that aren't trench coats or skirts and see how it's liked.


Don't make an entire set or dedicate time to making 50 leggings. Just make 1 or 2 and see what the community says.

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