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Legendary weapon owners: share your stories and insights

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I just started my long path towards getting The Dreamer. The path which will take me many months to complete. I was wondering whether the owners of legendary weapons could share their advises in this crafting :)


Which weapon(s) did you craft?

How long did it take to reach your goal?

What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?

Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?


In general all the stories are welcome :)

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I've crafted, in order, The Flameseeker Prophecies, Incinerator, Bolt, Sunrise, Twilight, Eternity, The Ascension, and 2x Juggernauts (I sold both of these).

Timing wise FSP took me about 8months, Incin about 4months, Bolt/Sunrise/Twil/Ascension all took about 1-2months. Juggernauts took 3days. The thing is as you become more experienced with the game and learn more methods to acquire gold/mats it becomes easier/quicker to amass gold and create weapons.

Biggest pitfalls were probs spending money on other shinies that came out, I spent a lot of money buying random stuff instead of saving up for my legendaries.

My advice would be to do map completion first, then mystic clovers, the get the precursor and then slowly complete the other gifts. Map completion first as it helps you acquire mats along the way to getting Gift of Exploration. Assuming you're using the mystic forge for mystic clovers the recipe has a chance to give you T6 mats for your gift of fortune so you could save a bit of coin there. Lastly I just like having the precursor so I feel compelled to finish the legendary instead of spending my gold on other things.

In general remember to have fun so you don't get burnt out, and slowly work your way to it!

P.S. For The Dreamer if you're aiming to save gold I'd buy the precursor outright as it's only 220ish gold right now. https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/30686-The-Dreamer Is a website you can use to track the costs of the materials needed.


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i crafted for me in order : HOPE, Incinerator, Quip, Dreamer, Predator and alot of legendaries that i have sold or for other people.

for HOPE i did collect like 1000 gold than build 3-4x kaitkin in one night and instant sold them so i had like 3k gold and then just ordered all the materials while doing the collection. for the other legendaries i did pretty much the same just without having to do collections so it was not really a journey for me i guess.

to get the first 1k gold i just did turn some spirit shards(as WvW player you will drown in them) into gold using gw2efficiency or what that site is called.

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I made the Dreamer, though I must admit I bought the lover (t1 precursors are usually much cheaper to simply buy than to do their "legendary moneysinks"). I've had it for a while, and I still cherish it - I think it's the best weapon in the game... of any game! I personally think most of the other legendries are a total waste of time though, but mileage and tastes will vary.


My tips for making it?

~ Do Bitterfrost Frontier every day. Save up ALL the unbound magic, and buy the T6 material bags. Sell the things you don't need to buy more bags.

~ Save up your laurels, and buy T6 material bags from the vendor.

~ Never sell your ectos or t6 materials (unless you have excess).

~ Do your fractal dailies and dailies for that loot (preferably in WvW - you need that gift of battle~!)

~ You need hard gold to buy recipes and Icey rune stones - take this into account.

~ Make sure the legendary is for you. If, at any point, you decide the legendary isn't worth it, then give up (or make it and sell it). Otherwise, it's a waste of gold.

~ Find a nice friend to help you out in the last leg - you will be impatient. And make sure to pay them back once you're finished - none of that "but I thought it was a gift" bs.

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I completed first the Bifrost and then The Shining Blade. Bifrost took me half a year and the pre was the last component I acquired. Actually I put all my finished gifts into the forge, took them out again, placed 4 exotic staves in there and got the pre (before that I spent about 700 g on mf gambling).


The Shining Blade went a lot faster, however I turned quite a bit of laurels into materials to complete it. Also I bought all the wood and mithril when everyone sold theirs to get gold for the griffon.


My tip is: liquidize everything you don't need for the legy. Why are you collecting and hoarding materials? To fulfill your expensive wishes and to turn into gold when you need it. And crafting a legy is that moment. Don't worry, after you have your legy, you will have enough time to refill your storage before taking on the next big project.

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The Dreamer was my first legendary too. :D It took me about 18 months in total but I've had it for a few years and never regretted it.


I think my biggest pitfall was getting burnt out on making it. I did it back when you couldn't craft the precursor (and as a result the prices were much, much higher). I spent 7 months saving up the 800 gold I needed to buy it from the TP, selling everything I could sell and holding off on buying anything that wasn't essential, and when I finally got it I...stopped playing for about a month and didn't work on my legendary again for another month after that because I was so sick of it. (Which I suppose means it really only took me 16 months to make.)


Other than that (and kind of related to it) my advice would be to plan ahead. I've made 2 legendaries in total and both times my first step was to make a spreadsheet with _everything_ I'll need in the order I'll need it. This serves 3 purposes:

1. It allowed me to plan ahead - when I got to a point where all I needed was time-gated materials I could see what else I'd need in future and start working on that, and when I started looking for things to sell I knew what I needed to save.

2. I knew what order to do things in - for example making Mystic Clovers before getting the T6 materials for the Gifts of Might and Magic because the recipe gives T6 mats.

3. It allowed me to see my progress. When I first started I made this huge list of things I needed, then filled in all the stuff I already had, like 60% map completion and enough karma to get all the Obsidian I'd need, and it made it seem a bit less overwhelming. And whenever I felt like I had way too much left to do I could look back at what I'd already done and realise it was possible to do the rest too.


(One other bit of advice, probably more relevant to The Dreamer than any other legendary: make sure you're absolutely certain you want to make that one - that you're not going to get bored with it or sick of it after a while. It's literally a novelty, that one more so than any other legendary, and you don't want to spend all that time and effort making it only to find the novelty wears off and you want to get rid of it.)

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My first legendary was Twilight (which I promptly sold if I remember correctly).


Took me a good year almost to finish it with a lot of grinding (anyone remember the Frost Gorge champion train?), taking breaks from the game due to burnout and saving tons of gold to buy the precursor (after losing a good 3-400g on the mystic forge with no luck).


Ever since then I've made a couple more legendarys (another Twilight, Sunrise which then turned into Eternity to sell, 2x Bolt which I both sold, The Shining Blade, Full Legendary light armor, Legendary fractal back piece, Aurora). While spending around 2k gold on crafted ascended armor and weapons over the entire time.


Here is my personal recommendations:


- this is a long term goal. Make sure you treat it as such. You will burn out otherwise. Many others have or where unhappy with the result after such an intense session.

- use gw2efficiency to plan ahead (nothing like having everything together only to realize you are missing the Gift of Battle and now have to spend 6-8 hours playing wvw last minute. If planed ahead a long enough time, you can use daily chests to complete the chest reward without every seriously playing wvw for example)

- use times where resources are cheap (like right now) and stock up on some of the more expensive stuff

- NEVER spend all your gold. keep a mild reserve of 50-200g as absolute minimum. You might want to try a different character and need to gear him, the meta might change and you might have to adjust, a really cool holiday skin might be temporarily available, etc.

- Mystic clovers are a kitten, get those done early (or if you are into fractals, use the new merchants purchase to circumvent the rng)

- use the reward tracks in spvp and wvw to get mystic clovers (many one time only tracks give 7 clovers for completion, absolutely worth it)

- be sure it's the legendary you want. keep resources in a state where they can be sold or converted in case you decide to stop or change legendarys

- if you have enough resources, consider selling your first legendary. The profit per legendary is around 400-600g after taxes which accounts approximately for the account bound materials (mostly the gift of exploration).

- start double and triple considering your purchases. Gold not spent is gold earned. Nothing like spending 80-100g on gearing that alternate character in best in slot runes and sigils to make you feel bad 2 hours later.

- have fun while crafting the legendary. Try to set small goals like weekly things (this week I want to make 5 mystic clovers) and don't over do the grind

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I made Astralaria,


I didn't keep track of how long! XD


The things that threw me off the most:

Endless grinding for deldrimor steel.

Not realizing I would still need more of the stuff I thought I was done with. (Inaccurate ingredient list online was the only guide I found)

Some inaccurate hints as to where to make the star charts

But the thing that caused me the most horror was my own foolish mistake. I had to make a star chart by a mastery point high in the canopy of Verdant Brink. I immediately assumed it was the one at the top of the hellacious jumping puzzle inside the airship, which I had rated impossible (and scary) and never done. So I spent hours working on it, finally got to the top, only to discover I was in the wrong place...the star chart had to be made by the easy-to-reach mastery point. The one I had landed next to on my way to JP Hell.


Advice to people about to craft Astralaria:

1. I did post a ticket, so maybe they will alter (or have altered) the bad hints on where to make the star charts, and in any case, there is the wiki (which I added a little to) but here are the star chart locations that are hinted incorrectly.

Dierdre's Steps - It says to make your star chart 'near the chest.' It is NOT near the chest. It is half way up to the cantle of the sun, where there's a big rock or lump near the bridge of mushrooms.

Wall Breach Blitz - It says 'near the chest' again. There is no chest at this JP. I tried it by the hero point, no good. I was about to jump down and try it by the vista when I noticed a green-labelled raven sitting on the edge of the wall. I tried the star chart standing close to it, and it worked.

Verdant Brink- Read what I said above about the canopy mastery point. :D

2. The orichalcum nodes in the PoF maps never gave me any meteorite ore at all. Probably best to stay in the HoT and LS3 maps.

3. Read all your recipes ahead of time so you aren't caught by surprise when it needs something you've been selling off to save mining time.


Good luck with your quest! It is a beautiful weapon, and worth the trouble!

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I've crafted Meteorlogicus. It took me about 4.5 years to make because I'm a casual who took lengthy breaks more than once.


The biggest pitfall for me was not entirely my fault. By the time I finalized which legendary I wanted, there were rumors of a precursor scavenger hunt and by the time I really was focused on getting my legendary, HoT had been announced and I knew we were getting precursor crafting. I would much rather smaller chunks to work toward than one big one or relying on RNG. Even if it meant I spent more time and money over all. Which meant that the precursor was the last thing I needed. And there were glitchy events tied to T3 of the collection for Storm. Getting stuck at the glitchy events (simple easy events, too) was disheartening especially since there didn't seem to be any progress towards fixing them. And I had nothing else to work toward for the precursor or legendary.



Decide early on if you want to craft or buy your precursor. Don't wait until you've got everything else, especially if you're leaning towards crafting the precursor. You don't want to be like me who had to twiddle her thumbs and pray that the map generated a new copy and it didn't glitch out the event right when I was there (which meant patch day or when that map was the daily events map).


Decide how you want to get your Mystic Clovers before you get all of the T6 mats you need. If you decide to go the Mystic Forge way, you'll get a number of T6 mats while trying to get Mystic Clovers.


But the biggest piece of advice I have is to not rush it. You don't want to get the legendary and then be burnt out on the game.

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I Crafted 3x the incinerator in order to sell em.

I Crafted H.O.P.E. for myself because it is awesome... the devourer queen event took me a week ( i do hope that it's fixed now ). Had to cooperate with others in order to check during the week and at the end i had to wait for the server reset.

I gave a shot to craft a precursor. Never again.


I don't really care about leggies, since they forced you to one single path with GEN 2 ( i could use focus or staff, but it's a pita. I would like to be able to pay others as for GEN 1, with the cash i got from other modalities i like ).




* do not farm specific items. farm gold efficiently and play the game the way you want if you want a break.

* Always ask different players for the best way to achieve something, then compare to the golds/hour you can get from the best map.

* Consider to use the monthly chest to get Mystic Clovers, because MF could be a waste of money. Every 308 days you will have 77 clovers = what you need for a legendary weapon.

* Consider to craft your precursor ONLY if you have currencies to spare. If you have to farm currencies, better farm golds and buy it from TP.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> * Always ask different players for the best way to achieve something, then compare to the golds/hour you can get from the best map.


Good advice, especially asking different players. I'd also say consider what you know about the person/people you're asking when you get that advice. If someone tells you it's possible to get all the gold you'll need in 5 days of farming X map bear in mind they might literally mean 5 full day - 8+ hours of doing nothing but farming that map and emptying your bags. If someone says WvW is the best way to get Mystic Clovers but you hate WvW remember they might think it's the best just because it's something they like doing anyway and it doesn't necessarily mean you have to do it that way. Other people are great for advice and options, but it's important to decide what's best for you as well.


And on that note - crafting precursors vs. buying them. In the majority of cases it's more expensive to craft them so a lot of people will tell you to buy them. And if spending as little as possible and/or doing it as quickly as possible are your only considerations that's good advice. But having bought one precursor and crafted another (which I knew for a fact was several hundred gold more expensive than simply buying it) I'd doubt I'd ever buy one again. I hated constantly feeling under pressure to farm and save gold, and feeling like I might never get there any time I saw the price go up. As I said before after I finally bought my precursor I quit the game for a bit because I was sick of the whole process. Crafting it was much more relaxed - I could go at my own pace because the requirements weren't going to change, what I needed to do was much more varied and IMO interesting (and I made The Bifrost, not one typically praised for having a good theme to it) and every time I finished a step, whether it was a whole tier or just one part of the collection I felt like I was making progress in a way I never did when I was just watching the gold in my wallet go up slowly. When I finished it I was actually excited to carry on with crafting the finished legendary.


I'm not saying everyone will prefer crafting it, or that everyone should. For some people it'd be a terrible idea. But just looking at the cost involved in each method isn't considering all the relevant information IMO.

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> Which weapon(s) did you craft?

Nevermore was my first one.


> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> How long did it take to reach your goal?

Roughly 4 months.


> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?

Tier 2 collection, which is a long and tedious material sink and took me considerable time to complete because I didn't have much resources at my disposal.

Then the amalgamated gemstones, which I mostly crafted out of gem orbs in a long and painful process for the same reason.


> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?

Don't hesitate to start. I started with 100g.

Don't settle for what looks "easier". Pick the one you really want and go for it.

And most importantly, take it easy. Don't rush it. There's no point to burn yourself out of the game while trying to finish a legendary - you won't be able to enjoy it. Which is the whole point. Try to immerse yourself in the process.

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All the replies are really inspiring. I see some common advises which is great. I never tried WvW, but I see that I better start getting to know it because it is necessary for this.


One more question - I see that you can obtain 2 gifts of exploration per character which ends with max 2 legendaries per character? How do you craft more than 2?

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> All the replies are really inspiring. I see some common advises which is great. I never tried WvW, but I see that I better start getting to know it because it is necessary for this.


> One more question - I see that you can obtain 2 gifts of exploration per character which ends with max 2 legendaries per character? How do you craft more than 2?


You don't (for generation 1 legendarys). You either pay someone and give him all the trad-able materials while compensating him for his account bound materials (careful here, only guildies or people you trust) or you do world completion on another character for 2 more gifts.

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> All the replies are really inspiring. I see some common advises which is great. I never tried WvW, but I see that I better start getting to know it because it is necessary for this.


> One more question - I see that you can obtain 2 gifts of exploration per character which ends with max 2 legendaries per character? How do you craft more than 2?


Make new character. map-complete core Tyria, get 2 more gifts. It's quite fast now that we have mounts.

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> I just started my long path towards getting The Dreamer. The path which will take me many months to complete. I was wondering whether the owners of legendary weapons could share their advises in this crafting :)


> Which weapon(s) did you craft?

> How long did it take to reach your goal?

> What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?

> Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?


> In general all the stories are welcome :)


I have all. About half of the original set were bought off TP.


It took about 1.5 years to get them all.


I guess obtaining the obby and spirit shards since I don’t play as often anymore.


Only advice that I have is to be efficient when going for it such as crafting clovers before going for the T6 mats. Gift of Battle can be done slowly through easy WvW dailies. Many can be done without any interaction with others.

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I made Incinerator, HOPE, Quip, Juggernaut, and the Flameseeker Prophecies. I'm currently working on the Shining Blade (just finished Save the Queen).


The real trick, IMO, is to never forget your goal. As you go through your normal playtime, spend a few minutes focused on your goal, or doing something that may help you towards your goal. If there are any quests or collections in the way that don't require mats, knock them out first. It also helps to have a steady income stream. I do t4 fractals almost every day, which nets me 10-15g per day. Over time, that really allows me to purchase a lot of the mats instead of farming for them.


Once you've made your first legendary, your next few will get easier. You'll start to understand the process and start building out the materials before you even need them. For example, I make mystic clovers whenever I have the necessary mats. This also gets me a lot of t6 mats in the process. Then when a legendary rolls around that I want, oh hey, I have most of the expensive mats already. Those that I don't have I can make up for with all the laurels I've been saving up. Most recently I've been working on legendary armor too, and I already had all the mystic clovers I needed. Was kind of funny actually.

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The only legendaries I haven't made are Eureka, Flames of War, Shooshadoo and HMS Divinity.


There is soo much, that almost seems like it can be overwhelming, especially tier 3 legendaries and the raw need for mithril and elder in the 10000's. What you need to do is break it down into base elements - Which gift, or weapon part do I create first? what do I have? What can I farm quickly? What requires the most time?


There are a few items that you may just need to take the plunge and recupe costs later.

- Mystic Coins

- Amalgamated Gemstones

- Mystic/Icy Runestones

- t3/4 for mystic tribute (nobody wants to waste time farming in a down-leveled zone)

- t5's for mystic Curios. Since each curio needs 35, multiplied by 280 or so for the shards to create stage 1, 2 weapon, precursor +100 for gift to finalise weapon.


There are some materials that it's better off buying straight off the tp -Mithril specifically, you can't farm mithril as efficiently as buying it, the time you spend farming the mithril needed, is time you can spend farming other stuff of better value to recupe the cost of mithril. E.g. you do a run of Tarir and get a few black diamonds you sell them and you already have a stack of mithril ingots in value, freshwater pearls from mussels are about 6-7g which is about the price for 2 stacks etc. I personally actually find it easier sometimes farming rarer materials and assuming the value from there - 1 pearl is 2 stacks, I need 20 stacks, I just need 10 freshwater pearls. You can break it down however you desire.


Their is also one slight difficulty now since the inflated price of mystic coins, and that's clovers, they used to be really efficient to cover your t6's and get the clovers you needed. Now it's probably not remotely profitable, I don't even think you break even now. If you are in for a longer journey or are patient, you can get clovers from bitterfrost bags and wvw reward tracks (be aware it's only 2 clovers per completed track since Anet nerfed them from 7 in desert track). Or take the plunge and craft them, it's entirely upto you how much disposable gold you want to waste on RNG with the coins.


Save mystic tribute for last. With the farming you do to make gift of maguuma mastery (which is farming 1150 currency per HoT map + 250 crystalline ore + the combined map currency for the machete pods in Dragon stand umm 1250 aurillium/ley/airship parts guaranteed for 250 ore) you can get a decent chunk of raw materials you might need. I tend to start a legendary with Maguuma mastery, and then each subsequent smaller task, even if you have to make the precursor, make the gifts you need ahead of time, then you know anything extra you can sell along the way.


Remember, remember, remember, remember and remember - daily ecto-refinement for ascended crafting materials, even if you don't make the finished product, get the time gated part done, because every legendary uses ascended crafting materials.

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I have made a total of 12 leggies, mostly for guardian... the exception is The Incinerator which is both my first and on my thief. Dropped The Spark 2-3 months before HoT, and it was also the easiest one since i had all the mats for it. I had to do The Citadel of Flames for tokens. Dont think i spent more than 1 month to make it. Second was Twilight, plan was to get it made before Hot was released. Farmed SW for the gold and mats. Needed 5 weeks in total. Then after HoT i went through the collection for Kudzu. think i spent 4-5 months on that because i got a bit stuck on mapping Hot maps. Eternity also accounts for Sunrise which i did through collection. 2-3 motnhs for the collection ones. Nevermore and Astralaria are my most recent ones, with the Nevermore at the beginning of the year, and astralaria finished last week. Komohali Kotaki and Kraitkin to fill all wepslots with leggies. :)


Also have Bolt, Flameseeker Prophecies and The Minstrel.


Crafted Frostfang as backup plan for astralaria because i got stuck on the "Long way around" mini-dungeon, luckily it popped as daily within the last month. Only one i have sold.


At some points along the way i have pvp'ed or wvw'ed for dungeon tokens just in case, to have tokens ready. Was also my excuse to try pvp to begin with.


One tip is to save the T6 mats for the last, you are likeley to drop some underway.

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I take a less directed approach to Legendaries now.


1. For Gen 1, compare the price of a Pre on TP to the crafting cost. Odds are it'll be significantly cheaper to just buy it. I would only recommend doing the Pre-crafting if the collection gives you a Toy item you'd want, or itself is entertaining. Kudzu has you making a Garden, which is surprisingly entertaining. The Juggernaut has you produce a Quick Silver potion, which gives you the metal skin effect that you can use with any weapon.

2. Don't start a crafting Project for a Pre or Gen 2 without at least 60 each Spirit wood residue and Mithrilium. Preferably 120 each. Even if your project doesn't need one type, you can craft them in parallel and later sell it on the TP for extra cash you might need. You can also check with the guild, as someone may be willing to swap materials for ones you need. BTW, its advisable to keep T7 Daily materials in their account bound form, until you intend to use them. The Grandmaster marks are useful for discount weapons/armor, but the daily craft becomes a bastard if you need them.... and seeing the direction collections are going, this seems to be becoming increasingly more important to not refine into a dead end materials until you're ready to use them. Keep in mind that you can always buy Deldremoir steel and Spirit wood, and gold is much less time consuming to farm then waiting on daily craft to save a hand full of silver.

3. Regardless of which generation you want to craft, hoard find materials in amounts where you can readily craft any particular one, and convert excess into either gold or sellable items you can hold for market spikes. So 500 each T6, ~1500 each T5s, ~ 100 lode stones, convert excess T5s into Mystic Curios (provided they're on the cheaper side), sell the more valuable T5s on the TP (like bloods) for gold or flip for cheaper mats to make more Curios. Curios always see a massive price hike when a living story chapter has a good weapon associated with it, so its a great time to sell off for gold, and then wait out the market for the price of T5 common mats to drop so you can make your own. If you have multiple projects in mind, hold on to the fine mats, and compress/refine as much of the of the common ones as you can.

4. Protip, if you need more storage space, you can craft a Gift of Fortune and salvage it for its materials if you change your plans later.

5. Have at least 500g on hand before starting the crafting phases. The gain rates of materials varies heavily depending on where you farm, so theres always going to be a situation where you have a shortage of something thats not worth directly farming for the amounts you need. That gold is to cover contingencies so you're not totally stalled out when close to finishing. Also, don't be afraid to buy stacks of stuff when they appear to be cheap.... especially with T5 mats, due to the amount you need to keep up with Asc refinement.

6. If you're doing legendary armor, plan the entire thing out in advance. These things are a PAIN, and involve a lot of daily and weekly time gates.... so losing even one day could potentially cost you a whole extra week.

7. For any Legendary project, always start by working on Clovers before any other material farm. Crafting clovers has a 33% success rate, but gives you other materials if it fails. This will give you a small start on materials, and something easy to focus on early in the process. Do the singles recipe if you're only planning on doing one item (more reliable), but the 10x recipe has a decent chance of saving you a couple of rolls if you have the materials to risk, and plan on doing 2 or more weapons/armor sets. If you're getting clovers from PvP or WvW, you can ignore this advice. If you're already a fractal farmer, you can get Clovers from Fractal vendors now too.

8. oh... and Max out all your Crafting disciplines first. You don't need to max them all the way, but you will need 400 for the Gifts and to start doing T7 refinement.

9. If you have access to the Living Story seasons 3, Magic warped Bundles are huge money savers. Buy bundles with Unbound Magic +1g (nearly always give a good return).

10. If you WvW, the Skirmish rewards also give you Mist warped packets and bundles, which have a chance to give you a T7 refined mat. Besides that, its also a nice drip feed of materials that, while not immediately substantial, does add up over time. The POF reward tracks are also high yield on materials and high value trash loot; and are well worth unlocking and running.


Miscellaneous tips.

- Add Drytop to your daily routine. Gather all 3 open Quartz nodes, and fuse a Charged Quarts if you have enough (you want to have around 40-50 total, as its enough to make Celestial set for WvW). If the Map is T4, or looks like it'll hit T4 before the sandstorm (xx:40min after the hour), stick around and do the event train for Geodes, and get the Rich quartz node at Skritt Queen once it opens. Skirtt only opens on T4 or higher, which is why you want to pay attention to that. Excess quartz is worth about 5s each. You NEED Geodes for Pre-Crafting and the Original Gen 2 weapons, due to one of the steps. Gen 2.5 legendaries don't require it. In that same vein, its also worth doing a Blooming Passiflora run in South Sun when it crosses your mind, since you'll need 25 Passion flowers and Some Karka Shells for the same crafting step as the geodes.

- Watch the TP market flow carefully for declines in Mystic Coin prices, as these take forever to come back down after a spike. You'll need at least 250 Coin (in addition to the clovers) for Gen 2 weapons..... so buy some when the price is relatively low, as it saves you a bunch of headaches later on. The same goes for Amalgamated Gemstones, as its roughly the same price as trying to make them yourself when the prices are stable; but during periods of high demand, you can make more money selling the orbs, and waiting for the Amalg prices to creep back down after the surge settles. The thing about Amag gems is that there is an alternate source from HOT map meta dailies that will give you an Amalg gem as one of the rewards. When demand is low, this daily reward creeps its price down over time, and may be drop below that of the Orb cost to craft them. Both of these items are a huge pains to farm yourself due to their time gates, so paying attention to the market for some cost opportunity will substantially ease the frustration in the long run. And while their component cost is relatively small in the total cost of the project, they are incredibly frustrating if you're the type of person that is using a crafting project as farming motivation.... ie: less cost efficient to target farm certain materials, but will want to do it for a change of pace, or to conserve gold.

- Save champ bags, especially ones you easily get stacks of, and then open them on a mid-tier level character. The way champ bag drop tables work, is they always yield their normal T5/T6 drops, including the named exotics, but blue/green/rare will be level appropriate. The reason you want to do this, is its the only semi-reliable way to get T4 Cloth and Leather, which are consistently the most expensive of the 3 needed to make refined T7 materials for armor sets. (lvl 55 mule is roughly the optimal to do this on) Keep in mind that you're still getting T5/6 Fine mats regardless of the character level, and the champ bags themselves are a decent source of of that.... so the only loss is the occasional rare not being high enough to salvage for ecto (at 3% drop rate is not that substantial), and not generating bloodstone dust. Champ bags are also a decent source of additional coin (avg 1-3s each), so keep that in mind while your opening them.


Now the LS4 rewards are kind of driving material prices down across the board, so generating liquid gold by way of material sales is kind of a pain right now. Its kind of hard to say how this will affect expensive/rare materials in the long term, but you do want to take advantage of the material dumps Anet does this time year to get materials you need in bulk at lower price. And Don't blow all your Karma on Wintersday....... knowing Anet, you'll need it for something else later on.

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I used to main a warrior when the game come out. I wanted to make myself a cool looking sword, and I really liked how Twilight looked. To get the gold for it I soloed and sold quite a few dungeon runs.


Since that, a few years in, I swapped to a thief and wanted to make an Incinerator for myself. Wardrobe was introduced, but it was still before Eternity was made cool - So I decided to make a Sunrise instead to make an Eternity and then sell it for 4800 gold - I would still get to have Sunrise and Twilight skins and get 4800 gold for my troubles(Rather than using a TP, I exchanged gold for an Eternity via mail with a stranger, who trusted me and sent me gold first.), which I promptly used to buy an Incinerator and some cool gem shop thingies.


Now, with path of fire release, I'm playing a spellbreaker. It is great being able to use an Incinerator on my Warrior, and I really enjoy the counterplay style of a Spellbreaker. My only regret is that they made Eternity cool after I sold it, and now that I want it again, my best bet is buying it straight from a trading post, since it's cheaper this way than to craft it.

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Built: The Bifrost

Completion time: From Checking on the wiki for the first time to Pulling it out of the Forge: approx. 9 months of continued play. (see foot note)

Major pitfalls: Can't remember any major setbacks so I probably avoided most of them successfully.

Tipps for starting the Hunt:

* Immerse yourself. Take your time and enjoy the ride.

* On the Gold end of things: set yourself a threshold below which you don't spend (in my case 200g). Whenever you have excess gold above it buy the materials you currently need for the next step. When you fall below it you know it's time to crank up the farming. This has mutiple benefits:

** You are never completely broke. If something special rolls around you still have funding.

** You have a buffer for the "home stretch" when you finally want the damn thing.

* Sell materials you don't need in the process anymore. E.g. Once you have the Gift of Might you can sell Bones Scales Claws and Fangs to fund the Gift of Magic.

* Dedicate one bank tab to your crafting process. Even with the large amount of collection items one tab offers enough space for the process of one legendary.

* Don't try to craft the precursor and the legendary components at the same time. Many materials overlap between them. Go for one first and then the other.

* Try to stall out costs as much as possible. Don't rush for mystic coins as you get quite a lot of them just by logging in every day. If you happen to have a favorable node in your Home instance gather it as often as you can. And again: once you're done sell the excess to fund the rest.


-> I was regularly throwing exotics into the forge from dungeon runs and happend across Dawn in the process, making this time 750g shorter than normal.

I was also throwing any staves seperately for the chance at the Legend itself, which was not fruititous.

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I crafted twilight and the bifrost.


Twilight took me more than a year because i wasnt doing much gold farming. Started precursor crafting chapter 1 but decided to buy the precursor off the tp instead.


The Bifrost took me a few months to complete it surprisingly. Probably because i knew what i had to do. Converted hundreds of laurel for T6 mats but still wasnt enough for Pile of crystalline dust (requires 750). Farm some more gold and buy the rest.


My next legendary is probably going to be The Flameseeker Prophecies/Shooshadoo/Meteorlogicus. Been farming alot in Wintersday jumping puzzle. Going to farm gold as much as possible before the event ends and then i will start my next world completion.

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