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How many Level 80 Characters do you have in the game?

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One of each class, but the last four are relatively new... what I'd like to see is ANet do away with the mastery point system. It's too tied to raids, fractals, dungeons, and stories, making it difficult to get the points. Not all of us like raiding, etc., and ANet isn't going to force us to do those things.

So, convert mastery points to bonus levels or something like that, and handle the functionality now constrained to mastery points in some other way.

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I have a toon for every profession. Wanna try them all :) The introduction of mounts made it that I want to do all world content on every toon. It's so much easier now. Skip the waypoint travel costs whenever I can and jump on my mounts. Dynamic events make that there's always something else crossing your path while doing the exploration/completing.

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I have a base of fixed toons, all at 80, each dedicated for a specific purpose (WvW, Fractal, Raid, Jumper, ....). Then, aside of them, I have a second set of toons at 80 that I keep temporarily only for one specific action, like for example progressing a weapon achievement while farming. And finally, I like to keep some free slots to always create new toons, either for testing stuff, practicing skills or simply because I need easy doing when tired.

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13 characters at lv80, ut not half of them are properly geared.

And one 14th slot Ive reserved for weekly keys.


Of my mains I just have two warriors, one for raids and fractals, and one is my main for story and pve.

I have two eles of which one is dedicated to pvp, and


I kinda forgot what my other duplicate was.. probably not important..

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> What do you guys do with all of those characters?


> I have seven, but only play one on a regular basis, the rest are either crafters, or parked at rich nodes.


With 9 professions, it seems natural to have at least one of each and to push them all the way to 80. Each gets played for something, though some more often than others. My crafting is spread across about half of them. One is geared specifically for WvW. Another is currently doing some PvP to advance the profession win track there. Others get used for various PvE content. Thus, it comes down to what I'm doing to decide which class gets played. Meanwhile, the ones that don't get played much can get parked at a JP chest to at least get some free loot once a day.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> What do you guys do with all of those characters?


> I have seven, but only play one on a regular basis, the rest are either crafters, or parked at rich nodes.


I mainly create new characters for the sake of fashion wars, but as for what I do with them I don't PvE much so I leave my guys parked at useful spots like the flax farm, jp chests, etc. Since 11 of my 40 characters are mesmers I leave those guys scattered at harder JP's to help out ppl who need ports, like the Chalice of Tears in Ember Bay or Not So Secret in Gendarran Fields. :3

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> @"michelada.2947" said:

> i see no reason to have more than 9


I held out with this attitude for a long time. But my Ranger main is geared for t4 fractals and I wanted to try a very different build (like power vs condi with all new gear). So I rolled a second Ranger and I really like both. Then I had a couple free level-80 boosts laying around...


> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I'm a mainoholic...


A what?! I can't relate. Although my main has half of my total playtime and the other half is spread out among alts.


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27. I'm an alt-aholic and levelling is really fast in this game. I never use boosts either. If I start a toon today, three days hence it'll be lvl 80, so I don't get people who ask how to level faster. Just run around gathering waypoints and hero points, doing the odd event, and you'll get there in no time.

The only problem I have because of the number of toons is equipping them properly. I'm maxed in all crafting, so now I'm making ascended items that for now at least I'm having to 'share' in shared storage between toons. This is less than ideal because I want to customize the look and the specs of each toon. Eventually I'll have them all equipped with full ascended but getting there will be a pain.

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