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Thief 1500 Rifle range, and Ranger "1500" LB range (Video Evidence Now Included)


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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > I don't wanna hear about history, and physics, density, air drag, resistance, wingtips, etc.

> >

> > 1500 Range, IS 1500 RANGE for EVERYONE, in every scenario, otherwise give us the 1200 range that we obviously MUST have compared to Ranger LB.


> Well, Ranger has 1500+elevation modifier while DE Rifle has 1500 range flat. Longbow cannot shoot 1500 uphill for instance while DE Rifle can.


> EDIT: typo


That’s not right, the real reason is every attack has a 15% Range Buffer (this was clarified by Devs on the old forums) except for Thief Rifle it lack that and seems to be hard coded at the 1500 Range.


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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > I don't wanna hear about history, and physics, density, air drag, resistance, wingtips, etc.

> > >

> > > 1500 Range, IS 1500 RANGE for EVERYONE, in every scenario, otherwise give us the 1200 range that we obviously MUST have compared to Ranger LB.

> >

> > Well, Ranger has 1500+elevation modifier while DE Rifle has 1500 range flat. Longbow cannot shoot 1500 uphill for instance while DE Rifle can.

> >

> > EDIT: typo


> That’s not right, the real reason is every attack has a 15% Range Buffer (this was clarified by Devs on the old forums) except for Thief Rifle it lack that and seems to be hard coded at the 1500 Range.



The range buffer is different from the elevation. Example, I can shoot from a high ground up to 1900 with a longbow which is way over the 15% buffer.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > I don't wanna hear about history, and physics, density, air drag, resistance, wingtips, etc.

> > > >

> > > > 1500 Range, IS 1500 RANGE for EVERYONE, in every scenario, otherwise give us the 1200 range that we obviously MUST have compared to Ranger LB.

> > >

> > > Well, Ranger has 1500+elevation modifier while DE Rifle has 1500 range flat. Longbow cannot shoot 1500 uphill for instance while DE Rifle can.

> > >

> > > EDIT: typo

> >

> > That’s not right, the real reason is every attack has a 15% Range Buffer (this was clarified by Devs on the old forums) except for Thief Rifle it lack that and seems to be hard coded at the 1500 Range.

> >


> The range buffer is different from the elevation. Example, I can shoot from a high ground up to 1900 with a longbow which is way over the 15% buffer.


The Ranger shoots over 1700 on even flat ground no elevation advantage. Again the issue isn’t about elevation differences.

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> @"godmoney.6025" said:

> Pffshht... I get the OP's problem - stuff isn't adding up, but I think I have the perfect solution...


> I think every range weapon should have 3000 range, (Yes 3000!) but the accuracy should drastically decrease depending on the shooter's distance from the target.

> i.e. 5% chance to hit from 3000 range, 10% from 2800, and so on, up and to 80% @ 1200 range and 100% at 900 range or lower.

> Even warriors should be able to throw axes @ 3000 range, but they should miss all the time.


> There we go.


Found the Eve Online vet.

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what is happening with the rangers longbow (and even some cases on shortbow on thieves) is the falloff of the arrow doesnt actually disappear as it should as its falling, it may fly level ground 1200 but the range itself actually gives it an extra 50 meters due to falloff (the arc down) try standing on a box, find a target and backing up just when it is in red zone of range with longbow, you will find by backing up a little bit you still hit them. i dont believe this is fair at all myself

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> @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said:

> what is happening with the rangers longbow (and even some cases on shortbow on thieves) is the falloff of the arrow doesnt actually disappear as it should as its falling, it may fly level ground 1200 but the range itself actually gives it an extra 50 meters due to falloff (the arc down) try standing on a box, find a target and backing up just when it is in red zone of range with longbow, you will find by backing up a little bit you still hit them. i dont believe this is fair at all myself


Again that isn’t correct the Devs have stated(on the old Forums) there is a 15% Range Buffer on all skills sans Thief Rifle Kneeling. That 15% Range Buffer puts Rangers Longbow at 1750 Range, if Arc of projectile was a factor then why does Mesmer GS AA hit for further than 1200 away? Because of the Buffer.

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Here comes the sci... er... alchemy!

1. The classic physics experiment: in a vacuum chamber, a bullet will drop to the ground at the same speed as an arrow.

2. Arrows are at least 10 times as long as a bullet, and maybe up to 100 times as long if it's a round ball bullet.

3. With air resistance taken into account, an arrow will always fall slower than a bullet, therefore arrows will go further than bullets before hitting the ground, even when fired from the same height.

4. So-called "rifles" in GW2 are most probably incredibly low powered muskets with round ball bullets, because if it was actually a rifle, it would have a range of about 1,500,000 instead of just 1500.

5. Do you want to talk about pistols having more than half the usable range of a rifle? No? Good. Because any way you go with that leads to nothing but potato.


(walks away muttering something about arrow feathers going with local ley-line flows while bullets fight against them)

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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> So are we just going to sweep this under the rug? There have been other threads about this in the past, and I am not going to let it go.


> Why on earth can a ranger's Long bow "1500" range reach me, but I can't reach them while kneeling. I don't wanna hear any physics talk about how arrows are supposed to fly farther because of their density or wing tips or any of that. 1500 range is 1500 range for EVERYONE, no exception.


> One theory of mine is since we kneel in the dead MIDDLE of our "1500" range circumference, that maybe cuts off some of our range threshold. It just doesn't make any sense.


> /discuss


Shhhh, stop telling them!

Nothing is more funny than 1 shotting deadeyes with my longbow soulbeast build. ^^

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> @"dragonkain.3984" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > So are we just going to sweep this under the rug? There have been other threads about this in the past, and I am not going to let it go.

> >

> > Why on earth can a ranger's Long bow "1500" range reach me, but I can't reach them while kneeling. I don't wanna hear any physics talk about how arrows are supposed to fly farther because of their density or wing tips or any of that. 1500 range is 1500 range for EVERYONE, no exception.

> >

> > One theory of mine is since we kneel in the dead MIDDLE of our "1500" range circumference, that maybe cuts off some of our range threshold. It just doesn't make any sense.

> >

> > /discuss


> Shhhh, stop telling them!

> Nothing is more funny than 1 shotting deadeyes with my longbow soulbeast build. ^^


Yeah my theory about kneeling in the middle of our "1500" range circumference must be true then 0_o

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> Same reason why DH pull works no matter terrain and scorpion wire fails 99% of the time.


It just doesn't make sense to me how certain similar class mechanics can be good on some classes, but horrible on others. just like DH Spear of justice, and our scorp wire.


But I digress. @Anet Please if you see this thread, We will not let this inconsistency and disparity go.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> No one needs range buff, ranger needs a range nerf, at least have its extra non officially listed range removed.


i dont want a range buff, would be fine if everything would be hit, that is considered inrange according to the indicator on the skill and the white circle while kneeling but i still get too often 'out of range' while clearly in range just because my target moved. now if the bullet just missed the target cause it moved ok, but i get either 'out of range' while in range or 'obstructed' while there is NOTHING in between me and my target and the AA followed by it can take the 'obstructed' path

the issues i have with obstructed and out of range are only with DJ. and i assume it is because of the slow bullet. cursed bullet also still is kinda unreliable but as a 'tracking shot' should allways hit while in range , was worse on PoF release so it got better but still could use some work.

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Isnt it amazing how anet jumps in responding on the most useless threads on the forum but a post like this is just ignored.They can jump in saying yeah maybe there is something wrong,or give an explanation to how or what or if anything is being fixed.


If you dont have to worry about blocks,blinds or any other invuln or projectile hate you have to start worrying about Obstructs/Invalid paths/Out of range when the target clearly is not out of range.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> Isnt it amazing how anet jumps in responding on the most useless threads on the forum but a post like this is just ignored.They can jump in saying yeah maybe there is something wrong,or give an explanation to how or what or if anything is being fixed.


> If you dont have to worry about blocks,blinds or any other invuln or projectile hate you have to start worrying about Obstructs/Invalid paths/Out of range when the target clearly is not out of range.


Especially when this has been posted multiple times in both the Class Sub Forum and the Bug Subforum, but hey tell them about a bug with a Skin or Gemshop item and boom they will be all over it as soon as it is posted.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > Isnt it amazing how anet jumps in responding on the most useless threads on the forum but a post like this is just ignored.They can jump in saying yeah maybe there is something wrong,or give an explanation to how or what or if anything is being fixed.

> >

> > If you dont have to worry about blocks,blinds or any other invuln or projectile hate you have to start worrying about Obstructs/Invalid paths/Out of range when the target clearly is not out of range.


> Especially when this has been posted multiple times in both the Class Sub Forum and the Bug Subforum, but hey tell them about a bug with a Skin or Gemshop item and boom they will be all over it as soon as it is posted.


I know its a shame.Its one of the main reasons i completely stopped making my own bug threads.I remember on warri we had some bug with whirl where after the whirl you were rooted for a sec.It took me about 6 months and several posts of me including others so it would be fixed.Zero response from anet in the meanwhile.Then i see some gemstore posts or people making suggestions or bugs for pve or to the gemstore and anet staff jumps in to reply and a fix is soon to be expected.



Hence my patience is up and im about done with this game completely for several reasons.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > Isnt it amazing how anet jumps in responding on the most useless threads on the forum but a post like this is just ignored.They can jump in saying yeah maybe there is something wrong,or give an explanation to how or what or if anything is being fixed.

> > >

> > > If you dont have to worry about blocks,blinds or any other invuln or projectile hate you have to start worrying about Obstructs/Invalid paths/Out of range when the target clearly is not out of range.

> >

> > Especially when this has been posted multiple times in both the Class Sub Forum and the Bug Subforum, but hey tell them about a bug with a Skin or Gemshop item and boom they will be all over it as soon as it is posted.


> I know its a shame.Its one of the main reasons i completely stopped making my own bug threads.I remember on warri we had some bug with whirl where after the whirl you were rooted for a sec.It took me about 6 months and several posts of me including others so it would be fixed.Zero response from anet in the meanwhile.Then i see some gemstore posts or people making suggestions or bugs for pve or to the gemstore and anet staff jumps in to reply and a fix is soon to be expected.



> Hence my patience is up and im about done with this game completely for several reasons.


As much as I would lie acknowledgement from Anet about their range discrepancy between ranger LB and Thief rifle, We will all just have to wait out the fix. (If any). Because unless Anet changes tooltip for ranger and identifies 1800 range instead of 1500, I'll never let this go.

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On that note i would like to point out that Anet found it more important to "fix" camera/hs/burning speed interaction instead of addressing rangers effective 2100 range on LB. Dem priorities, bois.

The whole physics and what not is crap. We are in a game with mounts spawning out of our butts. If spells says 1500 then it should be 1500, period.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> you know, basically its physics and arrows are supposed to fly farther because of the density.


Well, according to physics, in Eternal Coliseum, I should be able to shoot an enemy in spawnexit from my Close point. Y’know, bullets go far more than arrows. So don’t come up with the “physics” argument please. If it has 1800 range, write the description as Range : 1800, if it doesn’t, Anet should fix this BUG. Same thing goes for the Shortbow - Pistol range issue.


Edit : Corrected a typo.

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