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Wintersday JP


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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


It's still time-gated because your health drops over time from the chill effect, but it's much more forgiving than it used to be and you can use that extra time specifically for the bits you have trouble with because the platforms don't disappear.


Edit: I just managed to do it within the time limit using only keyboard-turning which is probably the slowest way you can realistically do it. Especially since I never use keyboard-turning so I'm terrible at it. I had to stop and adjust the angle I was facing for several of the jumps and I still made it in time which would never have happened the way it used to be.


It counts for the Leaping Above the Snow and Winter Wonderland Mastery achievements but I can't check the others because I've already done them. I assume it does, just because Anet would probably have said if it didn't.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


> It's still time-gated because your health drops over time from the chill effect, but it's much more forgiving than it used to be and you can use that extra time specifically for the bits you have trouble with because the platforms don't disappear.


> Edit: I just managed to do it within the time limit using only keyboard-turning which is probably the slowest way you can realistically do it. Especially since I never use keyboard-turning so I'm terrible at it. I had to stop and adjust the angle I was facing for several of the jumps and I still made it in time which would never have happened the way it used to be.


> It counts for the Leaping Above the Snow and Winter Wonderland Mastery achievements but I can't check the others because I've already done them. I assume it does, just because Anet would probably have said if it didn't.


Thank you. It doesn't matter, I can't seem to get past the presents anyways, even on the Quaggan path. I sadly don't do well on puzzles with any 'push-go-faster' components. I can make jumps, but I like the ones where I can do a little bit of puzzle, pause, watch a little more video, copy what I see in the video, pause, watch a little more, repeat. :)

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> I've never managed to complete the Wintersday JP before. Is the new Quaggan path significantly easier than the previous JP in previous years? The only way I'll probably ever complete this is if all timed elements (disappearing snowflakes, exploding presents, rolling snowballs) are removed.


Not only is Quaggan Path more forgiving in the snowflake part but you also have plenty of time to use all possible peppermint safe spots (5 total) in the rolling snowball area. I believe you can do it even if there's still the snowballs and skritt aoes that you have to learn to avoid. It's much more doable this year.

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I _really_ like the addition of difficulty levels! It makes the JP more accessible and chill (put not intended) for people who struggle with it -- and IMO this JP should feel chill and relaxing because of its whimsical holiday cheer theme, whereas the Clocktower is more suited to being kinda brutal and frantic.


I did the snowman/medium path for one round and had a blast, it felt about as difficult or not as I remembered it being before. Effed up on the snowflakes repeatedly, of all places, while the exploding presents seemed to be a bit less trigger-happy than before? That used to be the only part I didn't like.

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Best jumping puzzle ever.

I only do the Quaggan route and don't care. I find it fun and cool (pun seriously not intended).


Don't care if I miss out on like 20 or whatever gifts/items as if I have to I can just do the puzzle 20 times for them if I only get 1 gift at a time. At least I can do it at my fun "semi-fast" pace without worrying about things disappearing.

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> @"RupertAndi.6208" said:

> I really like the idea of having three different paths with different difficulty. I think it is a nice addition for people who are not very good at jumping puzzles.


The hardest part (the exploding presents' stairs) remains completely unchanged though. And additionally it's a part where you really, really don't want any other players around (it's too random even when you're alone - with others it becomes really, really bad). I saw it generate a lot of hate at others this year as well.


So, basically, no change for me.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"RupertAndi.6208" said:

> > I really like the idea of having three different paths with different difficulty. I think it is a nice addition for people who are not very good at jumping puzzles.


> The hardest part (the exploding presents' stairs) remains completely unchanged though. And additionally it's a part where you really, really don't want any other players around (it's too random even when you're alone - with others it becomes really, really bad). I saw it generate a lot of hate at others this year as well.


People chat in it? I never seen chat in there.

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Far right - Quaggan path : Easy ; the snowflakes do not disappear ; a bit longer than others -------- Reward: 5 gifts per run

Middle - Snowman path : Average ; the snowflakes disappear but very slowly ; mid length -------- Reward: 10 gifts per run

Far left - Gingerbread path: Hard ; the snowflakes disappear very fast ; shortest and fastest ---------- Reward: 15 gifts per run

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"RupertAndi.6208" said:

> > I really like the idea of having three different paths with different difficulty. I think it is a nice addition for people who are not very good at jumping puzzles.


> The hardest part (the exploding presents' stairs) remains completely unchanged though. And additionally it's a part where you really, really don't want any other players around (it's too random even when you're alone - with others it becomes really, really bad). I saw it generate a lot of hate at others this year as well.


> So, basically, no change for me.


Run straight up the middle. (Watch where everyone else goes.) There's a straight line of presents up the middle which are always the last to disappear, so it's a guaranteed 'safe' route.


You do need to start as soon as the presents respawn if anyone else is around, so you need to be waiting in the middle of the platform with the fire with your fingers on the forward and jump keys ready to go, but once you're on the present 'stairs' it's just a matter of holding down the forward key and mashing jump until you reach the top.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


It's still time gated. And that being the case, this JP is still UN doable for me. Very nice effort by the devs, I DO appreciate that after THREE years that you devs FINALLY altered the WD JP so most people have a chance to complete it. Bravo Zulu on your hard work and effort.


Unfortunately... that does NOT include me. After 20 attempts on Quaggan, I got to the second set of candy cane bars twice... and died from freezing. I simply CANNOT jump fast enough. I CANNOT complete a puzzle like this, or any jumping puzzle for that matter, ON THE CLOCK. If I try to go faster, I inevitably start missing jumps... and having to start all over.


I'm pretty sure in ALL of my previous posts I said that the TIME element was one of the largest problems that I have had w/ this puzzle. I'm pretty sure that I REPEATEDLY said that I NEEDED a NON timed version in order to have a chance to complete it. So... STILL UNHAPPY. STILL NON COMPLETED. STILL (&^%$$$%&&**# FRUSTATED. STILL PERPLEXED over the heinously EVIL lack of regard of my repeated commentary on this topic.



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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Far right - Quaggan path : Easy ; the snowflakes do not disappear ; a bit longer than others -------- Reward: 5 gifts per run

> Middle - Snowman path : Average ; the snowflakes disappear but very slowly ; mid length -------- Reward: 10 gifts per run

> Far left - Gingerbread path: Hard ; the snowflakes disappear very fast ; shortest and fastest ---------- Reward: 15 gifts per run


Yeah it's a nice deal.

i did see players which achieved 18 run in the hard path, so it's definitely worth it.

The other runs are probably not worth it ( unless you want to have fun or need a both golds and karma ).



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I did all paths and had fun at them. I find it very good that they created different level of difficulty. Thanks to the easy level, several of my friends now give a try again to this JP, although they had totally abandoned it the previous years.


My only critic to this JP: Personally, I am enormously disturbed by the other players, especially Charrs and Norns due to their size. Why is it not possible to do like in the Mad Clock Tower JP => Replace other players by little twisters? That's really something I would enjoy.


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This years wintersday is a dream, better than I expected it. The changes to the JP are great. Finally we have three real difficulty scales with different loot. Gingerbread was and still is my favourite path ^^, so the +5 gifts per run are a welcome reward. I am doing the puzzles for years now and can do them blind as most of you. Sometimes some trolls log with max sized chars with skirts and big shoulder-skins. Not fair, but not much of a problem. I sometimes challenge myself to outrun the farmers with shortcuts and better aiming. It is still a lot of fun, although I have run the course for hundrets of times. I wish all JPs were that well designed. They are all worth runing, each is a masterpiece of mapping and design ... except for the stinky volcano ^^.


Anyway we are on the one side, the veterans who enjoy wintersday every year. But on the other side there are newbies, returners and people who usually do PvP and WvW and ignore the rest of the game. The quaggan path is ok, for an easy course. However, the cold-debuff seems to be a huge obstacle still. I heared several reports of people not managing to reach Tixx, not falling off, but dying from the debuff. I know, from our perspective this sounds ridiculous and I can already hear the "git gut" shouts. But it is a serious problem.


So I'd like to ask, if we could get a super-easy mode as in the SAB? Just an option at the quaggan-path to turn off the debuff (damage). In return a player receives 1 gift and half of the karma for completing. Wintersday is a celebration for the community and the games are all about fun. JPs are always something not everyone likes, but it would be nice to give everyone a good chance.

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